Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 03, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    1 1
Thursday, December 3. 1S5J
1 (
Tallest Is
For Salem
Five seniors makt up the
probable Salem starting lineup
for Friday night'f game with
the Roosevelt Roughrlders at
Salem High. Coach Harold
Hauk'f club opens the aeaion
with a lack ol height with the
tallest aUrter at 6-1, Wayne
Besides Erlcksen at center
the Vikings will use Jim Knapp
end Gordy Domogalla at the!
guards and Larry Springer and
Tom Pickens as forwards. The
starting five la fast, with Dom
ogalla and Knapp leading the
rapid break the team will use
during the season.
Four Are Lettermea
Pickena and Springer both
lack height as they fall under
the six foot mark. Both are
lettermen with Springer a two
year man. Domogalla and
Knapp are also lettermen from
last year s team.
This year lack of height ap
parently is the part that hurts
the Vikings most with the lose
of Bob Miller, Jack Bishop, and
Dave Johnson of last year's
squad. Bishop aed Johnson
were both starters along with
Domogalla, Knapp, and Pick
ens. Knapp was the second
highest scorer on the squad.
Behind the five starters Sa
lem baa Bob Wulf, 6-4 center
playing the middle position,
Gary Paterson and Phil Burk
land at the forwards, and Herb
Triplett and Neal Scheidel at
the guard posts. Both Wulf
and Burkland are fine back
board men while the entire
second string also has speed
with Scheidel one of the fast
est on the team.
Wednesday the Vikings had
hard scrimmage but taper off
tomorrow with a light scrim
mage. Salem is starting a rug
ged schedule which sees them
meet such strong teams as
HlUsboro, Marshfield. Grants
Pass, Eugene, Corvallls and
Although they are expected
to have an unspectacular year
the team Is still going to be
Bard to beat Roosevelt, al
ways a strong team in the Port
land league, dropped the Vi
kings to open Salem's season
last year but the Viks came
back to run away from the
The game Friday night starts
t 8:1 In the high school gym
All Starters Back
. Last year Roosevelt tied for
second with Benson end Jef
ferson In the Portland league
with a 10-5 record, then beat
Jeff a playoff to go to the state
tournament where Roosevelt
lost the first two games.
The Teddies are one of the
favorites for the city title this
year along with Grant.
Their leaders are Wanaka,
all-city forward at feet-3,
Wiitala, all-city second team
as a 5-10 guard and forward.
Roosevelt has eight lettermen
back, including all five of last
year's lettermen. I
s to Start Five Seniors Friday
. ! . . w- .' : '?. -y
, v .' . j; " 1 " i
Huskies Pick
Stanford and
UCLA Players
Seattle UP) Stanford and
UCLA dominated all-opponent
football elevens named by the
University of Washington Hus
kies Wednesday night.
The Huskies also looked with
favor on players from USC, Or
egon, California and Utah but
completely ignored their tradl-j
iiuiiii nvu, uiv
High Bowler
Richard Klopfenstein of Sllverton (cen
ter) receives 17 check from Kelcr
Allen ef Portland, representing the Brunswick company,
for high score la the first round ef a national duck pin
tournament At left is Tom Wood, proprietor of the B It B
Bowl. Salem dock pie bowlers wen sevea prises ef desk
pea sets for their scores In the event
University Alleys
NO. 1
Pm tHllltlM lt Piitnan on. Klrbr
111, Woodburn 410. Urhl 40, Jrff.raoa
Ha. Dlvlalaa a Aialla (s atrlekila
4U, nttilr 111. Uoottoowr 111. Com
laa 444. OflUW 471.
........ . .. . ...
Washington I 414. Bartrutf m. Coottr 474. Mflaoa 417.
State Cougars who waxed 1 " r"' ''-' ' m 4ii.
them 25-20 in the season f in.le, ZZT T-irZ
The Michigan Wolverines, who , nm vn. dh o. ziuaiu ait.
clubbed the Huskies S0-0, also ;'"" "Jf,"!' U'ri""
' ,. ;MI. Crana 443, Kalcaam 440, McAdama
man on the
The all-opponents selections:
First team:
Ends, Sam Morley and John
Steinberg, Stanford; tackles,
Chuck Doud and Jack Ellena;
UCLA; guards, Morm ManoRi
an, Stanford and George Tim-
berlake, USC; center, Ron
Pheister, Oregon: backs, Bob
Garrett Stanford; Paul Cam
eron, UCLA; Paul Larson, Cali
fornia; Don Peterson, Utah.
Second team:
Ends, Tom Mickoloff, USC;
Muron Berliner, UCLA; tack
les, Mario Da Re and Ed Fouch,
USC; guards, Hardeman Cure-
ton and Jim Salburg, UCLA;
center, Matt HareUm, Califor
nia; backs, George Shaw, Ore
gon; Don Rydalch, Utah; Bob
Mark, California; Pete Dailey,
MaUOB 171.
Hlfaaar Caaalractlaa Kiyttr 400.
NoUmao 471. Roaka 414. Wolff US, Tan
dy 444. Kif Orcaaa Grata It) straw
470. Wood 412, Broiaa 411, Xwlno 411,
Slaear oo.
Slala rrlal.ra ID Mllntr 4n. Rovta
430, Stona 441. Waller 431. Krejcl 470.
Tat taamlaalaa ill Johnaoa
hub iadlvldaal tan Hincrtea. TO.
HUa ladlvldual aarlaa Htlfart, 100.
Ouck Pins
DoM. g, 1HI
BtrwUar Cwtwt Dark Ma
BassacM tl Uear 4tl. Tarlox 7,
Howtrs) 144. Rrmpcl 1M, Lorpprr. 471.
W. W. BMsraaB C. Il Bush
Jooruoa. iU. Orecowood Ml. RuutU 13).
atrvcai J. Hlrp. lair
II Whiui (Jf Jobns.m bOS, Ar
nold Jtl. Hrkenioo 484, Alia Arnold MI,
Pack JO Mieai Slra Hh n-Neinit
Berk hard I m. 411. Cavil
314, Wood 421.
Laaa Tra Hit Dfao 47, WerrtmaB
I, Purctr Sit. Mober 464. CaM lit.
Mas Laaa Pacaan (I i Rain bolt 3. An.
derOQ 141, Pitkin 941, Biankcntbip JM,
Illlott 437. 'Hdcp. 4)
Ohnart Calaba l) Ohmart 404.
Utddr 3M, Mttrt 311 Ur. ravin 3A3. Neal
wwiwi w, ,vt.pia w, iuo i. wiwnjW. (HJcp. 204t. Erlckian'i Market
U el ton 483. Oabieman 3A, Tlbbcttai 33.
Garrett Named
To Receive Voit
Football Trophy
Los Angeles (Pi Stanford's
Bob Garrett has been awarded
the W. J. Voit memorial foot
ball trophy for guiding and
passing the Indiau Into conten
tion for the Pacific Coast Con
ference championship.
Garrett, 20-year-old senior
from San Marino, Calif., won
the award Wednesday by a poll
Eastern Oregon
Wins Whitman
Opener 82 to 66
La Grande U.R Powerful
backboard work by Bob Adri
an and good cooperation by the
entire Eastern Oregon college
basketball team spelled an
R2-66 victory last night over
Whitman in a season opener
for both.
Coming out of a narrow 35
34 halftime lead. Eastern Ore
gon, depending on the aggres- j
sivc Aurian, scored m poinu 10
clinch the game. Adrian's mas
terful control of the rebounds
allowed teammates to take ad
vantage of the fast break.
Linfield Opens
With Win Over
Clark College
Vancouver. Wash. (Pt Lin-
ftacrttarr HUt (l Utller 4U. Mo
Qucfn 63. Prink o 41. Prania 412, B tel
ler ti9, Faraitrr pratartlan (1) oSlorm
471, Uorrlson 33. PhlPPi 484, Walktr
487, Eereri 484.
Hlih team lama Bkrbwir Auounl-
Ini, 917.
Hlth team aarlii Hlahvav iceaunu
Ini. 2114.
Hiih individual fame Hrr. 330.
Hlih individual aents Hcrr, HI.
NO. t
Ckaaltr U (I 8ehulti 4M. Youni
JM, Hirtr 4M, Janaa 4fU. Aiacer 444.
Oft let Cntlaeeri 0acra t50. MatUon
41. Burton 104. Scott 449, IttTouiocua
Hia l Vrtmaard 471, Kina 443. Me
riwain 431. Oallaabar 413, Oiuiafaon 47k.
Pareatrr Manaveaaal ft j Campbell 487,
Baufhn 471. Hanncnan 473, Uorrlton
4S0, Ladd 437.
Brtdca Endnaata (I) Prvdrlekaan 47t.
Edwarda 3M. M union 441. alrrehant 413.
Rotka 433. Pwa afatara (I) Rinilaod 136.
Enillih 434. Hoilta 111. Btraw 44X alaf.
Xert 581.
Traffie laalnaara (-Tali 411. lach
11, Wood 143, oVhrtMdar 431, Pettnon
14. Vataraaa Affatfa (4) UorUkv an
Reed 467, Oaarautroom Ml, JUiln M,
HUlerlch 680.
Tai raaiMlaalaa (It Bower 3l. Ah.
Ford 491. Halvoraon 379. AtereLt 04 Can.
field 199. Blah war Marker (ll-Llttke
Taylor 141. Harrell 449. Harbaraar
441. Una 0.
I'll rsa play sjtsjsit (4t Aaarim 484 nuts.
l'k 440, Put man 471, Caaa V, Touni 443.
Mlfhwar Staapa (9Zent 111. Uenlk aai
Tucker 411. Oavta 313. Klmmell 434.
niffn leant lomt Unomflarraant. 9M.
Mtih team atrle Viler ana Attain,
Barrr 103. Nelnaat 401)
CMC Track talaa 14) Thorn aj 394.
OUlenwatar 269. Bermon 34. UcWaln
331. tSermcm 394. (Hdep. 17). Parlland
Raad KlcbfleloJ (t Okie 314, Hubler 407,
Burkharl 300. Howell 311, BUr? 371.
Hitn team at r tea B. R. Wholesale.
211 and 1.
Hlth Individual swrie -Herb Nelneat
fMkki Bum. M3. and Harold Johnaon
(B. tH R, Wholeiala), 603.
Hlth Individual tama-Herb Nelneat
(Mlcka Blant, 217.
Capital Alleys
tnaiia Trea Barrtea (I Brennan
131; Clark 111: areaorv 99: Valdei 971.
Borea 949. Qardn t Grocery (t Pru
dtnU W4; WlUtU 4i; Oardntr 443;
Haraa t49; PftJppa J7.
Bate. Erka Ladn 4) Straw T17;
ramoaaia MM- aWrtAaoal M- UrUnlla
Lanahoff 7(4. Marlaw Halal A Car Parfesi 1
Morrla 719; Paie 711; Irona i3;
Bldtr 719; Cuabman C30
Oerllniar Carrier C. 19) Parley 974:
XtUmlller nii WMU TJ4; Braucht 113:
Olodt 797. Marahal'a Paar Caraere ((
Doerfler 714; Reevaa 107: Row M9; Mel-
aon 701; Ounn 96.
Kart'a 9 Old M iter a (1) Clint 111:
Oalund 193: Karr 930; Pftulln 704; HarU
well 139. Taa Meadawa Raataarant t)
Valdea 119; Wubr 703; Loejan 969: n
derum 907: Vtltont 134.
High warn lama, Balem Elk a Lodat,
1090: hltb team aeriee, Brennan Tlra
Service. 3909; high Ind. fame, Tom Bren
nan of Brennan Ttrt 8rvlr, 399; Utah
inn. fenta Otrk Phlppi of Oardner Ore
eery 137.
ot Pacific Coait iporU writers lieW opened its basketball
conducted by the Helms Ath
letic Foundation.
Yakima Organizes
To Save Ball Club
Taklma VP) The "Saya
the Bears" campaign organ
ised to keep professional
baseball In Yakima has net
ted S21,SS to date and stock
holders will meet Thursday
night to elect directors of the
flub that will represent them
In the Western International
league next year.
t)rrln E. (Babe) Holling
brrry, a leader of the cam
paign, said the total raised
la $1,30 more than needed
to acquire the Bears from
Frederick Mercy, Jr., bnt
tha stock-selling will contin
ue to raise at Irast II O.Ota
more to operate the club.
Special Deal at
OSC-Hawaii Tilt
Corvolhs. W.l AthUtlr
Business Manager Jim Bar
ratt of Oregon State College
today announced a apecial
deal for families attending the
haskrtball game between the
Beavers and University of
Hawaii here Trlday and Sat
urday nights.
All children of grade school
age and under will be admit
ted free u both parents pur
chase either reserve or gen
eral admission tickets. Re
serve seats this week-end will
be 11.50 with general admis
sion tickets selling for II.
A New World of Cooking Magic.
I automatic iitcntc DEEP FRYER
f Get tmt aptcial offer om the oririnal Dalant FRYRYTI- I
1 1 deep frvar thai 4o EVERYTHING batttf . Dtep-frie
. ' otr IOO delidotaa diibet ia 1 m 7 Miatjtea. PLUS: raevting, I
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Wlien athtra fall we an? Cfemeaa
ramedMa. Aaaalnt eaeeeu fat 90M
rtara is China. N tnamr iut anal
at Im en fa v art affltcted. dlaordera,
ataititta. heart, lanaa. IIt ktdnera.
, ormtipauosa. uktm dlaaaUa,
rheumatism, tan and feladdtt tevat,
kU. (mala awaaplalata.
CttratSB Sill Oa,
orflao Saar. 0 la S
Taa. aaO Oaa. mmtr
404 It Caaaaaaraaal
Paaaa tltM
uua oaa
UK Till
i (ai7SeintYKYTEcaadoanbriaat!)bim E J'',mw?.l
.11 fTTCrV I tVrfl'-i
i'r L 0
ft lsUM UniH 'sasaaa. . 2
nil fjt ijeoiwtaN
TM ol coaaaanCM St IMS. OaMOM
" " rnanHi laWaSlaS na aaiaIMS lim IIIOI llifi
son by taking an early lead and
then pulling away to a 74-59
decision over Clark J. C. here
Wednesday nieht.
Dave Sanford. Linfield cen- "' ""mariaj . IiclatiTC Dalaat Dr.i Uk coo-
ter, led scorers with 1 points. ' f wiaafroaiDeao-rryff0.ta'Kaitlia84aMi4la.Dial
Three players scored 16 each. BowicorfnantiacoiorMiiigKta.&
They were Tom Pratt and I
and Carol Cable of Linfield.
Hayes Suspended
As Panter Wins
Detroit u Norman Hayes
young Boston middleweight.
was under indefinite suspension I
k. 4k fc , -U . d : r .
"j me iuiiiiiiii ouaiiik com
mission today for an "indiffer
ent performance and not being
in shape" against Garth Panter
last night in their 10-rounder
at the Olympia.
Panter. 23-year-old freo
swinger from Salt Lake City,
gained a unanimous decision
against Hayes an Army private
first class.
Tfrnrny Mop ahead
?H forXhristiOiias!
The shirt every man
wants in his wardrobe!
Penney's Towncraft
V 4 i - -. i
Jr SMAll
Make a hit with your men, put
these handsome shirts right on
top of your gift list! They're,
neitly tailored of Sanforset
treated spun rayon gabardine.
Wash 'em anyway you like in the
machine, the tub or even commer
cial laundries they have wash
fast colors and permanent fit!
Styled with two flap pockets, short
spread collars and 2 button ad
justable cuffs.
m 5
IV : v- Li
It " 1
S 4 1
v :
r" i4 1
-4.1 it vl
oa V t 1
1 tt - VJ
a v. vs. ma
o-t ..i.irsv-V"' -
M i JI.J t "(WO)
t -J" eV?
V -.,,,11 ii "J
- t
v v if
. or- i-
joj-.t Mfrsay 4-,Trj) iQtt,,
a. -iff. , r-- - ' ,fciiaa m..'?' tataav laWiw
These beautiful orlon-wool tweed
slacks are bolance-blended to
hold their shape and shed
wrinkles. Shop now while stocks
ort complete. Sizes 29-42.
To 1
mm&Siatt' zimmamtm)ihr..mmiitmimmmi mm framaajaaa.aas
100 WOOL
These flannels are superbly
smooth end soft-looking,
but they're closely woven to
give long wear! The colors
ore ricri, new, light gray,
medium gray, soft tan, ond
blue. Waist sizes 28-42.