Thursday December 8, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 81em. Orerosj Pagtll First Revrite Job on Oregon Lam Coming Out gj PAUL W. BAKVET, JR. IAMmUUS FTtu Corrtsa4-a.l At early as 1872, the L-omoilers ol Oregon'! laws thought the Uwi were so mixed up. loosely written and (conflicting tht they ihould be completely rewritten. It too ureguo a long ume to gel aruuiiu w HUWI h .UU iince 1872. the Uwi hive be rime much more fouled up. On next inunur, we joo will be completed miter more ,h.n four yean oi nam wore On that day, the aix volumes of Oregon revised etatutes the first rewriting job ever done on Oregon's laws will roll off the presses of trie Met ropolitan trees in roruano. The volumes, prepared by the Oregon Statute Revision Council, will go on sale for 175 t set at tne council a neaaquar ters in Salem, and in the 29 hrsnch offices of the secretary nf state, This stupendous work was ...thorized by the 1949 legis lature. It waa started by Bob rt K. Cullen, Frankfort, Ky., .hn did similar lobs In Ken tucky, Odio, Missouri and Ne- "cullen returned to Kentucky after a couple of years. He turned the Job over to Sam R. Haley, his 34-year-old, affable, moon-faced, cigar-smoking as sistant. The new law books are writ ten in plain English, which is suite a revolution In itself. AAA Ann. ...nlA hair. About ao;,uuu wviub been eliminated, amounting to 410 pages. Long sentences, running to as much as 900 words, were shortened. Unnecessary laws, like those regulating the speed ol Stanley Steamers on high ways, were cut out. The six volumes about 1 000 pages each, totaling 513 chapters. When future legisla tures change the laws, the chapters affected will be re printed, so they can be inserted by the buyers of the books. That way, the volumes always will be kept up to date. Two more volumes will be Issued next February and April. These will contain the annotations, er citations of court decisions on the laws. The whole Job cost $500,000, but the council expects to get about $200,000 of that back through sales ol me oooki. The new books contain mar final thumb taba, telling where each kind of law can be found. At the bead of each of these lections is a table of contents. Then there's a big Index at the end. 1 This makes It very almnla to find any law. To find a law unde.- the old setup: First you look into the 10-volume 1940 code. When you find the law arj decide what it means. If you can, then you tnumb throuih the a sion laws of each of the seven legislatures from 1941 through 1953. That's necessary, because you have to find out what changes have been made. The new code la effective Dec. 31, meaning that the re written version becomes the law of the state then. If Haley and hie staff have made mistakes, the courts will have to decide what the law la. In revising each section of the law, Haley's staff went through 22 different steps to insure against error. The big Index required typing 80.000 cards. After Jan. 1, the Statute Re vision Council becomes the Legislative Counsel Commit tee. It will keep on revising the volumes after each legis lature, and will draft bills for the legislature. The ORS. as the sis volumes are called, are split Into four codes. They are the remedial code, which provides for court procedure; civil and penal codes; and the political code, which governs state agencies. general welfare, occupations and business. The books also contain the state constitution. Haley used It Just the way It was written when it went into effect in 1859. In those days, they capital ised an awful lot of words. They had some weird forms of Dunctuation. They didn't know too much about spelling, cither, look how these words were spelled in the original constitution: a asylum, offences, cxpence, far ther for further, authorising govenor, raigeoue, cornman ents for commandmants, and prommlsory. The new code reprints the constitution exactly as it waa written. Note to English teachers: Don't let parents tell you that the kids can't spell aa well as they could In the old days. Ike Touched By Tragedy Martinez, Calif. J Presi dent Eisenhower's answer to parents of three-year-old boy who drowned in Contra Costa Canal was made public here today. After Joey Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Ander son, formerly of nearby Clyde, Calif., fell into the irrigation canal Nov. 19, his father wrote the Prealdent, who answered, apparently, the day he got the letter. The Andersons moved to Portland shortly after the drowning to get away "from all the memories." The President referred An derson's letter to the Depart ment of Interior. But he wrote: "Rarely have I been so touched by any letter as by yours of the 20th. Mrs. Elsen hower and I lost our first and then only son when he was three and half years old. I am keenly, aware of the sense of total loss that must engulf you" MT. ANGEL DANCES Mt Angel Mount Angel preparatory school students are planning a series of Bishop Sheen benefit dances, with pro ceeds to be given to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, who is the head of the National Society of tne propagation of the Faith, Honors n Store For Private Army Forgot Frankfurt, Germany tn r. S. araay aataoritiea have receaameBded a onimonda tlea ter private who atac te his peat far a week after the army forgot him. The soldier, Pvt. Raymond h. Cote ef Saee, Maine, was assigned te guard aeateaas ear the small Hessian Til lage ef Glnsheina daring soaaeavere iaat October. - "Somebody slipped ap and he was Bet relieved." aa army fficial here said to day. . Far a week Cote stayed ea guard. At Bight ha bedded dewa In the epea la a aleep ing bag. Worried Germans living nearby fed him sand wlehes. Later la the week they arced him to leave his post because the exercise waa ever. - Bat Cote stayed ea antll members at his unit returaed sevea days after they left him. Back with his earn, pany, he get his first hot meal la a week. DEPORTEE IN ENGLAND Southampton, England () Charles A. Doyle, Scottish' born former American union leader, arrived here Wednes day after being deported from the United States on charges of communist activities. . Federal Judge's Word Disputed Washington Disputing! a statement by federal Judge, the Justice department aald Wednesday the FBI played a major role la a recent Jury tampering convictions at Den ver. In a statement. Assistant At torney General Warren Olney III said that 19 FBI agents had worked on the matter. Federal Judge Willis W. Rltter of Denver asserted from the bench last month that the Justice department had refus ed to give U.S. District Attor ney Charles Vigil FBI assist ance In the Jury-tampering in vestigation. The Judge lauded vigil, who had Just been removed from office, to be succeeded by re publican Donald E. Keiley. Hitter a statement waa used by Clayton Frltchey, deputy chairman of the democratic national committee, In blasts at Attorney General Brewnell In a series ef television and radio broadcasts. Among other things, Frltch ey accused Brownell of throw ing the Harry Dexter White spy charge at the Truman ad ministration to divert atten tion from "a serious situation within the Justice deportment Itself." President Eisenhower was asked for comment at his news conference , Wednesday, and declared be had aa much con fidence la Brownell as in any other cabinet member. Salem Students at Baptist Fellowship - Llnfleld CoUece. McMinn- vlUe lx Salem high' school students were among approx imately 200 delegates to the senior annual convention of the Oregon Baptist Youth Fellow ship ea the campus of LmfioUf ' college, McMlnnvllle, during Tbarksgiving week-end. They are Gerald Mtnlfie, 2248 Mill St; Fred Minifie; Shirley Blush, 943 Cross St; Lorraine Bagley, 3763 Center; Edith Andrus, 433 S. 17th. All are members of the First Bap tist church In their commun ity. , 1 More than 25 million acre of California are national for ests. - M2f(2 A Christmas JgSfy Shopper's Sfj rUT Reminder: ffiflk r'yi,s Jewelry M lr lk Complete Clearance I 1 J KOW IN PROGRESS I I f u ' ' - A SAMPLE: I K yyf 6.L Chime Clock - 7 tit ii - z CasM Skipping ton Prices Good Thru Saf. JUST THE THING FOR WATCHING TV Duran Plastic Kiddies' Hassocks Slave Labor Build Tunnels Tokyo VPI Japanese war prisoners repatriated from al herian nrison camps were quoted by Kyodo news service today as saying Russia is con structing with slave labor two underwater links between Si beria and Sakhalin, an island Just north of Japan. The straits are about 10 miles across at the narrowest point. One link was said to be an underwater oil pipeline. The olher a fantastic project ifi true was said to be a 60-mile undersea tunnel linking Alek- sandrovsk at the waist of Sak-1 halin and a Siberian base called Sovgavani. It does not show on available maps. Pearl Rebekahs Elect New Officers Lebanon Mrs. Mildred Simons was elected noble grand of Pearl Rebekah lodge Tuesday night. Her new staff includes Mrs. Bernice Haugh ton. vice grand Mrs. Doris Cruise, recording secretary; Mrs. Dora Kellcnberger. finan cial secretary, and Mrs. Lena Burian. treasurer. Installation has been sched uled for Jan 12, when appoint ive officers will also be seated. Announced during the bus-1 iness session were the final plans for the appearance of, the degree staff at the district! convention to be held in AI- pine. Dec. 4. The PNG club I Yule party is set for Dec. 10. snd the officers holiday party will be an event of Dec. 17, both in the IOOF hall. teg. $1.99 LM A' $88 rgi JL- I , Toyland, Lower Level J lip SHE'S HOPING I" ' (JISHE'LL GET A N Reg. 1.50 Richard Hudnut Home Permanent Refill 69 Plus Tax 98c Value i Ladies Nylon Tricot Briefs 59' Assorted Colors Sites 5. 6, 7 Apparel Add tasty nd Charm to Your Ti& IMPORTED HAND CUT Crystal Stemware m Fersreriy Sale far tN 15 C ft ctdi 0, 21219 Ftt-a rJifta-anf lira nUtui 4kjt4 will mAA a note of distinction to your table. Your cnoice or rjoDier, snerbef cocktail, wine or cordial. $27.50 KealnglorW Electric Shaver $3f)00 with $7.50 Trade-in tU for Old Shaver He'll get unbelievobly tost, imooth shoves with this ottroetive new . electric shaver. Toiletry Max Factor brings you three ways to give this sensationally successful complete makeup Get Your Gift Wrap Paper Early 10c White GIFT TISSUE Buy now while slocks are complete 3 for US' Puerto Rico is a common wealth of the United States. Dr. t . i ua, no or. o. CTi. la DRS. CHAN aae LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS t'pstalra. 141 Nwth Liberty Office am atard-r Dir. It s t I ..! I tr 1 r cwnluMofl. 1mS sranra us rtn- wu t num. PrMtMS sun mi. rtt tor utrHtlTr rn. T Creme Puff She'll w creme Puff - every girl ds ! And she'll put on her prettiest (see with the kits of s puff. The smart, purse-slim eompset has its own puff and mirror. Delight fully packaged In pink "confec tionery box." $129 C5w i mfm VS Toyland, Lower Level 25c Kleenex FACIAL TISSUE W. . 3for49c . ToUetry Pretty Picture a Cmne Puff ...and the one lipstick she is sure to edore. Mat Factor's famous Color Fast. Both in clever Christmss "pic ture frame" package. $J3 5 Creme Puff Deluxe The ay a smart girl likes te carry Creme Puff for dress-up occasions. It's a beautiful, gold-finish compact... Christmas pscksged with e Creme 'Puff refill, a puff, and a chamois like protective a-, A royal giftt $375 flfcef r-eee7 09t99$ fe?v 4r! efe-6e)0e-sf 10 -ee elaefjej Sttl.l0rl'. pus us Save Time-Save Money-See Fred Meyer Fine Selection of Assorted Christmas Cards Christmas Cards An exononty etiortmenl of 25 bvoutfful cords to corry your toeon' C't-"0 V frionds end loved one. 29 Nol Assortmtnt An MUlinmt of TrsdMlenal CKrtttmoi cords that arepsrly convay tha ortatinos you wish w SKprm at Yulatios. 59 Olympic AsMrhaent Christmas Cards Bon of 21 cords. Dilflrd for thore Afl who wish to vivo sorrwthing e bit nicer, but still et e popular price. Many Other Beautifully Ditlqned Cards to Choose From Special Low Prices on Quantity Candy Purchases for Churches, Lodges or Other Groups Fred Meyer Drugs roe .Hfim trriei sT w 14S N. Liberty We Reserve the Elf ht te Limit QBeatttiee 303 tin 18c Dandee Fancy Florid Whole Segment GRAPEFRUIT 12 8 for M.00 LIMIT S 4