Thursday, December 8, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecoa Paprika Pep-Up '" paprika. Add da 0i Deiieiou. -Ptu .round- m-I . t-v i x..i .Let paprika odd pep, flsvor Paprika to salad dressing; freshmenU to offer guests over .VjOUriTSCt UISm6S WITH sod color to many foods. If .sprinkle oa biked oouio weekend art fingers of fruit FOOD SECTION Para you reneai crackers with : macaroni and chees. ,r,rf MUM wn so iop, sprinkle other blanri all a wruena art lingers 01 Iruitlf .. -y-1 -f- , ;!w. aecompeaied b, ot Sardines Are These I wo T refreshing? mnU luin mii appearing food, chilled. No trouble, either! AMERICA'S LARGEST SELLING I f IS Homogenized n FOR THAT "MELT-IN-YOUR-MOUTH" TEXTURE I yT at' NSTna. fRE-CO0KEt! JUSTADOTO UlllI II xx ' I Delicious ROYAL Gives IW -gj.. JRs"rtV-ag. KIDS lOVI THIS HIOH-tNERGY BETWEEN-MEAl SNACK i Royal U wrUU mprt from all other instant ouddinxs. Every luscious spoonful has a deeper, richer taste... ' its "melt-in-your-mouth" texture is smooth as cream, i No rubbery top 61m! No lumps! No bumps! And j Rorsl instant Pudding is easy to dices! ...babies love k! Look for the new Royal packages on your (.racer's shelves, todsy! Get ROYAL, the only INSTANT i V A " 3 t - ' ' ;. .XST . .1 v n ! :rv ft A vi (I y- A V "; .. T- - -ttKfmr ' i,1 i,t "H ! THOUSANDS of People Shop tieir favorite Busick Market every week through the year, rot) too can prof it and set a better table shop ping these markets regularly. No charge for delivery . . . Shop in person or by telephone. . , . Economy Meat Dept. Economical and Good Ealing Pot Roast of BEEF lb. 35' SIRLOIN IWDINGthatUirir7 r " ' t N JuftVMtoCold Milk... Mix...lctet and Serve ! 1 Mlihty Tasty Shirred eggs served with sardines. m a lull minM fialtnasiliaiasaiii miaa A Divine Sauce plus aardinea makes a notable dish. AP Mm riatim) Sardines go gourmet these days. Turn a French chef loose on a couple of cans of the Norway variety, and he comes up with auch recipes as these for Sardines Orientate and Sar dines with Shirred Eggs. Sardines Orientale makes a perfect luncheon entree when prefaced by a soup and served with crusty hard rolls and a green salad. You need the rolls to dip into the wonderful sauce of this dish. For dessert, we suggest a fruit compote and thin rich brown-edged vanilla wafers, Sardines with Shirred Eggs fresh pears, apples, grapes; top your pretty fruit arrangement with dates or figs. And don't forget to have lots of good hot strong coffee all through your: brunch. Sardines Orientale Ingredients: 1 medium-size onion, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 pound firm tomatoes, 1 fat clove of garlic (crushed), 2 ta blespoons cooking sherry, pinch I of saffron (if available), salt and pepper to taste, one 3 fl ounce can Norway sardines. Method: Peel onion; quartern and cut into thin strips; there1 should be about 1 cup. Heat' are a fine brunch dish. But do I olive 11 in 8-inch skillet; add i Sup&uFLAVOR! Sup<EXTURE! Supe. QUICK! accompany them with a special bread. If there s a i rench bak ery In your neighborhood, may be you can get Croissants or Brioche or if you're adven turous, you can make your own. Failing these, heated Parker hrtuse, butter-flake or clover rolls will make mighty good substitutes. After the sardine- egg dish bring on a bowl of 1 GOOD GROCERY BUYS Oregon Large Prunes 2Ib..49c Oregon Large Prunes 30b'.bx$6.60 Seedless RAISINS 4 ,.. 59c Dromedary Pilled Dates Lb. 39c OREGON PRODUCTS for CHRISTMAS GIFTS We Pack and Ship Anywhere Oregon Products Are Topi OREGON PRUNES Large site in 5, 10, 30 lb. Boxes Jumbo Franquette Walnutt 5 end 10-lb. bogs JUMBO FILBERTS S-lb. bags TILLAMOOK CHEESE In, four sixes Mb., 2-lb., 3-lb., 5-lb. DICKINSON'S PRESERVES & JELLIES 8 -ox. jor Fancy Xmas Box 1 2 jar Fancy Xmas Box Cheese Assortments In Fancy Christmas Pack Fine Gilts for Men Lyons Assorted Glazed Fruit In 2-lb. Redwood Box California Fancy Fruits Beautiful Packed Assortments SCHILLINGS BLACK PEPPER ,.,.29c GERBER'S BABY FOODS 4n.35c LINDSAY PITTED RIPE OUYES 29c SWANSDOWN ANGEL FOOD MIX PkI. 55c CENTENNIAL POPCORN 2 lb, 39c (Yellow or White) HUNT'S NEW POTATOES 2caM25c MEAT BALLS and GRAVY Dennison's can 39C HERSHEYCHOC. MORSELS 2pkr..39c HERSHEY BREAKUP CHOCOLATE 60c HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 4(n.25c EGGS Cline's Grade A Large Dos. 73c EGGS Cline's Grade a Medium Doi. 65c PEACHES Lady Elberta No. 24 . . . 2 ,.r 75c PEACHES Freestone No. I'i . . . 2 f.r 49c (In Light Syrup) Case SS.7S RADIANT MIX Lyons lb. 45c GLAZED CHERRIES Lyons lb. 75c PINEAPPLE RINGS Lyons Each 15c (Red, Green and Natural) Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 No Charts for Delivery It-Day Charge Accounts FRCK PARKING IN THE REAR OF THE 8TORE NUTS IN SHELL All New Crop Nuts . 49c IXL Almonds Lb Large Georgia Pecans EC, Lb J Large Washed Brazils .fp Jumbo Franquette Walnuts, lb Jumbo Filberts Lb 45c 39c Armour's LEG OF LAMB 69 U.S. Choice Steer Beef ROAST 49 Nebergall's SLICED BACON 59' lb. onion and cook slowly for about 10 minutes; it should be partly crisp and cot browned. Mean while peel tomatoes by plung Ing them into boiling water; quarter and scoop out needs with your fingers; chop; there should be a generous cupful, Add tomatoes, garlic, sherry. saffron (if used), salt and pep per to skillet. Cook slowly, stirring a few times, lor about 10 minutes. Drain sardines, place half of them in two in dividual 6-inch heat-resistant glass pie plates; pour the sauce over; arrange remaining dines over sauce. Bake in very hot (4S0F.) oven until bubbly about 5 minutes. Serve at once in pie plates. Makes 2 large servings. Note: One cup thoroughly chopped canned tomatoes may be substituted for the fresh to-, matoes called for. Recipe may be doubled and heated in one large shallow baking dish or; pie plate. Sardines with Shirred Eggs Ingredients: 4 teaspoons but tersor margarine (soft), V cup 'fine dry bread crumbs, 8 eggs, ou 3 -ounce can Norway sar dines. Method: Spread butter over thecJeitom of 4 Individual ikrtd egg dishes. Sprinkle bread yrumbs over butter. Break two eggs into each dish. Arrange sardines over eggs. Bake In-ilow (325F.) oven un- !-gsare firm about 15 min- utes' Manes 4 servings. EVEN SMNOFOIDED.YOU i iri Can't miss its Tfeeh. Milk' flavor! Pan Ready FRYERS lb. 63 IASIIST fftADINO MA 10 At INI IV It I 'Ifg rk flew the ft fefc cei ! H fine) isjfs)ien HsW wax) csni Sj mJ '. 'Hi. tetH, Isxtfti', tdae1 tyttficlsjl chriJ, Vlto A, teniae. lMlssj t wsys ). ai SAFEWAY Steaks ROUND Steaks pound 59' 59' pound COTTAGE BONELESS Pork Roasts pnib 49 Ground Beef i. 39 Beautifully Dressed , Young Plump HENS Ready for Stewing 3 lbs. or ever each ' $119 a lb. Fashion Plate Young' Fry 30 to 34 ounces Pen-Reedy $1119 Choice Beef Beautifully Marbled Pot ROASTS lb .49' Choice Grade Sirloin ' STEAKS .T 89' Mt. Angel ; ' CHEESE 2-Pound Loaf- ." .99''; Best Foods Mayonnaise : Quart i KRAFT COTTAGE : CHEESE Pint 29 Del Monte Pineapple Large Slices 1(0.2 size Minnesota Valley Tender Sweet Peas 2 for 29 Delicious Healthful Standby Tomato Juice 46-ox. cans 2 ,.,49' HORMEL . SPAM 43' MJB Long Grain RICE Tenderleof ICA pk.48 Q bags Baker's COCOA pound can Skippy Peanut Butter Del Monte 43 PUMPKIN No. 2V4 Sixe Cans 2 (or 29 tDanniton - CATSUP 2 large boHles-v Karo Syrup Blue Label 5 159' Minced Alaska RAZOR CLAMS 3 cam 95' New Crop POPCORN p. 43' Sun Moid Famous Seedless, RAISINS pound Nestle Instant Cocoa COCOA 25' Trellis Whole Kernel 8 01. Hunt's 14oz.39 Potatoes Florida Oranges CORN Packed by Graen Giant ; Vacuum Pack 2 tms29' - Heins . s CATSUP i. l ,., -. ..... . ; Large Bottles 2 forlSV Gold Model FLOUR 1089' Calumet BAKING POWDER . lib. 3W. can Minute TAPIOCA pkg. CmA f OVALTINE ' large bottle w Baker's Cocoanut 40Z. 1C: PILLSBURY TOMATO SAUCE 3 cans 19 Bright clean even size smoothies less waste inpeeling Large Juicy dozen 43' Fresh Garden Vegetables Are Exceptionally Nice This Veek Freshly Trimmed South of State St. Deliveries Monday, Wednesday and Friday North of State St., Tuesday, Thursday end Saturday FLOUR ib. -509 L J baa u ' - 25J9' hihsick NO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY s .4 Ml X ill ! f ii V . I ! V I X i 4. C V W 4. - v. ... C -4k . .aw--,