Pag 2 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orego Wednesday, December 3, 19S3 )ool $aving Centers Al the Fool of the Bridge W. Salem V: Mile North of the Underpass Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. Prices Good Friday-Saturday-Sunday EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF ' TASTY end TENDER SHORT RIBS ib 15c STEAKS Sirloin, T-Bono. .... .Lb. 39c RIB STEAK ib 29c ROAST u 29c GROUND BEEF u,25c HALF OR WHOLE fa . Locker Beef ib. &3 BABY - Beef Liver lb. 23' OLD-FASHIONED 3)E Frankfurters lb. i2) KITCHEN QUEEN FLOUR 10-lb. Sack 75' LIMIT HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 45-oz. can LIMIT VANILLA Ice Cream Quart 25' SAN SHOP PIES BANANA CREAM PUMPKIN APPLE 75 BOYSENBERRY each STOCK UP! BiRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS! Mixed Vegetables and I J2 n J elJsl reas ana warrois LIMIT PKG. CALIFORNIA LETTUCE Head 10 C LIMIT RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS 3bun 10c LIMIT SUN GIRL Regular 39c DATES ii 25 LIMIT FRESH ROASTED! N0.1 P-NUTS LIMIT lb. 25 n n i turn W "ils Is 1. r''i , x' .TV Fruit Added to Hot Cereal Dish Bowls of steaming hot far ina 1n.:r,MA with r lfin Of BOl- den canned cling peaches will live your family food itart for the day. That's wbjf we called thil popular breakfast dish "Good Horning Breakfast Cereal." We sweetened the farin vi cooked it by add ing tome of the syrup Irora me neachee to the cooking water. Good Horning Breakfast Cereal H cup syrup from canned - neachet 3 Vt cups water I teaspoon salt 4 cup farina 4 to t canned peacb halves Top milk or table cream Pnmiin, narh ivnin. water and salt, and heat to boiling. Add farina slowly, stirring con stantly. Cook and stir over not wit,, in minutes. Pour into cereal bowls. Cut peaches Into quarters and place 4 pieces over each serving of cereal. Serve with top milk or table cream. Serves 4 to 8. Round Steak Versatile Meat First choice for flavor and economy in many kitchens is versatile round steak. Whether cut Into individual servings or cooked in One piece, round steak braised in an intriguing sauce is many a person's Idea of top-notch eating. Besides be ing fine flavored, round steak is a good buy in these days of beef plenty. Here Is the tested recipe for round steak cooked in tomato sauce deftly seasoned wan herbs and spiked with soy sauce: Bound Steak Special 1 round steak, h inch thick Salt, pepper, flour, lard 1 cup sliced onions 2 (8 oz.) cans tomato sauce 2 tablespoons soy sauce . 1 tablespoon sugar 1 bay leaf ft teaspoon herbs (thyme, basil, mariporam or ore gano) Sprinkle steak with salt, pep per and flour; pound on both sides with a meat pounder or the edge of a heavy saucer. In a large, heavy skillet or Dutch oven, brown steak well in a few tablespoons hot lard; top with sliced onions. Combine to mato sauce with rest of ingred ients and pour over meat. Cov er and cook over low heat un til tender, about l'j hours. Watch carefully to prevent sticking. Add water as tomato sauce cooks away. Remove steak to platter, skim fat from sauce and pour over meat. 4 servings. Special Occasion Dish Bound steak can take on company manners to tempt your most favored guest. Here's an example of the homey round steak's ability to assume a regal air. It's a royal treat of in dividual teak servings dressed up with mushrooms and sour cream. Bound Steak Royale 1 round steak, V thick 1 clove garlic Vi cup flour 2 tablespoons paprika 1 teaspoon salt V4 teaspoon pepper h't cup lard 'V. a"- f . Pudding Treat for Winter Days Some day soon when it's ravt and- cheerless outdoors, treat the members of your family to this comforting, warm and cin- j ham cracker crumbs, cinnamon crumbs Light cream 1 teaspoon cinnamon V cup brown sugar V4 cup melted butter or margarine j cup broken walnuts m cup shredded coconut Combine apple sauce, orange rind and juice. Combine gra- namony apple sauce pudding. A fine satisfying finish to a meal, they'll think, as they relax into a contented glow. Golden Apple Sauce Pudding 2 cups apple sauce 2 teaspoons grated orange rind U cup orangff Jule ' cups graham cracker sugar, butter or margarine and walnuts; mix. Arrange alter nate layers of apple sauce mix ture, crumb mixture and coco nut in greased S"x3"x2'' baking dish, ending with coconut lay er. Bake in moderate oven, 350 F., 20 minutes. Serve hot or cold with cream. Yields 4 to 6 servings. I FOR YOUR JoDIET j SO THOSI WHO MUST OUT UK! THESI AND. .. EAT SWEET DESSERTS LOSE POUNDS A WEEK! Rich hi favor ntj ttar , , . mp 10 7t nhtf. '?HLM TASTIDIET online ITasei-llieff SWEET DESSERTS Chocolate, Vanilla, Butterscotch and French Custard GELATIN DESSERTS-Strawberry, Cherry, Raspberry and lemon Also FRUITS and SAIAD DRESSINGS AI TOUR FAVORITI ITORI-31 VARII1III V cup sliced onions 3 or 4 oz. can mushrooms, drained Water or bouillon ',4 cup commercial sour cream Cut (teak into 4 pieces; rub each piece on both sides with cut garlic clove. Combine flour, paprika, salt and pepper and pound Into steak. In the hot fat, brown steak on both sides; top with onions and mush rooms. Add Vt cup water or bouillon; cover and cook Over low heat until tender, about 2 hours, adding more liquid as needed. Remove steak to warm platter. Spoon off excess fat and add sour cream to liquid in pan. Dilute to right consist ency with water, if necessary. Reheat and serve meat topped with sauce. 4 servings. Family Bound Steak Dishes Here are two family-approved ways with round steak long-time favorite dishes gear ed to satisfy big appetites and small budgets: 1. Beef Steak Fie Braise round steak cubes and sliced onions in bouillon seasoned lightly with all-spice, ginger and paprika. When almost ten der, add cubed potatoes and cook until done. Season to taste. Pour into casserole, top with pastry and bake at 450 degrees F. until crust is brown ed. 2. Stuffed Steak Rolls Roll individual servings of round steak around bread dressing and fasten with toothpicks. Braise until tender in tomato juice. YEAST BREAD COLOR Sugar, added to yeast bread, gives color to the crust. Sauce for The Duck ' If you think that recipe combining tomatoes and oranges belongs to the raised eyebrow department, yon are right. But you will find that eyebrows are raised, not in consternation, but in pleased approval when you serve this delightful sauce with duck. Daek ia Tomato Orange Sauee 1 duckling, 5 to 9 pounds dressed weight 2 teaspoons kitchen bouquet 2 tablespoons fat V cup muscatel or duck brolh 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 teaspoon salt teaspoon pepper 1 small, bay leaf l-ounce can sliced broiled mushrooms H cup finely diced green pep per 2 cups diced tomatoes 1 navel orange sectioned 2 tablespoons cornstarch Vs cup cold water or orange juice Cut wing tips from duckling, skin and cut into quarters, re moving neck and backbone. Place duck quarters in bowl taMaaSaTSKSSSSaaasaaM and sprinkle with kitchen bou quet. Helt fat in Dutch oven over moderate heat. Add duck and brown lightly on all aides. Combine .wine and tomato paste and pour over duck. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Add bay leaf, contents of cart of mushrooms, green pepper, tomato and orange sections. Cover tightly and cook over low heat until duck is tender, about 1 hour. Blend together cornstarch and water. Add to duck and cook, stirring con. stantly, until the sauce thick, ens and comes to boil. Serve immediately with broad egg noodles. Yield: 4 servings. Note: Cook neck, backbone, wing .tips and skin in 3 cups boiling salted water for duck broth. COLORADO . PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP FRESH SALMON V: . . . .. 4f FRESH COD By the piece Lb, Deep Sea Crabs u 35 FRESH MM SLICED Chinook Salmon Lb. 69 FRESH STEAM CLAMS Lb. 35 FRESH EASTERN " 4 C OYSTERS put"33 SLICED ft HALIBUT lo.59 Oven-Ready Hens lb. 45' Pan-Ready Fryers 65' Ib. PITT'S Fish & Poultry 216 N. Commercial Ph. 3-4424, 3 BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half Aged Cheese Lb. 49c Year Old Sliced Bacon Swift's or Armour's u,59c Cooked Picnics u45c Ready to Eat Grnd. Beef 4 lb! -noo u You hove tried the rest ... Now try the Best! Beef Roast ... Ify GUARANTEED i-3 M 39' Wieners SWEETHEART BRAND Skinless Ib. Coponiied Pan-Ready FRYERS Day $1.39 Each T-Bone Steaks Lb. 55c Tender Fresh Oysters pint 59c GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Golden Ripe BANANAS 2 ib, 29c Sweet Potatoes Lb.5c PEAS 10c 303 siia can Cottage Brand Sanka Coffee u 99c Drip or Reg. Jumbo Olives s: i9c Cottage Brand MARGARINE 2 ib.. 45c Sweat Sixteen CELERY Bunch 10c Utah Green Cranberries Lb 23c Eastern Free Coca-Cola To Our Customers Friday & Saturday Only SPECIAL PRICES For Fri. and Sat. Only COCA-COLA 6 bottles 35 c 12 bottles 70 c 24 bottles SI. 40 (Plus Deposit) CLAMS Minced Rotors 19c Halferty't 7-ot. can Krlspy By Sunshine CRACKERS Lb 26c ONIONS All you can put in 9-lb. Bag 10c POTATOES 10.b.19c NUCOA u 29c SUGAR T9 98c CABBAGE Lb. 3c POTATOES U.S. No. 2 69c 50-lb. Bag MILK 27afln!25c All Popular Brands New! New! Instant Jello Pudding Choc., Vanilla, B. Scotch 2m 19c BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market SI. Stare Hours S J.m. till 8 p.m. Every Day Including Sundays Prices Good Fri., Sot., Sun.