X"" Thorsdiy, December 8, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sable. OrcsM Par IT I Tele-Views 5J Radio-Television YUIR8DAT ON KPTV: Tht T.rmaker. 4:-A Ttall to th. Toymaser's shop. lM Btt Your Life, I G roue bo Mant is enue. on comedy quit. - Drsfnct, fsun Jack Webo In popular mystery nrogiun. ,' .j? Tht?,r! t:je -Kiss and Forget" a Lin Mirk 6tenna, WU- Jart Parker. Virginia Field and coUetn Gray. t .Mlreh. M"tlne, ll ..m.-HlhUshu ol the annual clinical kneeuni at ice AMA in St. Lotus. ,. MJJB'K Fartj, W:-Local live dancini bo rom tht amatol ol KPTV. N" ' Theatre, tl:5 -Call of the .unale atarrtni Ann Cork), jamea Bush, and Claudia DelL ON KOI N -TV: ' ' . p"m'f G,rI7 Moara Sh.w Suv. Allen la aiuaUUiUni for Garry Who Is on vacauon. Dtnlse Lor and Ken Canon leauii3. . I:U p.m.. Armchair Theatre 'Bwinilnt on a Rainbow" eUrrlnf June Prazee and Brad Taylor. i I P.m, Meet Mr. MrNutlet Raj triea Tainly to revert to Ibe lay carefree daya at a house party. l:u pm. Four 8tar Playhouse roan rontaine witn Jonn Utel and Cram Stevens. Story of a rouof Woman who wrecks a political machine. .. P-m. Vide. Theatre "Women Who Walt" stars Laraine Day with Bill Clung, Randy Stuart and women wno wait lor rescuers to Diane crash. . i:M p.o Blf Town Concerns wiHuniai. 10 D.rOw The Plavhonse "Th. Story concerns a convict who volunteers for a scientific experiment in order to carry out a lone-planned mission. 11 P-m. tihowtlmt on Sis-'Confldcntlal" starring Donald Cook, ,ctu (ui.Kf u warren nymer. NetreDame-U.g.C. Game on KOIN-TV, Thursday night at 10:30 pjn. Highlights of Pacific Coast Conference games 0.1 KPTV at I pjii., juiunaoy. THURSDAY ON RADIO: Father Knows Best at on mj bmie .-nargie at 7:30 on ItSL.n. 0 0 0 Beginning Saturday, December , KEX will braatcast the weekly Metropolitan Operas. This week broadcast time will be approximately 1:30 pjn, immediately following the Notre Dame-SMU game. Later weeks it will be at 11 ajn. The opera will be Gounod's PAUST with Jussl BJoerllng as Faust, Victoria De Los Angeles as Marguerite, Nicola Rosse-Lemenl is Mephlstropheles, Robert Merrill aa Valentin, Mildred Miller as Hieoel, ineima votipak as Marthc, and Lawrence Davidson aa Wag ner. Conductor will be Pierre Monteux, . . " firmer Jones of KEX will Monday, (8 to daily on KEX). nas neen collecting Oregon nuts to fast Club oddities. The Oregon nuts lng, It Is presumed. , 1RIDAT ON KOIN-TV:' I p.rn, Garry Moore Show Steve Allen Is substituting for Oarrj Who Is on vacation. Denis Lor and Ken Carson featured. 1:15 pjn.. Armchair Theatre "Forever Yours" starring Gale wini, oir Auorey euniui, uonrao nagei ana Aiary uoiana I p.m- Amos N' Andy "Kingftsh's Secrets rv. t:M pjn. Topper Cosmos Topper's faith In a boy he plans to adopt gets a sad jolt from the ghosts. George and Iltiira Kerby. 0 p.m.. Playhouse of Stars "Storm-Swept" stirs Angela Lans mry with Don Hayden. Story set on an Island In the South Pacific tells of a wife's loyalty to a fugitive husband amid violent emotions ana a violent storm. ' t:M p.m., Our Miss Brooks Eve Arden tries to vangle a dinner invitation for herself and ends up with five "guests" for Thanks giving dinner. 1 11 pjn Showtime on Sli "Of Mice and Med" starring Burgess Meredith, Betty Field and Lon Chaney, Jr. FRIDAY ON KEX RADIO: i p.m., Oiiie Harriet Ricky Nelson disapproves of the way brother David spends his evening. I:M, Corliss Archer Dexter, Corliss' boyfriend, is upset by artony fnous love letters which Corliss receives. 7-7 :W p.m.. Fights Joey Olambra and Jimmy Herring meet at Madison Squire Garden In a 10-round middleweight bout On Television KPTV (27) UHF KOIN-TV (6) VHF Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! hoffman'm's" PHONE 2-1913 Valley TV Center 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. SiiIm - Se rvfee - Installation Open Till 9 p.m. Daily Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. TBI' BSD AT 45 m. KPTV Klddit Corner 10:00 .m. Dint Dodi ichoel 10:30 a.m. Whtl'. Coo tin Is 00 .ra. Kmr Htwkini Mil lt:II KPTV The Benn.tU lt:J0 i.m. KPTV Famili rritnl 12 :00 noon KPTV TBI KOIN Blf Pl70(f II SO p.m. KPTV TB KOIN Bob Crosby 1:00 p.m. KPTV Mi tine KOIN Lovt ol Lift Ml p m. KPTV MsVtlnee KOIN Starch lor Tomorrow 1 30 p.m. KPTV Matlnet KOIN Ouldini LlBht I M p.m. KPTV-Mitln KOINI'll But That 3 II p m. KPTV Hollywood nitl KOIN I'll Buy Thai S 30 p.m. KPTV Ob Your Account KOIN Strike It Rich I 00 p-m. Katt flmllh KCIN Oarry Uoera Shorn I II p m. KPTV Katt Smith Ml p.m. KPTV-Katt Smith KOIN Armchair Thtater S 30 p m. KPTV Kate Smith 1:10 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN Armchair Theater Raytheon All-Channel UHF VHF Low Down Payment, Trades Complete Repslr and Instat'-'len by Bonded Electronic Technicians NORTHWESTTELEVISION 3S80 SUU Phone 4-5932 4 00 p.m. KPTV Wcome Trave;ra KOTN Armchair Tneawr 4 10 p . KPTV Toymaker KOIN Armchair Theatef .4 I B, KPTV Toymaker KOIN Mr. kfoon IM pa. KPTV Howdy Dody KOIN fraddt Fail . I N p m. KPTV TEA KOIN Mr. Weatherman . 1:11 p.m. KPTV Ranee Ruler KOIN Photo Qule P.m. KPTV Huntlne and FliMm KOIN Ooui BdvardR Ntwa pea, KPTV North we it Dtcul KOIN Bporti Scholar 1:00 P-m, KPTV Football Hliltu : KOIN Cleco KW - l.M t m. KPTV Dinah shore roiN Fiaca the Fee - t:tt P.M. KPTV News, SporU KOIN Place the Pare " 0O p ea, KPTV Orouebe Mart KOIN Meet Mr. McNultP M P-am. KPTV Chtnom Theater KOIN Pour Star Piarneuit t OO p.m. KPTV-Dracnet KOIN Video Plarhoueo I N p ay, KPTV For Thfater KOIN Pti Towa 44 Of pm. rPTV-March ef Medlcla rOIN The Piahoat 40 10 p.m. KPTV Arthur M'jrra aarty KOIN-Notre Darn -USC 41.00 p ea. KPTV Newe- -S porta KOIN -Showtime oa til P "Oirl on the Park Bench" atari Kenneth Tobey. Story of two bring back a lone survivor from a the assassination of an Important Rarrtflf" ilin rh.rlM ftnrvln 0 0 0 KOW; Meet Millie at on KOINj be a guest on the Braaklast Club In preparation for the visit Jones matcn tne "nuts" on the Break, will be presented Monday morn' 11:10 p.m. KPTV Weather Vane KOIN Showtime on Six U:tS r . KPTV-Nile Owl Theater FRIDAY l:M am. KPTV Kiddie Corner 10:00 a.m. KPTV Dint Oont Ball 10:M a.m. KPTV What' CooklBfT 11:00 a.m. KPTV Hawklnj PtUi 11:10 a.m. htV The Bcnnetta lt:S a.m. KPTV Friend of Family 12 am, KPTV-TBA KOIN Bit Payoff 12:30 P.m. KPTV TBa KOIN Bob Croibr 1:00 .m. KPTV Matinee Theater KOIN Love of Life 1.11 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN-Search Tomorrow 1 31 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Guidint Llfht 1 p.m. KPTV Matinee KOIN Valiant Lady I 00 l.M. KPTV UatinM Theater KOIN I'll Buy That 1:30 p.m. KPTV On Your Account KOIN -Strike It Klcb 00 p.m. KPTV Kate Bmlth KOIN Carry Moore 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Theater 4:00 p.m. KPTV Welcome Traveler! KOIN Armchair Theater 4:M p.m. KPTV The Toymaker KOIN Armchair Theater MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Sales - Senrict - Intrallafion Open from s a.m. u I pm Ph. 1-1611 tlM 8 Coml Sslem'i Flnl Televlilon Store 4 48 p.m. KPTV Tormeker KOIN Mr. Moon :M p.m. KPTV Howdy Doody KOIN fiaxldle Pair 1:30 p.m. KPTV Peanut Clreua KOIN Saddle Pale f :M p.m. KPTVSfcy Klne KOIN Weathermaa 0:11 p.m. KPTV Sic y Kine KOIN Photo-quia 0:30 P.m. KPTV Dean ColHni KOIN Doui EdwardO Newt 0:41 P.m. KPTV NW Direat KOIN Shahmaa 1:00 p.m. KPTV floru Caltalcade KOIN Hank McCune Show VH p.m. KPTV SporU Cavalcade KOIN Ottie and Harriet 1:41 p a. KPTV Newe Caravan KOIN Oetle and Harriet 1:00 p.m. KPTV Oarr away at Util KOIN Amoj and Andy 1:30 p.m. KPTV Doue FairbanU KOIN Topper I N t,a. KPTV B is Siott KOIN Playhouse of Stare t U p.m. KPTV-Y Aaked far II roiNOur Mtta Brook 10:00 .M. KPTV Wreitllni KOIN My Prti-ud Irma 10:30 p.m. KPTV Wreilllne KOTN Fllee of Jeffrey Jsdm lliM p.m. KPTV Fleventh Hour Nawa KOIN-Showtlm oa Sla 11:10 .. KPTV Weather Vane 11:11 p m. KPTV Kite Owl Theater KM MITCHELL'S Ttetfj TralD4 Beriice) and fnsUIlatlM m 8Ut St Phono 1.1571 MARION COUNTY SELECTEES LEAVE -v MARKET QUOTATIONS POKTLAND FEODUM UST Batierfat Tentatiye, nvjeei to tm medlata cbanie: Premium tjuality, mail mum Jl ( ona per oeat acidity de livered in Portland fl-Tla lb.: Oral ual lly, CI-IOc, aecood oualtty, I4-07C Valley routes and country pottsta, I eeota leu Batter Wholetala f.o.b. bulk cubea to wbolejala. trad AA. ecora. Mei A crade. 13 acore. B'iei B, 00 acore. amc; C. U acore. 03e. Abore price trletly BOmlnal. Ckeew AelUni price t Fortlaad wholeaairra. Oreios elnilea. 4iV4l; Oretoa I Ik. loaf. 4IVHHe. Ea to Wbeleealera Candled ora eontalnlnf no lose, caaee included I.o.b. Portland: A oradt lana, im-00e; A trade medium, MH-Mttc; A trade small. 41-41 c; B trade large, U-llVre. Pertlaad Dairy Market Batter Prlc to retailers; Oradt AA print, lie; A carton, 73e; A prlaU, 13; carton. 13c; B prints, 00c. Efts to prooacera Candied f.a.b, PorUand: Uniraded lartt 0-41e dot.; trad AA lane, 04 dot.; A lartt, 03 doa.i AA medium, lit do.: A trade medium, 41-40 dot., A trade small nominal, If-lOc- Etts to eunere area A A. laret, U-eie. A lartt 00-03 AA medium. M-1e: A medium, ok; a email, etc. cartons '.enu addltlonai. Cbeee Price to retailers. FortUnd, Orecon tlntles, 4m40i I lb, loaves. 01-IIMc: triplets, Ittc less than sin- ties. Premium Draooa, emties. 61 ve lb. for slnele wheels OOMe. Proceased Am erican cheese. Ilb. loavas M retaU. 43 Vt- 4M lb I Faaltry LI Cblfkens No. 1 quality, f ob. plants Fryers, roasters, all welchts, 26 31; heavy hens, all welthts, 23-25c: llsttt hens, all wetfhts. 10-17; old roosters, 14-1. Dreesed Chlrkeas - Mo 1 dmed to retailers: Fryers, broilers, 40-41 lb.: roaster, ail wts- 41-42c: Htht bens. 3S-30C-. heavy bens, 33-33c, cut-up fry ers, all wu l-lle lb.; whole drawoa, M BSc lb. Dreaaed Tarkeya To retailer: A trade evlaerated bens, 17-Me lb.; tvlserated tonu. '4-04c lb.: aceordtnp to weithts: New York dressed tome 40-43C lb. New York droned hena, 4le lb. To produc ers: Orad A yount hen. 40c lb. I.o.b. farm: A toms, 31c lb. Rabbit - Averase to troer: tle whites. J 4-1 lbs., 10-3lc: 1-8 lbsW 1(-J0e lb : old does. 10-13c. few hither Prwh drel fryer to retallert, H-I1; ut up, -63c. Coantry Killed Meets Vrat Top quality, 10-IJe lb ; rough heavies, 30-3Jc. Hots Leens, blockers. Il-Jlc lb.; sows, light, 31-IOc. Lambs Best, 31-3le lb.; yeartlnta, 30-c lb Mutton Beit. 12-14 lb.. ull-utlllty, 1-lOt Beef Utility cows. 30-34c Tb.: caaner cutters, 17-lBc; shells down to tic rreita Dreesed Meat Wholesalers to retallert. Dollars per ewt. Beef Steers, choice, frOO-TOO lbs.. 131 41 ; eood. 114-31; commercial, 131-31: utility 134.90-30; commercial oows, 134-17 utility 133-30: canner-c utters, 130-33. Beef Cats Choice steers hind quart ers, 041-13: rsunds. 14341; 'full loins, trimmed, flS-10; trlantlei, 131-11: fore quarters. 131-301 obucks, 037-41; ribs, tfts-a. rerk Cala Loins, choice. 1-13 lbs., 4.l4: ehouldere, 10 lbs., J7-3t: apare ribs, io-; Irasb bams. 10-14 lbs., I4 M. Veal and Calve Oood-chnlee, all welthta. 130-40: eommerrisls, IJ5-I4. Lamb Choice-prime, aai-is.w; too a 1134-37 Bmeked Berne Skinned I S3 -17. ll-ll Ibi.; lined lard la drums 114-ll.Hi eiab bacon, 441-73. Portland Mtaeellaaeewo Onlone M lb. sacks.. Wash., yellow medium, 11.10-1 35; larte, Ol.n-1.40; Idaho yellows, med.. 01 15-1. Mi larte SI 10-1.71: WhtU, 13-310 Fetateea Or. Deachutes Rusiett No. 1 A. I3 M-1.TJ; 4-14 os. 13.71-3 31; 10-11 ot. 13.71-4: K-lb. sk. 00-mc; 10-1 b. l3-3ftc; 3 90-lb. 70 -est: Wash. Russets, no. 1-A, 100 lbs., 13.383.30: Idaho, 1-10 . 13 40-2.10; 100-lb. sk. 13.40-3. 10. Hay u. 8. no a treeo anaiia, e Hvtred ear lote f ob. Portland and Se attle, 31-30 Wl-areas basis. Willamette si ley medium, ll-lle lb i Faatern Oretoa fine and hail-olood, 55-8 ic. Willamette Valley lamb wool 43c; U-montli wool. 41-SOc Mebalr M-17 lb. on 13-month trow Lb. f o b. country thipelnt points. Idea Producers pa-Ins price fob Portland, calf akina. 14-He lb, accord In t t condition: trern klna. U-Pc lb : treea cow hides, 7-e lb., aeeordlni te welsht and quality; bull hldu. 3-4c lb.. Hue bides. 00 per cent below prices for above rlum Filberts Wholesale set line price t ok. Or eton plants No 1 Jumbo Barcelona We; terse 3m Ib.i medium 31 e lb.; to trowers fob, plant) II 10. for Barce lona! , DuChtllvt half cent leu. Weraat Producer paylnt price, fob. Plant; larte Pranqucttei, ll-llc lb.; May- ett, lc lb.; seedltnts, 11-14 lb. Whole- sale selllnt prices first quality lane Frenquettea, 11-11 a lb.: Hsht balvas. 70-Me lb.; shelled lltht amber halves. 70-TS.e lb. Mkts Ch lease Grain Chicait irfi Borbetna eased and eels firmed la an erratic erstn market ta the board of trade Thursday. Oat turned In the best performance, bclnt ahead ef the previous clote all day. Whest sank early, rallied strontty and then eeaed off atala. Th 1st sell off fellewed news West Oermsnr had postponed Indefinitely her scheduled purehasa of t't million bushels f bard wheat. Wheal elated 1H hither. Dee. I0IH. ettn 1 cent lower to S hither. Dee. l.VV oate hither. Dec. U; rre V lower to ' hither, Dec. I K l ilt eorbean !' lover ta hither, Jta. II04-S. ind lard 41 to 01 rents a hundred aouBds towet, Dec 11.00-10.00. i Pertland Oral Pottiaa (p Kt taort Or t tat bid or offered. Wheat bid te arrive msrket. basis Ha 1 1 bulb, delivered coeat: Ml Whit 1 14; ;Soft Whit tacludlnt Met lit; White iClaa 044. Hard Red W later; Ordlaary i J.J4. si bi Following t YMCA farewell party provided by the Woman's Executive committee for the council of churches, seven telecteea left Salem for service with the armed fores Wednesday afternoon. Front row, from left: Norman Funrue, Bob Phelps, Raymond Wellman. Back row. front left: Franklin Appledoorn, Donald Eilert, Clarion Apple doom and Edward Guy. STOCKS (Br Tb. AuKlstd PrM Admtrs' corpimio. .. ........... tlH Au4 Chemical l.t SUU Cti.tm.r, 41 America Alrlli.. . 1S Amerlcia rower A USB Am.neu Tel. till iti Amtrlcin Tobacco S8 AnuiDdl Copier Sltt AtchUor Rillro II BatUabsra stl ,1 Boelat AlrplAln. Co. .. 41V Bori winter Burro. AdalBi Uicblai 14 California Paellas 33 Canadian Paelll. S3 Oiurolllir Tractbr so 0.l.n.a. Corpor.tloa Cbrraler Corporatloa S3S Clllea serle. . Conaolldaua Kobob 41 ConaolldaUd VullM 11 Crown Etllerbaob latt Curtua Wrlibl 1 Doualaa Aircraft 19 flu Waal mm H.mour. 101 Eaatman Kodak 4&v, Smerior Rtvdlo 10. Oeneral mectrl Oeoertl Foods ..... Oenera Motors Qeortit Pie. Plywood .. ... 01 ... 01 ... 10 ... BJH ... nv, ... aa4 Oooreai Tire Homestatce Mlniat co. . iDMruatlonal Barvstti Inuraatlonal Paper ... oas Johns uanvlUa ........ ... 04V. Kaiser Aluminum Kenaecett Capper Libbj McSen Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated ... Lon Bell Uonttomery Ward Nash Kelvins to- ....... He York Central Northern Faclfl Fsclfle American TUh . psclflt Oaa A H'ctrl . - Ptclfie Tel ft Tel Packard Motor Car Penney. 4. C Pennsylvania ft- ft ... 05S ... ... Mi ... US ... ... B0V ... n ... M ... OIH ... I ... ss ...115 Pepsi Cola Co. Phlioo Radio Radio corporation Rsjonier Xncorp Rtronier Incorp. Pfd. ... Republle Steel Remold i Uetalt Richfield Oil Ssfeweir Stores, lot. Bcott Paper Co Bears Roebuck B C Bocon? Vacuum oil Southern Paclfie Standard Oil Call! Mandard Oil N J. ....... Studebaker Corp. Sun thine Mlniat Swift Co. TrsDiemerlca Corp TvtnUeUi Century Fog .. Unloa Oil Company Union Paclfie United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Statu Plywood . Unlieo States Steel Warner Pictures Western On loo TL Wee tint noun Air BrakOx Westtntnoust Blectrlt . Woalaortk ,. 23N . 34" ,. 4ti .. M4 . l'i . 38'i .. 'JO . 01H . . 30i . 01H . WH . M4 ., ,7t . 01 . J1. . 10H . 40 .1014 . . 49T4 .. AS . iW . 3B'i .. 13 .. 41H .. ns ,. .. 43H TUJIN ABOUT Waverly, Neb. (U.n . State police yesterday ticketed the state's test truck which checks other trucks for. overloading. The truck, carrying weights for scales, was overloaded. C bleat Ueesuek Chleato 001 Roes spurted to new- hit he on the current upward me In early tradlnt Thursday but much of the tela was iott before all tht tupply aa cleaned up. autcners tsined about 10 tents while sows jumped 3D to 00 cent. One load of choice butchers broust.t 114 W, another new blih for any December sloe 1841 All types of strtrs end heifers moved at firm prices. However, cows and bull declined. Most ood end choice steer. sold at 010 00 to 135 00. Most tood and choice wooled alauehter Ism be went i 117.00 to tit ft. aalable receipts were estimated at 10 900 hoes, l.ioo cattle. 500 calves and i.ooo socep. PORTLAND LI VI ST Ori Porlltnd OjlV-Tradlnt ta calves aid Dots wis aettv today. Cattle 300: market sllihU less at tlve but mostly ateady with Wednesday; tood 000-lb. fed steers M; few commer cial ateera 10.H-1I: atlllty.low commer elal heifers 11-11; fanner -cutter cows 0-0 M; utuifr cows mosUy 10.M-1J; few utility bulls U 00-11.00. calves u; ntrbet active. tdv fw tood-low thole vealer 10-10.00, prim to 11; tood-choice trass ealves lf-11. Hoes no: market aetiva aLaai t it hither: choice lOO-tn lb. butchers to 35 351 few lots choice 1 butchers 00. ChMe SOO.0M lb. Sw M.OO-M.M. ftneep aoo; narlet stcadr: iiMid-ehAlce wooled lamb lioo-ii; t lots eliolre- prtm aeid nrouni lit: ft mtuut ts. rs 14; tood-cbaiM twaa 0-0. LEGALS NOTICt CALL FOR CITT OF 0ALKM IMPROVSMBKT BOR D8 Rot Ice ta hereby aivea triors twfi funds oa hand applicable to tht pay menl thereof, the city af Salem. Marloa County, Oretoa hat elected to call far redemeptlon oa January L 1004, tht foJ lowlat enumerated "city of Salem Im provement Sonde lasut al 1111-4", Hoe HUH IbcIujiv. Holder af the bond m present theea for payment at tn affie r im City Trwasurer, aa la teres t will cease aiver aauary i. int. PAUL I. MAimttR. Cny Treaeurtr Rev H, Dec 1.10 FOR SERYICE M 1 llMk MarlM H.w York ur Th. stock uirket wa blsber Tburadar. coatlnulns tta ad.anM of recnt dir., but It ran Into apota of rouab lolna. Prices lot op to between t ind t points it th. ouuld. wttb moat ssloa small. Loliei were fraction!!. Volume earn, to an estimated t IO0.OM aharea la compared with 1.I50.0M aiiirei obanilns Bind. Wadnaedar. Puerto Rico raises about a million torn of sugar annually. Look Si r i ffirfwHY DO THEY I RYBUTOL? I thisomous formula. 1 I II W! 1 1 I &Sf& I I i.'. (ha I I ''frlandMSli1" ... "Crsse You May Never Madsen Honored on Eve Of Retirement from Post Fellow cmployai of th ttatei department of agriculture Thursday noon honored H. T. Madsen, who at the end of the year will retire as supervisor of bakeries for the department, I with a luncheon at th Gold Arrow. They also presented him with pen and pencil act Madsen, a lone-time resident of Salem, has been in Ms pres ent post iince June 1, 1939. He wss selected to direct bakery Inspections' for th state when sanitary 'Inspections of baker lea was written Into law and handed to the department to enforce 14 years afo. Prior to that time, he and his son had operated the Salem Baking Company which Mad sen had sold some time before entering state service. He has alio supervised carbonated beverai inspections for the department during this period. At the luncheon Thursday noon, department officials' paid tribute to Madsen'i exception ally fine record in state serv ice. Both E. L. Peterson, Direc tor of Agriculture, and O. K. Besls. foods and dairies divis- lion chief under whom Madsen I has worked, both expressed I their regret that Madsen'i re JUrement is compulsory under provision! of the state employ- eel retirement act. The affair was held at this time to give foods and dairies field personnel, now gathered in Salem for their semi-annual conference, an opportunity to join th headquarteri employes in honoring Madsen. Msdsen'i successor has not been selected though th de. partment officials are studying a group of applicants certified to them by the state civil serv ice director. The people of Puerto Rico have been U. S. citlreni since 1017 when the island attained territorial statu?. How America Votes On Vitamins! lvrvbodVTi I I D.Noff..udelphU,P.n.. muJ-riUSP- W.nons v.nu.. Norwood. P.w- peal- "-- tjtrv.rly MU. Know How Good You Can Feel Until You Try Rybutol. Start The 7-Day Rybutol Tat Todayl M. T. , Madsen, bakery supervisor for Stat Agri culture Department, who retirei at end ol year,' and who was honored at noon Thursday by his fellow em ployes. SALEM MARKETS OampUee fraea re teem of Salem, feeler fee ibe teuaaaa e nattej JearsvaJ rtstvtler. (krteal . Baiafl Pa4 erteati Babblk relleta (4.41 (00-lb. ba), lo.io-i.oo (ioo-ib. bait. Btt Muk M-iO-MM. belrr ree U lt-lOt 00-l. bat); U.00-4 00 1100 Wi.1. Pealtrt Bar lac filaat Col area trrera, lie: aid roosurs, lot; eoloret to, lit) ltthera fowl. i;et rauttrt. tie. KarlBf lleestBtia, AK. Otet lartt A. 11-IOc) madluna AA, Ole: tjedlum A. 40-c; amall. c Seta wbolosala oiieoa teaerallr 0-1 taau hltber uaa BTteet ftbotei larte trade A. leaaralLf auoteo f.i ate; inatutma as tae. Bailer. Batterfal aitenRt Bunnt prtet: premiun. ia. Tl aaaut no. i. 01-00 eeaui Ha, s, too. Caleai Oaleat , cute to tuft Supplies Broderala. maod lltht, market dull. Track sale M lbs.: V. 0. 1 nates stated: Idaho apaniab V, B. 1 l-lacb and la rter, 1.10; trucklot talis delivered lobbiat ttreel baiU. Miobltaa Tellow niotaaa M Mr afntnt t.Trvrii avrwl Inrararr 1 AA. fitreet tales 00 bis.: Idaho and Oretoa) If you, too, sre NERVOUS, RUN-DOWN, "TOO TIRED" TOO OFTEN, . you mar just need more thiamin and riboflaria. Read how yon tan try the famoni Bybatol. formula on no-riik, money-back baaiil Th vota'i in and what a itoryl Rybutol la th largest wiling B-Compl fermula of its Und. And for food reasons. Compoundtd in exelvse aiv. Gtlucapa, Rybutol supplies high-potancy . amounts of thiafhin and riboflavin plus tuppla mtntary amounts of other vitamins, plus tract tninerals-22 important elements in alii And get this offer! If you don't feel as good at you know you should, you can find out if you need the vital element! in Rybutol en t fool proof, no-risk basis. Buy Rybutol. lake 3 Qelu capt daily. You mutt AeJ frontier, peppier In ;'usi 7 day or return the bottle and well refund your full purchase prioet You can't lose on this amazing oflerl So take advantage of it today! Try Rybutol... now only $1,981 Ntwl Rybutol Liquid. If tau can't ( subs, try uoninlul ntu Rybutol Liquid, (' a nfift-pol.nca! B-Complix tormuta.rtch In blood- , buildini Iron and bocktd bi tht same mon bnk i u.r.nrec. feu mutt ..I frerf.r In Jtut f JJifTm COATtmiaU. COnVOUN.lt tN Jg&zzz: GELUCAPS aVJlYl IWBttWaWT . , lir iUeawavM Iieatlflcl1y wle4 oa araanat V Vl Lv. atswifMsa. milaUoa t. waaar aa4 ?fSr Z nmineat. Batlueiv tta Vhaaaim Car 4ta' mim aaM AeMrtca. v A I I I 3-1Mb aaa larwcw "i la.1 eai wruu PM j-tntn .nd inner I.4S: Tel. low ofcwM. ntluat MKbJiia l.M-l.at. Iowa I SS. Wlnoaela I SS-I SM Indian i.s-a.iti Bumh J-lan, mmtm Mm. Virtually aa frurU and i vegetables depend oa beea fa polinatlon. . SOOT nir.iovcn ae bey la Mi ootoi aiotaoti 4CMtestittaOX. Kta yt twtaa oiooai Itaot oail lwMky efcof. Maato wtflviafi oeapasotll Ua ' r4 1 -- iel a JtJ I uetjw ... tui fi c 1 JatHtM.Mttwi IJ I I tl J tUmtrnt tmmm ml If J C5LUCAPG BOUGHT in GCTODEL ALONE! 8fe k DTIB ye WeHl u (rruiii i 'tmnH' now 'jjJjjf r r ii f ; I -If M, j ... 4