Thursday. December 8, 1958 raB CAPrr LCorn Good in Casserole Offerings THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oreeoa ,'FOOD SECTION Page 11 Reminders On Baking Fruit Cake . JL.-.-.,..,f ..afi r . i i I, iii i-" - " ' " ": i Pans muit be bright and gleaming if you expect glow ing reiulU with fruit cakes. Food experts agree that "to make better cake you need ihiny pan and we're glad that maker of scouring padi ii making a big point of thii. Many a beat resistant glass pan, as well as aluminum and tin pans needs a thorough scouring. Layers are definite ly higher, texture lighter. browning more even when Casserole cookery is an art unto itself. It requires a quick hand with spices. Yet no other dish has been developed which compares to it when it comes to making savory, delicious, one-dish meals Inexpensively. For Ir.rtance, our Unexpected Company Casserole. This is a recipe you'll appreciate when you have unexpected guests for luncheon. It features a casser ole natural corn. This vege table is an excellent basic cas- Children love its good f Fresk'MilkX rr. a b x m w mm m mm mmt mm r for " I.Ik m ' J z I SKANO V LV NO N FAT J A big glassful goes I . : ' I down in a hurry! ' 5J Little boys and 1 SlT girla (and big ones, jpy irtflf too) love that 0Ji fresh-milk flavor. F 1 Gives them oi ths . bone and muscle- 5SSS2MjTiiM( 'i building nourish- ' 'if ---- MIJ;jj' mentof milk, too r : ,j . . . and costs only L ' - j about 9 a quart! fc!fiJUS I n serole Ingredient because its distinctive flavor is easily rec ognized even when combined with a variety of other ingred ients. Unexpected Company Casserole 1 can luncheon meat 1 small can pineapple S cans whole kernel corn Slice luncheon meat. Empty contents of corn into casserole. Arrange slices of luncheon meat, alternately with slices of pineapple in casserole on top of corn. Add Vt cup pineapple juice. Place casserole in a mod erate oven (375 deg. F.) for about 15 minutes , Corn n Sausage Casserole 1 pound pork sausage 2 tablespoons flour 2 tablespoons sausage drippings ' 1 cup,milk V4 teaspoon salt V cup chopped green pepper 1 cup cracker crumbs 2 cups corn 1 tablespoon butter or margarine, melted Shape sausage into 6 patties and brown in frying pan. Re move sausage and stir flour in to 2 tablespoons sausage drip pings. Add milk and salt and cook until the mixture is thickened. Add green pepper. Arrange Vt cup cracker crumbs in greased casserole. Add corn Place sausage patties on corn and pour white sauce over all. Mix remaining cracker crumbs and melted butter or margarine and sprinkle on top of mixture. Bake 40 minutes in a moderate oven (350 F.). pans are bright. Baking Cakes Arrange cakes ea even shelf and put a shallow pan of water on the bottom to give cake a soft crust as they bake. Bake fruit cakes in a alow oven. It you have several small cakes baking at the same time, be sure they are evenly spaced throughout the oven and that there is enough room between pans so air can cir culate freely. To Cool Fruit Cakes Remove the pans, leave on the pan-lining papers .. and place on a rack. When thor oughly cooled, wrap with ad ditional waxed paper - and store In air-tight container In a cool place. Oa Aging To age the cake with "spirits" or fruit juice, re move pan linings from the cske, wrsp in a cloth soaked with brandy, sweet wine or fruit juice, v Wrap the whole thing in waxed paper and store In air-tight container In e cool place. Adhesive tape from the medicine cabinet does a ' good job of making things air-tight Good Clase Decorate cake shortly be fore using. For a good glass, bring corn syrup to a brisk boil and spread or brush over cake surface. Decorate as de sired with nut halves, candied peels, dried fruits or what ever you like.' . Cutting. A fruit cake win cut easier if thoroughly Chil led; cut with sharp knife, You owe it to yourself to try the coffee that's. PRESSURE PACKED! than any coffee packed ' in vacuum cans or bags! est- PACKED am mm iMN MEATS ML 150 N. Commercial Phone 3-5563 Here at Hoffman's, where MEAT is our business and not a sideline, we give you quality plus prices that can't be beat anywhere. Due to our large volume arid tre mendous buying power we are able to give you, Mr. and, Mrs. Consumer, real savings on top quality meats! Take advantage of these items and save! rzfflrz FOR your (i!)(l LOCKER AND CHOICE GRADE ROASTS SAVE 20 lb ENGLISH STYLE SHORT LOIN FREEZER READY For Club Steaks or N. Y. Cuts . GENUINE U. S. INSPECTED LOCKER READY SPRING LAMB . ARMOUR'S BANQUET LOCKER READY STEERS Sides 220 lbs. . . . . lb, ARMOUR'S GENUINE LOCKER READY BABY BEEF Small Sides . . WW a Mil tniAjnv r because R's lew-heel K.V processed Budget Pak-eft IS Lbs. Roasts 20 Lbs. Steaks 7 Lbs. Ground Round r :.l mT .. .a TV v la, wnwa HKIlfc UUIB - Mflif Mi V UBIUCll, vr. sp of the cold-water ft AIKUWI UKff-ivr m onto abelve. taucet. yk fiflrtJJJt IN TWO SIZES 42 lbs. 23 10 . ib. 39 382 . .p. 39 Economy Pak-eit 15 Lbs. Steaks 20 Lbs. Roasts 12 Lbs. Short Ribs 12 Lbs. Ground Beef 59 lbs. 25 37 When you shop at Hoffman's there is no need to buy more than you need when you stock your freezer or locker. FKESInl lhriiiml Here's a Special That Will Pay for the Trip Downtown NEB ERG ALL'S SLICED BACON lb. NO LIMIT ON THIS FINE FLAVORED BACON 59' This is a funny item to hays in a Meat Mkt., but we do some peculiar things now and then. 10 BARS OF FINE TOILET SOAP Reg. 83c SPECIAL M)t 59 We were lucky and were able to buy another load of genuine Young Lamb. The meat that doctors recommend! LEG OF LAMB 59' Whole or Half Lamb Chops 55' LAMB ROAST ,,39' Any Siie You Wish BREAST OF LAMB ,b. 19' Wonderful With Vegetobles Good Quality Beef is slowly going up. So we think these specials are a real buy for this Veekend! U. S. Choice Steer Beef Roast 39 Ib. Guaranteed to be the best you hove ever eaten! English Style Club Steak 49' Ib. Really Good Eating Anytime AT YOUR GROCER'S