Thursday. December S, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Eakm. Onto rat I local Paragraphs Bfcaanead Claba to M Mi Cub Pack 10 ol Richmond chool will mtct it Knight -Addis wUl discuss the Christ mas aeaaon activities ot tha pack with tha Cuba and their parents. . Tseng GOF to Heat Craaa reota polltlca ia tha aubject of a .discussion to take place at tha the monthly meeting of tha Marion Polk county Young Re- . publican club, in tha Copper room of the Senator hotel on December at t pjn. In add! Hon George Jones, president of the Young Republican Federa tlon of Oregon will outline bis alms for the state organization during tha coming year. Ask Street Improyement j A petition sponsored by the Hoover School PTA waa re ceived Thursday by the County Court asking the latter to take ever Tesa Avenue as a county road. The petitioners point out that Tesa Avenue ia being used by approximately 85 per cent of the pupils attending Hoover school. Teas Avenue, it is claimed, la In a poor state of repair. Some time ago a peti tion waa received by the court signed by property owners ask ing that the avenue be improv ed under the Bancroft act Since then some objections have been filed. Tree Surgeon An assumed business name certificate of Lou'a Tree Service has been filed with the county clerk by Lucien B. LeCompte, 2585 South Summer street Builder's Supply F. L. Jo seph of Route 4 has filed an as- eumed business name certm- cate for Valley Builder's Supply with the county clerk. WUl Call for Blda The County Court has authorized the county engineer to prepare plans and specifications in con nection with the amount ot as phalt that will be needed for road work next year. Bida for the asphalt will be advertised during December. Waives Extradition Ray Leon McPhetridge, wanted in Oklahoma on a charge of wife and child abandonment, has waived extradition and will re turn to the state without fur ther legal action. New Field Director Mrs. Helen Dieckmann has come to Salem to be new field director for this area of Camp Fire Girls. She comes from Port An seles. Wash, where she baa been in similar work. PARTY AT SCHOOL An eighth grade party will be held at Leslie Junior High Thursday afternoon In the school's gymnasium. The party, which will have square dancign, a movie, and games, will atart at 4. Merry Lee Smith, vice-president, of the student body, la In charge of the party. Dudley to Speak John R. Dudley, executive secretary of the Salem Induatrial Develop ment Council, will speak dur ing the weekly luncheon meet ing of the Salem Board of Realtors at the Senator Friday noon. Decetatieaa Delayed The Sale Downtown Merchants as sociation has met with some difficulty in decorating the city s tree rt with Christmas adornmenta because of failure of some of the equipment to arrive on time. Ita arrival ta expected Immediately, but un til it does come the decora tions will have an unfinished appearance. Stadeata to getl Willam ette University students will hold a rummage sale next Wednesday. Dec. t. at the Greenbaum store from 8 al m. to 4:30 p. m. It will be a UNESCO benefit. Persons having articles to contribute rnav h4V them nicked ua hv I calling 1-1385. Trial Date 8et Jury trial for Lyle Gordon Hadley, 1345 Hadley drive, has been set for January 12 In Marion county district court He is charged with the negligent wounding ot another. He la accused of negligence In the accidental shooting of fellow hunter Don' aid A. Torgeson, 1330 Hadley drive, on a deer hunting trip early in October. Torgeson suffered minor injuries. Had' ley has pleaded innocent . SOROPTIMISTS MAKE CLOCK PAYMENT - f, a msm, i net mwa . , v '-..,-,' Student Talks To Lions Club Reynold Neufeld, 16-year- old Salem academy senior. gave .the five-minute "I Speak for Democracy" address at Still Free A young escapee who fled from a Marion coun ty deputy sheriff Tuesday and made good bis escape I Thursday's Lions club lunch- at urge xnursaay, tne sner- ttat won (or hlm first "is office reported. Seven-1 1J0 hlch school teen-year-old Robert Back of UnrfMita of the metro DoUtan suvenon waa oeing turn so Salem area, Jail to await arraignment on a it was Neufeld's first appear- petty larceny charge when be .nee before a visual audience. jumped out of the car In front his former addresses having of the city police station and been tape recorded. He will Soroptlmlats, Thursday morning, went to the clock tower where the organization made a first payment on City Hall clock installation, a Soroptimlst project, to the city. From left: Lena Blum, Mrs. Henry Kayer, Soroptimist president; J. L. Franzen, city manager, who received the $500 check presented by Mary Reinke, chairman of the ways and means committee for the club. PAULUS BROTHERS AID CLOCK FUND 1 1 ' KeizerPIea - Gels Denial The State Highway Commis sion has rejected a plea from the Keller Rural Fire Protec tion district against the con tern plated closure .of Keizer Road where it Intersects the Salcm-Portland Expressway. Directors of tha fire district said tha closure would accessl tate a detour la reaching the extreme easterly portion of the district In case of fire. In its reply, th commission holds that it "would be Impos sible to separate the Keizer Road and the expressway with out also constructing a separa tion with the railroad, which reaulta In an extremely costly project- "Studies Indicated that the traffic of Keizer road would not in any manner Justify ex penditure of public funds in an amount! comparable to tha re suit obtained,1' the commis sion's letter continues.. "Fur ther studies have been made which Indicate that the travel time necessary to use other roads to reach points east at the Keizer Road closure .is very small. . ' "We do not believe that the Keizer fire department will be materially hampered in reach iu the eastern areas of the tire district over existing roads that will not bo closed.- Sale of Beans Cause of Suit Suit was filed In Marlon county circuit court Thursday by Clifford Swart out against the Kolsted Canneries, Inc., seeking total Judgment of 114V M1.88. The complaint states that the plaintiff made deliveries of some 683,424 pounds of string leas beans to the defendant be tween August 20 and Septem ber 28, 1953, which had a "rea sonable market value of 6H cents a pound.' As a result of such deliveries it Is said the defendant became indebted to the plaintiff in the sum of 831.072 56. The defend ant is credited with having paid 817,423.58, leaving an unpaid balance of $11,648.88. As a second cause of action the plaintiff states he delivered 79 tons ot sweet corn to the defendant during September. The corn had a market value of $30 a ton, whereby the defend- Deetz Hailed Into Court Oregon City T Deetz, the Canby dairyman de fying state milk authorities, will go to court next Monday to answer the state's charges. A summons Wednesday or dered him to court to show why he should not be prevented from selling milk tn gallon cans at a low price. The State Board -ot Agriculture seeks a restrain ing order because be does not have a milk marketing license and sells below prices set by the Milk Marketing Adminis tration. Deets Insists it la his consti tutional right to sell his milk ta the way he prefers, and aays he will carry his tight to the supreme court, it necessary. FIFTH SHIP BRINGS FOOD Bremen, 0H The fifth ship to bring food for needy fam ilies tn East Germany and free Berlin arrived here Thursday. ant became indebted to the plaintiff in the sum ot $2170. None of the last named sum has been paid, the complaint States. outran the deputy. enter the state contest and win ner there will advance to the Merriam Talks Lawrence I reg,onal ,nd naUonal. Merriam, president of the newly-organized Salem Asso ciation for Retarded Children, A general picture of the to Each address is based on- de livery, content and originality. addressed Salem Exchange witn the ust phase being given club members Wednesday 20 nointa and the other two 40 noon on the work the club la I each. trying to do in helping re- Neufeld, son ot a farmer, tarded children find a place in plans to take up medicine, the community. The associa- Douglas Hay, municipal tlon consists of parents, rela- Judge, and president of the Uvea, friends snd other per-1 Salem junior chamber of com- ions interested in the children, merce, outlined the contest he said. Along with the talk, which Is sponsored on a nat Merriam showed a film on the tonal level by the Junior cham ublect entitled "Children ber. Limited." The program was arranged I by Cecil quesseth, attorney Car, Truck Collide A ear and member of the Lions club. driven by Kermlt Leroy Ped- erson, Route B, suffered eon- w ,11 r siderable damage to the right J QUI n 1.05.5 TinT side about 12:30 a.m. Thurs-I In High School Shop day when it collided with the left rear wheela of the trailer of a large transport truck driven by Lee Frederick Mc Intler, Route 4, near the In. tersection of Center and Capi tol streets, city police report ed. Both care were traveling tne same direction, police ,choo, woodWorklng , u I Wednesday afternoon. wa iiiuiur. u vui w re ported Injured A 17-year-old high school boy lost one finger from his left hand and another finger was badly Injured as a result of an accident while using power saw at the Salem high shop Ua J Mrs. Henry Kayser, president of Salem Soroptimist club, receives a $50 check from George Paulua, representing Paulus Brothers who made the contribution to aid the Soroptimist in paying for clock installation in City Hall tower, a club project. People Held (Continued from Pace 1) Assembly Vote " " (Continued tram Pace 1) Fellow Employes Honor Donald Smith. 198 North 24th street, was treated at the scene by first aldmen for the two mangled fingers and was the State Department of Agri culture honored M. T. Madsen at a luncheon today. retire at the end of the year MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Madsen-Jellow employes of , uken SaIem G..-ai hospi. tal where the ring finger was He will ,mpuUt'd be,0W l" ,eC0"d Tt ..... J - ...1,11. ILL? b"kerie' lOT thai t mTdflnger would .j.-........ . . 1,-tj. tn K mnntflfon hospital attendants said, but Food sale and bazaar by the Thursday it was reported all Labish Center Church women, right and young Smith was Friday, December 4th. Next reported in good condition. Hnni- tn Fitt' Meat Market. I 288 Mrs. uuinrie 11 as sirose Thanday, December S Organised Naral Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Ma rina Corps Reserve Training cen- "Battery D. TJtod AAA.AW bat talion, at Quonset nut on Lee "oompany D. lSJna infantry regiment, at Salem armory. Seabee Reserves, at Naval and Marina Coma Reserve trainine center. 'jirin. SSth mrislon &th Infantry Division, Korea Recently Joining this division waa Pvt. Lerfle M Fowler, son of Mrs Fsiui rowier, ru crminru road. Salem. Oregon Fowler, a rifleman, entered the Army in Ma; and completed his basic VauUQK at rorfc vru, Mui. Arrives ta Korea wit the 2toh Infantry Divi sion in Korea Pvt. Richard C. Monson. son of Mr. and Mrs. O. c unniun. Indenendence. Ore- enn recently arrived in Korea for duty as a rifleman with this jiivfetMv Umnn. a araduate Of the Independence hteh achooL entered the Armv in February of this rear ana eompievea nis w training at Fort Pro, Cslll. t 111 , 1 riMiilnfi Portland Air Base, Portland. Orc-CoL Robert W. Sheets, com mander of the 403 Troop Carrier Wing, (medium) has announced that limited vacancies are now rn-n lor non-Drtor arrvlos per. nnd in tin Air Porta Reserve AU male appucanU 17 Teara of age and older, not classified 1-A by the selective service board, are Hrthl tn cnltat Complete details on enrollment tn the Air Force Renerve can se secured from the Reserve In. formation Office. Portland Inter, national Airport. I Salem friends were informed Capital Variety, 1262 State Thursday that Mrs. George B St. Open every night til 9, until Guthrie suffered a severe December 23. zbb- stroke Wednesday at the Guth ' I rie home In Portland. It was Castle Permanent Wavers, dnnhtfui tht ah would live 303 Llvesley Bldg., pn. 3-3803. through Thursday and her PermanenU $5 and up. Ruth children have been called to Ford, Manager. 288' her bedside. BORN iLsTM GUftftAJL OtPITAsV DA T Mr. MeJ Mrs. DooiM DaaJB. gut a samnnMs KaJL. 1tL Do. S. OHNDUH-To MT. T4 Mr. DkTtd IIOBmMtfa, 111 W. I ln$ll $-, gUi, . I. rURRBI Tt Mr. n4 Mr. IlLIll MtWOKLAL BOB PIT AL BONOOOPflKI T Mr. ftttd Mrs Prank atoBMofitL Rt 4. Boi ito. slrL DtC- t (fTTUW-Ta Mr. S&4 Mrs, CbftTrM trftv, tiU Uuhrmood At, ft COURT NEWS Circuit Court Rllt Colrtr m Picker x-rsr Corp. of Oregon: Jury vtrdlrt la 1tot of ploln- B.P.W. club bazaar and cooked food sale Saturday, December 3. Good Housekeep ing Store. 289' Aloha Chi Omega Christmas "? J." M"1 " M Greens ahow. Vailev Motor Co. ij w a c 1 ,n n 1 stftl rnjoiM uiuiuoi (.amwaitT rnaay ch.rm Morwi: Otaer .1 itf.alt nun Sunday 12-9. zu uoiiui mnodim m ut mm 01 w n. . . . 7 , ... I lfory Loa OfU Uorlon Lorent Bird snow, Dazaar, reo. sui, C.,1IM intnt of in 000 9 a.m.-5 p.m. White's Feed rn ond hmji aim store. Birds, Psrakeets. (Cagea frrt4 ta lrt.trMk crun. rxe. u, iiu. . 2RH . I Clifford Bwartont Kolatftd Bargains at.YWCA Budget ,,1.14,01 00 M iiuo 1 mum tat shop. 162 S. Commercial. Open 'or nour. Friday & Monday 19-9. 288 jiatn wrntiri n. MMk ruetior. Bonn IuoniirtKuon (mptsr mom nitrt, rlortn.Mt. Inc.: Dramrrtr 17 defradut PlKhor a itmtt of laiaffleloat lacu. alia U. Lanta rt X. K and faltB a. Loach and a. af. Imob: Dtworrtr kv IdofoadaaU Ltaeh am aromada f taaaf- IfMaBt facta. Delta Alumni, Friday, Decern ber 4, over Greenbaum's, 9-4. 288 Walvae af aitradltloa Itnod kr Bar Looa McPMtrKko cbaricd 1th ifo and ahlld taM at Oklahotaa. nummage sale over Gteea- baums Saturday, December 9. Open 9 ajn. 289' Bazaar luncheon St Paul's EniscoDal church. Chemeketa near Church St. Friday, Pc-1" " cember 4, 10:30 a m. -8:00 p.m 288 Probate Court Jaaua L. tDtrtr aotau: Baarlas rt- rrank W. attUtnMT coUU: Order a, arovrav foarth atan-aaaaal account and anUiorlalai asocatar to atako oichani of D. a troacarr aartiricataa af All-day bazaar and 75c ehkk- meckudsaaa. en pie luncheon, 11:30 a.m. to 1M to. umun nardia.hi: or. 1:30 D.m. Friday. Dec. 4. First dor apprerlas annaal aecomal af SU4- Congregstional church. Home- - made mince meat for sale. iMunieiool Court AOO I aoaoao waa atlTTM trliua Another shipment of Kim. port Worldwide Dolls has ar-l Satm Waah latoalcataa. mod aw lln of lino. Iblaa A. Waarth. rocfcUoa dnrlms. rived, priced 25c up to fftoso aw""' " '" """ See these and Amerlesn-msde nonau Artm. sm cantor ovoat. dolls at 1210 North 16th. Also anna, nw .aieatod do machine hemstitching. Open ! MSft auco of aaprai mod lues- wed., at Thurs. 2BB court. The Clackamas county sena tor said that recent surveys tor said that recent surveys have brought to light wide dis crepancies in the assessed val uation of comparable proper ties in Oregon snd in other states. He added that the problem of achieving equitable assessments for property tax purposes in this state, as well as in others, resolves itself into providing definite targets of value, appraisal tools and com petent appraisers. True Cash Value Key The definition of 'true cash value,' the definite target of value, must be such as to be easily understood by both the appraiser and the taxpayer," Senator Belton said. mere must be no room for wide dif ferences of opinion as to value level. Tax administrators and assessment officers are entitled to some mark on the wall as a guide to orderly, uniform, and equitable valuation of prop. rty." Among the directives given the committee by the 1953 le gislature was the difficult task of establishment of a proced ure of ascertaining the 'true cash value' of real property Further Senator Belton said that the committee is "well aware that a new definition of true cash value' Is not in itself a panacea for Oregon's assess ment dilemma. Equalization Deceiving Tha equalization program now under way by the state tax commission shows that lnequl ties within each class ot prop erty csn be corrected by prop er administration, but equaliz ation between classes of prop erty tinder the definition is deceiving thing. The value level for Inventory prop erty is definite, but that for real property is dependent on individual interpretation of the phrase 'normal conditions which Is contained In the pres ent Oregon statutes," the sen ator said. Belton concluded his state ment by pointing out that the "continuation of a sound and stable tax and fiscal policy, in both state and lobal govern ment, is of prime Important; and that la the sole purpose be hind this statement." "2. Condemns the commis sion by any governments or authorities of murder, mutila tion, torture, and other atro cious acts against captured military personnel or civilian populations, as a violation of rules of international law and basic standards ot conduct and morality and as affronting hu man rights and the dignity and worth of the human person." Vishinsky said he and his al lies voted sgainst the resolu tion because it was "libelous, spurious and hypocritical." India already had announced she would not vote on the reso lution, explaining this was be cause of her position as head of the Neutral Nations Repatria tion Commission. Tornado Kills (Continued from Page 1) Learn knitting. 241 State St S-S6S4. Wednesday thru Satur day, 1:00 pjiL-t pjn. 102 District Court aormond Mrrrol dMTlne vhlle arvnaD, ted Bllm. Sheridan. intoileaud (Foormarr St Her husband's body lay near by REDS CHARGE SPT CENTER Warsaw Poland (At Polish prosecutors charged Thursday that an American-backed West Berlin spy center Is sending armed men into Polsnd to or gsnize subversion agsinst the communist government The storm cut off power tem porarily in the Alexandria area and hampered communi cations. The LaSalle officials said at least 20 homes were destroyed or damaged at Tullos. At the Paradise community. 10 miles north of here, four highway employes sleeping tn a trailer were carried on a wild 100-yard ride by the rag ing winds. The extent of their Injuries was not known. The twister narrowly missed the veterans administration hospital five miles north of Alexandria. The twisting terror alsd struck at Hineston, Dry Prong. Klngsvllle and the area east of Colfax as it raged across the center of the state in a north easterly arc. Livestock Disease Cases in October 281 The state department of ag riculture said today that 281 cases of livestock disease oc curred In Oregon during Oc tober. The tabulation was made from reports ot veterinarians throughout Oregon filed with Dr. K. P. Peterson, state vet erinarian- Brucellosis topped the list with 122 reactors found in 26.216 animals tested. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all the friends, neighbors and organi zations who have helped us In so many ways since the loss of our home by fire. The Edgar J. KoUn Family 188 TWO LOCATIONS FIRE-KING 3-Piece Nested firttfont .TREBLETOHE jTABLE RADIO ? Sov 14.00 1 VHHej ptCMttC bJfMJrt a PRICE! 1 : Mrs I g Bkaaw- m IVORY BOWL SET : M.oP,o0 $torog ; Ssjrvl" a sizi rot ' IVIUT Ull . FIRST TIM THIS SPECIAL I Gucvtmteect Tws Yi Acrainet Heat nreokooe, U V StT OVJUfTTTKS IWUTI9 . . . KMTT MISS THIS OUHCI TO UV1 MT CMTTfc Super ViIm 2-CEU FLASII LIGHT Tire$lone BICYCLER jKtfMUno ft fOU tilt m .BICYCLES 48 ACCESSORIES EXTRA A rt TMM WIU M ajauaiMfti sea naaff SCHICK "20" ElICTRIC SHAVIt Ovktor. , 0459 akorraa. lon-fa. .fc"f Slashed! Price Famous DORMEYER f.iixcr-J ulcer Formerly $29.95 98 I (4Q DOWN I IflOO SHOP BATDORF'S TOYLAND AND SAVE! Salem's Only Home-Owned and Operated Firestone Dealer Store BATDORF'S Tir$.on STORE M OPEN EVEK1HH HI 9 P.M. 14th and State Sts. J09S Fairground Rd. Phone 3-9582 W Civ frtf Green Stamps PhonJ-74S5 1