c til F M at A. dl tit vl w 11c a S. fn P ft. tic r 40 be an fo Sv ii ba wl fu cn in Ri bv tt t T W M CO pv p AJ BO ot in XI Page 1 Christmas Theme Prevails In Silverton Sermon Topics Silverton Church activities announced (or Sunday. Doc 6, art suggestive of tha nearneai of the Christmas tea ton. , "Christmas on Tiptoe" b the earniuu tub act at tba 11 o'clock worship hour at bimanual Lu tbaran church, tha Iter. Arnold W. Nelson speaking. At this service tha ceremonial of re ception of new members and adult confirmation will be ob- eerad. Pledge card ihould be brought to thla aerviee. An early afternoon fellowship din ner if to be aerved in tha church aocial rooma. Luther League will ateet at 7 p.m. Holy com amnion ia to be celebrated at ( 'clock Sunday evening. - Tha Rev. Joteph A. Cooper of tha Christian and Missionary Alliance will apeek 7nrnay, Dec. 6, on "Honesty With Cod" at the morning worship hour. Tha Lord's Supper will be ob served preceding the sermon. A time of "Fasting and Prayer1 will be held during tha noon hour. The eermon subject for the worship hour of the 2nd Sun' day In Advent. Dec. 6, at Trin ity Lutheran church, by the Rev. Joseph A. Luthro, will be "Bo Ready for Christ's Com ing.1' This .will follow Sunday school and' Bible classes at 10 a.m. Armand Lee Riveness will present the Luther Lesgue top ic: "Hay tba Lord Soon Come" at an earlier hour, 6 pjn., giv ing time for personal registra tion with the pastor at 7:30 pjn. preceding the evening worship at a during wmcb tune 'ummmmnmr ON "FAMILY JUND1Y" At the First Baptist Church Marlon and Liberty Paster Anderson speaking Item the Epistle of First Peter U:M a.m. "God's Chief Cornerstone" 7:1 p.m. "The True Walk f tha Believer" "A warm welcome for all" FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 1:30 and 11:00 a.m. "GOD'S HOPE" sermon bv V, Dr. Thomas R. Bennett Broadcast KSLM 11:30-12:00 Brooks H. Moore Minister First Presbyterian Church Chemektte at Winter THI LIGHT OF MEN" By Dr. Poling Two Services: 9:45 end 11 A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. TWO SPECIAL SERVICES Saturday 8:00 Harold Allcock, Edmonton, Canada Sunday 8:00 Raymond Hoekstra Just returned with Dr. Thos. Wyatt from Rome, Lebanon, Holy Land, Egypt, West Africa. You will thrill to his reports of this Invasion. undsy School 10:45 Elsie Furlott, adult teacher Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. FAITH TABERNACLE 5th ft Gaines LINFIELD A CAPPELLA CHOIR F RESENTS CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH South Liberty and Miller, Salem 7:30 SUNDAY 11:00 "SERMON IN SYMBOLS" Broadcast Over KGAE, 1430 Kc. HOLLY Small Holly Plants Well Berried SHADE TREES Many Siies, Soma to 1 5 Ft. FRUIT TREES Bearing size trees in tome varieties. PINK DOGWOOD, Bushy end Well Budded. Large Selection of Ornamentals and Shrubs FERRIIL'S NURSERY V Mile Eett ef Keiier Phene 2-1307 tha Lord's Supper will ba observed. "Looking Unto Jesus" ia tha sermon topic selected by the Rev. Arvld L. Hokonsoa of Calvary Lutheran church for tha Sunday morning worship hour. At this time, offering for Lutheran World Action will be featured. Luther League ia at 8:30 p.m., and evening worship service at i o'clock. At Pilgrim Holiness church services tor Sunday, Dae. f, the Rev. John R. Price, pastor, will mark the beginning of series of sermons on the Nativ ity, leading up to Christmas time. Sunday school it at 8:43 a.m. preceding the 11 o'clock church hour. Pilgrim Youth meets at 6:45 p.m., Mrs. Price is youth counsellor. Evening service at 7:30, Rev. Price speaking. Prayer service is Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. Friday noon will be a period of 'Fasting and Prayer." The Rev. Paul Henry, tha new Methodist pastor, will give his first sermon to the local eonereaation Sunday. The Rev, Harrell left Wednesday for his new field ot service at Tallica Lake, North Hollywood, Calif. At 7 p.m. all commissions will meet Official board meeting ba at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Bsum will direct the senior high aged Youth Fellowship session in the former church social rooms, with Miss Sharon Beala, president, presiding. Sunday. Dec. 6. at the First Christian church eonireKstion hat been designated aa Wom an's Day. "Chrtt s Emancipa tion of Women" is the sermon topic announced for the morn-ins- worship hour by tha Rev. Arthur Charles Bates. Both Sunday school and church hours are announced as 19 min utes earlier until after the Christmas holidays, the Sunday school now being at 8:30 a.m., the church service at 10:45 a.m. Mrs. Lynn Neal is to be in charge of the 7:30 evening service when the film strip The Rim of tha Wheel" will be shown. Christian Endeavor it at 6:30 p.m. Guest Speakers Alliance Church Guest speakers will occupy the pulpit ot the Christian & Missionary Alliance church Sunday morning and evening Morning speaker at 11 o'clock will be Rev. David Scrim- geour, former pastor of the Alliance church at Hood Ri ver. Rev. Scrimgeour has lust returned from an extend ed evangelistic tour In Japan. At 7:30 p.m. Rev. Henry Turnidge, president of Salem college and academy will preach. He will be assisted in music by students from the academy. The pastor, Rev. Paul W. Gunther, flew to New York this week-end to attend the quarterly meeting of the board of managers ot the Christian tt Missionary Alli ance1. He returned to Salem Friday morning. n Satem Clxurclxei fUUf u Mil Mini I ft ..a. Waoai. 11 .a. rulN LhIM t.)t Mk OMI MTV, l.st chMi Hi n Mat I ii ft- H Wftraus. wur trftftftb- m 11 ft nuM pm m ftU Mi 9.H S B. WftTftMfc wur prftMklM V.U a. TMta falftwitlt SB Brnftiiwa fesu i a au tint ImiiIiiI TmtU4 Bratkna CotMT SUM. ab4 Nuur. IU,. A. o. JiwMttm. auojur. aoatftr km U ft a. WfttlklR 1 M ft a. SftTBao: " OVMlM f Oft." TftftU IllM.ftM f M pa. WftTshlt f:M .a. rntrrnm: "Tftft cm at sttiu ft Ckrutua." ru. Ultra Bl tuirrln ud uuttt ?. austfftv ftchow ftM Bl- M. clftftft S:U ..a. Oivim Vftrrlup vlOi HOIT 1 ft-a. b W. BMU. SUUS. rtnt iumn Utgim aad Uteris. Dr. Uafl T. AMtrioa. tutor. IU. Thorn- tM JitusBeV, tViiltliat Mitsjr. tfaadar tthmi ft.. Warship 11 "Ood't CftUI CMKMttmt.- TMtH steeMtlnSS :U w m. Ooipti mttsm I N .m. -ni Tra wuk mt um Bellow." Mitt-wMk iwrrtw MOnW T N . sm- ll. CtUfM. r CI anet hsMllaf MiTtM C M. fUffmlif mmm 1:3m. iptiiir, tbobbm Otutie 1 TaJttrt U Fstrt Os)tIa4t-CUM acid atfFTti ItTNU. UUIU At t, Y:M, , It ud U:U .m. OoattMlOH Mtwdftf, 4;M t ft M u 1 U M i Mirk'i Ulkertc uBdty Mhoot eoatwOM M I N Dtrttv. Mrrtcc tt u -sm- vita wibm kr Ut putr, tbi JUT. Jobs Is. Cfuibl. iBUmstdlmtai Lm. Chrtt Laltbfsl IliU itTMt til 1Mb. Bf. T. M. CMbard. PMtor. Sandtf vorthli wrvleM ft u ud 11 vith tb ewtmim hf Um putr. Bndar Kbool aeUMiet. MtncsM and alauaa ! a.aw. Camrl Straal Cbr1t4ttta Ctrart tpaMtt at lTtb. W. Harold Lrmtva auid a. ...lin Burd. -Bin Hurt. Blbl acbool aaMinbl i w m.m, Mortuni voribip ia:io o'clock BarmoB by Harold Lrmao. "Word, at Lit' " Film, "Wnm bllaiiUTt con Prom- :M B-m. Bvaalnc worsbla 1:3 o-etocB. nraoB bv Huaid Lynaa -Tb Hick Calliaff t Oed." Pint Cbristlff Marion and Cattaaa Cburcb acbool :4ft a.m. Uornlaf wor abl :U am. Btrmoa by tba mlnls- Ur. Donald Fayna "On Batna a bfan in a Woman"! World. BTtntn aarrlea :M. Flay by Christian Womini FallovablB. Slrlof fjaartat: "Frayar." Vallartan PalNvihla at Balara 4 an Ifortb Cottaaa strati. Batnal BarMlat--Nortb Cottatf at "IV atraat. tur. Rudolph woyka, pastor. Sun day school at $ :ii a.m. Worship aarvlca, Lord'a Buppar 11 a.m pastora topic: "Tba Eternal Christ." BvanuM aoiiMl hoar at i:M o'elock, paator'a topic: "Tba Craauva Cbrtat." Cbarch of Jaaaa CbHit at LalUr n Saints (Mormon) Fifth and Madison strttts. John B. Salisbury, blsbop. Pr.asU.ood mtating a.. Sunday acbool ia; aaB. syanint aanriea 1 p at. Christian B MtaitafMr AllUBMlfarUi Fifth and Oalnaa. IUt. Faal w. Ounthar, pastor. Sunday acbool U a.m. Mom Int worship smast sptaktr. Rot. David Bcrlmiaour. Inst raturnad from Japan. U a-m. AlUanca Youth FallowsblD a u p.m. Krej&laa tuast apaaktr, Rav. Ranry Turn Id sa. prasldsnt. Balaai CbrlsUan uaaaasj 1:M p.sa. Flrrt Chnrch of Cbriai, BatMllsa-Llb. arty and Cbanakata atrttts. Sunday ehoel at 11 a .to. Momlnt aarrlea at U. ton-saraon subject : "Ood tba Only Causa and Creator." Bvanlni arrrlca at Msaon-Barmon anbiact: Ood tha Only Causa and Craator." Calvary Baal la t north Mbxrt UUJar atrtat. Omar H. Barth. Bastor. Bi. bla acbool 1:41. "Sermon la Byntbola 11. Broadcast arar KOAB liM be. An youth iroupa :. Unllald collata a cappaUb ah air. Coo cart of Cbiittmaa nusle. St. Jastib'a CalbaUa Chamaksta anal Win tar. fUv. Joa. K. Vaadarback. pastor. Bundar maaaaa: S. T. S. 1:M nnd 11:4. Cod f ass Ions Batwdar. S:3S U 1:30 and T it to a. It. Jaba'a Latbarasi IMa. trsatkcli Court at Utb. Sarrlca at 10 H with Holy Comauoioa. Sunday school at t:la. laMsfe CMtiaiaaHr-a. u Books. I D. pastor. Sunday school at IS and lunlora maat at 1. TP aoclaty naata at T:4ft. Pas tor praacbaa at 11 and at 1:30. Thtmt: Trayall ta Pravall.' Sunday school ra. orianlsatlon at 1:30. Casual Latbaraa N. Capitol and Oalnts atraat. O. B. Rundilrom. pastor. Cantral Lotberan hour KOCO 1:30. Bun day achool :. Morning worship u. Bvanlnc sarvtcta A. Jaaaa Laa Matbadht Corntr ( Jtf farson and Wintar atraats. Brnast Frat I ton OouMar. mintstar. Dlvlns worship ! sartlca 11 a.m. Sarnon sublact: "Follow- ini ma mar." Church atbool a m. First Malbadtot Churrh and Stata BU Twa momlnt aarvlcas 9 30 and 11 am Ood Hapa" aarmoa by Dr. Thomas n. sannatt. Kalaht Mamarlal Canirttatlaaal Louis B. Whits, mlnlstar. Sunday school 41 am Adults ara Invltad to tha Frtanril r'.iu, IUt. aVlward u. Balur. Uacbar. Worship II a.m. Bar moo by tha minuter. "Tha Bancttty of Truth." Rectptlon for ntw mambara matt-ad dur Int tha yaar. sponsored by tha Daacona and DaaconasMs 4 to t p.m. Young pao plt'a iroupa 0 30 p.m. I St. Paul's Rplaaapal Cburcb and Cha mskcta Haly Communion 130 p.m. Family sarrlca and church sahool a x I a.m. Frayar asrvico or Eucharist 11 a.m. I Nuraary achool ta pariah bousa II a.m. ; Mtdwaak Holy Communion tin chapelt 1 1:30 a m. Wadnasday. Cantarbuyy club 'WTJ atudantsi parish houaa 4 30 p.m. i Sunday. Toubi paepla'a Fellowship, homo ! af Diana Clonib. 110 Marwar S a.m. Sunday. Bslem Truth Cantor S4I Chtmtksta traat. Sunday seheol to. Barvtaa II. To pic: "Tour Power af Creation." Bstt. OUo SUrans. BaorranmaS Cbareb af Jeta CBrisI of Latter Day Salata Oaorta W. Bpaad. pastor. Seventeenth and Cbemeketa Bts. Church achool U. Communion aarvlca II. Branlns warship S. WUllam N. Swam, speaker. Correction ARIZONA Grapefruit EBNER'S PARK 'N' MARKET lamil Ban. list Km. msmI M It U. otomk anus 11:1. Bnaat mm f THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, tUlea. Dedication of Church Sunday Dedication services for the first unit of tha Garden Road Christian church, 408S Market street will ba held at S o'clock Sunday afternoon. The dedicatory sermon will be given by NewiU Morgan, assistant to the state secretary of tha church of Eugene. Hit sermon subject will be The Church on Our Street' Rev. W. Harold Lyman, pastor of the Court Street Christian church, will preside during the act of dedication and the dedicatory prayer will be by Rev. Orville Mick, pastor of the Dallaa Christian church. Other taking part In tha service will Include: Rev, Donald Payne of the First Christian church, invocation; Rev. Wayne Bryant, Liberty Church of Christ, scripture reading; and Lynnton Elwell, Monmouth Christian church pastor, benediction. Roll call of the members will be called by Mrs. Earl Burke and K. S. Thurston will present the financial state ment. Special music will include the singing of 'The Lord's Prsyer" end "Precious Hiding Place" by Lynne Sipe, Vida Standley and Alice Standley and a solo "Bless This House," by Jsck Utterback. Orgsn music will be by Don Smith. Pilgrim Holiness Rally at Silverton Silverton A church rally for the central zone of the Pilgrim Holiness churches of the northern section of Ore gon and southern Washington, ia announced to be at Silver- ton, Friday, Dec. 4, at the South Water St. sanctuary of the Pilgrim Holiness church. The Rev. John R. Price is host pastor. Three sessions will be held Friday, at 11 a.m., and at 2 and 7:30 p.m., with visiting speakers, the Rev. and Mrs. L. L. Miller. Rev. Miller is field superin tendent of the missionary work in the Caribbean area. Including coast districts in the British and Dutch Guiana. The talks of the Millers will be illustrated by showing of curios and other supplements during the morning and af ternoon hours. The young people's rally will be featured during the Friday, 7:30 p.m. hour with the youth leader. Rev. Ray Dworschak, pastor of a Eu gene congregation, directing the program. ' No-host meals are to be served at noon and 5 o'clock in tha afternoon at the church. i Benefit Shows af Mf. Angel on Sunday Mt Angel Court Marion, Catholic Daughters of Amer ica, is sponsoring the benefit showing of two films Sunday afternoon and evening, Dec. 6, in the St. M try's school au ditorium, to which the gen eral public is Invited. The film "We Heard the Angels Sing" festures the Mt. Angel Seminary choir, with the Rev. David Nicholson, OSB, director. The second film, "The Life and Work of Don Bosco" who founded the Salesian Order, devoted to the work of rescu ing homeless snd wayward boys. The Junior Catholic Daugh ten ot America will assist with the distribution of pro grams and will usher at both of the shows. The proceeds ot the benefit showings will be given to the Mt. Angel Seminary building fund. Saint PauTsThird Confirmation Class The third confirmation class prepared this yesr at St Paul's Episcopal church will be confirmed at 3 p.m. Sun day, December 13 by the Rt. Rev. Benjamin D. Dagwell, bishop of the diocese of Ore gon. The services will be held at the church, Chemeke- U end Church ttreets. DO YOU SUFFER PAINS iTKmS- i09Mi TISM atBM...ataf baa Mil PAY LESS DRUG STORE Vital Bible Topics Taken By Woodburn Ministers Wood bum "Facing Our Ftin," will b tht acrmon topic of Rev. Robert E. Van at tho Woodburn and Bethel Presbyterian chur chea Sun day morning. Senrieee at Beth el re at 10 a m. and at Wood burn at 11a.m. Sunday acbool at Woodburn meeti at t:4S a.m. and at Bethel tha Sunday achool follow the morning church aervic. The young people will meet at 6:30 p.m. at Wodburn to discus "Prob lem of Suffering. "For the evening service at 7:30 o'clock Rev. Van will speak on tha topic "Christ at Work in Prayer." The second Sunday in Ad vent will be observed at the Lutheran Women's Christmas Party The annual Chrlttmaa party of the women of Christ Luther an church will be held Tuet- lors with the PrisclUa Mission day evening at the church par- ary Guild In charge. All tha women of the church and their friends are Invited. The topic will be presented by the pas tor, T. M. Gebhard, who will also Install the officers of the Dorcis and Priscilla Guild and present the Life Memberships in tha Women's Missionary fe deration. Newly elected offi cers of the Dorcas society are Mrs. Dora Johnson, president; Mrs. G rover Hamann, secre tary; Mrs. Elsa Frey, vice pre sident; Mrs. Gus Nets, treasur er. Newly elected officers of the Priscilla Guild are Mrs. Glen Zetterberg, president; Mrs. Boyd Hillesland, vice pre sident; Miss Anna Dahlen, sec retary; Mrs. Claude Hepner, treasurer. , The women will bring an offering for the Good Samar itan Fund and a gift exchange for the party. The executive committee of the Priscilla Guild will -e in charge ot re freshments under the chair manship of Mrs. Joe Van Me ter,, retiring president, with Mrs. Hillesland and Mrs. Har vey Christenson, hostesses. Whose Birthday Question Asked "Whose Birthday Is It?" will ba the Christmas question brought Wednesday, Dec. 9, at the First Evangelical United Brethren church, Marlon and Summer, by a special deputa tion team from the Oregon- Washington conference of this denomination. Rev. E. A. Fogg, for many years a pastor in Oregon ana Washington, and Rev. Dean Ij. Vermillion, veteran minister and ex-chaplain of the U. S. army, who are now conference superintendents, and Rev. the Floyd Sartwell, conference di rector of missions, compose a team which is now touring the northwest in the interest of home missions. Included in the program which begins at 7:30 p.m. will be presentation of the new home mission church at Moses Lake. Wash. Minister Talks On Movie Shows "Should a Christian Attend the Motion Picture Theater?" is the sermon topic of Rev. Robert E. Sanders, pastor of the Hal bert Memorial Baptist church. 4290 Portland Road, for the Sunday service at 7:30 p.m. A musical program will also be presented at the evening! service featuring the youth choir, instrumental ensemble, j girls' chorus, and other special j numbers. ' Immediately following the ; evening service there will be an all-church fellowship hour when singing and Christian fellowship will be enjoyed and refreshments aerved. The morning worship service at 11 o'clock will have aa its sermon theme "The Holy Grali" after which the Lord'a Supper will be observed and new members received. Hopewell Churches B.V.B. SMV. oita H.rn, Vftjtftr. It a a- taftd.7 ttnaL Moratai vertbl. ft! 11. T t a.. ZeurnlftU Tavtt VMlovihlD. S .a.. CMCftd. CollM. Tntm. l " a a.a mm Tt ISSST nt""' ' ' "' m mm taa a aatV I at.li.ti.. jy.'jT-.l aaaaffEtaBB.. laaaaaaaW ail i I. 1 Woodburn Methodist church at the 11 a m. service. "Love Came Down" will be tha eer mon topic ef the minister, Rev. Ormal B. Trick. Sunday achool la at 10 a.m. Angelic Manages" will be the 11 a.m. sermon tople of Rev. S. Brendler at the Bible Baptist church Sunday. In tha evening at 7:45 o'elock hit topic will be "A Hidden Trea sure Found." Sunday school claasea are at S:4S a.m. and the young people meet at 6:49 p.m. Sunday aerviee at the Foursquare Community chur ch will begin with Sunday school at 9:45 s.m. Morning service la at II a.m. when tha estor. Rev. Arthur Goble, will apeak on the topic The Surprises ef God." Crusaders and cadets meet at 6:30 p.m. and the evening service begins at 7:43 yith the pastor apeak. ing on the tople "Invisible Environment." Sundty school la at 10 a.m, at tha Woodburn Church of God. "Entangled Yoke" It the sermon topic of the pastor, Rev. Edward H. Baldwin, at 11a.m. Youth meeting is at 7 p.m. end evening service at 8 with the pastor speaking on the topic "A Threefold Prom ise." Several young people from tha church accompanied the pastor to the youth con vention of the Churchea of God at Eugene Lit week. Regular services at the As sembly of God church on Sun day will be Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Subject for the Sunday school will be a spec ial feature on the topic "A Different Superintendent." Several members attended the youth convention at Springfield last week. Rev. George Springer, pas tor of the Woodburn Christ ian church, will apeak at 11 a.m. Sunday on the topic "Be hold the Sower," and at 8 p.m. his topic will be "Our Justi fication." Sunday school clas ses are at 10 a.m. Following the morning aerviee a pot- luck fellowship dinner will be held in the church social room. Members having birth day anniversaries in Decem ber will be honored. "The Watching Servant and the Sleeping Master" will be I the sermon topic of Rev. J. i WUllam Carlson Sunday at 11 I a.m. at the Immanuel Luther-1 an church. The Lord't Supper will be adminittered. Sundsy school clssses are at 10 a.m, Holy communion will be observed at St. Mary's Epis copal church at 7:45 a.m. Dec. 6, the second Sunday in Ad vent. Holy communion, chur ch school at the sermon will be held at 11 a.m. Forty hours of devotion will be held at St. Luke's Catholic church in Woodburn, beginn ing Sunday, Dec. 6, following the 9 a.m. mass and will con tinue daily until 8:30 p.m. closing on Tuesday, Dec. 8, with evening mass at 7:45 o'clock. This will be the first time that an evening mass has been held in Woodburn, according to the pastor. Rev. V. L. Moffenbeir. A recent decree has msde It possible to hold evening messes on spec ial occasions. Tuesday the Featt of the Immaculate Con ception will be observed. The three largest auto mak era in the United States turned out 87 per cent of all passenger Ike CkrtsHn ( MtaJtaerf AM . Sunday School 11:00 A M , Rev. David Bcrlm aeour, just back from Japan. : P. M, A. Y. Fellowship. 7:30 P. M , Rev. Henry Tur nidge, Pres. ealem Academy. LOCKER BEEF WAR Lowest Prices in the State 1000 heed Eastern Ore eon rain-fed' beef. Hurry! They won't last tee long. Hauled in eur ewn trucks from eur Eastern Oregon feed lots. Buy and Save at Packing House Wholesale Prices CUTTING, WRAPPING, CUSTOM KILLING end CURING Fancy Eastern Oregon White Face Beef Front Quarter lb. 6' Salem Meat Co.1 Linfield Choir Will Sing Here The a esppella choir of Lin field college, McMlnnville, will be presented In. concert at 7:10 Sunday night at Cal vary Baptist church. 1 The choir, now In It's S4tb concert tetson, will feature familiar traditional carols and representative Christmas mu sic from the 16th century to the present The group of 45 members ia directed by Carl J. Klttleson, who Joined the Linfield faculty in 1952. Professor Klttleson s musl cat training waa received at Mankato Teachers college, Minnesota; the University of Minnesota, the Royal College of Music, London and the Eastman School of Music, Ro chester. N.Y. The choir includes Sisne Burkland and Joan Hamman, both of Salem. Lay Folk Assist In Church Meeting "The Family and the Church" will be presented briefly at the 11 o clock morning worship by Myron Eaton, one of the church deacons. Gerard Brown will render e violin solo with ac companiment by Mrs. John Schmidt, Jr. The pastor will continue his studies from the Epistle of First Peter, speaking on the subject "God's Chief Cornerstone." The college and business see BY group of the First Baptist church will feature an unusual program at the 6:15 evening hour when Lavurne Gammon, president, presents an "Ex change Program" from the First Baptist church of Minne apolis. John Periman, of Salem and now attending Northwest ern schools in Minneapolis, has arranged the Minneapolis pro gram by recording and colored slides. Salem Church Council Will Meet Sunday Plans for the annual meet ing of the Oregon Council of Churches will be discussed during a conference of the Salem Council of Churches to be held at the YMCA at 4 p.m. Sunday. ITU IUt, UCHT ILUt. Blast, pirh, trw, IE! i HUNDREDS OF XMAS 6IFTS A V V " V. WR HER 5S7.S. STEP-IN ItO Half or Whole lb. 20 Hind Quarter lb. 25' Friday, December 4, 1953 Amity Churches CMM, Su fttAMl It t-m. Iterant Wfttiklp u a. a-Y-T. 1 M t m. Iralaa tutlM I a m. rtrk f eH iimm uutktw In. dd. M.ur. Bikt. ichMl ia luralu varftti II ft - ctMUUfta tm uw M m. Cnaue mnmt l.ss. tbUutHt Bra. MCiin auau ttr. audftr MhMl M ft-m. MftrmlM u 11. ImW FUtenhls a Ct tm Ctvwi In. StoCftaHO, wtw.-Uftfnlw vmtls S:4ft. auatftt ictHl UM a-m. ftM.tir w cm rtuk X- u.pm. tuftUr Khw it m ujnifti .run 11 ft TNftt Pftftfti.'ft MCVlC. T tJa. STftftimj mitU. I ll Youth Emphasis Church Service In one of a series, of pro grams which emphasize the place of youth in the church this year, several members of the local Youth Fellowship will take an active part In tha morning service. Ushers for this service ere Eleanor Strode, Arlene Darr and Delmar Funk. Serving as offering stewards are Jane Smith, Kay Baldwin, Sybil Campbell. Shirley Thompson and Elza Strode. Assisting in the service are Bob Smith and Suzanne Williamson. Janice Adams and Suzanne William son render special miuic. The evening service, under auspices of the church's tem perance committee, will have aa speaker. Dr. Titus A. Frazee, executive director of the Ore gon Temperance league. Tha program will be led by Mrs. C. W. Stacey and Mrs. Everette McRae. The movie, "Liquid Lore," will be shown in the Youth Fellowship program at 6:30. Seipp Will Talk to Youth Groups Sunday Kenneth Seipp of the city police will speak to the Junior group oi me South Salem Friends Christian Endeavor at 6 p.m. Sunday. At 7 o'clock ha will talk to the hiih school youth concerning juvenile problems. SODALITY ELECTION Mt. Angel The Young Men snd Young Lsdies Sodal ity will hold their annual election of officers during the business meeting en Monday evening, Dec. 7, in the meet ing room of St. Mary's school. All members are asked to be I present. 1 tuuu el . .. . - wwm v I as AT THIS ONE LOW PRICE 176 N. Liberty Open Friday 'Til 9 P.M. Fancy Double AA Young Steer Beef lb. 25' 1325 South 25lh Phone 3-4858 i i i! 484 STATIST. SALEM S)3l9dddaBl