Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 04, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    Pan 14
Friday, Deetrabar 4. 1ISI
Viking Hoop Schedule
Th Balcra hlfh Vlkinf
pes thet eehedule tonight
when thy tanai with tlx
ItoewrtK Jlaufhrldm at
1mm bifh. The 1:11 club
atartj Harold Hauk'i Vlklngt
o ea roufh (cbtdul in
eluding 10 Big Sis gam)
Thl nonleafu go 1j th first
at two garnet btwa tb
era achoela this yaar.
Sauk win dick with St
tan ten for hla atartiag linaup,
including tbraa starters from
laat year team. Jim Knapp
and Gordjr Domogalla, two of
tha btat fuarde in th ttat
will lead tha Viking fait break
which will attempt to make up
for tha lack of experienced
lU-foot -1 Inch ' Ways a
Zrickeea probably will (tart
at aenter for th Vlklnga while
Tom Flekena and Larry Sprin
ger will begin at forwarda.
Plckena la alio a veteran (tart
ar from Iwt year while Spring
er la tha only two-year let
terman on thi year'a squad.
TndlomUly Tegb Fe
The Rougnrldera, a tradi
tional flrtt game foa for the
Viklnp, topped Salem la the
flnt gama lait rur, but the
Vlklnga came back to even the
oaor with a lopeided win later
in tha season. Again thla year
the ether game of tha eeriea
will be played la Portland.
Knapp, one of the leading
eeorere laat aeaaon, la tha fait
eet atarter. Plckeni, a fine
hustler, Domogalla, Irlckten,
ana springer are all faet.
Rootevelt haa alwaya been
a (trong contender for the
Portland league crown while
the Vikings have compiled the
beat record in tha Big Six.
- Bob Wulf, 8-4 Junior center,
leada the aecond atrlng with
Gary Peterson and Phil Burk
land at the forwarda and Neal
Seheldel and Herb Trlplett at
tha guarda. Trlplett la a let
terman but had to take back
eeat to Domogalla and Knapp
laat year. Seheldel haa good
apeed while Burkland and
Patenon are both capable for
warda. Tha preliminary feontest
matches tha Rootevelt Jun
ior Vanity and Lee Guttaf
aon'a Salem high Junior var
tity. Indiana Favored
To Repeat Win
As U. S. Champs
New York OUR Indlana'a
hurry in' Hooelers, with 10
playtra back from tha team
which won tha National Col
lege Basketball championship
laat year, were picked today 29
of It of United Board of
oaehef to do it again thla aea
aon. Team Polnta
1. Indiana 1S7
t, Kentucky ..:...... 263
S. Duquetne .... ...223
4. Kanaaa 157
Salem Academy to Meet
Gervais Here Tonight
Salem . Academy will wade
Into its 18-gam batketball
schedule tonight agalntt Ger
vala high school, which will be
initiating a 20-game slate at
th academy'a West Salem gym
nasium at 8 o'clock. The Jun
ior varsity preliminary will be
at 6:43.
Coach Bob Funk'a chief la
ment today waa his lack of
heieht on hla varaitv unit of
10, th talleit available being !
Ken Schreder at 6 feet 1. There i
haa been a spirited competition
for positions, however, he not
ed, with all of them giving their
greatest effort
Gervais, under Coach Ordie
Hoye, has four lettermen, the
canter apot being left lnexper-
After Correcting
"biota, Meter, Prolapse and
Olrwr Rrrlal Dtaerdtra. With
out Hoaptulttailan. Htanarh,
t'alan ana Other DlftaUre
Write ee Can far Free le
acriallra Booklrt Tadar.
Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic
Natamatt PractolciM
1144 Center 8t
FhB S-I4
Up AgcaiinsIS:
to Launch
Basketball Scores
ran wear
wremiat ta, kmh stew n
wukitA at. aeoitio an
Carre (bleu.) Ta, HMl nf Oral
raue at
Beocii at. wiiiaiw at
lewu a ciert in Portland auu at
Bow btuiee am at. au Dnee arc
aaeor flJUi) Br, Woolen afoateaa at
ceiieae eitira sua it, n. tm
at. Jobae Ota.) M. Letorelte tl
Adeiabi t). Bio areata it
wm vmtai auu m. aba
! (Jf.T.I 71. TltM UU.I it
aterrlaBd II. Cleauaa i
Tnu Teeb at. TinnMM Tl
BoIUbo 13. TajNM tl
aaiuinl at, aoalbweilera (Teaa-l
Hemeaii auu at, taavtatk rroaa )
Botre Dame at. Ben state a
Otleneme City et, BerdtB-aiaMaBt II
BOWUaa OFHD Tl. D0W0lt H
at. Beaedlcla Huj at, tlarrrtSt
Wo. i ta
at. KorWrl at. LaCraan W
llldwoetera T. Taaaa carutlea at
aeatbera btrtaadlot Mt, Teaaa V
laraa la.
oaaaoK rur buktball
tar Tot Aoeocteted preeti
Certetl 41, Caeeedo Leale el
Aledrto ), Culitr .
no basbstbau.
(Br Tha Awetliie Praaa)
ThBraaart Bceeite
PbUedolabla 7, Be Tort H
Port Wtyao It, Bootan Tt
etlaneaaeuo tl, arreeBet 14.
Irish Expected '
To Win by Three
TDs Over SMU
South Bend, Ind. f) Unde
feated but once-tied Notre
Dame hat been installed a
three-touchdown favorite over
Southern Methodist Saturday
in a football game of uncer
The weather la one uncer
tainty, with rain or anow pot
aible. The playing field, how
ever, haa been covered' all
week and footing ahould be
Another uncertainty la half
back Joe Heap'a knee. He
twitted it in Notre Dame't 48-
14 route of Southern Califor
nia last Saturday. Heap may
aee only limited service, being
replaced by sophomore Dick
Another uncertainty that
looms for this nationally-televised
aeaaon wlndup la the
type of attack that can be ex
pected from the Muttangt, who
have a mediocre 5-4 record
and who have everything to
gain and nothing to lose in this
When Mt. Pelee erupted on
Marinique Island in May, 1902,
more than 30,000 peopl were
killed. -
8. Oklahoma A. tt M. . .118
6. LaSaU 88
7. Louisiana State 81
8. North Carolina State . 73
8. Minnesota 64
10. California 87
Second ten: Illinois, 42;
12, Kansas State, 38; 13. St.
Louis 1, 37; 14, Holy Cross,
36; IS, Oregon State, 34; 16,
Dayton, 29; 17, Wyoming, 25;
18, Santa Clara, 23; 19, Notre
Dame, 22; 20, UCLA 21.
lenced. The Cougars finished
third In the Marion County B
league lait year. They will
take part Saturday night in the
clrcuit'a annual Jamboree at
Willamette univertlty gym.
Salem Academy's starting
lineup was tentatively describ
ed at Schroder, a lettermnn, at
one forward and probably Jim
Wallace, 8-9, the other forward.
Guards will be Virgil Faden
rech, and Dave Phillips,
5-10. and at center will be
either Bruce
Dalke or Bill
Bob McClanahan, who would
be the tallest at 6-2. it out with
a football injury. Others Funk
will suit up are Harld Alliiter,
Loran Heman and Thurman
Better Cough Relief
WW mw drap or oUl lall to bcly
yam cough or chevt cold dent delay.
Craoowbioa oonuins only safe, blt
fttl. proven miredicnu and no Dan
colics to disturb nature 'i process. It
foes Into tht bronchial system so aid
mtiir atvHhe atvJ bnl raw, trndtr,
torlamcd bronchiil fnembraoes. Guar
wired to please or your dnigfist re
find money. Oruhioo baa stood
tht test ot mamr millKtos d vatn.
MtoM C 0 CM UUh aVat $mKm
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Wnta atnara tali, m our
laaaidlaa. Assaamt aacti fat laat
mn tm Cfcla. No matter iui hal
alimanM m ftrt trtiMtaa, aiwMtrt,
Mnaaltta tiaart lunfa, li'tr. k)dnaav
laa, orattpatien. uieaim, cJiabataM,
rhBinat)m. eait and biaddar ftrar,
Uin, laaaaia oaaltuaia.
nmttta ana c.
Otfloa Boara a ta I
Two. tad Boa, OB If
a cwavoralal J I
kaoo tint W
iLBJa. obb, ajWdttt aawV
Dallas to Oc:n Schedule
Tonight on Sfayton Court
Dalit Th Willamette Val
ley leagua defending champlona
from Dallas high school would
Ilk to have another aeaaon Ilk
laat year'a when tha Dragons
won 24 and lost live whue ta
log 11 of 14 league games.
Coach Gordon Kunke haa
only threo lettarmen returning
but won't ba hurting too much
in th height department Back
are Center Rex Domaachoftky,
feet 2; Herb Brandll, guard.
feet; and Harold Holdozf.
guard, feet
Helping out tonight in th
Dragons' opening gam at Stay
ton will ba Ra Domascbofaky,
S-foot-1 forward; John Hinds,
8-11 center; Bud Long, 6-foot
forward; Oarey Cooley, 6-6
guard; Richard Davis, 8-7
guard; Don Read, 6-foot for
ward; DeWayna Hoffman, 6-1
Sacred Heart Plays 1st
Home Game Tonight
Coach Leo Grosjacquea
announced a chang in hit
starting lineup for Sacred
Heart academy for tonight's
horn opener against St Fran
cis of Eugene, to be played at
the Salem Armory.
He said be would use Jim
Bonberry, 8-foot-10 senior
previously listed at a guard,
in the forward spot occupied
by Cil Lulay. The Cardinals
won their fint gam Wednes
day night from St Boniface
of Sublimity, 41-29.
Others to etart are Jim
Moriarity, 6-3, at forward;'
Capital Alleys
MBBCAjrrua no. t
Baart aalakota 1 Oraw tHi Oebaa
till Kltla 414; Conor 414: Altormaa
4tl. Tartflaar Claoaoro (1) Boltof 411:
Haoaoa 444: CborrLattoB 4tti Oraantaar
424: Tandy 414.
Toaaa a 111 o!or 444: Oltoa Ml;
ahonoboa 441) Bovera 4M; Bornacehl
440. Boara craftmaa tl Coot 111, B1U
444: Bmltn too: etook 4M: Dror 131.
soiob) tajoto sbob 4-Jrorfoion 441:
Blchaida 4111 MeOoart 471: Otauaall
411: Thomaooa 414. Chorroaa-Baaia oat
Vortol t WnUlBi 411; RbhoU tat;
U. Rama Jl: Bon M: S. Bona 441.
rkik'i Coaolractloa (II Bleki IM:
Mothowt 441: Float 4M; AdtlaooB 444:
Sbnlt 474. CooBorr Loral No. 1 (It
WoUBOT 421: HOB&O 431; C0UM7 O04:
Bllroa 4l: Bavato Jit.
Wool Baloai Laaaor (t) Brim 471:
Amanda ati Jlolnaa 4ttl Kromwoll 417:
Mtloan 411. WiUoaotla Bauaara l
B. Doooor 14, carlaoa til, a. Dooaar
Ml: funk Ml: Parua Ml.
Kith toam tana an aorlaa, Waat So
lon Lam Mr. 7 OBd M4i bltn tod.
aoaia ana aartat, BUI Rlcka at naak a
CaaalraotlOB, Ml oat lit.
coauuBciAi uaoci Ba 1
tori Malm caarroa Sutlaa (01 Malm
It. atalnko 111. Duntat 111. Wonaat 443.
lolom bos Worfca (41 Olboan 137. Cer-
lrr HI. BOUT Ml, Okormana 111.
ar a, winaa-o (I) Mull 4to. Dlorl,
411, IroUsd 171, MUlor Ml. Ualtod Com
morilal Traral (II Domot 413. Boaa 413.
atronr 4M. colbnrn IM, Walton 131.
wuiamoito vroait uit 434. Kmr
411, Bono Ut, Book 117. Carr 117. Motk-
Broa, Booflaa (tl run 4ao, BUloior
It, Foolo tit, ackofrr 111, Todd 471.
Wolramott'o (1 Knodltr 431. Holman
113. Knodltr 414. Bakoru Ut. Brown IM.
Wootora rotor Coort, (I) Hrrmaa 441,
Upptrt 4M. KatHor 4M, Andr4l4 407,
Kutblor 493.
valvorottr Bowl (l Todor 417, comn
474. QIII0B 414. AlOtniro til. KBUlk 441,
Moooo Lodto (I) Alotondor 443. IfrrrlU
4M. Ktkjtrom 411, Pudor 473. Ado 444.
Bollrwood CUOBoro (4) B0400 ttl. An.
drrioa 474. Corrltoa 44a. Caaa 447. Oould
474. Mlloo TrBttlat Co. (01 MUM 443.
Ollnu 111. AjKHiana Ml, Claaaitm 403,
Hlliorien 430.
Huh U4m 44ttoa Bar a, Wlrata'a. I7M.
Hltk toam eama HoDrwood Cloanart,
Hlfh indtvMual atrUt m John
RMit, sis and us (Uourwood cuaa-
University Alleys
Uranus f rrln Wart (l Foirt-
Dr u. RuMtU 411; Slcbeld )Tli Dtmi
4i W(v1wed 431. CcnUr ttTMt
Kafr (1 Howtll S; tbaldM 413;
KauU 40; Aosob 440.
SfarikM M PiUroa Ml: lUia
I13i Rourvd 4 SO; Klllimw 441: Canklta
lil 4-Trrt mhft1 t) wer
, 4SS; D. Cm 423; R. CM JO;
Clark 411: Mootri 471.
Lat-kv riT U4tckrlbrf 4TT; Bat
. rfll 464: Parrttm 4S3: Horn 400; Dtion
110 Klat Tlr Barrlv () BiflT 170;
Ulark 401; Hud tar 4M. Bo&mr Ml;
Bmi 40.
Vitta Markrt WtUh 44t: Andtr
on 411: Stanton 441; Hamar 3H: Wll
tlaau 411. lUrfa Marktl U AllwrlfT
441; taltkfr MU Uabolt JTI; Dim 4J;
KraB lib.
Hlcb Uui lama and atrl, Martbaa
Placa, I7S and IS1I: hlitt Ind. tarn and
riaa, HovVa Cenktla at UanAM' Plictt.
IDS and SS3.
Boadlo OH ttt Aatora 410. Blind 1J7.
Hull 1J. atalder IM. Blind 403. Ote.i .
Bleak Booee (tl-Kro)cl 441. Currr 474.
M.oa ilia, Clark 4U. Oarbann W3.
Miitrr Bra Mrrfl1 1J Uoontr
!. Blind .11. lUlnka 430. Bilnd 3M.
Qt44 HaMkslft UMlMf at). 4
brifb it. Oar d ntr tIT, Joqm 414. Po.
athl IIS.
SalMa Parta (It Btadlf-y 3m.
Many loologitta rank the
chimpanzee aj the moit intel
ligent animal with tha oran
gutang aecond and tht ele
phant third.
tvoma MNUS wh um, KrcKada,
rwrW, 7 taaa raaoo, psjn ajf ryiajaj,
mwrm m -'am, mi mm lauaii nn m
mmrmm. aom, - m mm m
band r4 has, aanf wm m
lNMaaft Paaji
Na frn wick tn4 atam Mttv
oat rail TRiAk mm mt
AM All Mat NffW WlMViaV KM rtil MtW Urn Prnm MMttl II Mill
wariaiaV utourotiB aaiT. CAUitmA
l?oirllai7Tid league Fcoyorifte
center; Wea Wlldt, 1-10 for
ward; Deibert Wade, 6-1 for
ward; Lloyd Rockford, 6-7
guard; and Ralph Blanc hard,
0-1 guard.
There alao la a transfer. Res
Martin, 6-1 forward, from th
Lebanon Junior vanity. .
Th Dallas ached ulc:
Doa, 4 At surtaa.
Dm. t a I cratraL
Doa. II at TUlaaaat.
Doa. ltanaa at Oallaa.
Doo. II w. 0. (rookaoa at Dallaa.
Doa. la am- laatoroa at Halalla.
Dot. tt at Mtwaort.
Doa. t nilaaaoa at Dallaa,
Jam. a Coatral at Dallaa
J a a. a at ailrarUa.
J, a. t aaadr
Jos. It at aataraaa.
Job. It At Ml Aootl.
Jo. IB Woaoaara at
Jam. tt At Coatr.
Jib. IS-Molalla at Dallaa.
rot. a-tlTonoa at DaUaa.
rot. a at aaadr.
Pta. I Bttacaaa at Dallai.
rot. It-Ml. Aatol at DaUaa.
Vob. la At Woadaara
Foa. lt-caaar at DaUaa.
Fob. StAl Molalla.
ISO. ta DUtrMt ualaar atarta.
Fred Staab, 6-3, center; Clyde
Fladwood, 8-8, guard; and
Vlnce Matt, 8aB, guard.
Matt sparked Sacred Heart
with 15 polnta with a good
eye and play making ability.
Th Junior vanity prelimi
nary will atart at 6:15, with
the vanity contest Immedi
ately after at about 8 o'clock.
St. Francis has a 6-foot-
4 center, Ed Walsh, who poses
as th main threat to the
Cardinals, as he did last year.
Also suiting up for Sacred
Heart will be Lulay, Bob
Barr, Billy Joseph, Don End
res and Francis O'Connor,
ChaBborlala 411. Ootid an. Calrla 411.
TnomBoOD 444. Bok Lavlooj Moooao (11
uonbare 410, carr 443, w bar lor 411.
Blebto 414. Vanoarbaof in.
Uoai MarlaatM (l PollnitT IM.
Wlltr Mt. acharf 114, Macktr 311, Fro
nt 441. Planft'o Coaotraotloa (11 Plaak
411, Marrar 40a, BrolU ut, Caroarran
It. outnrla 441.
laaako BoaHr (4) SUtllrr 4M. Brant
414. Blondr HI. Blaak 403. Kmaodr 474.
aoaatar Bote! (a) atott 401, Laird Ml,
rrlraa 411. Morllhouw 441, Adolpa 404.
Caaooord Colo (41 Vlttono 443. Bol-
arr Ml, Dm Ml, Poaaa sat, oiodt 431.
MBit Paraltara (41 curtli 114, Bmitri
341. KltaBUlor JTl, Ado 344. Daarllor
Hub toam eama and otrlaa. Ctaaek'a
bvoob nouoo. on oao uoo: Bian lad
tamo and oorloi. Chorlotlo Pouonl 111
and 111 (Good Hoaaokooplnil.
ncmen is hireby arrxM that
Plaaoor Trarl oompanr nao boon br
oraor at tht Clrcatt Court of 4bo auto
of Oroton far Marlaa Coantr. appolntod
attmlalatrator with tha wlU anntiod of
tno aatoto of John H. Noof. Docoaiad.
Anr aorooaa b4rlnt cIoIbm attlntt told
totata .OTi roquootod ta prooont thorn,
with aropar rouchtra. to sold admtnta-
tratar at tia Plonoor Trail Balldlat.
Balom. Oroeon. within all maatna from
tna now of una aotiea.
Datad tblo lltk dor r For.. ItM.
pioimB trust coupant
Admlnlatrater with tbo will on
noiod of tha Btlata of John H.
, itoor, uoetuoa.
31 Plaaoor Trait Balldlna
aolrm. Oroaan
Attarnort for Admlnlatrater a
Nor. 13. II. 17, Doa. a. 11. lilt.
- afltairra noticb or ialb
wui. an Doratabor 14tn, 11J. at 10 00
o'oloek In tbo foranoon Ihtroof, at tbo
front doer af tba Couatr courtbonio,
III Marlon atrtol la Balom, liorlon
Cottntr, Oroton. toll at aabtla aaetloa
for aaia, la tba aitnnor prorldod br
law for tba tola ol rtal aroportr oa
otooatlaa, tba fallowtna daicrlood tool
Bramitao. aa-witt
Boalnnlna at a aolnt Borth It at'
But lia.ot ftot from tba Boutboait
oorott af Lot Twtnlr-ono (31). Bvor
arooa Acroo. tforloa countr. Oroton.
(Boo Volume 13. r.if li. Record of
Towa Plata for told Countr a a d
atatoll tboace Norm tl 44' Eoit rotti tbeaee Bortb 1' lr Wmi,
lOt.M foot: tbince Beotn tt- tr wool,
17017 foot: tbonca eoutb a or Boot,
lot II foot ta tbo piece of ooalaatni.
Roiorrlnt tborefrom a itrlp of lend
30 00 foot wide ob tbo Weal tide end
a etna or lend 30.00 firt wide on
tbe teuia tide ta be mod for a roed
wer. Bold tele ' will bo mode br mo ta
puriutnce of OB ettculloa to mo di
rected end heretofore liiuod out of trie
Circuit court of the atol of Oroton
for Morion countr In arorV4lati there
In entitled "Anno Benlch. Plelatlff. rt.
John Bobieb. Dtltndant," clcu'e Rot
Utor No. 3t t0t.
Doted una 13th day af Noreraber,
DtKVXK TOOHO. aherlff af
Merlon Couatr. OroeoB.
Br A. 1. Melitrom. Drputr.
Bboton. Bhotoa ai Sa-rrttra
3ta Pleaorr Trull Bulldlna
eolrm. Ortron
Attorneri lor Plelntlff.
Nor. It. 31. tj. Dee, t, lltl
ixicndira' riwAiTNotira i
Hnmtr E. laarrr ai oirealor af tbo at- i
"Lr af J..i L. lairor. Deceeeod. hoe
mod alt linei acreunt aa taen. ana ar
I ardor of the Clri-ull Court of the atete
Or ii on for th- Count? of atftiion.
the Mtrt dar f Januarr. 14, la tha
torcBooa f latd day hi bm Ilttd
tha tint, and tha rourtreotm of Mtd
rourt na bn fixed aa th far
th btarlof ci eb)aHtlotta ! Mtd flaaj
aroual utd tbt MtUtatal f m)4
IHteHl ud nrit pubiUht?d- lc. 4. INI.
vwutw mi Um Batata f
Jamaa L. Ibtt. Ve4Ut4.
111 PttMir Tnul Bd.
altta. Ottm
Atteratrt tor Ixtentor.
Dc. 4. 11. II. 141 Jaa.
mr pr hmOoehm
pllta cnM 10m, Wym aW
rwca. ng ivw'aav i
mm, avn tiatnA tfrigM,
. an muotm. mi No
a t
mVtoc1 mmem tnm 4
. reeoi tba l,aj
oaBBTOBfaBtaToea ffmmrtm ""Bjr'ajO' floVoJJ
m ar whmt mnmn w haj tr4
Lattiier and Giel
On 1953 A. P. All
New York m -Notre Dame'i
John Lattner and MlnnoU'i
Paul Olel, a pair of balfbaeka
who provetl aa eutaiandlni la
on platooa football at in the
two-platoon era, are the only
repeater on th 1031 Anoeitt
d Preaa All America team an
nounced today.
Paul Cameron of UCLA and
David Xoaa -fohruon of Rice
Join th two Midwetterneri to
form the flnt team back-field.
Recommendation! by region
al boarda of newt-paper and
radio expert eoverlnf the en
tire nation formed the bails
for th aelectioni.
The line la composed f
Capt. Don Dehoney f Mich
Uaa Stat and Sam Merley
f Stanford at andt, Stanley
Jonea of Maryland and Jack
Shanafelt of Penn at tackle,
J. D. Roberta of Oklahoma
and Crawford Mima af Mil
alaalppl at (uardi and Larry
Merrta of Ccorfla Tech at
The return of limited aub-
ititutlonj, which alao brought
back the naming of a ilnale
first team rather than a 22
man unit by the Associated
Press, put added emphasis on
the capable all-around players.
"Bread and Butter Player"
Lattner, who played both
ways even in the days of spe
cialists, was the bread and but
ter" performer for the Irish.
A tireless worker and team
inspirational leader, he waa a
driving runner, excellent tack-1
ler and a good punter. After,
he had ripped through the huge !
Southern California line for
four touchdowns Coach Frank '
Leahy called him "a wonderful ,
competitor" and a "fine clutch '
The finest I ever have
ever coached," says Minnesota's ;
Wes Fesler of Glel. Against :
Michigan he ran for 112 yards;
and two touchdowns, complet-1
ed 13 of 18 passes for 169
yards and another score, came
up with two leaping intercep
tions and some Important
tackles. Hla three-year total
of handling the ball 1,058
times - was a national record.
He ran and passed for 1,330
yards this year. i
Sanders Praises Cameron
Cameron, UCLA's work
horse at tailback In the Bruin
single wing, rushed for 672
yards and scored 72 points to
lead the Pacific Coast Confer
ence in both departments. He
also added 326 yards by pass
ing. His coach. Red Sanders,
said, "0' don't think we would
have reached the Hoe Bowl
without this all-around play
er." The lightest man on the team
at 178 pounds, Johnson com
bined speed and power at full
back tor Rice. His 644 net
rushing yardage was aecond
highest In Southwest Confer
ence history. He also rated
tops as a punter, linebacker
and blocker.
The All America line, which
averagea 203.5 pounds per man,
it flanked on on aid by Do
honey, a 193-pounder who ex
cels on defense. He personally
Tld.e for Toft. Ororoa PrcmbrTi
(Cemeiled br O. B. Caere a Oeedetle
terror. PerlloBd, OrecoBl
Huh Wetrn - Low wotere
December Time Belts!
4 10 10 a m. I I
Tlmt BlUht
4 II am. I.I
I 11 a m. -a t
417 am. II
t II a.m. 41
l it t.m. I t
7 04 am. -ot
1:11 la. II
7-41 am. -01
4 57 om. I t
I a.m. -tl
in a.m. It
tot am. -at
111 am. II
I II p.m. -tl
1 II I m.
10 33 I m.
7 1
1:13 a m. t
11:37 t.m. 7.1
I It am. 1 1
13 44 p m. 7.1
3 34 a m. t l
13 44 a m. 7.1
1:11 a.m. t.3
1 31 a m. 7 1
3 tl e m. 13
I II a m. It
Shryock's Men's Wear
nts aii
tl AA
alaVHDwa fltMeHt
frC Oreea 8 tamp
(1) Center and Commercial
(l Marion and LI Wty .
(() Ceater and LlbHr
Now Meatat,
t it
A. P. All-America Teams
narr nttti
Btbrhtata aula
Toftn laaief joaaa. jaerriaaa
(tear I. O. Booerle. Alabama
Center Larrr IJwtrli, Oeertla Toeb , Jaaier
Ouar4 Crawford Mima, MleeloelBBt M Bealar
Tectle J Oct abaaefelt, eamerlraai Bealar
omd am Mor lor. atlarrrd coaler
Boob Peat Olel. aflaaoaota sealer
Boca eaa Lattner. noire Demo aenlor
Baea eoal Cameron. OCLA Beater
Baca Dorti iBoaooi '- Bonier
aawe imoi
Bad, o. Meoeer. Twaaat lectio, a. Peanat, lATOl tatre. nr. Bonerl,
Waoh.1 eon tor, t. BUteabere, Ia.l taaaa, O. Lemeae, W. e.l tackle,
Banter, Botre Dome: ead. a. Meluaier. Kr.: beat. B. raioner, aM 1
ktck. i. o. Caroline. m.i taaa, B. oarraU, Btoaiordi ooot, caraaaa, Tea.
Baa, o. Kaafata, Color odo: UeHa. I. er anUta. Barter; ntr
. Burrowo. Date: eesler. BorcBol. Oee. Waahtatlea: M. Wllllome,
Tra. Chrutlaa: lactlo, o. Jocoar, Ob la atate; ead, C. Beaaott. aa.
Carelleei tact. J. Parker, Mlto. elate: bock. Diet Claabr, Barratmi
bock. Ooeree aba. Orataai bock. B. Amoobo. Wtaaanela.
BBda tTon Paaea, Batra Damai Sab
Tone, Mlcblaen: W Ponce, Kaaeoo auu:
Joha auMbort, tontord; Ben Buck, Col
late af Pacific; Plard aaeolr. Artoneooi
John Alloa. Arfaene BUU: Tarn Minor.
Tuleai Merle Probort, BrMhem Teuaa:
Joba Careen, Oeertlat aim Prbura. Aa
tora: Blchle oeokeU. Oaorao Wooblno-
m: moarr umira, noir Lrooo.
Tactile Brueo BatWr: Weal Trrolalat
Bob Parrlo. ArttT: Jack Porklaa, Morn
Buddr OllUaa, Raaetea; Chacb Dead,
uvm; omasa warcuew, waeiuaaten:
Pick Cbaanaa. BUoi Jorrr Walker. Ton-,
aa Taeb: Baddr Lawla, Artaona; Hotor
Nolaan. Oklaaomai Ted Connor, flebtoa
ko; Dole Molaert, Otlabome Aatt. feer
tie Bicat, Dearer: Prank rr Account, Aa
barni Oaoiaa Preaa, Vlrtlnla Teen.
oaarda Her CerraO. aonlackn Jaa
Bald, Miaou: Tom Settle. Purduo: Col
eta Jonea Iowa: Torrr BoberU. MlMourli
Dennla MeCotter. Detroit: Bab Plock.
arracaoo; Dick Pouch. Yalei Jim Dar-
checked Glel and threw back
a Wolverine threat In Michigan
We Give
i JE1 StiimiHT !
All Channel Conllnous Tuner, $40 Extra se s rcJBced ,n
1 price! Better order your
set today because qaan-
ROBERTS BROS, DOWNSTAIRS tities are limited!
Santa Claus Parade Saturday Morning
Only Repeaters
- American Team
All WtteM
SI Its
SI 311
St Sot
IS sot
rial. Olthi Phn artnalL Taaatl Ooeriff
Tlmberleke, Uec.
coauro Ted Kukowikl, arraaaat; Bab
Ordora. Wool Vlritala; Leon Cannlnt
him. Booth CeroUaa; Kurt Inrrb, Ok
lahoma: Lea Bucko. BMi' Larrr BThlu,
Now Mealeo: Boa P neuter. Oroaea; auu
Batelttae. California.
Backo-NaU Woroea and TUlrb Ooa
ttohtL Noire Dame: Babar WaUlaa, Ohio
fWala; URar Baklen, MUblaaa auu;
Dora Kline, Detroltt Larrr Orlat, Okla
liemal Jao laeotroeteeannl, Wrommt:
John Boroocoo. Bobraaka: Bab Beamaa,
MLooourl; Jerrr Coodr, Berk! Don Bl
ue, Toaaa oUtaf: Lamar MeBaa. Arkaa
aaa: Ken Cardona, Arlaana: Jack rirk
Bo trick, Taaaa Tocht Don Brdaloh, Otah;
Dick Imer, btaauna; Verrl avltter, Kaa
oaa atau: Aramu Dander. Oac; Paal
Laroan, callfaralei Chtt Rtnalak and
Ralph Polton. Marrlend; BiU Bowmen,
wuilim and Men: John Mopa. Vlrttnli
Milium corkr Thorp, Alebama: Oloan
Tumor; Oeonla Tach: Cote Bratkewtkl,
Ooartlai Homor Bmita. Prlncetea.
Stat victoriea over Minnesota
and Michigan.
0.. ji. SB)
1954 MODELS!
Limifed Quantify! Shop Todayl
21" Screen
and Redeem ZC Green Stamps
Money, who caught 4
pajaoni for 6M yards and sit
touchdowns, waa xcptlon4l
la hla first year of plajini
Oaa Jnaior la
Georgia Tech's Morris, tht
only lunlor to go with tht
otherwla all-aenior llneua,
waa th beat line backer tM
Diocaer iot tna uglnacra.
Mlms, who stood, out ta ev
ery gam, and Roberts, th
kingpin of ot) of th finest
nnea in tn nation, were ex
cellent 200-pound guards.
Mima rushed opposing passers
and kickers conttantly, block
ing three punts In two games,
Roberts, a defense specialist la
82, waa luiaurpaased on of
Janet, top-weighted man sa
th squad at 239, was tb but
work of a defens that hell
Maryland's opponents to i
mer 31 polnta. Shanafelt was
th principal reason Pent
mad as good a showing as ft
did on its "suicide" schedule.
25ft mt Haft It Mm 2 7411