Psft 4 FOon igCTKW THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8lm. Oretwi Wednesday. Pcfmbf t, Hit Daman VAMASCOt HOUf A- af We have the nicest eurpris for yon ! New Damascus Candy Cane Ice Cream. ..your newest Treat-of -the-Month ! It ia mad with regular old-fashioned candy cane bits, pure and da- vory . . . blended witn satiny pink Damascus peppermint ice cream. It looks so festive and tastes simply fine! "No Hands, Recip Holder At Christmas time, we dig out "special" recipe cards. Keep them a ""ay from floury or buttery hands by clipping them in a spring clothespin glued to cupboard door at eye height On thing I've always liked bout Damascus Ice Cream is its wholesomeness for children. It is made with pure Damascus-fresh milk and cream, pas teurized for purity, homogen ized for smoothness. And when It's Damascus Candy Cane Ice Cream, with "nuggets" of pur candy right in it-enough saidt (HIISTMAI lift SANDWICHIl MINOIII tANDWICHIt Mill" CNOr CANf ANGIl CAKt PAMASCUt CANOf CAN! Kl CKAM For an extra treat, how bout apicy Damascus Egg Nog Instead of plain Damas cus Milk? The rich egg-and-milk goodness Is fine for chil dren, too. &&&& CHRISTMAS TRII SANDWICH!! Spread day-old rye or wheat bread with softened butter and cream cheese; cut with Christ mas tree cookie cutter. "Orna ment" with pimiento bits. MINDHR SANDWICHIS Spread day-old white bread with ham salad (with chopped green pepper or stuffed olives added for color); cut with reindeer cookie cutter. Outline the outer edges with softened ream cheese. CANDY CANS CAM Bake your favorite packaged angel cake mix. Cool, ice with Butter Icing. Decorate sides with 4 candy canes, so each lice has it own cane. WTTW KINO Blend VS cup light com svrup with 1 egg and 2 ' , cups sifted confectioners' sugar, until smooth. Add :i cup softened butter, 1 Up. vanilla; beat un til smooth and fluffy. NON SKID BOWL Ajar rubber underneath a bowl keeps it from kidding when you whip ream, beat eggs or icing. Damascus Csndy Csne Ice Cream is festive treat for ail your entertaining. Comes in 1 j gallon cartons ss well sa egu lar aisea. Enjoy it often during tall gay holiday month! DAMASCUS MILK CO. Pacific Bldg.-Ph. 4-5441 Slm, Ortjow Ji, K J J si Orange Slices 'Add to Dish Thin slices of orange give this rip olive mixed casserole distinction while th fish (leftover), corn, rip olives and-other ingredients give it satisfying substance. Mixed Casseral 1 cup drained whole kernel corn or hominy . 1 cup whole ripe olives or 1 can minced black olives 14 cups cubed cooked fish m cups e rumbled soda crackers m cups finely cut green pepper Salt and pepper IN cups white sauce 2 eggs 6 thin slices orange Cut olives from pits or use minced olives. Combine olives, fish, corn, cracker crumbs, green pepper, salt and pepper to taste and blend. Blend white sauce with beaten eggs. Add to olive-fish mixture and blend well. Pour into greaser cas serole or baking pan and place orange slices over top. Bake in moderately hot oven, 400 de grees, 30 minutes. Six servings. Last Call for Fruit Cake Making! By ZOLA VINCENT (Poods Wrlttr) In our kitchen, we've baked many a fruit cake and in the opinion of family . nd friends these two recipes are unsur passible, so we've Just settled down to repeating them. Spic ily fragrant, heavy with chopped fruits and nutmeats, this is rich and sumptuous hol iday fare to delight the eye and the palate. We turned the mixture Into three 10x5x3 inch loaf pans and later cut them int) smaller individual loaves; you may want to figure it differently ac cording to pans at hand. Im portant thing is very slow oven (250 degrees) IVs to 4 hours! Rich Fruit Cake 4 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder "j teaspoon cloves V teaspoon cinnamon Vi teaspoon mace 1 pound butter or other shortening 1 pound brown sugar 10 eggs, well beaten 4 pound candied cherries Mi pound candied pineapple 1 pound dates, seeded and sliced 1 pound raisins 1 pound currants 4 pound citron, thinly sliced 4 pound candied orange and lemon peel 4 pound nut meats, chopped 1 cup honey 1 cup molasses Vi cup cider Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and spices and sift together three times. Cream shortening, add sugar gradually and cream together until light and fluffy. Add eggs, fruits, peel, nuts, honey, mo lasses and cider. Add flour gradually, beating after eich addition until blend ed. Turn Into three 10x5x3 inch loaf pans which have been greased, lined with heavy pa per and again greased. Bake in a very slow oven, 250 de grees, 34 to 4 hours. Makes 10 pounds of simply wonderful fruit cake, of the kind you 11 want to repeat each year. Cut Into small individual loaves about 3 to 4 inches wide and gift wrap few of them. Light Fruit Cake This makes on really genu ine family-size cake for enjoy ment often during the holidays, A string-form tube pan seems ideal, though you certainly can use other pans. 1 cup shortening , 2 cups brown sugar eggs 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon double acting baking powder 4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon ground cloves V4 teaspoon each ground cinnamon and ground nutmeg . 4 cup light colored Jelly (apple or whatever you have) pound white raisins pound each candied citron. orange and lemon peel, cherries and pineapple Vi lb. nuts, chopped Cream shortening and sugar Add eggs slightly beaten. Sift dry ingredients together. Stir into shortening mixture alter 1 V nately with liquid. Fold in fruit and nuts. Turn into spring form tube pan that has been greased, lined on bottom with heavy wax paper and greased again. Bake in slow oven, 300 degrees, 2 4 to 3 hours. It will be done when a wooden pick : inserted in center comes out clean. . I Cool and remove paper from bottom of cake, when cold, wrap in wax paper and store in tight container in cool place. Makes 1 cake. Red Cherry Mince Pie Christmasy in color as well as fragrance. Good thing to re member is that quick-cooking tapioca is fine thickening for all fruit pies. The pie is pictur ed with the Fruit Cakes. 1 tablespoon quick-cooking tapioca 24 cups (No. 2 can) pitted red sour cherries and juice (syrup packed) 14 cups moist mincemeat Pastry for 2-crust 8-inch pie Combine tapioca, cherries and juice and mincemeat Roll half the pastry 4 inch thick. Line a 8-inch pan and trim pastry 1 inch , larger than pan, fold edge to form a standing rim, and flute. - Roll remaining pastry 4 j inch thcik and cut out stars using cookie cutter or paper, pattern and sharp knife. Fill pie shell with fruit mixture. Arrange pastry stars on top. Bake in hot oven, 425 degrees, 45 minutes or until syrup boils with heavy bubbles that do not burst Chutney of Tomatoes, v Pears Good Chutney is relish thai has special appeal for many. This recipe Is mad from can ned pears and tomatoes; will fill four B ounce Jars. Hake it and th chances are that you'll make another batch for holiday giving. Fin with any meat or poultry. Pear-Tomato Chutney I No. 3 can Bartlett pears 1 No. 2 can tomatoes 1 green pepper, coarsely chopped 1 cup sugar cup vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon ginger 4 teaspoon mustard 4 teaspoon cayenne 1 canned pimiento Mix all ingredients except pimiento in saucepan. Bring slowly to boil and simmer for an hoar, atirrmg occasionally. If pears remain whole, break with stirring spoon; add chop ped pimiento and cook 3 min utes longer. Pour into steri lized jars and seal immediate ly. Four 8 -ounce jars of good ness. LUNCH BOX IDEA An egg and olive spread will make delicious sandwiches for the lunchbox. Mash the hard- cooked eggs and mix with chop ped pimiento-stuffed olives; now add enough mayonnaise to moisten and salt and pepper to taste. Layer this spread between slices of whole wheat bread. A vacuum bottle of cream of to mato soup makes a good send along for these sandwiches. Oyster Surprise Our fin Pacific oysters will taste wonderful in this recipe which your food edi tor was served down in Dallas recently. For each serving, arrange 6 oysters in ramekin or indi. vidual casserole. Cover with Thousand Island dressing and tnen witn sharp grated cheese. Plac in hot oven for about 7 minute or until oysters are puffed and ehees Is melted. Special! Chooses Blue Bonnet -Pleased with F.N.E.! ) ' Mil. iOWAXD ASNCAO Like the distinguished movie star's wife, you, too.will love Bluc Bonnet Margarine's Flavor, Nutrition, Economy! Blue Bonnet's delicate, sunny, sweet flavor makes bread, hot rolls, vegetables, your favorite recipes ail taste truly ieUtrl You get extra nutrition, too!Unliks moat other brands, Blvi Bonnet Margarine contains as much year round Vitamin A and Vitamia D as the high-priced spread 1 Yet Bum Bonnet easts baa, than hatf as much! So switch today to F. N. E.I Insiat on Blue Bonnet Margarine and b sunt of "all 8" Flavor, Nutrition, Econom-e-! PRICES EFFECTIVE FRI. . SAT. SUN. BoreneSoap 57 Thrifty Sis KRAFT Salad Oil Quart 65 KRAFT Parkay 2155' KRAFT Cheese Velveela 2 lbs. 79 SWIFTS Peanut Bulter 5 LF CHASE & SANBORN Coffee ib. 79 PHEASANT Catsup 12 oz. bile. 2 (or 25 PARD Dog Food 3 tinl 39' DOLE 303 Six Fruit Cocktail 2 49 WOODBURY 1c SALE Toilet Soap:: SWIFT'S Boned Chicken 39' MEAT Small Center Cut Pork Chops ft. 59' Boneless Boston Butt Pork Roast ,, 49' 39 Swift Select Lamb SSK PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW! FOR CHRISTMAS SWIFT'S PREMIUM SWIFT'S PREMIUM Turkeys Hams iL.i.nnd Ducks - Geese And Chickens 0 EC BOYS and GIRLS i mil Lionel TRAINS WlHi TnoV, 3 Cm. bbooM. Ttinslormtr with Ismolt Control WhiiNt, tlncwipler ind Smokt Pellet Boys, Ages 4 through 12, Eligibl to B a Winner 4 Horsman DOLLS 2 fin Till With Satin-soft Head and Body Woshobl - Unbreokobl Sletps Coos Girls, Agas 4 through 10, Eligibl to B Winnrs Nothing to Buy Just Register Your Name at Your Favorite Salem IGA Store IF PRODUCf Grapefruit 9 i 59 Celery 1 Large Crisp Stocks Carrots 2 ( 19 Lorg Cello Pkg. Squash Damn. 2 19' FOOD MARKET 120 S. Lancaster Dr, Phone 3-4489 Prices Effective Fr!w Sat. and Sunday Sinn jit i.u'ii'rig'ir-''m;.TCT'j Vysff?! m GET DOUBLE VALUE... from Your FOOD DOLLAR With IGA Cash Register Receipts! SAVEUPT.50 ON CHRISTMAS GIFTS Gel Details at Your Nearest IGA Store CASH REGISTER RECEIPTS TUES. AND WED. HAVE DOUBLE VALUE EMERY'S STATE . VISTA ORCUTT'S Kl FOOHIHEB STREET HIT. MAMET MAHET Wi)lte loss t 1230 SUIs 3045 Sotrth 4200 Marts 7 th, Weil Mm (MHRrcil llrar ld