ThuradMy, December 3, 195S DEATHS Mtoi4 MiiDwiK latent m K Mi. A Mrs. Butane Mm. DeasJd. S4 eV Cmatrtttl Sl Sales. , at A local hospital Dwuktr . Ceaapar tnti, Heresy P. Orey. Seism; lira. Anne MacDOBBld, Salem. StlVK will be held Monday, December 1, at IM uu Howell-Bdwerds Chapel- Bet. Llerd Ueck f Officiating. Concluding Service 1 Bclcreet Memertel ftrl. Aleiaaaro fM Alejandro Poaet, late nit4ni ef S3I Jefferooa Ma. tt. at U m f m 7 in. Iumi4 br mother. Mrs. Ruierla ponce. Tut Ma, Mexico: aunt. Mrs. Ft licit a Oar tie, Salem: cousin. Mrs. Otto Durent, Salem. Recitation ef to Rosary In lbs Ho well-Kd wards Chapel Friday. December 4 si m. Reeuiea bui si 1. Vincent Dt Paul aburch Saturday. DNWMr Bt II B.Bl. Concluding eerv less al ML Barbara's Cemslery. Mrs. Are Balk) May Parb Mrs. Are Belle Mar Park, at th resident. 1U N. Slit St.. Dm. I st th us b T9. Survived br three seas. Roy O. Perk. Park Pitts. Oft.. Clarence W. Park, WRlamina, Iraul A. Park. Ls Oreade: t daughters, Mrs. Brnor J. Roth and Mrs. Fleasle Lornes. bclb ef Salem: two lUtiri, Mrs. Mollis Wells. So Un. Mrs. lesle Pet. Indianole. lows; bus several tiaadcbiidrea sad treat grand children. Member at tba Methodist Church. Services Ss turds r, Dsc. I tl I .la Howell-Ed wsrds Chapel with l ha Rev. Lewis Whits officiating. Interment 1 Us Mission Cemetery. Mid Willamette Obituaries Mrs. Lillie Kunkle Woodburn Mri. Lllli Kunkle, a former resident of the Woodburn diitrlct, died In Rnsrburg hospital Tuesday, December 1. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Grace Steuer, Mri. Jennie Lowell and Mri. Alice Bonataskl. Funeral services will be at 10 a.m. Friday, December 4, at Roseburg. Interment will be at 1 p.m. Friday In Hubbard cemetery. Mrs. Estella Crocker Forest Grove Funeral services will be held Satur day, December S at 1:30 pm. at Fulten'i chapel in the Grove, Forest Grove, for Mrs. Estella Crocker, 82, a resident of the Willamette valley for the past 48 years who died Wednesday at a Portland con valescent home. Mrs. Crocker was born Au gust 29, 1871, at Windsor, 111., the daughter of John and Mary Waldon. She married Joseph Crocker, March 2, 1892, at Windsor, 111. They eame to Oregon 48 years ago settling In the Albany com munity where they lived for a number of years, later mov ing to Monmouth where they resided for 10 years. Following Mr. Crocker's death in 1944 Mrs. Crocker came to Forest Grove making her home at 2424 21st avenue until the past five months which she spent in Portland. Surviving are seven sons, William J., Bijou, Lake Tahoe, Calif., Clark, Springfield, Ore.; John, Sweet Home; Tru man, Forest Grove; Herachel, Lynwood, Calif.; Wilbur and Clarence, both of Portland: two daughters, Mrs. Mabel Beal and Mrs. Daisy Cook both of Forest Grove. Also surviving are two brothers, Benjamin and Arch Walden, both of Windsor, 111.; 21 granricNldren and 12 great grandchildren. Mrs. Crocker had been a lifelong member of the Chrls tia church. The Rev. John Boosinger, pastor of the First Christian Church of Forest Grove, will officiate at the servics. Con cluding services will be at the Fir Crest Cemetery near Mon mouth at 4:15 p.m., December S. THET HELPED SELVES Fort Worth U.R) Burglars broke into the Helpy-Selfy grocery and helped themselves to $12 in pennies and 73 car tons of cigarets. police report ed today. Directory A DDI Q MACHINE! All make nsd machine sold, rented, repaired, ftova. court. Pb. l-tTl Bl'LLDOZLVO BulldOBlac, read, clearing teeth. Tlr ffU sTusksy, 110 Ptlrvlsw. pbene J-1H o)04a COMMEBCIAL TTPINO Alio direct man adrtrtUlnt. NATHAN 8 WAN. 11U Holtstt. o2ll EXCATATINO Ben Otjea Son. excsratini and srsdlai. Land slearlot. Pb. I-IOM INSULATION IntulatlOD. wettherstrlps, atom asab. Pre sstlmstss. T. Pullmsa. Phons t-BMS. 02I4 MATTBES8EI OFFICE FTEMTt BE BL'PPUES Ossk chairs, files, fllloi supplies, safes, duplicators, supplts. dek lamp, typo writer stsads. Rom. est Court. atPTIC TANKS Mlks'a BfPtts Bernee. Tsake cleaned. D' rooter cJeaas sewers, drslaa. Phone l-tS- 0311 Bewer. sevtis tanks, drains cleaned Roto -Rooter Sewer Berries. Pbene l-UIT. 8CPTIC TANKS Hsmel'a septle tanks cleaned, line Bar Ties, Oaareateed work Pbene S-7404. l-74. Mir TT Ft WRITER amfth. Corona. Rsmlattoa, Royal. Db derwood portable. All makes weed msehtBcs. Repairs Sv rest, Rosa, 4M Court. t-4TTl. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. ladvatrtal floor wsalat, BBBMcloanrBa. Phoae I-I13T. 141 Court. o CLABSIFIED ADVEP.TUINO Pet Word, S times 1 Per Word Pee Weed, t times 1 Per Word. I mowlb w Ne Rrraaae Mlalmwas It Werde BDERR la Local Newt Ceteesa Oaty. Tm Word Mtalmuas IB Words, To PlBkrw Act In RBme Day's Paper. I'hemt I-ttM Brfare IS a-am. LtGAU B tw rtamr rant nr . rrT or oaaooaj rok rata com. yor kuaioM. raoun arai. ! .. UUI ; Ik III. MitUT mt Ik. (aula tl BAfQ. HOTIca Or KUJUNO ON miAL AC- COUIrT. kOTICI 1. MXDY OIR Ikkl HUT K- SUlkM. IllculrU 9t Ik. MUM ( tMUK ku MM 1U Uu C.ualj cuck mt u lull mt Oim tmm. It Uw tan M UmrUm, Ur M AtiM iri nMn w i kucmini. mm4 tkM lk mm ku k. M (w k.rlki ! ik Circuit Couruoa ta u. Cauklr Crattkkuti la kUa. Otnaa, mm 'k f .1 Aiiui. 1IX, ka !?' I." 'e",' " " U" '" All mihh taUr.U4 k huU kM mmw u ! U4 Uur. u k" . u in, hr uuj null Accant akaula aM M um kkwiuu u!iiriri DATkD u fclM. Onik Ikli Ul tkr kl Dmcimbmr. mi Hkat K TUFL. SltCMUlI kf tk MI4U k . "i . aiiiMki, kktiuM. W W. UcKlnnai. kiurktr lr Eauu Oriina FIRST PUBUCATIOM: Dknakw L 1U LAST rUaUCATlO Jl ItU Dmt. 1 It IT. 14.11 FOK SALE HOUSES Low Down Payment 1 . . um hu. nr. (ck. Un. W-1UI fun ,Tic,. umu atlv. West Salem Home T.tka m thu 1 a. a. kam-l KM. UHk-lHS su at. B. Isherwood, Realtor sit Wkiiuk m. n. fun alkt Only $800 Down for this 1 bedroom DREAM HOME! See the famous Lock wood Home that has all of Salem girpini with ad miration. UT aa. Ft. I bodroonu Lant lltlM room bob dinlBt sras )tb kls picture window Beautifully aiiod KiKiua wiia aaturai bireb cs&tntti Potft sbowar sod tub ft, ward- rote cloatla la all bodroonj Hard wood floors 9 Tbsrmo-coBtrollea oil ar isi furnsc InsuIstBd bb4 wtttb r gripped Lrt storsss room Tour choice of tturtor bb4 tatsrlor colors No down psnnent if rou bwb joi f Approi. iu.m pr ato, laelud let in l tragi, tax, taaursncs, ttc. ALL THBI WONDER PCTL ftBturss for ealr tt.ncM ORDIBJS AR1 NOW BBINO TAKXN. SO ASf THX MODEL HOME TOD ATI PHONE J -IB? I I II li.i.Vi vmm" w& BUf CHOICE LOT ar. DtckSOB'S'Mkt. 11x141 atptls ttak m wiur. Pbt4 at. Oood ttrnti. B. Isherwood, Realtor 11 WsUscs R4. Pa. 4-UU 311 FOh BALE t bedroom houat. 7 tars eld. AttBcbed i srstf. Pries S7M0. Taks offer 00 down purmtnt. South a- lem. Inquire st Il Pelloa M. BlBfr COZY HOME On alee corner lot 2 bedrooms, dl ette, ntllltr. located 00. UnbeUtTibl terms. Owrtr. Pb. a-M. 39J t BED BOOM home. Krtitr dlst. am all down, balsncs 4. Phone 1-U40. Ill' NAME YOUB down psyment. Brand aear. Two bedrooms, Uulds utility. Lota of trrtte space. PH. A. buUt, Phone ittll, so COMPLETELY FlTRNISHED Tes, all you'll need Is boddlnc and dishes to start bousekeepias In this lovely S adr boms thai is Ilk dream come true. Lars lvxli IJt, DR. brk nook, and a kitchen that makes cook Ins a plesaurs. When we tar furnlabsd we mesa Hint down to a power mower to mow beautiful lawn. 11, M0 oa down will put you la potiejiioa of this fine horns. Ceil us today for aa appointment. Frank Lockman Realtor 1 71 D. sTT. PH. 4-tUM S2flv $4650 WITH $650 DOWN Small but nest compact. 1 BR only 2 yr. old. A rent beat) us bar sain Uist will fia ths tap 'till you need tbst larger home. HERE IT IS The modern house at aa aid fash ion prtce that you bar beea look. Ids lor sad thousht you would never find. 7 bit BR, ur. rm.. dla. rm. kit. St milltr. ton m ft. la all. Small corner lot with paved at. Tbs pries! Juat I73M. ONE ACRE AUBURN RD. A well built mod. boms with drrp dry batmt, has creek, kinds of fruit, out bldat. Ill.MO. SOMETHING EXTRA Mod. rsnch typo with ths attrac tive extras that make a home to be proud of. Lee Ur. rm. din. rm. and m after bedroom ell have window wall with wonderful view of Sslem St mta , tile fireplace, covered pstlo. breaktaat bar, plus -la telephone, and many other eitran. AH for Ill.MO. wltb 4 loan avatlaels. BURT PJCHA Realtor rrt n. nub at. off: t-mt Vra: Bob ConUla I-J5M NICE HOME! This newer type l-bedroom home m In a very good leeatloa. Fireplace Utility. Forced air all beat. Oarage. Ail for Ill.MO. Short of Money? Then owner ef this dsndy S-bed-yoom boms with fireplace will use in car or pickup.-Big garage. Fwrced sir oil best. ll.TM RAMSEY, REALTOR SMI North Commercial Office 4-IIU rrt Al Bender, Salesmen. I-7441 Ee. Jim Ramsey 4-1MB elU IT'S NOT A DREAM. $4M dowa, this Is true. Move In this week. This heme has bardwsod floor, etl heat, ell plas tered, stiacned e a rase, eitre lerge let. Ciil Msddv enrttme with Ohm , in Sj caiaba. Bst, Pnene S-411S. Eves -uu. nitf MALBTATI THREE BEDROOM l2 ACRE $8,500.00 Vnr Ma IkN tkM. kl rakkJkkk kM mm l m, akmu.1 Ml km ..u m 1m mt ,ur. akratk, M tnmm. Una rmmm. uu, Ur,. klHAM M, kalkt KM. tkn. tmmi mm fmmm. SXIIIM kMkkM kl Ul kkkUk. Iw lanu. CkU a JUWUM. BARGAIN TIME IS HERE! Ifcli U U.I kktiktk m k.,. kM Milkk (m. MMtkMk kite vwk lk tkl. Ian. IV. MrM. . I 11, tm, roM. .k. kfklkc tms. v.U mnmmtmm klUk... 1.U mt kalluw. QmtmUm kkrMk l.tkk JM. II, nan .Ik. 1mm U1 kk kUk U Mt Ok w M tali SS.1W.kS. Cl jib SMllak. t TWO BEDROOM DOUBLE GARAGE latwelr two bedraata wltb dawbl ssrast lacstael an Bare. Make after aa down payment. Pall artrt aaiy tw.0M.0a. Call Cbe kUwllna far a poola latent I asa. TRADE THREE BEDROOM FOR TWO BEDROOM T... k nrr kick tkn. Min. k K.IMT mm kprailkulr men. WmiM Uk. Iv. IrtfW. a Ink ip to I I IkeMkkk lk kltf. FuU srlct kkU lU.Hk kt. CkU CkU lUvllak lk kM.lklkkl kk Mk. PROPER LOCATION! It leeatloa a mask Wltb your Tfcen att l mUs this flas two wadroam borne. It has all the rsaurremaaU far fine ttviat, such as Isrs bodrsams, full slaed dlalat room, a llvtat rtta that will as tommodsu your arand plaae, for cod sir ell best, all redecorated. If yoi want a ftna locatloa drive by lilt Norway then sail me. Pred Hawllns. NICE LOCATION NORTH This new boaae has lia aa. foot Hear epace. Two larse bodroowta, a Una room 14 X 11 with Wast t fully desUnsd fireplace, dlatna raoss. kltehea ths fa ana In a m ID lea. Urss atlUty. double asraia. ImmedUie paessaalan. Par apwotauaeat as saa tall pais Baybaxa. li2 ACRES NORTHEAST Oood bulldlat let an ailed road driveway an lot aenpleted. sere In alta fescue crass and alever. Lot Is fenced with II woven wire sad I barbed wlrs. Permanent power an lot 110 sad SM. Call Dais sUrbura far appointment to see. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) IMS N. Capital Street Of flee Pboaes S-4404 art-llfl aTvealua Pbons Tlbastu 1-14M Cbet S-S Jim S-WTS Dale Rarkum I-S04I NOTICE If. yon art InUrested In n sood Stock. Dairy ar Sheep Ranch be sure end let me show you this one. Can Irritate 11B acres under cult. approi. in acres af pasture. Lots of auUbulldlnas, f barns, chicken houses and machine abed. River and springs. Com pletely lanced. S bdrm. plastered home with burnt, and furnace. Win tsks some trade. This place Is priced right. Per farther tefornutteev CONTACT O. JL ORABENHORBT. JR. Df TOUR HEW BOMB FOR XMAS Exceptional hems, central hallway, all automatic stream line kitchen wltb appliances, hdwd. firs., flrsplsce, bdrms., plenty ef storsss and closet space, 100x1 M ft. lot, treefc, paved atreets. Bus by door. Reduced ta tll.MO. CALL ROT B. PCRR1B. - WA1J4UT PARK DWTR1CT This attractive S bdrm. horns Is five pears old. Hss a 1st. Ur, and din. rm. with wall to wall carpeting, lntlde alllrty room and many other nice features. Located aa a cernsT lot In a friendly neighborhood. The mice In Just IMM wltb terms. CALL BL X. LATMOH. TOOH DREAM HOME On Candslarla Almost com pie led. S bdrms.. daylight basmL with finished playroom, 1 full baths, llv. m 41n. rm., birch kitchen nook. Mahogany trim thruout. lge. covered front porch Is, aovsred pstlt, Dblt. strata. CALL J. B. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS u . Llkaru at. Svcklnf, kkd aukdkr, kkU SklCBklCk LAW Mia B. K. LATMOH S41H OT k. mill l-Hll I. i. For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3385 WANT CONVENIENCE? Bee tills borne on North Slit. It has S bedrooms. II r tat room wltb fireplace, beiement, floored attic, nice lot. Convenient ta school, bus and store- tt.2M. Terms. BUILDERS ATTENTION! Over one acre an aead street. Hss attractive one bedroom home, tarste. excellent aoIL Would be fine place to build rental homes, or to subdivide. Reasonably priced at II. MO M, Cell Mr. Parsons. TRADE FOR ACREAGE Well-built boms with S bedrooms down and one up, automstle oil heat, large lot, terete. Will trade for 1 to 10 acres wltb I bed room homo up to 90.000.00, price 910.900. Call Mr. Keene. HOW ABOUT THIS? Nearly new ranch style Engl wood home. Larte living room, separate dining room, convenient kitchen, 3 lerge bedrooms, beautiful bsth, double gsrege. Juat reduced ta $11, too 00 with very good ' terms. gte II today. C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING M IMrtk Church mm. 4-MtS i": Imi i-WII; Akdmok S-1MI; nnou MM; Sal I-17M FPU SALE HOUSES SMALL MODEBN house. Will take trall ' er house as down payment. Phone 4-9031. a0 $100 REWARD To ths lucky buyer af this sttr ac tive S bedroom suburban horns. Mere ly assume a S4IM mortgage and thla MiM value will be yours, for only HIM full price. Too are invited to Inapcet thla exceptional value at 311 Vauthn Ave. Phone 1-71H. silt FOR SALE LOTS THREE LOTB. Close-la. Small dowa psy ment. Owner. Pbons 1-4113. 113ft Cen ter St. as0 NICK VIEW lot. Paved street. Bus line. Terms. Phone 1-114 etlil FOR SALE ACREAGE KLUMPP'S ACREAGES $300 Per' acre. Located north with filth way frontage, partially tiled for drain ate. Oood building sit or farm lend. Buy oa eon tract, 7 ACRES On Lake Leblah Rd. Very good Mil Paved road. Price J-M- Termi. LESS TAXES MORE LIVING IS geres of productive lev) farm land. T aeree strswaerrles. 1 acre mint, bs lanes ell clear land. AUe Int. tractor, plow, mower, dl, cultlvster. S houaes, live la en real other, with S separate netls. Close to Salem. Total wriee $.0M. 90 ACRES Be aver dam and Willamette eon with htehwey froniege. A good at rt. wen wi x ndrsB heme with barn a sheds. Saul renew t can be boutht. Thla farm caa be boutht en eon tract. k OOt dn. paymsnt wUl beadle. Total price 941.000. U KLDMTP, REALTOR S00S Pert land Rd. Pb. 1-1443 Bra. I-IM4 ar I-13M FOR SALE FARMS BT OWNER. Mi acre Or ad A Dairy , farm Oood building, marninery. rite In. pbaat e-lira or 4-SMk SMl'l THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. galea. OrtfM tlAL ISTATt k- S-Mll FOR SALE FARMS EAST Choice 9 A. IIO.IM with very nice 4 BR heme, lge. picture window, llv. rm. llillSi. Ue. kit., br. nook with nice view window, toot? well aad wa ter systsm. 138 ACRES Sheep ranch. tll.OM. AH sheep Usui iso ees. eroes fenced. 1M A- cult., 14 A. seeded pssture. 10 A. timber. 4 BR home, new piped furnace, grsv Ur spring water, nkt view af valley. Trees, $25,000 Buys 11.1 acres, about M A. Bant lam bottom land all caa be Irritated. 1 barns, I silos, fenced Ar cress fenced for slock, lies slang BIB tood show piece for stock ranch. S houaes, ga rase, chick house. BURT PICHA Xi,Hr 111 X. Blik a. Oil: I-M41 Dm W.U. aia. 4-Mtl kill REAL ESTATE B1M DOWN Burs aa add-on home and acre. Plumblag all In, wired for elec. ranee. Has bwb well and pump. Oood loce tloa. clete to Lancaaler aad Sllvertea Road. Bslsnce like rent. KEIZER ACREAOB Uttls aver acre af excellent soli with deep well. Extra tood l-bedroom pi tered home, enly peers. One bedroom U uausually large. Beautiful kitchen with lota of bnllt-lne. Only M.7M, terms to meet your needs. lit PER Ma Tee. that's right. Tew esa Itve with in I blecu af State Office Buildings ant nave a rraily comfortable home. Ideel for working Muple. Rent from t apartmeau brines In MM per me4 yea per $n mere and be barlne the prep arty. Dawn par meat aaly 13 MOM Ml Booth Hleh Street Phane l-OMS Phone Evening Si Sunday r 4-117 1, 1-StM, 4-134a, 4-tlll. 1-134 QICiKkSR) REAL ESTATt WK SPECIAUZK IN TRADES GI & F.H.A. LOANS Wonderful Setting Asvi an eat re wtU buUt and well maintain aMer type osma. in ievely srove sotilna. Oautde nty. weils. Lately las and abubs. Bnrtakle ystem. L. fireplace. Pull eemeat baaemoat. Bbawn by awp v eauy. rtne ounuy borne ran d be acawa w ees and anew your irienda. mi btios I10.1M. (Call far MB, OBIMMXIT, na. s-wts svm.) Lovely Hill Top Home Trade Kxtrenvely modern dwtta. Woader- twi ana. DUbwasbsr dMPatai. sisw carpel la Uvina room, t fireplaces. inauaaiaa. tim wauia. ipev aa. it. fleer anaoa. Owner will exchange for othor wroporty or larm. ruu wrics tCt 11 for atJL ORIUMHTT. eve. a. StOTB svm. Near New High School A Bood economy borne. Hot to lares a baa t bedrooms. Xniulatod. lt aaraces. Several trees. Pvd. st. Bus by dear. Pull price only lam. Here It Is A I bedroom boaae all an one 'fleer Plrenlaee. Insula ted. Bus by door. Black to at. new reef. Only 8 Id. Drapee included in the bargain price el mom. Terms. You Judge the Value It hag S bedraoms aa one floor, Forced air ell furnace. Fireplace. laauiaiad. Alt. tar age. j Bias school. Only I1- yra. old. Lawn and ahrnbe. FuU price 110. Ml. Terms. tCeU for N. O. "CAN" aUABk, Ova. 4-SU Bim. Bldg. Trade Per a S bedroom bouse. What hive you? Bldg. M by SO. Lot M by 110. Suitable for moat any type af busi ness. Pull pries U.0M. iCall for N O. "DAN4 ISAAaf, tve. Ph. 4-1 Ul B)m.) ' Want to Retire Tl so. here's your chance without ta lajss aa investment. This prop erty has S apts. plus a ear c kt- rato. Very desirable lecatlea. a furniture. Owner may consider n trade for ciome. A real bur for $11,100. Ubtrnl uems U desired. I Call N. O. DAN" IBAAK. era. ph. 4-IHI gum. i " 3 Acres This to dandy. RrtnS new boms Wltb atl. roomy tarste. Oood well. Very beat of sell. Insulated. Auto mstle all beat. Pvd. st. Very fast growing dlst. School bus front door. Pull price MOM. (Call for MR. CRAW FORD, are, pb. 4-MM Sim.) . Real Hot Buy acre lot suburban. Brand new S bedroom house. Very modern. heat. Alt. garage. Deep well. Bleo, pump. A bargain for 1J. CsJI for MR. 1.BUVENB, eve. ph. -47n aim.) Attention Farmers! Diversified farming. Sheep ranch mt wbst have you. Tbts is ft. 42ft acres lying la a very good area. A. rye. JT A. whest. 40 A. tray oats. ll A. eats and vetch. Lots af an ranss. Brand new home. 4 by barn, Oood 40 by 40 shssp barn. Oa rage. 1 A. timber. M A. tiled. ISOOO down. Full nrlce only I1I.0M. ICall for UR. LKAVENS, era. ph. S-41Sft im. FHA sa CONVENTIONAL MTOB. SO Tears FEDERAL OI MTOS M TEARS UCBMBED ALSO Ul WASH. XDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phone 4-1)11 at S-tUS Ire. S-41M. 4-nU. 4-MlO, t-TITO, 4-4M1 . U ne answer celt 4-l ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Close to Monitor. 1 bdrms. Largs llv. rm. and din. rm. comb. Largs kit. t arras all tillable. Willamette silt soil. TMs la a real buy at $IM0. 2 HOUSES ON 1 LOT Best buy la Sslem. One I bdrm. with very lane llv. rm. and a one bdrm. rented for the last three years to name party at $40 per me. Only $l!Wt tot both. SUBURBAN HOME This lovely S bdrm. home baa com fortable llv. rm. with fireplace. Cut , dlnlnt gleove. Large bit, with worlds i ar bulltins with eating space. All.: gsr. Large lot. Price lllsQ ar would trade for Portland borne, j Roy Todd, Realtor Mil auu at. OftlM khvu: l-IMl Evenings call: Vender-vert Simpson 31311; Ruoh 1711ft. S-43M: clll NELSON Price $4500 $600 Down 1 bdrm borne. 4 yra eld. well built. Iraul. lot liil. fruit treet. Oood neithborhood. d ml N on ME. Oood buy for 94W0. CU Mrs. Wool tea. $9250 North Well arranged S bdrm home, dlnlnt rm. f place, hwd firs, oil furnsc. utility rm. gsrate, pvd at, BPPl yra eld. Call Mrs. Wootttn. A Client Wanted Who Can Appreciate Value This eieellentlv built l-bdrm home hes been reduced for Immed sele The llvlnt rm la adorned with a beat. alator fireplace that adds ntlllty as well as aeautr. Th kit hat ample eat ing space. 1 bdrm Is 1ft' lent; 1 smsll. Larte tarace, lot Mill). Jutt tlMO Bee todayl Call Al Wtiu, 1-1319. 3 Bdrms. Near Bush Are yon looking for a larger h close to school? This la Itt Oood sired llviot and dlnlnt room, den Ideal for TV. t bedrooma Ar bath upstairs, fin ished basement apt er could be S extra bdrms. AU for IMM. 5-Unit Apartment House Five i-DSdroom nicety lurmmeo. bpu with Individual nriiM. This good Investment tor steady monthly income can be bad for erveoo. cau Schmidt. SFEC.ALTZ.HO REALTOR Nelson & Nelson TOT H. High Ph. S-S JOE PAL00KA (Kl Py kt U1 PTkWMr TAJ A HOTW'voutj. Ott 1 I HOW OO OGGtR IW6 T Mf SOY IT 1DO LV K Caf . I OOWTN CKAW5fS Cf f WfATHf MAM. IW NOT TO LIKE IT, COUNTRY AA0UNO MEM f HE 1 tfHAKi.' MPS MOAiff -II f iihc TMIS AY-TAU, ) SfSON. VW 130 I WITICrtJM' TM( COUNTIW, L PlGOfR. MAT IE IMPflESO WITH ( 6CK. HE SURI mmmt ' IV WOT AMS'AASU X tOt-StUXWl I SUM) VOU...IUT I AJWT J H TK BeAUTV OF TMES Jf HATES C0U . 1 IIAL ESTAf I UOMXSEEKERS AGENCY , SPECIALS Silvcrtoa, Orefoo tm bath, plastered, wired rat ase. alectria water neeier, garage, tad glaed let. noted street, nice lo se I ion, $10M 06. As lew as SMB-M ewsv Raornp Wdreo-ji bouse tm awed an daiion. nuge .ulttr. eta. jkJl m Caer. an beautlfat Ma let neer Cam- Ue church eer w acre. Fa tie and utewr flreviace. Summer kitabea. Leak i tile ever. Tan win like nv eAMS ea. Tersu. ' acres, about th aaltlvated. Oaad vaiiey sou. Lu ef IraH.' About aero naae berrtee. Ink beta, wived lor range, eiecuie water aeetsr. Bora, bis ken house, do labia aaraaa. sr. nueam. SMM 0S, M acres. aJ cultivated, wuiaauttai veuey aau. very toon B bedr e. All em one fleer. Cement l. daUen. wired lor rente, alectria beat. WW MM IN WllHlV. SMBUUIWi XBt- pina nmeiie. new Bern. ia toot . Oaubla aarage. Urtsstlen well 4ewaer ears will irriseta whole nlaeei. pved road. All rentes, fU.Mf M. IB aorea. kk enlllvmlod- I r ii bath, wired for range, electric wstee beater. Double aarass. barn. eU. Oeed aueo areeg. urigatiaa and new trrl gatioa eaulpmeat. Irrigated Basturos. a ne place an paved read. All Sla.0M.BB. Terau. IT aaraa, tw eultlvated. t gprtnss. 1 rm a bath bouse, wired sec yaaae. asm genauer nlaatsred ne. A very weU cansUneted dalrr barn 4siM' with twa built-in. silos. Very large bay sterste. Larva atone rruis nouae. rotate (torus. Oraasry, machine shed, eta. This Is s wonder- iw IH.0M We bare other listings Call ar write for our asLaloena before yew bur. rent or sell, cent HE , HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON. OREGON COLBATH'S CHOICE LISTINGS STARTER HOUSE Start llvtat Vn this new and very cute tadd ta It as ran nan af ford Hi. Large llvlnt rm.. ear aort. Storage shed. Lot IPdiM. Tea euro will want M tee this. ONLT BOM dowa ex 140 per month. Total pries 3ftM. POOR MAN Vera Ii a break for yen Dig la and Stan your savings account In tbts 1 bedroom borne, llvlnt rm4 mica kitch en, hath. Oarage oniy 4M 4ow and prices at B40M. NEW & DIFFERENT This lo a bur ta any language. Knot ty pine front. I bedroom, lovely llvlag rm., dlnlnt rm., bath, auto 4b alever kitchen. Hdwd. firs- nesting system beautiful plaster lea. Lot ttxllt. Add ta It as your family trows, Total price BeeSS. Only SMS down. DON'T LOOK FURTHER This bowae la one to sea beraaM af terms s location. Total arte IIMB IMS dowa. Hag ales aeon le sloping let on beautiful Pslrmount Hill s bdrms, bath, largo living rm. utility rm. Wanna atartf Hera It Is. $5950 SURPRISE Thla lo aa mansion but far the wrlce al S90M rou should really like this barns. S bdrms, brand new bath roe . Urge bandy kitchen, ntlllty rm. Oerage. Bit dee let. This Is good for borne or rental. Present ten ant will star am and dent for per month if pan desire for them to do ae. ONE TO REMEMBER Thla borne for M0o etlera more nor dollar than any yew will see. Where can you find n home like kbit tor the prleeT S large bedraonu an mala floor, bit dlnlnt rm da llvlnt rm.. modern kitchen, very large with all furnace. Located la basinets ens. Lot 41 lift. Oerese. Teg, this bsma does need minor repairs. Make Ideal rental property. Immediate pes- session. Terms. . , ONLY ONE CHANCE Tn n million te plek up a deal like this. Tss. it is irne we neve a aeii this property immediately. New ware house auiMint ssxtc. oa tot mm. Ideal location aa Cherry Ave. Asking IMM. But lift Lei at know your best offer. 4 RENTAL UNITS I gpsrlment rentslg plut smsll hss. rental. On lot 00x130. Plenty at fur alihlnts. Income as follows: Apt No. 1 $41 per month. Apt. No. S Ml M per month. Apt. Ne. 3 $n per month. Stent house 4 IM M per month. Owner pars far water, garbage serv ice 4b bet water for apts. I a I. This is a bargain far T9M. Twrma HMO down. Located la sood lowatiem at Dallas. , MARK THIS DOWN Right bow Wg have Urge business let Mxl30 Juat I block from city tenter. Plug large home with t bdrms. fireplace, living rm. dining rm. pice kitchen, t bathroome, upstairs fur nished pat. with separate outside en trance. Baamt with all furnace. Fu ture bueiaess potent lei moving in fast. Only resson for aelllnt because ef bankruptcy foreclosure. Only llft.OM for this desirable property. Reasonable term. THINK OF IT . Well located home aa lovely lot tr-, outdoor fireplace. The borne Is attract!!, clean a about B : old. 1 larte bedrooms with lots storsss space, lsrts llvlnt At Sta. rms comb, with fireplace, Baalist area la kitchen, separate ntlllty roam, breetewey. all heat, hdwd firs, ta VBie. Oaad terms. Price I IMM. (Eve. phones on the above 49414. 11311 er 34131 aim 1 FARMS & ACREAGES 73 ACRES Oa highway near eh aw. IS A. fa pasture, bal cult, lots of fruit. 1 bdrm. heme, bern, trsctor end tools, wriraxi t sis BOB. Termi. SM T. T. Anderson tar a farm. (Eve. pb. 41114 235 ACRES Orade "A" Dslry. M atancblent. milk Ins parlor, larte barn, S silos. lares older 9 bdrm hems, I flrtvlecea, 11 head milk cowl, 11 bead tenting S yra eld hslfsra. Cattle ere nearly all registered Holstelag, Irrigation sys tem, sll eaulpmeot and feed. See T. T. Anderson for a farm. Iva. pb. 41114 CHEAP 5 ACRES Dead building location an highway. Only 931M. (See T, T. Anderana eve. ph. 4-1114 Sim.) EtB phi. on hemes Is 1 71, 4S4S4 OT S-M33. Eve. ph. aa farm Mill- ESSSKSEl REAL EST ATI SttlDlMO m vl th hitm nvtMl autaki. Imr ,vmvji m mmlm thmm CMtnk tlkf. WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If you nrewerty a for saU. rent nr exchange. Hat It with as. Wt bare an kinds af aajb Bayers. STATE B1NAMCB CO, BBaLTOM iu av BUb at. en FOB TRADE. Mtk. tmt ion VMk U1IS. call,. LOTS MOT lass than M fowl width wltb water. Beeaenablf pfieed. S-Mtl. After I p m 1-4411. taiir WB ABB a seed af aood houses to eel kn ar near Salem. XI yew wish to Us year property for sale, tee OnjUBMMORST BROS , REALTORS in weeny rn. x-xeil c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRAOI WOm PAKU XORTIL rik. rmmck im s an ko .. lx. luit. Da. Will. IM. ll. lual.lM. P1M lr,4. 1144 M. ft. fir. IMC Lo4 III IH. W..U H Ik 1H mi IU fmmt k k kkk mtifX m ,u arklkM. Akkw mm A. cmrkk. BURT PICHA Bsaltar tn H. HUh at. Off: 1-4041 Den Wall. Sim. evga. 4-S4ST ABDWABB-PVBNITTJBE a tore. Trade for noma. Mann's Hardware, Detaks, Oregon. eblll IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWNER MUST BBX1, THX , SPOT UOHT CAFE 44M so. Pacific hiohwat Klaam farce as ta sell this very tood paring buttaeas which Is nicely and eompleleiy enalpped. A real moaey meter lor i people. See ar call ear mob! john j. darn, realtor 411 N. High Pbon 4-3413 cd0 FOB LEASE, major all oomeany gervtee eutlen. BstabUahed business, good gallonage. Ceil 44444. ediM 4-UNTT APT. bouse ta Medford, 111,000. $100. me. Income. Caastder Salem res. la trade. For details write L. H. Leu. bocker, ttt Willamette Ave Medford tfflr1 t US INESS I INCOME ILLNESS FORCES SALE Oreeerv stare and llvlne auartave Meal location. In city limits. Bus by door. Oceet Income Rest S meothn was 910.11. With ane man oneratlnt. Fine eet up for couple. Stock and fixture. Priced at BUM. Owner will a some uacuns aw aman heme. -SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN SMITH REAL ESTATE lul mm,., m. n. S-1MI 4Uir VI . INCOME PROPERTIES SERVICE STATION and fuel ell bustneta. oood location. Fhoaa Albany 14M or 1314R. 1411 Cslspoola at, Albany, Ore Bon. gf3ll FURNITURE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL mahogany spinet plana. toad aa new. A Bargain far sash. 1IM a. Cottage. dMl WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BIO WEANEB pigs. C. L. PI arc s. One mile west Brutt coue. e LOCKER BEEF White fees Hereford. SO. Nothing down, s months to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co 1J eV It Lb. Pb. I -4IM. e PETS PARAKEETS Teuat and breeders. , Put your Christmas order la now. Merlin Marsh, 119 Cheater Ave. (Off Lantlntt. eclll FARAKEBTI, choice youot birds. Kmae tlfu. All color . Raasoaabl. Cages, feed. toys. 34 hour service. Open Em as. Bird Paradise, IIM Uvlngtton. S-lltl. oc0 BABT PABAKKETS. linger canarlea. soma cues. Mrs. A. B. Power, 111 Be lie rue. Between B. Winter aad Cot tage, eelll BEGIlTERED Pomeranian pup. Win tec- erlflee one erante female at V price to right party as net, Phono -t-9114. eclll BOXER PVPFIES for Ideal Christmas gifts. Mslc A.r.C. Outaundlnt pedi gree. Terms U desired. Phono J-MI4. eclll CHAMPION BRED Boxer puppies. Mooret Tropical Flab Equipment. Farakeetg, Pets. Macltay Road. 4-1TTI. Closed WedBesdays. eel 10 OLOVEB'S SIAMESE kittens aad calt. Beauty, gentleness, Intel llgsnrs, deve- ion. rneea rignt. j-peig. ecu WEIMABANBB PUPS, good hunting stock. Reasonable. Registered. O. J Brina, Carlton, Org. ecJM PARAKEETS Select full flight ed babies. Ore as. Asuree, Cobalts. Ico Bluet, Char- Case a, feeds and complete tuppltf. Tear BudtlM Km as atdcklnct art new on tale. Buy Hew or Reservs Tatty Xmas Budgie While Selections Are Available. eclwOe CANABIEa. FINE CHBIRTMAS gift, a nail deaeela. Phemo S-4119, MM Che meketa. eclM FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAB WOOD, S cords 914. M, delivered.. Phoae 1-7111 ar 4-43I1. eelll Journal Want Ads Pay i "n II mSSMli I Pan 19 FUEL r iUkWOOO. IUM mn Umm. UmZ an. su m mwr im4. mmm kt aiw WM .1. Ml,. Twin Falls Lumber Co. . aULVntTON. OH SOON ruona i-wi krtllk SPECIALS! Oek. Ash, Maple Weed. Oreenilskt We have block a ptaacr ends. WE8T SALEM FUEL FfeL S-4M1 FOR SALE POULTRY WB ABB hatchtnt New Kampshtro ObmV aa Bread and Arbor Acres While Roc, avery week. Special arisen to ywaf around fryer trewers. Pox's Bataberr. 1001. I PRODUCE BAB DEUCIotTS aivnlag for saw. prtamo x-eiee. usiivsred ia saiem. mil WOKMFBEK Sviisentorg, Deilctoaa ap- pies ii.ew. rnoaa stih graningg, it Center. ffm WALNTTSi LABOR Franeaattes. Plaa g iaiitr. CToumarciaiiy dried. Bag la. lilt Wt. lith Bt. Phone I-M3S. ffMS WALNUTS. Sao POUND. Fbena 4-4M1 evenings, at weekends. rmr HELP WANTED MAN OR woman wanted for alsejdaa rmaasigiti cut kb. rnone a-TTi. gMO HELP WANTED MALE WANTED EXFEJII EN CED meat maa to take aver a fully equipped meat mar ket la stars doing good business. Musk have cash to buy opening stock. Writs Box Saw, Capital Journal far anpotau aunt. ta FBT COOK capable handling night ahlft alone, H ie apply. talM North's. 11TB Center. HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED LADT to tare for email child my hems. Call 1-HU Brewings. teles ACCOUNTANT. experlesKod. state as a. experMBce training, own nemdwriu Inc. Box M4. Capital JeurnaL gm WANTED POSITIONS FRUIT, SHADE ornamental tree work. xeierences. Fwruand. salam. Faadleton, Box rn. Capital Journal. h30T BABT IITTINO r offloe clsanlcc. Pttonn x-ga I a. nr" EXPERT TREE service. Trees topped, trimmed, removed. Hedges tr Warned, yard gleaned, ttaab bauled, Proe eeU mates. j-1414. b-l- BEHFONSIBLK, EXFERiEXCEB lnd wsnu baby slUlnt and housework ba Ul Christmas. Foooe 1-47: bSll FAINTINO, PAPKBHANOINO, com reel, l S-1M3. sail jobs Phomt hTM CHILD CARS la mr borne, Daya, JFaao 3-4U7. IMS S, Commtrelal St. bSBS PA FEB mANOUfth pelntlng. Free esU. mates. Dan Lueero. Ph. I-San. bM REUABLK BABT SITTEB WUl ga day ar nlgbt. Phoag S-BM4. bMt LANDSCAPING, tractor aad Ullsr work. Service Center. Fciona 4-1473. b fEACTICAL kun. chronic, mvS m 4Wk TAlncuit. aiukkkblk tktk. S-SM1. CAkfENTia tapkllliu A- kklMlM .ar kink. Fh.a. S-H.I. U CHILD CABS IB b.Bk, rhoB. Stlkk. kM3 caocHiTin pot k.ik,n tn thM nir. Cktutmu HIU UK . Utk at. Ukt CAaraNTi, nmr k. CkU mtut . . rua. 1-14H. hlM CHILD CABE in mr homo any time. Phono 1-UJ3. 91B Jndson at. hUS tbeb WOBK. Topping, trtmmlns, it moving. Insured, jobs Poyna. Fnono I -Mil. bill CARPENTER WORK, N tlon and best af repair or remodellns. OsrMu gtarfc at 9400. Phono 4-311 1. bin MICKHN RAM'S DAT HTJlttlYRT Btata LUensed Inspected. Pb. l-TtSS hl MIMEOGRAPHING and TTTTNO. tjuallty work. Reasonable rstes. Mrs. Foe. MS N. 10th. Phone l-lltj. MM LIGHT CRAWLER, doalar. d 1 r I level Int. trading. Phong 2-133B. bill GENERAL SEW1NO and but tea boles. Phone 1-7M0. bill WIEMALS Day aaraery. Uransed and state inspected. Fhoaa 1-4014. bmo PAPEB HANGING. Mt the bear. Phone S-IW7. A SOB" child cab la my home. Daya. Phono 1 137. JI99 B. Commercial SL blM CARPENTKB Repair, remodel, cabinet and tarates. Small jobs welcome. Phone 4-43W. hlOl PAINTINO AND DECOBATINO. II yeara Sslem experience. Free astlmstes. S-7953 - bltT PTFXRTPNCFD DAIRT and farm has 4 needs employment. Phil Tancey. P. O. Bos 414, Corvallls, Oteg. bui DICTAPHONE S IBM typist. Pull time 1 hits potl tlon. Phone 4-4114. FOR RENT LABOR warehouse specs for rent er lease. Cement floors, brick building. Dowa town. Inquire H. L Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone I -tie. f . WANTED TO RENT BERPONRIBI.E yount eoopl deslree nicely furnished and very alean apart ment or house. Preferably north, Ref erencea. Phone 4-1303. Jnlll B OR 4-BEfiROOM newer home wltb 1 baths. Psr to lift. MMht consiyer op tion ta bur. Cell l-UH office noun. lent ROOM & BOARD BOABD AND BOOM for year aged CT dusbled dependentg. Phono gearwtngs. 1-M7I. J13M BOOM AND hoard wltb packed lunches, . 39 H. WtnUr. J)3"y FOR RENT ROOMS NICELT FURNISHED room la bassmeaU Ceoklns facilities. 919 N. WlaUr. Jk3M OIRLS ONLT. Kitchen pn lieges. Dsn entire bouse. TV. teg N. Winter. Fnona I-4171 Or I-I4M. Jk3M "VERT NICE room. Frivato entrance, reasonable. H N. Cottage. lkla SLEEPING ROOM for 1 Church. Phong 1-4319. S, tn it. Jk3H WARM BLKEPINO TOom, hot MM wa ttr. 411 N. High. CLORE, NEWLT decorated, warm room. hot. cold water, IM center jkjii" PIJtAHANT sleeping room fi 10M Nnrwey. Phone 1-4941. caatlrmsn. FOR RENT HOUSES C07.T ONE bedroom nnfurntshod bouta. Located Southwest Rooms alMeble. Automstle eU furaaoo. Couple only. SMFhone 3-M41. ImMf TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. 449. Twa children, IMS Park Avon we. Phono M719. jtsSBl By Ham Fisher i l . - - A v.A .t .v,4l V V, V k- - -i5-a