Pat I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm. Qrtgom Friday, December 4, 1953 In The Valley Ioite4 by MIKI FOSBES Gates Citet The Thanksgiving season was buiy one In Gates with family dlnnen, weddings and tripe by many to other placet to Join friend and relative!. Joaephine Deffenbaufh and Edward J. Titze, both of Gate, were married Thanks giving morning In Mill City at the Methodist parsonage, the Rev. Brewer officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Titze a r e at home at the Titze residence In Gates. Another wedding of inter est was that of Miss Bulsh Frances Srhobert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Scho bert of Portland, to Joseph Bowes, son of Mrs. Mirths Bowes, Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Bowes returned to Gstes Sun day following a week's honey moon spent In California. Mr. and Mrs. George Cliie had as their guests Thanksgiv ing, Mr. and Mrs. Alva John eon, Milford Stevenson, of Long Beach, Calif., and Bob Scharingion. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mar tig and family entertained at dinner, Mrs. Raymond Hobbs. Friday evening guests were Mrs. Monroe Gilbert, Mrs. Viola Vsn Buskirk and Lloyd Newcomer, all of Salem. The group were observing the an niversary of the ascension of Abdu'l Baha. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nygaard Thurs day were Mr. Nygaard's brother-in-law and sister and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Ilmer Brown, Jr ol Mill City. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fleet wood had as their guests over the holiday - their son, Lyle. from Klamath Falls, where he Is a student at OTI and their daughter and ' family from Gresham, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beisell and two soot. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Morrison spent the day in . Stayton at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hearing. . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rush had as dinner guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rush. John Gaheen, of Denver, Colo., arrived at the home of hit daughter and- family, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Bernhardt, for Thanksgiving. Other dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bernhardt, Gates, and Mr. and Mrs. David Barnhardt and daughter of Niagara. Mn. Velma Carey spent the day in Albsny with members of her fa mily at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carey and son. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brls bin were dinner guests In Portland at the home of Mrs. Brisbin't ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Hayward and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Burrel Cole and sons, Thurlo and Marlin, were guests at the Elmer Stewart home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hennest spent the day in Mehama at the home of their ton and family, Mr. and Mrt. Keith Hennest. Mayor and Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson entertained Mrs. Hutcheton's uncle, Charles D. Fraicr, 93, her cousin, Nor man Kennedy, both from Sa lem and her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parker and two children of Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kadine had as their guests Mr. and Mrt. Emil Johnson, Gates, their son and wile, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kadine, of Salem, and Mrs. Ksdlne's mother. Mrs. M. Root, Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hay wood and children Joined a family group In Salem .Thurs dsy. In Salem at the home of Mrs. Oils Hughes were Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Volkel. Mrs. Hughes and Mr. Volkel are lister and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Tilman Rains joined other members of the family In Foster, Ore, at the borne of their eon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Cline. Re cent guests at the Rains home were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Cline, Utah and OIlie Pells eU from Eureka, Ark- Mrs. Ed win Rains, Salem, and Mrt. Ina Rains, Oregon City. Thanksgiving day guests at the L. L. Rynearson home were Mrs. Rynesrson'a moth er, Mrs. Alva McNamee and her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don McNamee and children from Sherwood. Sun day, Mrs. Rynearson attended the reception In Portland, fol lowing the wedding of her niece, Miss Dorothy McNamee to Delbert Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hudson entertained their son and lim lly, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hud son and two children, and their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Razmus and son, all of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Don Miley. accompanied by Mr. Miley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miley, of Long Beach, Calif., Joined members of Mrs. Miley's family In Salem at the H. H. Bolmeier home. Spending Thanksgiving day In Mill City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroed- er were Mr. and Mrt. Edmund Davit and Mr. and Mrs. Lin coln Henness. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Richards had at their dinner g u e 1 1 1 their grandchildren, Elton Brown, of Mehama and Mrs. Harvey Kinoff and three chil dren from Lyons, and a guest, Mrs. Gwen Judson of Salem. A family gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millsap included their ton and family, Mr. and Mrt. Ralph Millsap and two children of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Dorland Swan and Kathy, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Klecker and family of Stayton. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Struck- meier were hosts to Mrs. Struckmeier's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stutz- man and two sons from Port land and Mr. Struckmeier's sis ter, Mrs. Elma Hazen, from Al bany. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Oliver had their children home for the Thanksgiving week end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Oliver and three small daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Oliver and Ed Keith Oliver from Corvallis, Jack and Donalee, both at home. Only one was missing, their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert Smith, who lives in Virginia. Mrs. Rose Ms tree, of Carlton, a bouse guest, also was present. Mrs. William Pennick, Mrs. Robert Levon and Mrs. Gwen Schaer were hostesses at a shower held in the social rooms of the high school, Tuesday evening, Nov. 24, compliment ing Mrs. Colis Heath, whose home and all the contents were destroyed by fire recent ly, while Mr. and Mrs. Heath were away from home. More than 50 useful gifts were re ceived by Mrs. Heath from those in attendance and others unable to be present. Refresh ments were served at the close o' the evening by the hostesses. Bethel Park Bethel Park Mr. and Mrt. Robert A. Nelson, Meredith and Robert Nelson of Wenat chee. Wash., were week end visitors in the home of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Swop. Mr. and Mrt. Clarence Ky riss, Mrt. Nina Kyrist and Mist Anne Kyrist of Sweet Home, visited Tuesday eve ning In the Rev, R. L. Cassel man home. Teachers of the Brooke As sembly of God church met Tuesday night at Mrt. Harold rites home. Plant for the Christmas program of Dee. 20 were discussed. An adult party for Dec. 17 at Mrs. Edward Edmond'a home was planned. Attending the stiff meeting were Rev. Robert Swope, Miss Mary Gaffrier, Misses June and Anita Davit. Mrt. Alice Rich ards, and Mrs. Edward Ed- mond. Mr. and Mrt. Raymond C Casselman, Lake Grove, Ore., spent Thanksgiving evening at hit parents home. Rev. and Mrs. R. - L. Casselman. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. White of San Diego, Calif., were hosts at din ner. Mr. and Mrt. N. A. White, who hed been vacationing in Mt Vernon, Wash., stopped over at her parents' home, Rev. and Mrt. R. L. Casselman. The Whites were en route to San Diego, Calif., where Mr. White la stationed at chief petty of ficer in the navy. Mr. and Mrt. E. W. Chritte phersoa spent Thanksgiving with their ton, Vernon Christo pherton, and family in eastern Oregon. Mrt. Lin Cromwell gave a family Thanksgiving dinner in her home. Attending were Mr. end Mrs. Aaron Wilson of Ft Lewis, Wash., in addition to the brothers and sisters in the Don' aid and Hubbard area. The only family members not present were a sister in eastern Oregon, Reymond Peterson, and Harold Peterson of Albany. Harold it seriously 111 In an Albany boa- pttil. Buena Vista Pleasantdale Donald Donald Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Peterson and family spent Thanksgiving day in Portland with her brother end family, Mr. and Mrs. Mack Hackenberg. Donald grade school had an other birthday party last week honoring the pupils who had birthdays in November and De cember. There were five of Pleesantdale Harold Mor gan, Jr. 11, was seriously ill over the Thanksgiving week end with measles and pneu monia. Hit aunt, Lucy Mc- Gowan, a registered nurse, stayed with the boy all night on Saturday, Nov. 28, at his home. He it much better at thit writing. Mr. and Mrt. Floyd McFar lane end Betty were et Powell Butte for aeveral days during the Thanksgiving holidaya with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert McFarlane and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Bill King and his mother, Pauline King, had Thanksgiving dinner in Day ton with Mrs. Eva Carter and Alice. , Houseguests of Sheriff end Mrs. W. J. Jones for the Nov. 21 week-end were his broth er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Myron E. Jones sad Larry, of Svenson, Ore. The two fami lies observed the birthday of Myron E. Jones, and they all went to the Jeans and Calico square dance club at Dundee, Saturday night. Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Edwards were their children and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ! ' Tv, -j a. .;... ..j . " entertained for Thanksgiv- Buena Vista Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrt. Zeb Millhouser were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Millhouser and eon of Monmouth; Mr. and Mrt. Burla Richter, Carol and Bur la of Independence. Sunday the Millhousert entertained for hit mother, Mrt. Mary Burgin of Denver, Colo. Other guests were Mrt. Lena L-a Vera of Portland; Mr. and Mrt. Ben Sheets of Turner, Melvin Sheets of Seattle. Mr. end Mrt. Grant Mc Laughlin spent Thanksgiving with their son and family in Salem, Mr. and Mrt. Delbert McLaughlin. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrt. McLaughlin were Mr. and Mrt. Donald McLaughlin of Portland Mr. and Mrt. Victor Bride had dinner Thursday at the Gregory Bride home in Port land when Dorothy Hermans and .Janice Bride returned home with them for the week end. Saturday guettt of Mr. and Mrs. Bride were Marie Smith, Paul Smith and Jack Snyder of Portland, and on Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrt. Russell Ballard of Independence. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton of Albany spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gail Prather. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Moore and son were In Detroit for the holiday and week-end. Mrs. John Lavota and ton of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Greib and Candy of White Salmon, Wash., spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elza Long. Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fickle were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fickle. Mrs. Lula Fuller, Mrs. Ruth Stanton and children of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prath- Frlday, Monte Wells of Olrnv pia. Wash., and Lawrence Strewn of Salem apent the day at the Wells home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krau ger, Barbara and Bernie, were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrt. Charlet Krau- ger in Salem. Barbara and Bernie spent the remainder of the week there. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wells of Corvallis spent the' holi day for dinner with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Wells'. Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrt. C. F. Weill were Myrtle Wells of Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Detering and ton, Arden. Mr. and Mrt. Cecil Hult man entertained' for dinner Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A. J Harrison and Joan of Salem, Mr. and Mrt. Norman Hukari of Hood River, Mr. and Mrt. Clark Irving of Independence. Friday evening dinner guests were Miss Helen Holderly of Salem; Ray Lier of Sacramen tol Calif., Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hukari of Hood River. Webfoot Detroit Edwards. Mike and Debbie, of Pleasantdale. Mrs. Julius ACORNS FROM T HE A1 tie, Kary Lee Peterson, Freddie Bsker and Joan Feller. Mothers of the youngsters having birthdays served the re freshments. Mrs. Max Cook, principal of the Donald grade school, has announced that the Christmas program will be the evening of Dec. 22 at the school. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Feller and son had Thanksgiving dinner with their daughter and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Durette at Moler, Ore. Mr. and Mrt. Jack Meek (Margaret Feller) and family of Canby also were guests. Harold Smith, who recently moved Into the Sather home in Donald, has established a small welding shop in the old garage on the property and is doing custom welding. During the day he is employed by the highway department and is working on the new express way. The well child health confer ence for the Donald, Aurora, Butteville, Hubbard and Broad acres area will be held Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 0, at the North Marion union high school. Mrs. Walter Racette will be the re ceptionist. Mrs. Glenn Yergen will have charge of the dress ing room and Mrs. Edwin Mil ler will be the doctor's assist ant for this meeting. Mothers wishing appoint ments for their youngsters should call Mrs. Les Eppers at Aurora S71S. This service Is free, and par ents of children are urged to avail themselves of this service. Venus chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, held their regular monthly meeting Friday eve ning in the Masonic hall in Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Donald, with Mrs. William Lowell Campbell of Fsirview I QuiKley, matron, presiding. district were Thanksgiving day ; ir. ana Mrs. uus jacaion dinner guests of her father and ! and Mr. and Mrs. Ole Syverson mother. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Wre initiated into the order. Alexander, ai vouane urove. i u They went bv Corvallis and ana ensue, members were got her uncle and aunt. Mr. and honored at this meeting. There Mrs. H. C. Seymour, and fookere only two charter mem them. bers present, Mrs. Ben Quinn Mrs. Alexander and Mrs I and Mrs,-MMhth Yergen. The Seymour sre sisters. Mr. Sev, honored (p-ts gave some high mour is former 4 H state club l'Kh of events which took leader '. place when they were In office. Mr. and Mrs Campbell at- There were guests from Port tended the birthdav partv hon- land. Woodburn, Canby and oring Mrs. V. V. ScogRan at Oregon City who attended the the home of her son and (laugh- j meeting. ter-in-law. Mr. and Mri. L. W. Mrs. V. C. Bishop of Shady Scogcan, at Grand Island Sun- Cove, Ore., is visiting her them. Ann Reiling, Cheryl Ly- Groth, Susan and Larry and Farvevv Lucy McGowan and son, Scotty, all of Dayton, also friends, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Baker and daughter, of Un ionvale. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Joec kel had Thanksgiving dinner with her frother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lorin Grltton at Salem, then spent the week erd at Gaston, with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Joec-ke). Mr. and Mrs. Merle Reich stein stayed at Banks with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Scott and chil dren from Thanksgiving night until the following Sunday. They fished every day in the Necanicum and Nehalem riv ers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winger re cently attended the wedding of Wayne Connor, eldest son of Mrs. Bertha Connor, at Au rora. The Connor family liv ed in Dayton several years ago. The newlyweds went to Minnesota for their honeymoon. mr. ana mrs. r.a winger for the golden wedding anni versary of friends, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Celleque. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Grabcnhorst Sat urday evening. Nov. 28, were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boyd of Mllwaukie and Mrs. E. N. Stone and Miss Adell Cotner, both from Nampa, Idaho, all of whom were former friends of Mr. Grabenhorst in North Dakota. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Biles went to Lyons, Ore., on Thanksgiving day for a fam ily dinner at the home of her brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bethcll. Mrs. Frances Milligan, housekeeper for Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross, went with her daughter Barbara, on Thanks- ing dinner at their country home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Koozer and chil dren of WaltervUle; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Adams and chil dren of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hclbenthal and daugh ter of Lewisville; W. W. Runkle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doty and son of Portland; Maud Johnson, Bill and Elmo Prather. The Polk County Extension service is sponsoring an eve ning meeting at the Central high school cafeteria Dec. 7, at 7:30 p.m. on "Family Busi ness and Law." The people of the county are Invited to attend the meeting. It will be in the form of a panel discus sion conducted by Kenneth Shetterly of Dallas, Fred Ca lef of Independence, local at torneys. Byrd Tucker and son of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Wells were Thursday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Wells and aon. Jack. Webfoot Eight members of Webfoot - Dayton subordinate grange No. 71S and 19 mem en of the Juvenile grange at tended the regular aoctal monthly meeting held it the hall Saturday evening. A program wis presented by the Juveniles under directions of the lecturer, Mrs. Richard Lofton, followed by square dancing. The next meeting will do covered dlth supper at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Dee. 12. The Installation of officers for the five tubordlnate Yam hill county granges and the one Juvenile Webfoot grange will be held at Fernwood grange Sunday, Dec. 27. Unionvale Dee. . A dinner will be tert-l ea at 12:30 and eongreis.1 ti octal meeting will be h 1 1 sncrnogn. Idanha Asks Bids For New Water Line Idanha The city of IdanJul la calling for bids la ...l. I mitted before 4 p.m. DecVa-l ocr a, iai, on uu leet of at I water une- 10 extend west I from the Idanha Sum s..- Station. The work is to b, I cvmpicira in au a ays. The new IK -inch line ai rcpiace mc -4-incn line te ociwr waier tervlce ta uacra w uui area. Colorado hai an ... Deaks over 14 (Win . ,.,! double the number to be found In t ha A In. iv. . 1 " "w nations! Detroit Mr. and Mra. Earl Parker enjoyed a three day visit with Mr. Parker's brother and hit wife, Mr. and Mrt. Clin ton Parker, in Eugene, last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. White have returned from trip to Orovllle, Calif., where they spent the holiday with ' the Clarence Boultont and Mrt. White't mother, Mrs. Annie White. They were accompanied on their trip by Marlene and Jamet White, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley White and children, David and Kathleen. Returning to Detroit, the party stopped in Eugene, Sat urday and Sunday at the home of Mr. White'a uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Lien. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ketchum were their daughter's family, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Willis and son, Phillip Duane of Willamina, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean and children, Terry and Penny Lou, visited with relatives over the week-end. Leaving Detroit Wednesday, they drove to Oak ridge to Mr. Dean's parents' home where they spent that night. On Thursday, the Deans and Howard's father, O. B. Dean, drove to Eugene where they joined Mrs. O. B. Dean and Mr. and- Mrs. Harrv Ra- cina, at the latter's home, for a holiday dinner. Unionvale Mr. and Mra. W. J. Msrley of Fairview dist rict were guests of Mrt. Clar ence L. Fowler, Unionvale district, and her father and sister, W. V. Appleman and Mist Helen Appleman In Day ton. Ed Trunde of Newberg and son Pfc. Steve Trunde, sta tioned at Hanford,- Wash., were Friday guests of hit brother-in-law and titter, Mr. and Mrt. George Strewn, In thit district. Steve hat served one year in Korea. Dr. B r y n e, professor of Christian Education at the Jennings Lodge Western Semi nary, will be the speaker at the local Evangelical United Bret hern Church Sunday J rttMia-eoao , NOW PLAYING Glen Ford Gloria Grahame "THE BIG HEAT" I Alio THE GREAT JESSE JAMES RAID' -mm a-tree Alan Ladd James Mason "BOTANY BAY" In Technicolor Don Ameche "KING OF THE RACE TRACK" I, giving day to the home of her parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. went to Woodburn recently ! Bert Milligan at Scottt Millt. COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP TAKE 'EM OUT! HAMBURGERS ... 19c FRENCH FRIES... 9c MILK SHAKES ... 19c (OKU, ROOT BEER 9c COFFEE, ORANGE . 9c TUIa Until Midnight Weekdays 12 to 8 on Sundays DRIVE-UP and PICK-UP PHONE 3-5016 day. WITH Ml MILNf TO MY WASTE READERSHIP It has beta brought to my at tention that there la what tht trade calk waste readership amona you. Where have I strayed? How have I mused my point so completely? Choke. Choke. Take you Sam. And you. Oeorte. Et Ui. Buck? You are reading this. Every word. But YOU wouldn't come to the Marlon Hotel Coffee Shop for dinner U It were free I You wast readership How do you think this makes MS feel? Here I write about our oualltv meals at real FAMILY prices and you think the Hotel Marlon , too fancy for you. You think you have to wear a tux or aometliina Corns In . . . PLEASE! Wear vour overall. I On a re.llv OOOD meat for Si and tive sIY life acme purpose again I aaaembe-ta Satan-it, the HOTEL MARION Phone. 3-4123 TV AT DETROIT Detroit Television come to Detroit. Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ketchum report good reception from their recently acqtisred set. using a standard six-foot antennae, which ex tends from the garage roof. brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller of Donald. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Feller (.nlerlainivl hi. mnthet Mr. "" Gertrude Harlan, and his bro ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Feller, Thanksgiving day at dinner. Marion Feller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Feller, flew to Yakima, Wash., over the holidays. $26.50 SHICK SHAVER NO. 20 $21.50 and your old shaver Use our Loyowoy Plait - imolt amount will hold your selection until Doc. 19th Schaefer's Drug Store US Ne, Commercial 8L Open Dally 1:H A.M. te P.M. anday A.M. to 4 P.M. GRAND OPENING DICKSON'S QUARTER-CIRCLE "0" PUBLIC DAMCH EVERY SATURDAY NITE Dickson's Furniture Store has been transformed1 into the liggest and Most Complete Dance Hall in the Valley. Coma Hove big time at our Opening Saturday, Dec. 5. $1.00 per person Watch this spaca for announcement of our Big New Year's farty! Door Prizes Galore! WESTERN MUSIC BY JACKKIZZIAH "TEXAS RAMBLERS" WORLDS of parking In rear of Dickson's Shopping Cen ter, IV, miles south of Salem, at lZth Street Junction. CHEBBT1 PLANTATION South on 9J-E CLOSED FOB VACATION Watch for Opening Date 1 Naw Shewing Open 1:41 "THE CA!DT" Dean Mortis, Jerry Lewis Ca-Feature "GLORY BRIGADE Bollywood Kids Matinee Tomorrow 1:H te 4:M P. M. CARTOONS SERIAL Special Matinee Featnre: "SMOKY- in Technicolor Fred MacMurray. Anne Baxter -else BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE Leroy Koebler, Earl Ortlaff, Fred Gookin, Ralph Evans, Bob Berry, Ella Connelly, Charles Warren, Geraldlne DoUon, Linda Ver-'juaa Ma delyn Query, Sandr. Thorn ton, Mike Neely, ZM Marr, Michael Waaer. Paul Starek, Gary Hushes, Conolc James, Paul Bchreiner. i tH;?:i:i1t rMwssTaseTw Mc Till I:0S In Technicolor Burt Lancaster In "TEN TALL MEN" AIM Frank Sinatra Jane Hostell la "DOUBLE DYNAMITE a. soar t. Boys' & Girls' Tomorrow at 12:30 SPECIAL KIDS SHOW '"COMMANDO CODY in 'Captive of the Zero Hour ALSO Burt Lancaster "TENTALLMEN" ALSO Frank Sinatra "DOUBLE DYNAMITE" CHRISTMAS SURPRISE GIFTS For Every Member of Your Immediate Family YES With every T.V. Set sold between now and Christmas, Gifts for every member of your immediate family. Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS with HOFFMAN DUMONT PACKARD BELL MOTOROLA Television Sets From VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. OPEN NIGHTS TIL 9 Ph. 21913 OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 1 P.M TO 6 P.M.