Thursday, December i, 1953 AT WILLAMETTE Events of Week-end Listed By BARBARA JACKSON tCtplul JtfMJ CorruMBdMIt Willamette itudenti returned from four-day Thanksgiving vacation thii week, and classes resumed as usual Monday morning. Alpha Lambda Delta, fresh man women's honorary, will give a tea for freshmen women with outstanding grades Thurs day at 6:30 in Lausanne lounge. Past members of the honorary will be present, and advisers Dean Renins Ewalt and Dr. Helen Fearce will attend. Tomorrow night Phi Delta Theta will give its "She Delta Theta" dance from 6:30 to 12 o'clock. Preparations for the affair are bins made .by Dale Patton of McMinnville. Sigma Alpha Epsilon will give its dance tomorrow night from B to 12 o'clock in the chapter house. Basketball season will open tonight as the Willamette Bear cats meet the University of Ha waii in a game to start at 8 o'clock in the gymnasium. Pre liminaries will begin at 6:10 p.m. Tomorrow night, St Mar tin's college will be the guest of Willamette in the gymnasium, and the game will start at 8 o'clock. Bill Wheat of Milton-Free-water was chosen by the fresh man class to be freshman glee manager this year. Ann Notson of Portland will assist him as secretary, an appointive posi tion. The traditional presentation of the annual Messiah will not be given this year, but plans have been made by the Salem branch of the Oregon Music Ed ucators association and the Sa lem Oratorio society to present some major choral work in May. . The Young Democrats chose Fenton Hughes of Hillsboro as their president in a meeting held last week. Stuart Shaw of Shelton, Wash., was recently appointed president of the Pa cific coast region of the Inde pendent Students association. War Mothers' Aid Veterans Hospitals American War Mothers voted to send $10 to each of the veterans hospitals in Port land, Roseburg and Medford for their Christmas cheer dur ing a meeting of the group Tuesday afternoon In the Am erican Legion club. They also approved a motion to send $30 to Camp White to their adopted ward for can teen books, - - . Mrs. Ben Randall, hospital! zation chairman, reported that S3 dozen cookies had been sent to veterans hospitals during Thanksgiving. She asked all members to bring cookies to her home by December 14 for Christmas boxes. It was also voted to send Christmas bas kets to all members who are shut-ins. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Howard Hun saker, 240 Trade street, De cember 22 at 2 p.m. There will be an exchange of gifts. A SON, who has been named Leon Jacques, was born Tues day. December 1, at Salem Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Gale Besse. The baby Is the third child, the older chil dren being a brother, Rene, and a sister, Madeleine. Grand' parents are Mrs. Stanley Mc Kay of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Rene Besse of Montreal, Canada. XOTJB NORGE DEALER IS ' CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 33 CHEMEKETA For LOW PRICE Ntwr faafot . . . m and. I I TV ability dibit low -ee tf CUiftt, barter TV fnctaraa, pewtftd by J WflMtlOMl M "8uMrK"CitM.'-BuU' I 1 By TafrH Tamiaf far I mmpU laofc coairot f '--mm frtcttjr and cexind. Btcltj THE SUTTON No. 2250 GIANT 21" Screen Includes Fed. Tsx, one-yesr tab and It-day parte warranty. ONLY"' DOWN On Long Easy Terms (al eel's Lending Mosie Store for the Fast II Years Wills Music Store 432 State - Open FrI. Til 9 P.M. - Phone 349S9 Boots and Spurs iy By SUSAN YOUNGQUIST 'This Saturday night. Decem ber 8, Is the night for another Ssddle club dance, with a four piece band from Albanv earn ing to provide the music Square dances usually hold the spotlight for a portion of the evening, and nearly everyone participates in these. Waltzes, polkas and the Bunny Hop take up another part, with some of the time spent on Just ordinary, regular dancing. All Saddle club members and their guests are invited to at tend. The dress is semi-formal, and the hours are from 8:00 to 12:00, with a no-host lunch at midniflhL The filar Snur Corners Community hall. Gen eral chairman for these affairs is Thelma Youngqulst Seems Art Martin started a fad when he went to Mexico last month. The latest to go to the "land of the bullfights, beautiful senioritas, and moon light nights" is Rod Hotstetter. He left for Mexico City last week, planning to go on to Acapulco for about a week. Naturally, he'll be the envy of the Saddle club when he re turns, Just radiating health, and sporting a deep tan. Some people have all the luckl The Bulldogging club, men tioned last week, has more or less been formed. No definite plans have been made, but the Today's Menu Here's a different vegetable combination that's delightful. Friday Fare Steamed Fish with Egg Sauce Lima Bean Medley Salad Bread and Butter Apple Pie Beverage Lima Bean Medley Ingredients: 1 package froz en baby lima beans, 1 cup cel ery crescents, 1 cup diced car rots, Hi cups boiling water, salt, pepper, 1 tablespoon but ter or margarine. Method: Put lima beans In saucepan and allow to stand at room temperature to partly defrost. Meanwhile cut celery and carrots about size of beans; add to beans with boiling wa ter and a little salt; cook rap idly until beans are tender about 13 or 20 minutes. Drain; add more salt if necessary, pepper, and butter. Makes 6 servings. White Shrine Party A social meeting of the Wil lamette shrine, No. 2, White Shrine of Jerusalem, will be Saturday, December 5 at the Masonic temple. Members, their families and friends are Invited to attend. A no-host dinner at 7 p.m. will be followed by informal entertainment, cards, and games. Mrs. W. W. McKinney is chairman of the committee for entertainment and decora tions. Millers Honored Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Mil ler celebrated their wedding anniversary. Mrs. Miller's birthday and Thanksgiving all in one day when they spent the holiday with their son, ur. Li bert R. Miller, and his family In McMinnville. The Millers took advantage of the family reunion -insnxs- giving day to commemorate their 62nd wedding annivers ary, which they were unable to celebrate on vciooer it cause of illness, and Mrs. Mil ler's 79th birthday which was also October 22. The Millers have another son, Dr. Carl E. Miller, of Ocean side, Calif. The couple came to Salem from Kansas in 1006. nothing equals I ava RJt "Spotlit" Dial I ihalaftsortaaehanndoyrsi 7 ar for aaay aui ant 1 iioif trithoui aqu.nt.ftf ar aioopinf. Baa at if al au iMfanycabiiMH. )Stt it today! fellows seem to think it's a good Idea. Two of the backers of this are Orville Schryder and Ralph Stangeby, both out last Sunday. Calf ropers report a big crowd out Sunday. Guess the boys are all "coming out of the hills" being's hunting seasons are almost over. A small calf roper made his appearance last Saturday, when Hank and Janet Hess welcomed a baby boy. The baby has been named Sage, and will no doubt prove to be a welcome playmate for his older brother, Piney. Have you seen what artists we have in our club? In the coffee room, the sign-up cards are very cleverly done with spaces in which to put your John Henry if you want to have Fun Night, serve coffee, etc. But one card that no one voluntarily signs Is the Tan barker list. A Tanbarker is one who "hits the dirt" unwill ingly, or, in other words Is thrown off his horse. If you're really talented, you can get a star behind your name. The latest one to receive this du bious honor is Bonnie Jenkin son. She was "unseated," got back on, and was promptly thrown again. Guess she does n't know when to quit. Any how, a star for you, Bonnie, and better luck next time, . Parliamentarians Of Salem Honored . Honor to three Salem Wom en was announced last night at the regular meeting of the Salem unit of the National As sociation of Parliamentarians. Mrs. Harry Sappenfield, reg istered parliamentarian, has been elected by the National Association as director of the 7th District which includes Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Ha waii. Mrs. Winifred Petty john, president of Salem unit, has been appointed state direc tor of Oregon with Mrs. Clark C. McCall, unit secretary, ap pointed vice director. Mrs. W. H. Barber, program chairman, gave a lesson on subsidiary' motions and a prac tice parliamentary drill fol lowed. The following became addi tional charter members: Mrs. Regina L. Ewalt, Mrs. Richard Springer, Mrs. Leona M. Blum, Mrs. William Leary, Mrs.. Ida L. Forster, Mrs. Harry H. Charlton, Miss Betty . Jean Bergner, Mrs. C. M. Hixson, Miss Hattie J. Bratzel. THE IDEM m . ' -mm - -w . -ssr m stgtsw m jgr as i ssssa saHsssr- -ge a r-SESsc0- ( r 'A iVCtoA Alaskans ricilvi Fashion Acidimy For foot-snuggling comfort with accent on nun good look. Lined sod trimmed with DeePile that looks like fur . . . feels like fur . . . outwesrs fur. Durable Du Pont Neoprene crepe soles. Choice of styles snd colors. ttkti f fit jot Mtrt.. . nmt m toJtyt E . M THB CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregoa Silverton J W Club Active Silverton The December meeting of the Silverton Jun ior Woman's club was Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. Nick Weiss. The club voted to buy Christmas gifts for each mem ber of Girl Scout Troop No. 103. The members also are to bring additional gifts for choice from the selection purchased to be given to the patients in the Oregon State hospital. Mrs. Joe Tomminger and Mrs. Ronald Syron are to se lect the gifts for the Girl Scouts. Mrs. Milt Baum, chairman of the project of "Stamps for Wounded Veterans," at her re quest will be assisted in plac ing boxes at various stores for the deposit of stamps. Mrs. Eu gene Durschmidt and Mrs. Ronald Syron will help Mrs. Baum in this work. The club president, Mrs. Ed win Heinonen, told of the Par ents Council for Handicapped Children which the club Is sponsoring in the eastern half of Marlon county. Club mem bers assisting in preparations for this meeting and in prepar ing and serving refreshments were Mrs. Glenn Tucker, Mrs. Milt Baum, Mrs. Charles Pir outek, Mrs. Wally Flager, Mrs. Donald Scott, Mrs. Gale Stev ens, Mrs. Leland Morgan. ' Mrs. Ross Avery and Mrs. Milt Baum were named as del egate and alternate to repre sent the club at the monthly meetings of the Silverton Rec reational association. The home of Mrs. . Ronald Syron, 823 S. Water street, will be the meeting place for the meeting of the club members In their annual Christmas par ty, December 8. Mrs.. Leland Morgan will be co-hostess with Mrs. Syron. The January 5 meeting of the club is to be at the First Christian church social rooms, with members of the Silverton Senior Woman's club to be in vited guests. Mrs. William Cnandlee of Hillsboro wUI show the film: "What's New In Cooking?" Following Tuesday evening's business session a program was presented, including an lnstru mental trio by Loretta Toft. Sinja Lysne and Kay Berger son. John Medcalf of the senior high school faculty, gave demonstration of how not to wrap a Christmas gift, which drew amusement from his au dience, and a follow-up of the proper method of wrapping any gifts, tying and decorating. Award for atyla and dulgn GIFT nnr7Al fVVi . r. . Tells Treth The en gagement of Miss Sharon Howe, above, daughter of Mr. ' and Mrs. Loren W. Howe, to Pvt. Daniel Da vies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Davies of Palo Alto, has bern announced. No date is set for the wed ding. Pvt. Davies, who at tended Willamette, is en route now for army service in Austria. (Chit wood pic ture.) Betrothal Told Announcement is made by Mr. and-Mrs. Elmer Hansen of the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Maxine Hansen, to Lloyd Beutler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beutler. No date is set for the wedding, but it is planned for March. Both at tended Salem schools. Mr. Beutler recently received his discharge from the army. Nile Group Meets Woodburn Members of Ny- dia court, Daughters of the .Nile, met all day Tuesday at the Masonic temple in Woodburn. The day was spent in sewing for the Shrine hospital with luncheon served at noon by the Brooks and Gervais members. Each member brought one dol lar to the meeting for the children at the Shrine hospital. The next meeting will be January 8 when the Woodburn members will serve the lunch eon. Mrs. Weiss and her co-host' s, Mrs. Larry- Crennell, served refreshments. New members present were Mrs. Gale Stevens, Mrs. Charles Leonard, Mrs. Eugene Durschmidt, Mrs. M. Slack, Mrs. Glenn Tucker and Mrs. Fred Frlck. m I .' t. i;t .v-u. '. ' - w- a n.t m I ''S- """" BAKED IY NABISCO Mjk , gSgl NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ISjjVJ tG&W&T .Mrs. Wilson ! Named by PS Lodge - Election of officers high lighted the meeting of . the Pythian Sisters, Centralis tem ple. No. 11, in Beaver haU Wed nesday. ' Mrs. Harry Wilson was named most excellent chief. Others elected are: Mrs. Clif ford .Schultx, excellent senior; Mrs. Axel Jacobsen, excellent junior; Mrs. Howard Smith, manager; Miss Jeannette Schiedel, secretary; Mrs. Clara Norton, treasurer; Mrs. G. W. Oatman, protector; Mrs. Scott Ebright, guard; Mrs. Vernon Decatur, trustee for a three year term; Mrs. Rslph Will eox, staff captain; Mrs. Frank Carnathan, pianist, and Mrs. Wayne Stanton, press corre spondent. - Mrs. Ralph Willcox was named Installing officer. The installation will be in January. Appointed en the auditing committee were Mrs. Harvey Schiedel. Mrs. Harry Wilson, and Miss Elsie Snook. A SON, Stephen Carl, was born Tuesday, December 1, at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Stewart. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Perevola of Salem and Mf. and Mrs. A. C. Stewart of Port land. High School Group Young Peoples fellowship for high school students in St Paul's Episcopal church will meet Sunday at 6 p.m. at the home of Miss Diane Doug, 1740 Norway street. Refresh ments will be served by the hostess. Phillip Chadsey is president of the group cod Mrs. Howard S. Boomer si ad viser. CDA Plan Party Woodburn Members of Court Victory No. 731, Catholic Daughters of America, will en tertain husbands of the mem TXIB0ST TKUSTED ASPIRIN FOft rHHfleru laTTeeasss I ana CMItbJ MUWl mm. ali ni ta. far WUrak GtMtatw aaaafWaahtlaa, (fC, (fttlMsU n. mu isti isen rss saiusn bers and Knights of Columbus nd their ladies at a Christmas ym , J m w. wow ttm tuv wvw- ning of December 12. A no-host supper will be served at 7 p.m. followed by program and gift exchange. . . . Committee in charge will be Mrs. Ignace Zelinka, chairman; Mrs. Lawrence Paradis, Mrs. Leona Paradis, Mrs. John Stick, Mrs. Delmar Hopkins, Mrs. Louis Hanel, Mrs. Alvah Cow an and Mrs. George Crimps. Feted at Shower Stayton Mrs. Carl John son was honored at a shower recently at the Claude Phil Hp s home. Mrs. Richard Schuets and Mrs. Claude Phil lips were hostesses. Enjoying the evening of cards were Mesdames Ray Welter, Clarence Jungwlrth, Roman Kintz, Bryee Dozler, Robert Freres, Marvin Good man, Lloyd Girod, Robert O'Connor, Harvey Keudell, J. J. Keudell, Harry Welter, Tussell Johnson, John My natt, Vincent Starr, Ralph Geil, Richard Duncan, Tom BasL Joseph Peters, Matthew Mack, Ronald Johnson, Gor don Brinker, Robert Schacht sick, Lily Johnson and Miss Sally Stucmlck, Miss Lois Blum and Mia Helen Glsler. A Sack Full 16 Piece Pottery Breakfast Set 9.95 (tflMMMMtCHTa ti0V-ATYDUR6R0CEC!f Hantf . Smalr-ranity This handy, 6-ounce package Its into even the tiniest cupboard, the smallest kitchen I A new tuck-in top makes it easy to reclose, keeps the golden biscuits fresh and crisp. including even the bran and wheat germ I AU for a few pennies, so you can enjoy the best - even when your budget is low) PigeT ' l A J " . VSS Y etlGr Named as RN A Oracle Miss Mildred Yetter was el ected oracle of the Royal Neighbors of America, Oregon Grape camp, at a meeting in the VFW hall Wednesday night. Other officers include: Mrs. James Prentice, past oracle; Mrs. Mary Fosnot, vice oracle; Mrs. Irwin Geer, chancellor; Mrs. Bill Hoyt, marshal; Mrs. Vergie Gamble, inner sentinel; Mrs. Neva Jackson, outer sen tinel; Mrs. Mildred Zeuski, manager for one year terra, -and Mrs. Zula Webb, manager for three year term. Officers wlU be installed January 20.- The next meeting of the group will be social December 16 at the VFW hall. IN ECGEN Sunday will . be Attorney General and Mrs. Robert Y. Thornton to be guests at a reception planned by Eugene branch, of the Am- ' erlcan Association of Univers-. ity Women. Mrs. Thornton is state AAUW president The reception honors foreign stu- ' dents attending University of. Oregon. The Thorntons will be ' in the receiving line. of Presents FOR THE ' SHOPPER Save Time Save Money - During Carlyn's Jewelry Out SALE AN EXAMPLE: Reg.,14.95 rlearfy Noun'shmenf! You get six biscuits of Apnut food 10096 wholewheat. fWV Good-fasting! YouH enjoy the wbeaty tang of these crisp biscuits, with nfilk or fruit Your grocer has the one-end-only naibco shredded wheat la this new package, or the regular 12-ounco package, now. 444 State, Next to Pey Leu Druf