THX CARTAS JOURNAL. Stitm. Oram Taaradar, Safeway Buys o Pag A fifth Safeway lUm la in prospect for Salem. This was determined through the fUlnf of a deed with the county re corder calling- tor ine transxer of eome four ere of land in Northgate addition In north Salem.. - The tract acquired from Howard Olien has a 450-foot frontage on the east aide of the Pacific highway. Imme diately north of Stortz avenue. The property is in the area that was annexed to the corporate limits of Salem last year. Purchase price was approx imately (80,000, according to revenue stamps attached to the deed. Safeway officials Indicated that constructoin of a new modern store may not be un dertaken for several months. It was also Indicated that the project might be In the na ture of a shopping center since the site acquired was larger than that needed for the op eration of a retail grocery out let Safeway currently operates stores at 12th and Center, 1120 Fairgrounds road. South Cora metcial street and Court street west of Commercial. Air Force Reduction Cuts WU Enrollment Willamette university has undergone a 25 per cent de crease In its advanced student enrollment this fall as a direct result of a nationwide reduc tion In the air force ROTC pro gram. Lt. CoL Norman W. Todd, AFROTC commandant on the local campus, reports that mora than 129,000 young men were enrolled In 20T colleges and universities across the na tion this fall This figure, re leased by ATROTC headquar ters In Montgomery, Ala., Is a decrease of some 18,000 stu dents. ; The decrease has been at tributed generally to the air force's requirement for the majority of cadets to take flight training folio wine and uatioa and commissioning, and the cessation of hostilities an Korea. Willamette's advanced AT ROTC students currently num ber 24 seniors and juniors, Miles Linen Mills Owner Buys Otrers . Bert Thompson, local man ager of the Miles Linen Mills, has Just received word that the unu Thread Co owner of the ealem plant, has just acquired four companies in the east and middle west Taken over are the R. J. Id arer Co., Iderer, toe Adams Net It Twine Co., and Paula fish Net Co. of Philadelphia, Chicago and St Louis. These companies make fish and sports nets principal!:'. Their opera tions will be continued, mainly emder present brand names. The local plant was founded by B. C. Miles back in the twenties. Fifty-one percent of the stock was purchased by the Linen Thread Co. in 1980 and the remainder in 1038. Leslie Students to Present Play Friday Leslie Junior High seventh graders will present the play, "Life of the Party." Friday morning. Mrs. Ltda Halverson, Leslie teacher, is the play di rector. The characters are: Wilbur, Bob Hartman: Connie, Linda Hammond Betty Lou, Mary Wilbur; Mrs. Maxwell, TUtty Jean Dyke; Mr. Maxwell, Mike Reilly; Frank, Wesley Stuart; Bob, Don Morris; Jack, Pete Melin; Cliff, Arthur Erickson; Judy Martin, Ann Boudreau, Bernardlne Smith, Nancy Ken- agl, and Alary Brown, Patty Fheonix. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich 'Okay! Okay! You look be for you leap and I'll listen for the dial tone before I dial!". . .The steady hm-ra-m of the dial tone is your signal to begin dialing ... Pacific Telephone, 4 ft O EPS-1'- I Ml At wai Yfaejt ufiSitt i Ira"-' Tree lei. .41 I Pis. 79 50 31 98 10 M TW UWOl SHwtiNC awa l33 ForT.V.and '"iT "Onea Hnuxis" " DECORATED METAL PaMMf MMK Mtll ataall XRAy TABLES 'Mil rtf) tjtl u an- I staar away I ! aar 1 clout! Value 2.98 Park tkaal la earaart ta aaM yaar aerf raaavrai. Mailt alanaa aaat ttala taaai. Tfcay alalia m (a. aaatatl ta aatyt J"araa...aat -Astoria" S TUBE SUPERHETERODYNE TABLE RADIO wtri. I v r y. nrM, wtUsrt r bUttr ttt. tltjtM triml Cltw-wrt ScrfW COLOGNE a. umts MtaM MCI sj vr Al 6IH Sees la I jtseteSerl SOAP en a LEASH StWilplsafW tWbvI n its icir i VALUE! Rmfk s TM METAL TREE STAND ev. 98' G Far aVwfor Sowbeysl W cetera SOAP FIGURES efeaSsfaJtf UgaMaa w, Iwfmni TOX COLOGNE HUDNUT BAR hr Mea Mraa) Ceref se Twa aaaeiaeie eraaa ee" sir?iiinr, 39 WRISUY for HIMI esTWsr'FW aaTVWI fJK WaTPVjHvV laaW 4 00 MEN'S NECKTIES Mta state Paalatait taakj Olanl Petianel -QQC aVfarlWp UPSTICK J asatV4saasWVaWwaaaray CW4w f ifcarsitn. X 1.00 Siie TUSSY WkSD ANP WEATKiR LOTION UTILITY TRAY A.H.a.S.r.MC.H... 3 " S3 .1 SJsaaa Zl SF PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS RttjuUrly Sit PLASTIC SMI sga,,al98c PEN, PENCIL SET is9o TREE ORNAMEIffS. 5 NUT BOWL 1 29 GIFT WRAP TISSUE 10' TUSSY HAND CREAM SJ00' CHERAMY TALC Apr BUBBLE BATH SHAVE LOTION wacr- "tpaoa Soauti" Far klddlaa. Box ire w 50 SMOOTH SHAVE AQUA VELVA "Hie KaaaUaney nag. fijos. alwlteii's l ea. Old tplee KRAFT EXPRESS VRAP-25 KRAFT GUMMED TAPE 23c S-UftHT CHRISTMAS TREE SET 4f atriaa wtti Ui- aaaa. 89 v. DOLL'S Tta Set 'VttMyttMt , Mfttryl 98" if DM Riaejlaej Toy TELEPHONE T t c ti t lidriiwt ww t Ht phoiwl Itxi tw1. Jatt TRAP DRUMS laraa araai la N" dteaaeter! Witft aara Wran, M fJQ Taat-taai aria, 1 M itik, taW. M. Is aafla, aa. 11 Sava SI JO LADIES HAIRBRUSH PrafMslaaol Style! Satiawaaa ar Caaa lalal If- Ckritratas lellei! " DrttMd Characttr DOLLS AntW. Caitum.i! 79 rw --t Table & Chairs W ft HH 2 H t to aa fkelr taelr kasy wars, vary ta anax f 211" sq. libra koerd tea with oav circus kf- scenet, S t a a el i JO" high. 2 re- I cHairv $12 Vom Us Pm tolity Assorted Candies freak Mora Cacaoes la Screw-Tea Jars HUJ Dilatl.i. FraK lattt, Staft MiaH, (tarHakt Kiwat, fttaa tafW. a4v. IACH lament C3 Set at 4 AaabarHaMaf ASH TRAYS SaorMIaf 4" trays la swrart crystal eMail tar f iftt ar aalia'av aaa at year awa partiat, 1st a 4 . Naff WINDPtOOr Morocco Gift Paaaaat Lee S-Star IMPORTED LIGHTERS Briar Pipes Skielsf krm caasf W Velses ta $10.00 ?5 ic. Pilttr. JH .1 .-ii.' S1 18'5 4XHERAL- ELECinC STTIiAflfl .IB0H W5