- - - 0 Friday, December 4. 195S Pag 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oreoa ?s4D0 PROGRAMS SANTA FLYING PUP SATURDAY r. M. By IUCRECE HUOCINS BEAU C ho mi Sb wi mi ti c Ol cf an wi I be If afl t f Be played merry -go-round th mother as iho fcrubbed tho kitchen floor. ITNOF8ISI Heorlatta k ill itri lw Urns In taeny Unj biM with her parent, (rsndparent tws anclei and two Ban Is. They are ry posr, with Barer eneofh food for them Barns, mwh leu the little poppy Henrietta found one day. and wants to keep for Chris tnaa. Her father ateesn . see hew Willie can too with them, hot Henrietta CHAPTER 1 UTI WITH WILLIE Henrietta wept when her father aid one eould not keep Willie. "He wont cost anything!" she cried. "Yon will never fnow he Is bore. The father said. "Keen him, then, and you will see." Bo Henrietta ktpt Willie end this Is the way things went in the tiny crowded house where the family was so poor. Willi ste. Each mealtime he ate half of very tiling on Henrietta's plate and begged far more. He drank ail her milk. He cried for more. When grandmama left a loaf of bread on a shelf Willie cawed it down and devoured It, When grandpapa left a little bag of groceries on a chair Willie fished out a soup bone meant to feed the family for two days. Willie hid under the house and stripped the bono clean. When unci went m the Ice box for a bit of am V.'IUle went In too and knocked out the bowl holdtner the week's sudoW of eern. Bappily WlUle licked up the mess. Besides eating, Willie chewed. He chewed out the linings of vne intners anoeo wnen ne took them off at night. He shredded a blanket hanging from a bed. He gnawed the edges of the one rug an the house. He jumped in the nam nio ana enewea a note in the spray. He went In the pantry SHOW YOUR SMILE! fir POrklina smil. U "snry important CMlwVlNG GUM w Keep f0i bright Cam. CdWwaTic htiTJt ckwktc the ttvtlsw tUpt keep them naturally bright. Refreshing! . ro ACROSS L Declares .Likely . Philippine ssvsge 13. Poisonous l.ConstellsUon It. Sport 15. Puff up It. Kind of crested plover 11 Xnumeratlnn of popula tion SO. Seed covering 11. Knsck L Spread to dry 14. Fragment 15. Rollicking song i7. post a ststrcsse M. Inlets front the Gulf of Mexico 31. Concerning 51. Beef raised for slsuehter 17. One who taVas action s.rt 41. Legal action 43. Twenty-four hours 44. South Amerlrsa country 45. Tried the flsvor 47. Those who run sway to marry 41. Pertaining to anesrly theologian 52. Brownie &l Untruth fit. Vntsmlllsr Isngusge PIP SASaUO A T tN rvfMllRTr: C OMrTEWBl 'ETdMCIJBH ATPfta CA:NTt!tgWSc;feNtL AjiisnalAlstTtsE tTAiRnfiA uTrnspiAiF 52E Hn iDoip i nje, NiQiW NIA TIE dUr i G Solution f Ytittrday't Piml M. Pt revive M. In favor of 67. Anxioui DOWN 1. Coiuumcd S. Diviaion of liter u-t worn: bbr. 3. Preeijelj I j ij u 1 r-u y u v:vf u 5" . 7 -i - ; a t Z 7f TT 1 "r I. Hi. ' i . , jj- ar s : "I tf k -j, rrwrts 'jjfefS? 5 n -rj W'W ST ' IT "" T ar -in1 jj- 1 j jj- 37 iTIffr 5"""-" ""a" s, T : it pjf ' ' ' ii 11 il I I 4. Ceremony . Odor Refer 1. Ediblr seeds fl. Spinning toy g Burning 10 Loose garment 11 Corner 17. Vpt loudly 19. Mrsning 11. Whit, vestment U. Long uilet of the sea ! Animal enclosure 16. Even chsnce: colloq Kt Merchendis SO. Arnericsn Indian S2. Growing drowsr si Lsr. oody of wster 94. Attempt 30. Rubber SR. Begins 38. Show to be fslse 40. Uneven 43 Not frenh 45. Three-part composition 4 Kind of silk M Tsuy 50. Grow eld 51. And not and chewed the strsws off the broom. Besides eating and chewing. wuii irouckea. In pure Joy he raced through (he house. He tripped up the father who came In with a heat? loan 01 wood. He twirled Between the feet of the grandmama as she dusted the Uble He Dlayed merry-go-round the mother as she scrubbed the kitchen floor. As he romped, the tattered rug was tossed Into a heap behind his uyini leet. curtains were puuea from windows, lamps broken, scruo oucket knockea over, lorn wall paper stripped from the walls. Besides eating and chewing and I iroucKing, wuiie crieo. When they out him outdoors to save the house. WlUle cried so loud and so sorrowfully the police complained. When they shut him up in the kitchen, he cried so fcrokenheartedlv the neighbors complained, wnen they shut nun in the basement the whole family complained because he cried sol dreadfully that no on In the I house could sleeo at alL But Henrietta never noticed the awful bother and expense of Willi. You are all uie Christmas we need at our house," she whispered to Willie as he snuggled beside her in bed. THe puppy chewed absently at Henriettas tattered night dress. He paused now and then to lick ner lace. You are my only mend- murmured the girl. "I'll never be lonesome a&aln Alter a while Henrietta ano Willie fell asleep. They, were hanov. But out in the kitchen the father talked to the rest of the fimtlv. "You see how It Is." he said. We can't afford a dog in this house. The mother who has scrubbed and scrubbed behind Willie had to agree. The uncles snd aunts I who had had their poor clothing MDed bv Willie naa to agree. Orandmama and grandpapa who nad oeen iriDoea ud again anai again by WlUle had to agree. Then tney au mougni 01 uie precious food tnat nad oeen poured Into WlUle and they aU sighed and said, "Yea, the. dog must so." Bo the father tiptoed, into uie room where Henrietta lay asleep on her little cot with the dog be side her. The father stood look ing down at the girt and the puppy for a long time. He hated what he had to do. At last he reached down and gently Dirked uo the sleepy pun WlUle woke and dreamily licked the father's cheek. Then he went bark to sleeo. The father out on his hat and carried Willie out or the houw. (Neat: The Runt for Willie) STEVE Horn . - - E I Tgjg so urs rATHEg f ..-r,. . Tyum vt ii-t II if rinn r. 3f r."-"- 1 r. must have sewn the rue boycu1 a uttle m 1 looti TV sayr go 7-tu 4 THEN THIS BievtOUSyAMOUS OEWEL INTO THE TO HO L. HILLIWAWg ' sUHoa tXHTTiPST SO HELP J PfL IS THE JuikS&i VHN THE CEO THINS SO l SiOOB VvfiSt I DM QUIT ffPtimT' 1 "alfMUNfYoup nu VW,no aMW-Wukzv KaVTyoupol tMUAT.P I TiousT XiXSZXSWJ?? I"?" n9Mt -WHO TlACMrf MYMtg.o I Tut KeNCH. invsNTTiN' THAT WfrtCM OUTT JZS5??JZ?2!Se'l( Z'tfr . u vol rr ail I worn wvheap- so you &miZrATrt" ' ' jAt yatj think tov QUtO-iim umm? fg ' , 'Lgl ORPHAN ANNIE .. , rn SyT-'y I .? y-9y I lirxcxr-Tw ido nor come -to 1 1 vnt 1 Fjc TYA ' wow you agffia UPWO HBHOLEO THtS J 1 1 1 mks ey oeal-i COME I THEM- I I g-i4 I HWm k il I 1- tAz.l.zzU 11 f? S'rz- 1 wvi w'a i b: : jr z 1 1 i n i s fcx ai xi r n i it r ri r ii(ftoi v. v i M ' xlrLJ 1 F-v Iff 1 1 LIL ABNEB " " U- Wmr , i" REACHES W M j) I 1 . L h ( MtLPLEW.T . JJT, 7 O ' N e I t -MHSMM2lHj!ss2an ga " .. Tw!saY-Ewn J HOPALONG CASSIDS 1 . 1 T THAT I IVr-v'"'" .Vx- I f NOW TO 6ETTLE MY BUSINESS AT ONT I I x .yp . I I TH' ASSAY OFFICE Etr TH' TIME PIP M3U RENT THIS BE NECESiAW. I I iJ 5tfE&J r TH JA4PER COMES TO, I'LL PEA I HOTEL ROOM TO KEEP V -A I lJ II 5-. STXl ft. OLKT I jo rtj Tu' unP,7lN s H V AN EYE ON 6UNPC7rNf f&F5Xl I V k .y (!NC,s5R )VJ H . . T . " jT ' J 1 1 i " iljrU.i ilTlil Lli & -, , - MUTT & JEFF ' ' I sssSsaaas J C?3 I I miD rtOoTwTicTcSrn iun uml f"TiT dca sTTTTTT , tupj J 'amothfgTW'' ao7 JEFF r NEED SOME till VEARS I ABOUT A HOW COULD ) COOLON'T.' TH sTtM I'f!' PEACfAND QU.ETJ I ARE ST.LU JUNGLE TRIBE THE7 TAlrfTHATS WHOT 1 .S!Sf' rTttef MUTtH RNS OF WILD WOMEN J TOKHOW Q.WL0V llSCAN SURE AM'V J WHO HAD NO T WILD THAT BLAH MTi fr WTAL"-"?J6,J&4 TONGUES'- REX MORGAN. MD " ' "L '. f' ill. 3I!U , , I r -iOu'o bettss com. I I r wveee ou 6nTTsJ K to Fiso out how HI-" 'uaS iacrto-K JSt LCVEr5v?3SrAUV' Jl I h3. tAjC05 r ) SCIEST1PIC I VOL STUPlO BSUSS Hit ASS?N M VcWM W LM - l I, . sTt WVES116a'n0H-' I; Af CTB MV PATl.NTT .Taw DONALD UUCK ..... pT0 r: MART WORTH WyAfLt7tdE-A P eATTtSV TKOUBtE, I fiC!- MR5HipAH ftNT I .,. w., Tu, Tl DARUNG ? NEVLR HERE! ! UNDERSTOOD Ht WM 1 TBl,7fB PcV ssiuriru M rTtRWlWlSHT!mwTirW) AMNOmSllPON I IN Hit TRAILER.. WQjUtjh! y TO TF tIM' TwVSVr'r - " ' ' -asssss. ssssssi - " - I VaSBaTas. I I KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCtT ate ksc wt ens liM sac isse mc o las Las 7TMlrMlkU Sm rISS fO.I SS gcSa N S.L I f? r"JT- nnfMh r.s '"" . Msu.. II -si niVrXe retail n.. - ' .g;rwia.u m rwu rf- ' "" "" 1:15 rtau i ' riki m l:MiruasU ( hir.i.i OHfi MmM !!f!" .V'",'" 1:'4S TmiHU fl. i.u.i r.. H'i Ins nre l.t M.u. l5rts.u n..e .ut iuim uS,'t, .?!"" lljjIrMttell si ChsM lllil Mlt "" Mmi Tro'rMk.U Lrt'.Frtto.S Oku S.I. J'" , l:4Sirlll IrU r...l "ill.M Wen. M art. M.IIm. 4 00 CrrlBV Klrkb.M Oprs 1 Sstirisi 415 T.rf GanlSUn "M Htalaswas S.I.U to HsUaM 4;M Ctyl.f C.allal Our. r.rlat Skn Balaraar J.L SUihoi j.tS T..H Cto.Sra.al Itaart Mails SUsa Oil Ma l ooeHuui iaiu c.n ithsii a s s .Mam " tuttaai I'.y N.a. liaiat Sl.r rl.U Man. Saaik . V Kuaaara Brt .. ScmkaarS iMaila I N Fual j:'4i Niwi rraak 6m Twa.-Catr. Vtai I'M P.. S-ftll rr. Was G.asbailtrt Niaa, Bctli. H.a.11 C.IU Plaacr 5 l5 Kl.i liiaibiiUra Haaii S.lll.i Hiw.ll Cllb Mail J 3(1 WMira r.amaika W. S. wnUra WarU Kawa t:j- m UaaiiaSa Bait V.I.. a.-ll.n Mill. 7:( Tra WlUUai 1 l.r M...7 04 Mails Mill. 115 abaw lfrM.air Luualas Lrla aa Mails V:Jf Ori.S Ob I. W.Sal M Wntaraan t:45 Oaara I. Wabrir Llitoalas Mail. SS Ta. tin a. t isaai SraalS SstarSar Laai Baaf v Mail. Dibm Putr . .1 EaSli SraaM Ml 11 Laa. SlllH Mail. Daaca Parir 1 '.(, T.w. SUU Caaairy nit -Haw. II L.bara D.ac fur g':'4f r.rlr Slrla OSC-Hia.il , fas Plan tun a. AT Tiwa Hiil Pad M.rtla OSC-Hlw.ll Ntwi - DlBM rulr ol. r.rlr OreaMtra osc-H.will Hail Dibm Pirtv aST C.BBlrr OrcSMIra OMC-H.wall Nias Diata rl g:-45 Tlai. OriS.Hr. OSC-Miw.U Mail. NUSI Kiwi in-nn Niws S.L n.il JSC-H.w.ll B.ra Dun Dibm rirtr lo'l' VMi Nm tart atau OSC-BsaiU B.ra Oaaa d.bm ra 10 EHraal Orchnlra OMat TlBM nam O.aat D.BM r.rtf IS;.! UlSI Onailra Daat Tl Sara P.aai DiBta rarty 11., N.wi Aaiaar Mu U.aia Tlait Dim r.rt Dibm Putr ll'.l' CHr Caaaill BaaaS Diaos TlaM Dsaas Pari, Daaai Parw 1VV ct'r Caaacll;B.BBS 1.4 Dia- Tlai. Diaat Parir Diaia Part U ti CUT CaaatUI B.aaS Dallas Tin Diaaa rrtf ' OiRti Pirlr I2:0esiia Oft IslliBl P.aae 1 17 Miliar Mas "roiaea Party nt mis.i ton u ll t sb. u u i. tu stj. i it i SUNDAY ajf BiIakaw jcaarab af (Caaearl n.n IMnla I ' 1 1:15! SaaSir an Caacart HaU Maila J:M a.l.aaw t'l.ri at Caacirt M.laer 1:45 SaaSir 41- "I" M.laSr i ail.l.w Sail Uka ' Saaiblas Plnl BasUil Willi. Oak baa. Wrist! :1S SaaSir Til Skawiri rlnt Bisll.l Willi. Clak Niai :)l a. int.. iti.iiiiiia u -ski B.ek to o.4 warm ci.s t.ntn :45 saad.r U.r.l.i tlikl Uli Btk 1. Gil Willi. Clak Lalkma i:St Ra Id 1. a Ca.ll.l ' B.k Blklt Olua N.. Bliii :15 s.ndar tl.ikr N" SSria- Blkla Clui Pril. Bsk'to Ort.a Larl :3SB.I.Ma n. . SaUtk MiiiiM at Valaiat Witlli Clak MarlT :45 S.aair xta. '"" Praakaay Willi. Clak .., I"Tai Ck.a Sh.llr Mull "' N.aa PrnkrIMaa" S 15 Gkaa Sk.Hr Hr S. rna-a " 'kaU Fr. EniM Sa.4iT BH S.,,! IS Gliaa SkMI, Eaatorar "",'11 "r. !. Ckrlili.ton 4:45 Gbraa Skll Jiwlik raltk 'fs tatfcw.B nr. bb.HH Bay. BtaMBikit .ae Arl at Urla Sraak.aill. r"4 ' Bin. B.ar C.lT.rr Bia- In Baial.l 1 :??... srwkaastto . . Li.i .1 Fra. Usl Cbrik. , S'JJJ f ;if Sinks milhirp.nl. ""s M.lh.tl.l Bi.llil , .,,, 7mnM Ckartk T.rk P.r.S. Niwi N.aa jr I5:(T S.r.K. rkllk.rai.all al Hill Mi.lir Bitl. S.r.n.4. far l Vt NliV Xtw T.rk CkrUH.ai tnlr.r.ll, Saaa.7 j,i45 Car Mi rkllk.rB.au 'a Snlaa Tk..l.r Bar, lar Sam, i.BS Wtak-aaS Bulla! Haei L.aik.rS. Niwi Mmtit :15 Wnk-aat Plmara BnliaJ Haai t-aibaraa Sanaaa! far Saati. M Hr.k-.nS WirlS Allalr Bariia. 1h. CMill B.nS.r M ;45 Wnk-laS r.r.al BItI Bill r'lkllTS Sir. I.r Saa. pr. rMra i. Wllk-1B4 Cllamkl. Talaa N.a. Pra Fialtaa 15 Wrrk-.nS r.atBri Priak.if rh. SbiSia i.r,n.S. f.r Pra FatlkiS :.fl Wr.k-.nS Janl.r Orrilnl rnii Sanaar Pr. PialbiS 45 Wrrk-.nS Mill Burr OltoiUvi Sir, t.r Saa. Pr. Pantos TmA Bilnbsw ikn Mircir Blllr Nick cartoa Niwi Pr. PaatkiS 15 BiaSia Sk.w OrahBBi ii.k Cirlar sil-Armrra. Pra PvalkiH id NBC Orra. Ilka Mircar HiralS al l.iiS Call. Pr. riiliall :4. NBC Orek. Jiwili Tra Ik B..ai Cilllar Pr. PailbiS llTNBC Ortb. Jsck Braai- Ckarch to jN.wi Niwi Pra PiitbiS :15;NBC Orck. lack Baar Mm Mail. CnlM Pra ruins t:S4 Shlrhrr kmn aa Stiri .r HiBaaalto Calllas Pr. PaitaiS :45 Tkimii Andy T.Bi.rr.a' Hn.r Slta Oil Maill S'Sf B. C.BildiBi Hillrwaid Claa. Bear Nawa Wirld Niwi i-l.VNiwi Mail! BiJI Xm.i bibiIs Mail! rkrlilikn :t AmirillB Niwi AaiiHiaa Chrlit'B Sat Milk I.r :45 Ftbbi Niwi Mail. Hill V Nmr fli Aanrkl !:4 0.lnl.. bUdli HiU W. WlBcbiU Dadir Arra.1 Oiwiliaa ' .15 UnllBilIrd .1 P.bm 1. riddlrr lledir Arml r.tiai :! Tiatb Vbiwi Birna- raylar GraB' Family w.rld Ncaa :45 Neva MtCarlby BaiBcar gni Tbl.lay Hr.SI.rri.ibl litr r.m. Aatry C"l C.-.allt All Mart. Ill Pl.rksBia (,.n. A.lry By Bug tor FBI An Mull IS Stir Wblilkr Ar.aas Oaaillw M.ny trrial :45 Pl.Tbi.i. Hklillir Wirld lajaaiilliai Van Curd a Blc Sliry Oar Mill M.o. Niwi Dnw ri.nan Biaadliahi IS Blc Bury Braihi "nw Tntm D.llir Biau Firsai Sr-akiar tltlli Msrrlc PiBl Bimy Mr. Dlilrkl D.a :4 H.ar tlltl. M.rsli U.rll Ply Altarair Btowir !:M Syaiakaap Bias Craiky p. CarUr Niwi rca :ll n.ar Bias Craiky Hi.rt . Ays SAIL Saaak. Stoasri :1S Tbialvr Jack Baaay PirtliaS M.yar Ss'ka Hiallk Cad :4 B.y.l Jack Baaay HI Tlai. N.aa Nmr Kna 1t;S4'n. alHrur S Star FIbbI FIb.1 BdH. PiBas to Bimil :t5 Blary Tritor M.-.rlra rallk TImm Iks Talloy Binrla 1:II Mill Prua Aaiwir M.a Bain Hiir Wins, al Binrla 1:41 Mail Trial Baa. Sua. Calais Br. Heallas ' Biiirld . . l.aalNivl B.aad aa Caiart Bia SlsB Off slim Ofl J.g Clthllls B.and C.aciri Bia St Hiar Biand an Ciaurt Miai litSICWr Claud Blind CaaaarS MOMDAY5 A.M. TO 1 1 ;43 A.AA. t-MiDavaWtrrt EFD Or. Tmrm Mmr )N tssarasvkfMt WnIhi C'lft'D- Vnt Klerk Vtwm Uwmr Tlaifciptt NmI WuMri -4 Drnr Hnl Klrk Vm Mwmt Nrt Brt-kfMl Tnrm Ntrwi j:45iri-i TijM Kiffc Br. Ntf- k k -. "VHlctMSlrr 14. KtMk ltl CtlilUa lirmr Kttrc KOCO Kt4 VIS1!. U WOki Ntwt ArraM rkl it Ou. Brltf t. resk KOCO BimM 7'MiNm f.rrt Brkfit Oai Brtt,kfu KOCO KM 7:41 Huitii Vwtl Hn- Mmtit N k KOCO Kl S:MOI Mri Nw" Brkfit Clit CtUlr-i Nttwi KOCO KU 9:15 Old Sn Nf Brkfal Cllb rtiBUv illu Hl4jf KOCO KtMk l.Zt Hull Bi M-k.au NIX Brkftl Clak Mbta KOCO KlMal t U Mil, Bwi Kwry Brkfrt Clk BlkU Hrr I N Mcrrtlltk W. Warrca I .m. 11 NW Ntwt Ntwt R 9:15 Wli itnmr Sturi T4ay Cp. Cmm. KuMer Ktrto 9:M Cri4rg.lUI Hl Trent DaaMt Patter CaB lar Birr 9:45 lattttUalUB Gal BaaJay Nalklat Bar. CaaaUt al4ar Kt.wi 19 ;N Bia Ba. Baa4 Ufa C. Baa tier " Newt Nwa Bait 19:15 naUM Hh m ""klM AM Mfladlai Ha Taa Mr. Smrtba ftM.lt ii:30 Siriita hie nr. Maiana Traa Starr Maala Mr. Isaytba Kara 19:45 Itrlka BJtk Calda Uiht Tra a lUrr Maala , Mr. airtr- B rfc 11 :9fl Mrt. Bartaa Wkliartar Lalaa Fair StTrnrn " Bar U:1S Marry Pai Parry Matan Girl Harrtaa U4ata fair HvlJcr i Btaaraa tI:S9 Pliraaa Paya Narafe Drakt'Keraa Karva Ojl fat Day !tallr Bar 11:4 tad Chaaea Brlihlcr Da - Baraay Kcy a fat Day ffaldrr Barardf IXWnS th fa t.r i M. Nawai 1:1k. Oaara t :U, Ntwt aad Waatkar. DIAL LISTING KOAC, $56 K0AC M.a. A M. 11:1a, N.wi ndg Wnlbiri 1S:IS, EaairUllr 1I:SS. Caaiiri n.U: IliM. N.W1 aad Wi.lkir. FINALLY RETURNED BIG GOLF OBSTACLE Alexandria, L. U.B Care-! Longview, Wash. (U.B V. T. taker J. E. McGilveray of the GreK8 complained to state po Country Club Golf Course re-1 lto.d "'""'obile had . . .u J6?"1 'olen.Irom its parking moved an obstacle from the 13th hole, with a 12-gauge shot gun. The obstacle was a 400 pound alligator. place on Highwsy 99. Gregg said he left it there in March, 19S2, and when he went back for it yesterday it was gone. ROOM A BOARD By Abers FT lv SutE. Pinky YWUBEa GO00 CHA0 AND KELP IOTP. . TwE BURDEN I BEAB. Vt'iTM F0GH0RM' BEIKiG HEBE-IM PAVING HIS LODGINGS UNTIL HE GETS ORDERS TO REPORT TO HIS NEW J0B---S0 WILL WU CONTRIBUTE t 10 A WIEK?" AFTER ALL, HE5 ONE OF OUR KIN ' W HES A DISTANT RELATIVE 1 AND WHEN HE SAILED THE AUSTRALIA-HONGKONG ROUTE. THAT WAS THE DISTANCE I LIKED HIM AT' HE CLIPPED ME FOR. 20. PLAYING DICE' - ism ALREADY CONTRISUTED. FOR 2 Vr. EE nil ?tef U "-'1 i