Pan t In The Valley Edited bi HIKE FORBES Mill City Mill City The Friendship circle of the Presbyterian church held it regular meeting recently (t the home of Mrs. DeLoi Hoeye, with the pri dent. Mil Ed Yarnell, conduct ing the business meeting. Mrs. THE CAPITAL JOCRNAL Kalera. Orerot Thursday, December 3, 1953 Aurora ' Aurora The Women's Asso ciation of the Aurora Presby terian church will bold their annual bazaar in the basement or me enurcn Saturday. Dee. 1 Mrs. Clyde Hathaway, all from "m P-m. Coffee Redding, Calif. nd pie or cake will be served They also visited at the homel T"' buffet of Mrs. Nell Swift and Mr. andl,u?F. wiU rv,d bom Mr. R.,.ll u.k... I until 1. , A no-host dinner for Mill City Woman's club members and their husbands was held at the Fellowship hall. Tuesday T"s B TJill -- .i . .l. vvciiuiK. vec, i. hi n in aj. at niu icuuiku ui uie - sale of Christmas csrds and' "ram for the evening was I had to leave that wrappings by the group was I Provided by two exchange stu- Fort Campbell, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Damll Srh.l (Judith Albers) returned to her parents' home Sunday after noon after a brief honeymoon. They opened their wedding gifts and inasmuch as DarreU night for number well under way. It was decided 4- I - Christmas party for members I Sill10" 01 Don and their families, with a ten tative date set for Dec. 12. Committee in charge Includes Mrs. William Becker, Mrs. Arlo Tuers and Mrs. DeLos Hoeye. The nominating committee, comprised of Mrs. Vernon Todd. Mrs. Arlo Tuers and Mrs. Gerald Andersen, presented a slate of two officers for the coming year, Mrs. Ed Yarnell, president, and Mrs. DeLos Ho eye, secretary-treasurer. They were unanimously elected. Mrs. Vernon Todd was appoint ed program chairman; Mrs. D. B. Hill, fellowship secretary; Mrs. Herbert Schroeder. world aervice. A skit, "Building Personal ity," was presented under the direction of Mrs. Noble Street- er. Devotions were led by Mrs. Martin Kelly. It was an nounced that there would be Bible study the first and third Thursday of each month at the home of Mrs. Herbert Schroe der, with nursery care for small youngsters provided at the manse. The Mill City PTA will hold its regular meeting and Christ mas party Dec. 9 at the high school. Mrs. Roger Nelson Is program chairman. - Mrs. Bill Shepherd has a cast on her foot, the result of a fall last week on the wet streets, breaking her ankle. Guests last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hoeye were five of their children and their families: Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoeye and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hoeye and family, from Stay ton; Delbert Hoeye, Don Hoeye, Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Hoeye and chil dren. Their daughter, Mrs. Sherman Carter of Eugene, was unable to Join the family gath ering because of illness in the family. Also present Thursday was Mr. Hoeye'i brother, George W, Hoeye. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jordan of Lebanon were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and MM. Roger Nelson. Mr.- and Mrs. Melbourne Ram bo and two children re-1 turned Sunday from California. aid Sheythe. Sco Scio Mr. and Mrs. Bill a dents from Phina whn mmv of frienda anri mUHum .j ...... I talks. Group singing was un-!ped in during the afternoon. uuesta included Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schel of Hubbard, Mrs. Bob Aldrich, also of Hubbard; Mr. and Mrs. Nell Dixon of Portlsnd, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Buss of Rialto, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meter of Canbv. I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keil and family, Mrs. Ben 'Jeskey, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hildebrand, the Misses Marlene Conner, Mar- If ne Driever, Marjory Jeskey, Mr. and Mrs. Hal Beyers and son, Randy, of Reedsport Wed ding cake, ice cream, coffee and punch were served to the guests. Chandler are the parents of daughter born Nov. 21, at the Lebanon Community hospital. Her name is Carol Lynn and she has three older brothers. Linda Sims, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Sims, was taken to the Lebanon hospital Tuei dsy where sn appendectomy was performed. Mr. and Mrs. Enrlght Le- matta and children spent Thanksgiving in Dallas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wag ner. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ross and family were guests also. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trol linger entertained with a fam ily dinner on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd John son of Salem were also pres ent. A large crowd attended the Community Thanksgiving ser vice at the Baptist church. Rev. Robert JBrock of the Christian church brought the message. Rev. Woods of the Oakview Church of God and Rev. Manley of the Baptist enurcn assisted with the pro gram. Rev. Manley and family spent Thanksgiving In Port land with Mr. Manley's father. Norman LeBard came home from Ft. Lewis, Wash., to be home for Thanksgiving. A large crowd was present for the November PTA meet- J tag. ! The business meetinu and discussions were led by the' president, Mrs. Jack Goar. i Plans were made for the1 OEA banquet, Dec. 3. , Refreshments were served by the committee in charge. I Mr. and Mrs. Allen Le Bard,- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Monson and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Le Bard and Nona spent Thanksgiving at the Gene Chaney home at La comb. tar society at her home Sun day evening. . Following the business meet ing lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. John Heuberger. Mrs. William Duchateau will entertain the members at her home on Sunday, Dec. 27, when the group will enjoy a pot luck supper and evening of cards. Grand Island Sublimity Grand Island Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Ned Palmer of Lafay ette and their three children were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I Will. Sunday evening IV friends and five children of McMinn ville were included in a group at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will for a covered dish dinner after which cards were the diversion. Fred Stadler won hish and Bud 'Springer was runner-up. Plane Bequeathed Oregon College of Education, piano bequeathed to the college " by the will of Miss Katharine W m uuuuwi, lunner vVb xacuuy member, for use in the faculty lounge has now been placed there after being repaired and attractively colored to fit suit ably Into the furniture and woodwork. Sublimity The Thanks-i giving dinner and bazaar giv en by St. Boniface parish was well attended. Mrs. Jos. Heuberger was hostess to members of the Al- COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP Week-EndSpecial SlMlliMd Drift ltd r 4" 6.93 CMtiihj ltd A.95 bit tub Ikrotigk Htodrr DOUGHTON HARDWARE Phone 3-788 J5S Court St We give ZVC Green Stamps CLOTHES SHOP F CELEBRATES THEIR BY GIVING AWAY Jill ti 1AA An UfArkTU AP k li MERCHANDISE PURCHASE v-wi rrriTirir Aire ICKIiniAlO Crystal Gardens DANCE Back Again With Two Floors of Dancing Two Bands, Adm. 74c $ EVERY SATURDAY NITE Second Floor Old Tima Dancing First Floor Modern Cabaret Style Mrs. David Boshart has been luiuniouuiwj uum v-amornia. i, n ... - They report being caught in '".fr"1"d 'or "Wry. .. the heavy coastal storms on the M" T ya with .u . ..... u, i. Mrs. Allen LeBard while their trip down, just making It through before the highway was closed. The Lions auxiliary Is spon soring a drive for toys for youngsters at the blind school for Christmas. Anyone having new or used toys la asked to leave them in the box at the Nu-Method Cleaners. Mr. and Mm Arthur Mc Grandle spent several days last week duck hunting in the Klamath Falls area. They re port beautiful weather but no ducks. Holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Hoeye in cluded her mother, Mrs. Edith Mason, Miss Daisy Geddes and Mrs. Ida Geddes. Guests last week at the Les ter Hathaway home included their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swift and three children, and their daughter-in-law and two children, Now Knowing- Open 1:4s "THK CADDY" Dean Martin. Jury Ltwti Co -Feature "GLOBV BRIGADE" With Victor Mature mother was gone. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield's home was the scene of a family gathering on Thanksglvini dav. Twenty relatives were present. Union Hill Union Hill Mrs. Donald Pe ters will be hostess to the mem bers of the Union Hill Wom an's club on Thursday after noon, Dec. S. at her home. Mrs. Henry Peters is in charge of the Christmas box. In he prepared for the Children'. Farm Home. Visiting Mrs. Henry Scott at the Physicians and Surgeons hospital in Portland recently were Mr. and Mrs. Arlv Mar. tin, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Heat er, nenry Tate and daughter. Eliiabeth. Mrs. Scott is re. cuperating alter major surgery and will be able to return home in a irw mon days. GRAND , OPENING V , DICKSON'S QUARTER-CIRCLE "0" PUBLIC DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NITE Dickson's Furniturt Store has been transformed into th E!yy4il onJ Most Compiere Danct Hall in the Volley. Com Hove a big time at our Opening Saturday, Doc. 5. $1.00 per person Watch this tpact for announcement of our Big New Year's Party! Door Prizes Galore! WESTERN MUSIC BY JACKKIZZIAH 'TEXAS RAMBLERS" WORLDS of parking In rear of Dickson's Shopping Cen ter, Hi miles south of Salem, at 12th Street Junction. rums a-sese NOW PLAYING Glen Ford Gloria Graham? THE BIG HEAT" Abo THE GREAT JESSE JAMES RAID' r ntotii imi C. Mr Till .V00 In Tfrhnirolor -Burt Lanraater In TEN TAI.l MF.V AIM Frank Sinatra Janr Rmnrii in "IHUBIF DYNAMITE" rHws s-srae Alan t.arid James Mason "BOTANY BAY" In Technicolor Don Ameche "KING OF THE RACETRACK" LEARN to DANCE! Special 2-for-l Rate Now Two People Con Learn for the Price of One Pre-Holiday Special - Save 50 by ENROLLING NOW! Now you can be the best dancer wherever you aa dancing this New Year's Eve! Learning to danct is as eoiy as A B C the Jon-Mar short-cut method to smooth doncing. You Can Actually Go Dancing After Your Very First Lesson! All Types of Dancing Taught Lessons for as Little as 80c Per Hour TA?LyALTr' SWING' UM,A' SAM,A- TANGO, MAMBO, TWO-STEP, VAR SOUVIENNA. TAP, BALLET, TOI, ACROBATICS, BATON TWIRLING. JON MAR DANCE STUDIO Phone 4-4962 Studio Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER Gi. . gift that lasts lifetim.r G.V- dancing lessons . . . your loved on win .noy It th. rest of his life. W. hev. Special Gift Courses. At.80 8TI-DI08 IN WOODBl'RN DALLAS MILL CITT 474 Ferry St. ill Gr y I 8 ra I'M ft J U LA I Wr a a I 8 m 16 Lai 8 r f w 1 k i$ 1 w 8 .a WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF A SUIT AND TOPCOAT, 2 SUITS OR 2 TOP COATS PURCHASED BY 1 OR 2 CUSTOMERS WHEN THEY ARE TO GETHER, WE WILL GIVE AWAY A $12.00 MERCHANDISE PURCHASE CERTIFICATE IN APPRECIATION OF YOUR PAST AND FUTURE PATRON AGE . . . TO CELEBRATE THIS, OUR 12th ANNIVERSARY WE HAVE SLASHED PRICES ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK! USE OUR CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN-MAKE THIS HIS MERRIEST CHRISTMAS WITH THE GIFT OF NEW SUPERFINE QUALITY SUITS-TOPCOATS I SPORT C0ATSr SLACKS AND SUIT PANTS To conform with our policy of increasing our volume sales to keep the quality high and our prices low, we now offer you these fine quality clothes at these miracle low, money saving prices, including our 12th anniversary and Christmas gift of a $12.00 merchandise purchase certificate FREE with the purchase of both a suit and topcoat. B!!!L SUITS $3950 URGE SELECTION OF SUPERFINE QUALITY 100 WOOL W O R S T I D S, GABARDINES, SHARKSKINS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, TWISTS IN SOLID COLORS, NEAT CONSERVATIVE PATTERNS, LIGHT AND DARK COLORS, SIZES TO FIT ALL REGULARS, SHORTS, LONGS AND STOUTS IN CHECKS, STRIPES, BAMBOO WEAVES, SPLASH WEAVES AND TEAR DROP DESIGNS. Ji V WW 8 III i All Regular $60 SUITS NOW $ 45 00 55 00 All Regular $C A00 A" Re9ular ,0 $65 SUITS NOW U $75 SUITS NOW MANY 2 PANTS SUITS INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE 3 PRICES Superfine Quality Topcoats Regular $22.50 Regular $25.00 Regular $35.00 Regular $45.00 Regular $50.00 WVSO $1050 $OD50 $0050 SOC50 A NOW Aw NOW Cm! NOW NOW WU NOW f nwu nvn ' nun nun nun 'a Genuine cravenette rainproof gabardines, Scotch and donegal tweeds, flannels, fleeces, jf cheviots, solid colors, checks, mixtures and plaids. Super qualify imported and domestic fabrics. Raglan and set-in sleeves. All sizes, regulars, longs and shorts. You Find It Pays All Ways fo Buy Your Clothes at J. J.'s Salem s Quality Clothiers for Men and Young Men " n n CLOTHES rniiai II II a..A aWyV II night tiJOjjjo shop jyij STREET 2 DOORS WEST OF LIBERTY ST RE FT NEXT DOOR TO MAITUAM'C irwriBV TABV m m w-msi IT1II (O)1 STATE 'IT-