Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 04, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, December 4, 195S
Local Paragraph
New fhimlwr Mnhm
New members of the Chamber
of Commerce announced thii
week are: Oregon' Builder
Hardware, Inc., 611 North Cap
itol; John T. Anderson, Co
ordinator of Inventions, 1105
Weatherly Building, Portland,
and Dr. Ray J. Pinion, 4ZS Or
egon Building.
Clue Organised Thimble
Ette 4-H club was organized
recently at Highland school
with seven members from the
fourgi. fifth and sixth grades.
Officers were elected with Eva
Hutchins named as president;
Sharon Thorburg, vice presi
dent; Jackie Coulson, secre
tary; Nancy Shutter, song lead'
ers; Crystal Stephenson, news
reporter. Other members are
are Alipha Seals and Betty
Earhart. Mrs. Ivan Bogart,
2315 North Liberty street, is
club adviser.
SUrer Bowl An assumed
business name certificate of
Silver Bowl has been filed with
the county clerk by M. D. and
Lillian Meador of Silverton.
Corporation Formed Arti
cles of incorporation for
Friendly Farms, Inc. have been
filed with the Marion County
clerk by LaMonte L., Alice L.,
Aloise C. and La Vaughn Kin
dle. Capital stock is $10,000
of eight shares. Principal of
fice is located in Aumsville and
purpose of the corporation is
the purchase and care of dairy
and beef cattle and general
. Association Meeting Of
ficers will be elected at a
meeting of the Memorial Audi
torium association, Wednesday
night at 7:30 in the conference
room of the First National
bank. Committee reports will
be read.
Friday, December 4
Sesbee Reserves, at Naval and
Marina Corps Reserve training
Saturday Sunday. Dee. l-
Organized Naval Reserve squad
ron AAU 881. at Salem Naval
Air Faculty.
Monday, December 7
Company B, 162nd infantry
refitment and headquarters de
tachment, Oregon National
Guard, at alem armory. '
Oregon Mobilization dejdena-
tlon detachment No. 1, at USAR
MMth VAR at T.SAR armory.
Organized Marine Corns Re'
serves at Naval and Marine
corns Reserve training center.
Company K, 413th Infantry
regiment. Army Reserves, at
usar armory.
Meet Spokan.
Belems Marine Corns Reserve
umt. Third 166 mm gun battery,
lost Ha rifle match to the Fourth
SO mm gun batten of Snokane.
with the Spokane team having a
score a I. ou end. me Salem team
1.534. Top man for the Salem
team was Tech. Sgt. Ted White.
wnose score was 347.
In Germany
28th Division. Germany Re
cently Joining this division waa
Pvt. Victor L. Klmmel. whose wife
and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Kunmel, resided at Route 1,
box Kxi, woooourn. Oregon,
KimmeU, who was graduated
from the BtanfleU, Oregon, high
school entered the Armv in Mav
of this year and received his
Basic training at camp Roberts,
Leaving Service
Portland International Airport,
Portland. Oregon A 2-c Stanley
c. Alien, son 01 airs. Irene c.
Allen nf Salem. Oregon, and Dr.
8. E. Allen of Pendleton, waa re
leased from active military aerv
ice Thursday, after being with
the Air Force since January, 1951.
The airman since Bememoer.
1952, when he was returned to
the estates from dutv In New.
foundland and Greenland, has
been at the Portland Interna
tional Airport with the 2343rd Air
Force Reserve Combat Training
Completes Coarse
Madison. Wis. Sfc. Josenh D.
Leonhart. whose wife makes her
home at Silverton, Oregon, has
recentlv completed a course in
simplified television through the
U. s. Armed Forces Institute
here. Leonhart is assigned to the
28th anti-aircraft artillery group
at Fort Lawton. wash.
Dnval Promoted
With the Seventh Army In
Oermany Arthur D. Duval, son
of Edmund J. Duval. 1185 Jef
ferson street, Salem. Oregon, has
been promoted to a corporal in
the Army. Duval, a loader In
battery C, of the Seventh Army's
91st anti-aircraft artillery bat
talion at Ludwicsbure. Germany,
arrived in Germany in March of
this year. A former employe of
Paulua Bros. Packing company in
Salem. Oreeon. he entered the
Armv in September. 1952. and
completed his basic at Camp Rob
erts Calif.
rallr To Mr. and Mr,. Dala PaUtr.
Ht. 1. Ofnili, a boy Die. S.
arswa To Mr. oo Mr,. TMO It
Brown. U3S Pio,r R . a Ctrl. Drf . I,
aa To Mr. and Mr,. Rot Hourk.
Hr. a Sol 33-A. Turn,r. a boy, TX. J.
ratt To Mr and Mri. KnnUi
BUrrwU, lata K. 34th St . a bor. Owe t.
R.ra To Mr. aa Mrs. Warrca
lUrar. ans WiU An. a bor, Dc S.
Whlla To Mr. .ad Mr,. Noah C
wait. XL 1. Boa 1M. JeflvrMn. a bor.
twc. 1
VoalFoWarat-To Mr. and Mr,. Loud,
3 VanLroefraf. 447 Low.ll At.. a bor.
Dn I.
BaooafolS Ta Dr and Mrf. ttvdolsb
ftvcoraM. Oracoa S,tt Hwatlal. a bor.
rr 1.
aitrraml hoapital
SCHArZR To Mr. and Mrs. LlerS
Brhafer of Scott Mill, a bor. Doc 1.
KUSCHNICK To Mr. and Mr,. Joba
Euarhntob of Orrot,. a bor, Dot. 1.
SMITH To Mr. aDd atri. Staves
Bwth. a ftrl. Dec 1.
BOEHMXR To Mr. and lira. Harold
Bofhmer. a flrt Df. 1.
MARTI-To Mr. and Mr, Olnra Mar-1
tin. eti Mlllt, a llrl. Dor. S.
SOUflTT To Mr. and Mra. Jobs
aVaaUta, ML Anfti. S airU Do. S.
BaUdiag remits General I
Petroleum Corporation, to 1
build a service station at less
South Commercial, $11,000.
K: -1 , i j .1 . . . ...
Aicuwa mcKOK, to aner a Hi
story dwelling at 33 J Jerris,
$2100. I
I Court House CaastnictieB
The County Court Friday au
thorized the payment of 123.
871 to the contractors engaged
in the construction of the new
Marion Court House. Previous i
payments had totalled $1,122,
381 29.
T reai lire r'l Report Total.
assets of Marion County as of
Nov. 30 were 17 578 02(1 07 ac
cording tn the mnnthlv rennet
of Treasurer S. J. Butler.
Bridge Needs Repairs A
bridge on tbe McThaler road,
east of Fairfield school. Is In
need of repair reported County
Commissioner E. L. Rogers to
the court Friday. Planks have
become loosened and the pro
truding spikes are said to have
damaged automobile tires.
Magazine Campaign Over
The Legion Auxiliary's maga
zine campaign is over and no
one now has authority to so
licit subscriptions in the name
of this organization or the Le
gion, Mrs. Bert A. Walker,
campaign chairman, said today.
She said she had been informed
that solicitations are being
made by unauthorized persons.
' Car Damaged The car of
George F. Todd, 1220 North
14th street, suffered a dented
rear fender when it backed into
Patrolman William A. Warren's
city police car in the Califor
nia Packing company parking
lot at 14th and Belleview
streets early Thursday morn
ing. The police car was un
Windows Broken Two cas
es of vandals breaking win
dows were reported to city po
lice Thursday. Eleven windows
were broken in an unused
building owned by W. E. Foren
at 1490 South 12th street by
someone throwing rocks. A
bedroom window and a garage
window were broken out at the
L. E. Hammer home, 36$ South
street, by someone shooting an
air rifle.
Truck Raided A wheel, a
tire and a set of tire chains
were stolen recently from
truck of the Valley Packing
Company, 2S0S Valpak road,
the company reported to police
Cars Collide Cars driven by
Angeline C. Benedict, Sublim
ity, and John E. McGarth, of
Portland, collided at the inter
section of Court and 14th street
Thursday about 11 a.m., city
police reported. No one was
injured, they said, but both
cars suffered some damage and
the Benedict car ended up on
the sidewalk after the collis
Railroad Man Call A
caller at the Chamber of Com
merce and several place of
business in Salem Friday was
Robert W- Greenman of Fort-
land, traveling passenger agent
of the Great Northern Railway
Seoul VP) A make-believe
war has been going on in Ko
rea 3Vi days to test the pre
paredness of United Nations
soldiers. The army said the
simulated battle ended Friday
but did not aav who won or
how well the test came off for
security reasons.
Antiques, 10 discount on
all Items under $25.00. All
mirrors 20 off. Just arrived.
beautiful guts from France,
Korenian's, 1057 S, Commer
cial. Phone 2-7944. 291
Rummage and Cake Sale
Saturday, Dec. S, at 220 N,
Commercial, 8 to 4. Eta Chap
ter, Beta Sigma Phi. 289'
Bird show, bazaar, Dec. 3th,
9 a m. -5 p.m. White's Feed
Store. Birds, Parakeets given
as prizes. 289
Food sale and bazaar at
Farmers Union store, 343 N.
Commercial, Saturday, Decern
ber 5th, 9:00 am. -4:00 p.m.
Benefit for needy children,
Orchard Hel.hts Women's
club. 289
Paint with gfamorizing
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper collection.
Chuck Clarke Co., 25S N. Lib
erty. 289
B.P.W. club bazaar and
cooked food sale Saturday,
December 5. Good Housekeep
ing Store. 289,
Alnh. Phi Dmeffa fhritm.
Greens show. Valley Motor Co
Friday 7-9. Saturday 10-9
Sunday 12-5. 290
Rummage sale over Green
baums Saturday, December S.
Open 9 a.m. 289
Learn knitting. 141 State St
3-5854. Wednesday thru Satur
day. 100 nm -4 p.m. t()2'
r ,'4.
The above "Indian head' is a natural piece of drift
wood found recently on the shore of Lake Detroit. It
shows In accurate detail a silhouette and side of a man'
face, Including the forehead, eye, a flattened nose, (in
cluding the nostril), mouth, double chin and neck. On
the side of the "head" is a rough area resembling a "cauli
flower ear" of a boxer. The object, apparently a part of
a tree burl, was found by Tracy Cox, 1344 Saginaw street,
who collects odd specimens of driftwood and was search
ing along the shores of the lake recently when he found it
Cox consider It a prize In his collection.
Mrs. George Guthrie
Dies in Portland
Mrs. Caroline Guthrie, wife
of George B. Guthrie, died at
Providence Hospital in Port
land Thursday from t stroke
suffered the day before.
Mrs. Guthrie was working
on the premise of her home
when the stroke came, and
was found unconscious in the
Her husband, a Portland at
torney, was builder of the El-
sinore Theater in Salem.
Among survivors are three
children, Mrs. Sally Wilson of
Terrebonne, David Guthrie of
Ocean Lake, and George
Gubthrie of Oklahoma City.
November Traffic
Death Toll Is 30
The state traffic safety div
ision reported today that Ore
gon' November traffic death
toll tentatively ha been set at
30, compared with 51 for No
vember of last year. Total
deaths for 1953 are S48, com
pared to 418 at the same time
last year.
Circuit Court
iTTlu Kodlnikl . afotm S. tmbal
Compulse ektt.f ludcmiDi mt UMO for
lalaiiH Hid to hkf mulfed iron M
Strut ax rtl flblrliT Aaa BudJoni va.
Kionra u. Buajoot: utqwt iirunc cm
fcDdant to tipsvr Dtc 14 nl ibow
CftiiM If ur why b4 ftbottld not tw Mt
liKlttMl in conumpt of court for tUHtd
luiur u wmpir wiia irTMu 4KTM.
Oori C. tVhAclnTiaitin vs. safkr?
tVhackmBru: Ordtr ctvln llntlff i
tody of four Bin or biMitB C tho par-
Stkt tl rtl Marmft J. OrnnfltM M.
rorrtM m. orttniMUi: orotr cltiu tit-
ftndut to tpptar Dte. II rxi bw
mutt u uy why Im aboaM not b gi.
lutfted Is oasUtesH for oiiwad favittirt
10 coaip.r viw twerto i Marcb jo.
Byron DMltl Hum n. BraiDk Ortatt
iMim: orocr tmuitibc UinUfr to ap
pear la court Dk. 31 an4 abow aauat It
Mr, why decrtt of Oct. t. lttl tboutd
not momnod to aa to ward ouitodr
i aoinor oaim m tKitiidant.
LouIm Rultbochtr t. Pattr Hwlt
bacbtr: Orcr of ocfaalt Mttrod Moiut
LoalM A. Zunck n. Bdvord II. Zubck
Order of Jf ult tottrtd at a Hut .
Arthur B BdmutMte. Jr., t. Td
cfiBtrdtr: Order of dimlaMl with art
iidlea. Probotc Court
Clo 1. Jobauoa NUU: Cloatat order.
Martha Lambert vital: Met Taint
laiablt mum placed at ID. MI M la re
port to tut trtaanrtr.
C-io AllvorSta tl: Eatat aavralMd
at u.u.M.
Bar M. Blmaifiratat: OrSar aataar
lalas aal at paraaaal araeartr.
Morrioge Lhsnte
Alaar Thaai r. vaa a Bom. It.
aa KtMn a. Ballaa. IS, katk W US-
Walter IS Laartm, 41. aa4 B0 Bat
ataa. it. Lbaaa.
Begin ond Ends
With the
Proper Correction
Foot Posture
Consult o Foot Specialist
Welcomed by
(Continued from Page 1)
The President was met by a
host of Bermuda dignitaries
then strode a few paces over
the asphalt to shake hands
warmly with Churchill, an
aged but dapper figure in grey
stooping slightly over his cane.
Beaming, Churchill then pre
sented the President to Laniel
A crowd of about 2,000 was
on hand to welcome Eisen
hower. Also present was
colorful honor guard made up
of Royal Welsh Fusilieres,
Bermuda mlitia, and U.S. air
men. Churchill and Laniel,
already in Bermuda, reached
the airport about five minutes
before the Columbine lsnded.
residential Party
In the presidential party
were Secretary of State Dulles
and Lewis Strauss, chairman
of the U.S. Atomic Energy
commission. Strauss was
added to the party at the last
minute Friday morning. The
flight from Washington took
3 hour 10 minutes.
Eisenhower, speaking into a
public address system, told the
"It is a very great privi
lege to meet in this beautiful
spot an old friend.
"I trust and I know these
conversations will result in
better understanding among
the persons Involved and, I
hope among the people of our
respective countries."
Pat Mascot Goat
Eisenhower made his state
ment after reviewing units of
the Royal Welsh Fusiliers, the
Americsn Marines, Navy and
Air Force and Bermuda Mill
tia. As Churchill did before
him, Eisenhower stopped to
pat the splendidly groomed
white gost which is the mas
cot of the Fusiliers. Church
Ill, who hat taken a great lik
ing to the goat, joined Eisen
hower in petting it. Churchill
gave it a pat when he arrived
Wednesday and made a pro
duction of more patting
Thursday while awaiilng Lan
ier plane.
The president's left hand
was wrapped in bandages but
the cause was not immediately
Churchill refrained from
smoking his usual cigar dur
ing the ceremonies. He walk
ed erect and actively showing
few if any signs of his advanc
ed age or the illness which
caused this conference to be
postponed last summer.
The dignitaries of this mid
Atlantic colony were present
ed to Eisenhower by Gov.
Hood and then the president
drove away to the midocean
club with hi host, Sir Win
ston. U.S. destroyers dotted the
clear blue sea along the route
of the presidential plsne. In
Bermuda there was brilliant
sunshine for the welcoming
Highest cash price tm delivery for orchard rai
460 North Front St., Soltm Tol. 37633
Uniform Tax
(Continued from rage 1)
Should the plan be adopted.
Geary said, all lnter-state
trucks would us on Inter
state plate' Instead of being
required to carry plate Issued
by each Stat in which truck
is operated.
The plan would also elimi
nate the necessity of Oregon
auditors traveling to Los An
geles, Seattle or San Francisco
to audit books of the large
truck concern to check com
putation of the tax lubmitted
by the trucker, a I the pres
ent practice.
Big Tracker Oppose riaa
At the meeting tn Loa An
geles, Geary said, representa
tive of the large trucking
concern expressed opposition
to the plan and when question
ed said they favored the Mon
tana plan which la the present
reciprocity method of nego
tiated agreement between
Although ' model law
carrying the proposed plan
into effect has been dratted
by the Council of Stat gov
ernments, Geary said that
Oregon would not have to ad
opt such a law, but could
make a short amendment to
the present motor vehicle code
to place Oregon In line with
the other ten western state
on taxation of large interstate
Stanford' Group Engaged
The chairman said that a
research group from Stan
ford University would begin
next Thursday In a study of
effects of Oregon's truck tax
laws. This group wa engaged
by the committee and while
no change in the basic law ti
contemplated, Geary laid, the
research would make recom
mendation on the administra
tion of the law, which if ad
opted by the committee, would
be submitted to the 1955 leg
islature for consideration.
(Continued from Page 1)
Attorney General Thornton
declared that the powers and
duties of the office of attorney
general "are so numerous and
varied that the legislature has
never undertaken exhaustively
to enumerate them.
"The authorities substantial
ly agree that in addition to
those conferred on It expressly
the office la clothed with all
the power and duties pertain.
ins thereto at common law and
aa chief law officer of the
state the attorney general, in
the absence of expiss legisla
ture restriction to the contrary,
may exercise such power and
authority as the public interests
from tune to time require.
"It was not the legislative
intent, however. In conferring
this broad power to authorize
the attorney general to super
cede the district attorney in
the prosecution of criminal cas
es except upon direction of the
"The legislature was also
csreful to emphasize that the
conferring of this power upon
the attorney general should
not be construed to relieve dis
trict attorneys from any of their
duties to prosecute criminal vi
olations." The opinion was sent to the
governor's ofice early Friday.
Strike Violence
(Continued from Psge 1)
The court also forbade more
than four AFL men from as
lomblinf near the picket line.
New trouble, expected short
ly before lait midnight when
three firemen boarded the
Aleutian, failed to develop.
But extra police remained on
duty because crewmen were to
board the ahip to prepare for
Saturday's scheduled sailing for
Aleutian Held-up
The Aleutian, docked at pier
39 on the Embarcadero, is the
center of a Jurisdictional dis
pute between Lundeberg's AFL
Marine Cooks and Stewards
Union and the NUMES, which
is being taken over by Bridges',
International Longshoremen's
and Warehousemen's Union.
The dispute flared originally
at Seattle Nov. 24 when Hugh
Bryson charged his cooks and
stewards were fired off the
vessel despite a contract with
the operators, and replaced by
AFL men.
Silverton Representatives
of 11 rural school districts
Thursday night expressed
strong opposition to a proposal
to consolidate with Silverton
schools. The meeting was held
at Bethany school. Further dis
cussion of the subject is sched
uled to be h-ld at a meeting tn
Silverton high school Thurs
day night, Dec. 10.
(Continued from Page 1)
The Star-Journal thus be
came the eighth paper in the
metropolitan area to give up
publication because of strike
of photo-engravers against six
Manhattan papers.
The week-old strike has left
the city without a major news
paper. Mediation sessions re
sumed at 10:50 a.m. (EST) Fri
day. They began with federal
mediators meeting separately
with officials of the Publish
ers Assn. of New York City
and the AFL International Pho
to-engraver Union.
Walter A.'Maggiolo, general
counsel of the Federal Media
tion and Conciliation Service,
declined to comment directly
but indicated the two sides
were holding firm to their re
spective positions In the wage'
dispute when Thursday' ses
sion ended at 6 pm.
Neither Denis M. Burke,
president of the striking Local
1, nor William Mapel, presi
dent of the Publishers Assn.
would comment a the sessions
IBf Th AuocUUd SttJMl
admtrat Corporauoa
AUtm Chemical ,
sUUi Chaimir
Amrlaa AirllDM .......,
Amulcu Fowtr ugn .
Amcricaa Tw. TtL
. US
,. IIS
American TobuM ,
Aaacanca Copper ,
Atcbuon HfUitoM
Btuutntn sua
bmiu Airpiaina Co. .,,.,..
,. 11
. 1
Bon Warn!
Burrows Addint klachla
CaUUorata FtcKlna
UanMHaa racUtc w
OattrpIUavr Tractor
CalaiitM Corporatloa
Cnryilcr Cor port Uoa
cm emc
CoaaoltdaUd Ctmon
CtttsolMalcd Vulica
.. II
.. site
.. SI
.. 30
Ctowb Selltrbtca ..
Cm-tli vrrubi
Douilft Aircraft
Uu Pool rlcmour ..
laitmaa Kodak .....
Cmtrioa rmUo ...
OtatraJ Xicclru
Ooocral Fooda . ....
loa 'a
. '
. aos
. 104
. sa
, !'
Otaeral alowr .
Otowa rat. .jwooo.
Oooo7tar Tira
Horaeiukt ailnlat Co. .
lauroauooai Uarrutat
Id tar national Faptr ....
afobu Maovlhw
Kalaer A.unJOijn ......
Kanotcon Copptr .....
Llbor McNeil
LocJctiMd Aircraft
iatstwta Incorporate ...
. n
'. asva
. la
. ('.
. 11.
. an1,
. u
. us
. Il l
'. u
. 1'
. JS
. as1
. M,
t am
Monuomer? Wars
Maao KalviBalor
Nf York Cantral .....
Nortntra raciliai ,
Pacllla Amuicao PUli .
PaeU i oat Kiactraa ,
PaclIM TeL TtL
Packard Motor Car ....
Plant. 4. O
PcaaaylvaBla R. m.
Pepal Cola Cft.
Ptiilo Radio
Radio CorporaUoa
Rajooiir locorp
KajoQitr lacora. FM.
Rtpiibiio ate
Reynold! Matal
RtclUitJd Oil
Saftway Btorta, tna. ,
Scott Paptr Co.
Mara, Rotbuck Ca, ,.
ftocony Vacuum Oil ....
Damsel a Facitia
.Standard Ou CaJlU ...
Manoard Oil M.
atudtbaktr corp.
. 3:
. is
. 41',
. J7S
. las
. l1
. 21 '4
. 4J
Sunahini M tains .......
Swift ft O.
Traaaanitrica Cra
rtDiieU century Pol
Union Oil Company ....
Union Pacllle
Unltad Airline
Ualiod Aircraft
Ualttd Corporation ....
UalUd statu Plywood .
UnitM Stat atool ....
Werner Plcturta
Waiter Unloo Tel
WtJtiaihouM Air Brail
Weatin.nouM Kltctrti .
Wool war U
, US
, us
. US
Stick Markrl
Nw York oP) Th ilMk Biarkft df-
clln.d Friday arilb tradlni dtmlnublos
markMir oa tn ran.
At na tin w.r thar ana Militia
vrwiaf. cratd aa th fail vhicb at tha
mut went to alc 1 ana 7 aolnl.
alo.1 Chan. wr In th imU fraction.
volurn smounud to aa ittaifttd 1 ,
1.0 DO iharM. loit of th paat t.a
ck. Tharwlar'a total .am ta l.lto..
ouo nar when Ui aiarkat waa allahtlr
blahar o. kalane.
New Delhi, India VPhU. S.
Vice President Nixon and his
party flew from India to Af
ghanistan today tor a two-day
visit to Kabul, the Afghan cap
ital. Dr. f . L Laa. B D Dr. O. Chan. HJX
fRM. CHAN and I -AM
ITpaUlra. Ul North Liberty
Offleo orxm otordar anlr. It ft at.
Is I a.. 1 a a. Cooralutroa.
loa araaavr an arlaa toata ara
Iraa af chorro. lTactlrol atar hit.
writ far attraeuva tin. a li
ra uoa
Twenty-one new structures, including railroad over
passes, will be required to complete East Salem By-pas
route between Hayesville and the Intersection with 99E
south of Saem, Four will be needed at the Hayervill in
terchange, one each at Silverton road, Sunnyside road.
Market street, D street. Center street, Geer branch line.
State three Mill creek bridges, Santiam highway over- ;
pass. Turner road, S.P. Mainline, market road No. SA. '
Boone road, Pringle road and intersection of the By-pas
with B9E. Shown is the completed over pa as for market
road No. 56, typical of many others.
(Continued mm Pace 1)
Hammond said he got the
consent of all to serve before
he made the appointments.
He aid It would be the lob
of the committee on commit
tee to study the comment on
committee made tn the Ben
Lawshe report and then make
recommendation relative to
the number of itandinf com
mittees and their general
'They will analyze the
whole committee structure he
Hammond aaid there
talk of. at least three new
standing committees.
An attendance committee
haa been suggested, which
would take the matter of at
tendance at the Monday forum
meetings off the hands of the
program chairman.
Another suggested Is a new
member committee, which
would call on and orient n
members In their relation to
the chamber and committee
work for which they might be
A third committee u g
gested would make personal
calls on all chamber member
from time to time to discus
with them their personal prob
lems or ideas about chamber
Delake An exhibit of water
colors, ink, pencil and scratch
board, is now being shown at
the Lincoln County Art Cen
ter. The showing is by Carl
Hall, artist in residence at Wil.
lamette University.
Pec. 5th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
White's Feed Store
Birds Budgies - Cage
Double Your Money
Buy a New Piano From Us Now and We'll
Select any new piano from
our stock. Pay as little as
$5.00 down and make any
additional payments you
wish between now and
Christmas Eve. On Christ
mas Eve we will credit you
with double the amount of
your oavments ud to SI 00
rway v7ot tALKM, oaxsoM iui
Across from Elslnor Theatre
Highest Cash Prices
Willamette Nut Shelters
A.iasr uuaaroai isa-i
IS fitmoads. sracafal .
( OUmoKU. 14a. SMS tT)C
foWcam I7faarala, law
c uar aasuiTO ssu
2 diamonda Ilk. ulgral VTArt
ar wtm aoM. 17 aama. IW
luiia. W aaliwtkttr.
auooer Ttual msu , .
. Jewelers
225 N. Liberty St.
Opposite Golden Pheasant
wamawieaii rIHHiiM it
I HmJ .in- 1:1 f!
II R TTT. -rTH" I .
sttSAL t!
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Pif by .mis Evs, ' Your Cridil
S 25.00 $ 50.00
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$ 75.00 ' ' SI 50.00
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Km st