Thursday, December 3, 1953 f a.- V5,.: x&ssar - ifc.--. iiUAii" . . r i fi ise.Te----- eaassr - a . awe i . . , ' v cim- - assssssssseaei- 3 . -!. Afc-.W.? sK SWS. 5 sjanaw ,j i t ' i ?m . ..enm i. 2r , --'saaamBew- v. ,.t. 'i r.i--it- -c .err u .'-.-Wiii-- - ci. k-i-i--. - m v. Br -a bpbbub asaaaaaas. "--JaaaaaaaaWj-Tr;'':V?i a .s .-. - amw -k. fes,M !- vlb fl n A Mwj t i feliilllS&l J tOit I I I II im&Vrtl A9iflcflool is always occeptoble endure to pleau everyone from the very : RSHrJ'fl jtW I I I 1 , y8 ha wry aldrom tha hardleaot to thaU ta need. . W&0ST 5"' JpNN"" ' . .1 J I J . . Your dollar goes farther and you can remember more of your friends and ' 1 'l) "x- 'S neighbors when you give food. Make your sift distinctive by making it your- ' fVWcSffX -M V n" seift Visit your IGA today for complete selection and ideas for your gift of v . lM$4mNE3CVH. ' " ' . , food this year. . " , . Frl.,$ot..Sun.,0K.4-5-o ' . i? n Ann ia ioib. "tZc NpOv G,H M,dlf 10 U Lt Bag mm 'T5 snowdrift jf SHORTENING if' jyr 1 llS Cake Mta 5l If4 Simplicily Pattern 3451 Style 1 Semi-Boneless PORK ROAST I III I Fresh, Meaty SPARE RIBS Armour's Star CHILI ROLLS Fresh, Tender CALF LIVER Armour's Star LINK SAUSAGE LB. 12 oz. EACH LB. Demonstration at Oreott'i Market OaTi FOLGER'S COFFEE tb.n 89 Ball Point Pen only 25e with unwindinr band 00 itmplifiet UM mtthod brinp out huciooi Bniltout Iwok I - - - - AM Mi iottthcrJ ivi cwm Imw Mtr (pednd hi ep( 4 MOS Imi ntomalv id poon or electric mixer for t minute. 2 cups slftod oM smooi ell purpsis smw 1 twMp. doMbl eirlee kakine fmit 2 nwsp. soh 1 fsesp. diHMMMn 2 ssoip. elUptce 1 tsasp. sieves SMr into oil mixture alternately with into. 1 cvp pineapple, epple ev erenpe (else t (up mors stfrse) flour t cup nifnfy slksd cttrea I cup chopped seiidlssl plnsopnl 1U cups whole candled cherries 1 cup raleins 1 cup chopped floe 1 tvp eoarssly chopped DisiROndS Wtm)s 2 cups eoanery chopped ethtsd ems Post belter over trait. Bbdnf thoroughly. tie ith brown paper t greased lost pane. 1 i4 x 2 in. Pour batter into pane. Pleot a pen of water oa lower oven rack. Bake cakes t to J hours In ilow oven (27). After baking, let cakes ttsnd 15 tainutes before removing from pans. Cool thoroogHly on racks without removing paper. When cool, remove paper. To Insure freshncas, seal In cellophane or besvy waxed paper, then put In covered container fat e cool plsce to ripen. If Arm wftif Cofd Medaf Srff-tus Tlaur. eraM bfn( ftowetsr cad astt. WESSON OIL U.S. NO. 1 Full Quart Guaranteed to Satisfy 10 lb. Bag Danish 1 js . SQUASH ,,0,3' lbs. Shop at These Independently Owned IGA Stores EMERY'S IGA Fcodliner Wallace ltd. at 7th West Salem VISTA STATE ST. Market Market 304S S. Commercial 1230 State St. ORCUTT'S Market 4200 N. River Rd. irA crriMPrr nAirnir SOFTASILK CAKE FLOUR t BAKER'S COCONUT IGA FRUIT COCKTAIL 35c IGA TOMATOES 22?" 27c IGA Stores Reserve hto Right to Limit Quantities U.S.N0. 1 ' Sweet Potatoes or Yams 25. Freeh, Solid t CABBAGE i..5' 59c 44c 2 35c 3 - 1.00 4w.Q0 41b.