.. -'-WV- Pigo 8 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Or-coa Wednesday, December 3, 1053 Nesselrode Pie for Company Buffet f Buffet service it preferred by rainy because it facilitates serving a larger number of guests. For gala dessert, Nesselrode pie can be made ahead and garnished at serv ing time in tune with the tea son. This favorite dessert has a smooth, milk base to which fruit and nuts have been add ed. A chocolate cookie but ter cruit givea Just the right flavor and texture contrast You will be a popular hostess Diced Turkey Salad Fine at salad served on let tuce leaf; wonderful as sand wich filler. Uses up the last of that turkey. Add V cup chopped celery, Vt cup chop ped pepptr, 2 small chopped gherkins, 4 teaspoon salt, H teaspoon pepper to 2 cups cooked diced turkey or other poultry. Combine tt cup may onnaise and 2tt tablespoons prepared mustard and add to the chicken mixture. Spread on hot buttered toast. Four salads or 8 main-sire sandwiches. SALAD EEMINDEE Bet you've not done this one In ages. It it still a favorite with many. Arrange plain orange slices and plain onion .slices in fan fashion on a let tuce leaf and serve with a tart French dressing. if you terve Nesselrode Pie to your guests. Neasetrade Pie 1V cups fine chocolate wafter crumbs tt cup melted butter TIImH mmha and butter. then press into -inch pie pan. Cat down weu. niu umu ! at lra.t one hour. You will need 2 of these for the filling recipe. Filling: 2 tablespoons plain gelatin 1 cup cold milk 2 cups milk . 4 cup sugar 5 egg yolks H cup raisins Vt cup finely chopped almonds Vs cup mixed candied fruit 2 teaspoons vanilla S egg whites teaspoon salt Maraschino cherries for garnish Whipped cream Soak gelatin in the cold milk. Scald the 2 cups of milk in the top of a double boiler. Add the sugar. Beat egg yolks well and add a little of the hot mixture to them, then combine two mixtures and cook, stirring constantly fn, 9 mlniitM Rmnva from heat and stir in the gelatin. Add raisins, nuts ana mm nrf oaa) until .liffhtlv set. Add vanila. Beat egg whites with the salt unui sun dui ( :.v'i '; - .-V! -j h ' -i V : - -7--V not dry. Fold into the cooled pile into 3 chocolate crumb Inlsh with whipped cream and I Recipe may be cut In half for mixture. Divide evenly and crusts. Chill until firm. Gar-1 cherries. Serves 12. Note:l pie, using I eggs. 1288 State Sr.RAuMID ALL'S zAAIitKIiTph" 3-9 Folks here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to buy beef at the lowest prices in many years. We have contracted for 468 head of Eastern Oregon grass-fed beef in order to bring these prices to you. THEY MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PROFIT LOSS ES. These beef will be trucked from Eastern Oregon to the Stearns & Welch Packers in Portland and then to Salem for you selections. Ev ery piece of beef will be U. S. Gov't Inspected to guarantee your protection. These prices will be in effect only while this supply lasts. AST TiACC Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Lb. Rib or T-Bone Lb. A complete selection of our best good eating fancy astern Oregon Hereford Beef at the following low prices: Round Steak 53' NEW YORK CUT 69c ROAST OR STEAK StSLOIM TIP ...U. 59c BEEF TENDERLOIN 89c BEEF HEARTS - 29c SAUSAGE COUNTRY STYLE II. 29c GROUND ROUND 49c SHORT RIBS- . 21c LEAN BEEF CUBES 49c New Low Prices on locker Beef B4 utectlon ol Fine. Gutrtn Ormon ll.rcr.rd hf. Don't fill to Uk. d.ali. t in... prlc... Cnt.nlcat train but b. nrrufnl. No4hi. .aw. . full .... to pi? Half or Whole 2iVic n Front Quarter I Hind Quarter 24c a I 33V2C ii rancj tasirrn uregon Hereford 4a. . BEEF ROAST SaWlT. 49. BABY BEEF LIVER lb 39 FRESH BEEF TONGUES 29 V. S. Government Inspected Grade "A" Fresh Eastern Oregon Hereford Genuine Veal BREAST FOR STEW lb. 10c SHOULDER ROAST lb. 43t SHOULDER CHOPS lb. 49c LOIN & RIB CHOPS lb. 59e CHOICE VEAL ROUND lb. 69c ... 1 1 n a i run? umiM-a ana unws JB bbi rlCrHi vount Lb.- Fnc FMtrrn Ortfou llereiord BEEF STEAK T-Bone, Rib Steaks Lb. GHOUND BEHIF ib. 25c SHOUT RIBS ib. 15c Boned SIRLOINi. 49c SIRLOIN TlProSx ".49c ROUND STEAK ib. 33e Eastern Oregon LOCKER BEEF Grass-Fed Beef FRONT KIND Hllf "l;2l1",;27,A 23V2 Buy Two 3-lb. cons SWIFTNING At Regular Price 79C "" tiei third Can lor tc But Two Reg. 37c Jars ' Swift's Peanut Butter and Gel Third Jar for Jusf 1c Buy Two Bags Fresh Carrots Beg. Price 2 for 29c Get Third Bag for Just 1c Sale i All Three for $159 All Three for 75' All Three for. 30 Buy om bunch Broccoli for regular price eA of 19c Get on bunch for Just 1c Both AUb Buy One 10-lb. bag Potatoes p Get 10 lbs. for 1c 20 lbs. Good Local Spuds ONE-CENT SALE Fancy Lebanon lp , HONEY 35c Pillsbury 5)(9)c Cake MixS" Canvas (p , GLOVES A 25 8-lb. Bag Corn Broad Haley's Wolter Kendal . ' DCEC fives MIX -viL"- D0GF00D Jiffy Brand Reg. Price $1.39 Large Con Chase & Sanborn Ib. COFFEE 75' Ground Beef ,b. 21 Beef Roast- ; u 23' Short Ribs ,, T-BONE STEAK u, 33c RIB STEAK Lb 29c ROUND STEAK Lb 33c Boneless Sirloin lb 49c 11 FRYER SALE YOUNG, MEATY, COLORED FRYERS SPLIT FOR BROILING NO GIBLETS 2 to a Package Reg. Price 99c each With Every Fryer Purchased an Addi- $v 10 tional Fryer for 1 1 c Total 2 Fryers for A NAMELESS FOOD MARKET 1940 Mission St. Phone 2-7661 Wo Reserve the Right To Limit Quantities No Soles to Dealers