Paja ft-fOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sale. Oregon Wednesday, December 8, 19SS v o ST w& Pears Cottage Cheese Blossom Time Special Offer! Buy 1 Pint Get a Half 45c Pint Absolutely FREE! Value Nylon Hosiery Pair 98 Floyds of Tomorrow 51 Gauge Booth Anchovies Delightful 9-oz. Late-evening Snack can 9-oz. 1A A3 White Magic Bleach Quart VH Half 9l Full nwi Bottle A Gal. AO Gal. ATTEND Smorgasbord at YMCA December 8 Oregon Beefs ar .2t,-25' Vac-Pack Corn r- 225' Beef in Gravy 39' Moneta Chili Sauce S9' Vestaq Vanilla -19' ..35' Sunny Dciivn Tomato Juice Roxbury Candies Nut Variety Fancy quality juice pressed from red-ripe tomatoes. Its consistency and flavor are extra good 46"oz' MvQc can I Inn Enjoy 'em when watching TV. Hard Candies Jelly Beans Peanut Clusters Chocolate Drops i.,b.Pkf.35c Chocolate Cherries mm 59c In Gay New Carousel Packages lib. pkc 29c lib. pkf. 29c Mb. pkf. 57C Walnut Meats Hoody Peanuts Oregon Walnuts Oregon Filberts Brazil Nuts Mixed Nuts Almonds 59c ll-oi. pkf. 29c . Mb. pkf. 43c Mb. pkf. 39C i-ib. pkc 49c . i-ib. pkf. 49c i-ib. pkf. 49c Frozen Foods Peas and Carrots lO-oi. pkf. Mixed Vegetables 10-oi.pkf. I' Fancy Peas lO-oi. pkf. I' Kernel Corn io.oi.pkf. 19c Brussel Sprouts ... Pk(. 27c Broccoli Brif ht Green lO-oi. pkf. Cut Green Beans lO-oi. pkf. ' Strawberries i2u.pkr.29c HP,- LoLani Fancy Pineapple Juice u c Fancy quality Hawaiian Pineapple juice. Pressed from fruit that has been picked at Its peak of maturity 46-oz.l1 ( Bleached Raisins Bta-to VL. 23c Seedless Raisins 5" . 33c Dried Currants hBk 19c Radiant Fruits Sir Vft.43c Candied Cherries Siw VkV 39c Heinz Puddings 55c Long Rice 8hoWbt nD. Pk(. 39c Zenith Rice Showboat ,.,. 53c Fleet Mix r.rB.u.u lWt: 35c Fruit Cake Mix Dtal. 69c Kitchen Cralt Flour .,. 95c Dromedary Coconut 28c Baker Chocolate 43c Junket Fudge Mix ll 01. 35c Empress Honey EL u,u 49c HIGHWAY PEACHES 25' V fists mm Smooth-skinned and solid... U. S. Number Ones.;. ready packed in uniform sizes When you buy potatoei at Safeway you fet just the sizes you want without pickinf them out from a mlxed-iize display. Come try out Safe way's new idea in potatoes the sizes you want when you want 'em. You'll be good-eating ahead , . . any size you pick. Economy Pack Small and Large Sizes Premium Sizes 6 to 1 4-oz. sizes . . In the Bulk Select them yourself. 10U5' 10.45' HtlvM or Slkn Ho. lVi Tin Fancy Fruit MONICA PLUMS 235' Oranges Florida grown. Try H these juicy oranges. L U m IU. " Arizona Marshseed less. Wide, juicy se& tions Grapefruit 8 ft 59' Apples Red Delicious for eat irg out of hand. . lb. 19 BANJO HOMINY 229' Whllt or folds Lac-Mix CABBAGE CARROTS JO On ions;. I E!f 39 ... 5' CELERY ;t 1 LETTUCE , 15' TURNIPS lb. 30 Non-fat i-os.pkf.. lib. pkf.... Mb. pkf.... Dry Milk ...23c ....33c ...89c Crackerjacks . Jell-Well 2-15' MARGARINE in .... .i 1. 1 lav ii una in smoorn, easy way un- llix nybank Spreads. You'll like its fresh, weet flavor. Kremel Lmoa fk Fllllne Suzanna brand. For fluffy pancakes or waffles in a hurry. Try pancakes and woffles with thot "Old West" flavor. Bartlett peart packed In a heavy syrup. Mixed pieces for your salads and desserts. We can't guarantee this low price will continue for any length of time, so be sure to stock up this weekend. . No. 2' can Pecae Yellow Freestones. Mixed pieces for your salads and desserts. Packed in j heavy syrup. This Is New Pack at a sensationally low price, so be sure to buy a few extra cans this weekend. No.2tt $1100 cans II Eoch 21c -Prices In tfils ad are effective through Sunday, December 6. We must re serve the right lo limit quantities no tales to dealers. lb. Mb. roll .4.511' 4-lb. $99 can Pork Loin Roast , 45' Pork Loin Choos r ..79' Pork Sausage Rolls Canned Picnics K'i f 2 Fancy Sliced Bacon 5LTi75 Rib Roasts. 79' Rib Steaks ,85' Corn-Beef sr6l5' Beef Kidney .19' Spiced Prawns The Perfect Snack 59' Pfl o n (una wssw 2 Baxter brand. Just heat and eat. Wonderful sandwich fill er, too. This it a "tell-out" price. All meat, no bone " or waste. Ideal for salads and sand wiches. Swanson brand. - 3V5t-!b. tall cans 4-oz. caif J m iJ) cans IJ0 UU M Pkkki Royal Red brand, lift. 9 !r4 big steaming bowl , of clam chowder. ' C0H Columbia or Stelnfeld't at this special 'low price. If you're fond of dill pickles you're sure to go for" . either of these famous brands. Plump and juicy with . their goodness sealed in cans. . . . ' Coffee w85ci:$1.69 CoHee 'i 83c n $1.65 CoffOO Edwtrds'cin 87C 't" le73 Fresh Milk Wit Fresh Butter Mootro 79c r 'U'URGf tggS CrM' the Crop Dot. OC rreSini hfToeTtoflH li oic tent In toot tad ' Itvsolr cheese sandwiches! - u l ( Ideal for your Mae- 9.1k. (Oj fY, aronl dishes. Excel- . J f IvM Rik-Rak aam 2l5c Parade Detergent1;:: 29c White Maaics2 25c Liquid Starch M u39c Vano Liquid Starch 1 25c Modess Sanitary Napkins n 2 c 77c Beverly Peanut Butter Halibut Steak , 59 Fresh Oysters ib. 69' Lunch Meats ib 49' Veal Loaf Macaroni I Cheese Pickle Pimento a French Head Cheese Oliva Loaf Minced Ham and others Chunk or cream style. With all the fla- j ' vor or rresn-roastea peanuts. iNourisning, healthful and delicious. Jar tSJflX 29'tJtJ NuMade Mayonnaise M the new Purity Seal. NuMade is "flavor- UUQM whipped the miracle working process that Dienas us genuine mayonnaise ilavor I JUI throughout every bite. SNOWS UNDERWOOD , ( LIIBY'S RATH PLANTER'S Minced Clams Deviled Ham Corn-Beef Hash Luncheon Meat Mixed Nuts 7J4-o. eon 31c I lVi-ct. can 21c No. 2 can 32c IJ-oi. can 43c 7-oi. con 59c 8 no. Improved 5-Stor Deluxe Mb. OlZt Pkg. ,