Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 03, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Thorediy, December 8, 15S
Weissbecks Feted
On 50th Anniversary
. Silverton Mr. ud Mm.
Martin Welssbeck observed
their (olden weddlnf Novem
ber 26. The diy began with
renewal of vowi and man at
St Joseph's shrine, Mt Angel,
Father Methed officiating.
Following the ceremonials.
the honored couple left for
Silverton, heading a line-iroup
of eara to to Silverton Amer
ican Legion hall for a dinner,
an afternoon reception, a anack
aupper and eld time waltzing
aaealon with harmonica flec
tion! played by a son-ln-Iaw,
John Pfelfer.
Mia Margaret Miller and
Martin Welssbeck were mar
ried at St. Mlchael'i Catholic
church, Collyer, Kanua, on the
20th birthday annivenary of
the bride, November 23, 1801.
At their renewal ceremony
and the day'a feitivitiet. Hit.
Weill beck l flowert were a
aheaf corsage of five golden
Among we pleasures ox ine
day waa a grand march led by
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eberle,
with the youngeat daughter of
the Weill becks, Mra. Howard
Price, Jr., at the piano.
Th dinner, prepared main
ly by frank Waissoeck, a for
mer chef, waa aerved to the
relatives and friends by Anna,
Alice and Agne Pfelfer. Mora
than (0 guests were at the
Seven of the nine children
in the Welssbeck family were
at the head table with their
parents, including Leo Weiss
beck of Banks, Ore.; Pius
Weill beck of Collyer, Kansas;
Frank J. Welssbeck of Salem,
Ore.; Mra. Julius Bahl of Ken-
' newlck. Wash.; Mrs. John
Pfelfer of Silverton, Ore.; Mra.
Robert Eberle of Silverton,
Ore.; and Mrs. Howard Price
of fjalem. Unable to attend
were Matthew Welssbeck of
Collyer, Kansas, and Mrs. Bob
Chase of Newberg. Matthew,
the eldest son of the compli
mented couple, will celebrate
his 29th wedding anniversary
the coming year.
Centering the reception ta
ble was a huge, golden-Iced ,
wedding cake, decorated with
yellow roaea and gold leaves,
embossed with a gold '80',
baked by Mrs. Pfelfer, the
cake flanked by arrangements
of golden chrysanthemums
and tapers, arranged by Mrs.
Eberle. Another daughter, Mrs.
Bahl, cut the cake for the re
ception, serving from 2 to 4
' o'clock. The guest book was
presented by a granddaughter,
Miss Norma Welssbeck.
The Weill becks have 26
grandchildren, and one great
grandchild. Grandchildren
present for the day were Nor
ma Jean Welssbeck. Mary Al
ice Welssbeck. Shirley Ann
Welssbeck, Larry Martin
Willi beck. Cheryl Kay Welse
beck, Frankie Joe Welssbeck,
David Weiubeck, Ronald John
Pfelfer, Eugene Pfeiter, oavta
Price, Craig Price, Reta Price,
ni.-i. Kiv rhrl Robert Eb
erle, Martin Eberle, John Mar
cus Bahl, Bruce Bahl and Don
Other eueita nresent were
Mrs. Frank WelasMCK, Jonn a.
Pfelfer, Robert Eberle, Howard
Price Jr., Julius M. Bihl, Mrs.
Annx Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Isringhausen and children,
Mr. and Mra. Richard pfeifer
nri lUuehters. Anna. Aanes
and Alice Pfeifer, Mr. and Mrs.
Michael Casper and ton, Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence Thomas,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Better-
scheld, Mr. and Mra. Frank
Spies. Mr. and Mra. Paul Gas
per, Mr. and Mrs. Wend Starzl
and Mr. and Mra. Julius Fran
tie and eon.
The Weissbecks are snaking
their home In Silverton, com
ing recently from the middle
west Their new residence la
on Pine street, built by their
son-in-law, John Pfelfer.
e e
Circle Meetings
Silvertoa The three cir
cles of the Silverton Method
ist Woman's Society of Chria
tlaa Service plana to meet ea
Thursday, December 10.
Mrs- Barney Robstad, .Ml
Pine street, will be hostess for
Martha circle at 1 JO p ro. The
Esther circle la to meet at the
401 Eureka avenue home el
Mrs. Robert Bites at P-m.
The Miriam circle, at the Bea
Sprick home, 1514 Pin street
at S p.m., with Mra. Gordon
Van Cleave aa co-hostess.
VII la
Bkl Allan iltAne Named varieties, nnbudded, from fl.M
KROOOOCnOrOnS Named varieties, budded, frem 4 .
Camellias and budded, from each $2.95
A Tale at eld frown, 0C
AidlCdl fcndded, evergreen, from each
"The Blue Azalea" XSSX&F?:. $1-95
Amaryllis ttSU?r.... .50
Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus 25 o
Polled Bulbs SSJT .... $1-25
Dlatfif Dftlt Wiek-fed, for African -rlUIIC
rOIJ violets. All colors, from each W
Propagator Kits SS.'Lt, $2.50
GIFT CUTIFICATCS If in doubt let your friends
choose their own from eur complete selection of . . .
rwee T jviw
415 W
hRlgrie-zMiflSte. Salem. Oregon
Miss Albers Wed
In Late November
Aurora Miss Judith Max ine
Albers, eldest daughter of Mr.
and Mra. Martin Albers, waa
wed to Darrel Harry Send,
eon of Mr. and Mra. Harry
Sohet of Hubbard at o'clock
Friday evening, November 27
at Christ Lutheran church in
Aurora, with the Rev. L. O.
Leikauf reading the service.
The wedding muaie was
played by LaVonne Leikauf,
Mlaa Connie Beard and Fred
Hildebrand sang. The church
waa decorated with two large
baskets of white chrysanthe
mums, and bouqueta of the
flowers were on either aide of
the altar along with the can-
The father of the bride es
corted her down the aisle.
She wore a traditional white
slipper satin and ehantllly
lace wedding drees which waa
hand made by her mother.
The bride wore a fingertip
Juliet veil of silk Illusion ar
ranged from a tiara of aeed
pearls. She carried a white
Bible topped by a whit or
chid surrounded by white
mum with satin streamers
and red roses.
Mils Marian Conner, maid
of honor, wore an aqua taffeta
floor length dress and car
ried a heart-ehaped bouquet
of pink rosebuda and mum.
The bridesmaids were Mrs.
Robert Aldrich, sister of the
bridegroom, and Joanne Rae
mussen, cousin of the bride
groom Mrs. Aldrich wore a
floor length gold taffeta
areas and Mlaa Basmussen
war an identical drees in
rose. Both carried heart
shaped bouqueta of pink roae
buda and chrysanthemums.
Leonard Rutledge of Olym
pla. Wash, was beat man, and
the ushers were James Albers,
brother of the bride, and El
roy Knutaon.
Flower girls were Janice
Kay Buss of Rial to, Calif., and
Nadlne Meter of Canby, cou
sins of the bride.
Candlellghtera were Miss
Marjory Jeakey and Marlene
Dr lever
Sandra Albers waa Junior
bridesmaid for her sister and
wore an orchid taffeta floor
length areas with heart-shap
ed bouquet of yellow rois
buds and ehrysanthemuma
For her daughter'a wedding
Mrs. Albers chose a royal blue
velvet dress with pink acces
sories and co rule of Talis
man roses. Mrs. Schei wore a
navy suit with winter white
accessories and a corsage of
Talisman roses.
Immediately following the
ceremony there waa a recep
tion in the church parlor at
tended by more than 1TB rela
tives and friends
Mrs. Charles Meter and
Mrs. Paul Buss, aunta of the
bride, poured, and Mra. Fred
Hildebrand, Mrs. Arthur
Zucher, Mrs. Walter Sell.;
Mrs. Ben Jeakey, and Mrs.
Paul Gooding assisted in the
serving. Mrs. Fred Johnson!
waa In charge of the decora
tions. Miss Ellen Yost, Norma
Jean Hurst and Joan Solberg
were in charge of the gifts,
and Mra. Jam Wilson of th
guest book.
For her going way cos
tume the bride chose a purple
knit suit with green acces
sories snd orchid corsage. Th
bridegroom, who is a para
trooper, left Sunday night for
Fort Campbell, Kentucky. A
soon a be finds out definite
ly where be will be stationed.
Mrs. Schei wmjoinoim.
at the
eniiio matnine
15 to 20 off on floor samples,
demonsfrafors and used machines
demonstrators-Floor samples
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