Paw IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Stic. Orctost Thursday. Detbr t, lfSS REVISED PLAN FOR HAYSVILLE TRAFFIC DIVISION WWWW ? -' ' h , Ajvs -c Teachers Will Be Students Teachers will become stu dents Friday at the Marion County Health department headquarter! in the Masonic building. Dr. Willard J. Stone, coun ty health officer, and his staff of nurses and assistants will bt students in a class on the new standard method of arti ficial respiration. The class will be conducted by Wilmer H. Page, newly-appointed Marion county first aid chair man for the Red Cross. Page, an Inspector for the State Industrial Accident com mission, teaches first aid and accident prevention classes In Industrial plants In this area as part of his Job. The standard method of ar tificial respiration recently adopted by the Red Cross has the subject lying face down rather than on his back as in the old method and the person giving the aid at the head rather than astride the mid dle of the subject. 1 Dr. Stone's staff members teach various classes on health subjects In the county some of which include first aid matters. J--- - iff- ,4'j- ..-.' Tnu cut snows ue proposed underpasses ana various routes that will be available to motorists near Haysville when Salem-Portland four-lane expressway and Salem bypass is completed. Bids for grading the Gervais-Hays-ville unit of the expressway will be opened at the Decern ber 10-11 state highway commission meeting In Portland. Work is underway on grading the Willamette river-Ger-vais section of the expressway and the new Wilsonville bridge over the Willamette river. - " I' FREIGHT CARS DERAILED San Francisco W Seven' teen. cars of a 79-unit North western Pacific freight train were derailed nine miles north of Uklah Wednesday. No one was injured. Ramage Heads Woodburn JCs Woodburn Gilbert Ran age was elected president of the Woodburn Junior Chamber of Commerce at the annual election of officers Tuesday night, Dec. 1, at the Wood- burn library. He succeeds L. H. Hildcbrandt. Other new officers elected are Bob Sawtelle, first vice- president; Harold Livesay, sec ond vice-president; AI Ringo, secretary; E. A. Buchanan, treasurer: Robert Miller, Lynn Simon, Dr. Allison Wllleford, Vernon J. Eaden and Gary Butcher, members of the board of directors. The new officers will take over the first meeting in Janu ary and the installation ban quet will be held Jan. 19 at the American Legion hall when the distinguished service award will be presented to Woodburn's outstanding junior citizen for 1953. Winner In the "Voice of De mocracy" contest was an nounced as Elaine Kuschnick of Gervais. Other winners will be announced later. Christmas activities were discussed and it was planned to place baskets in various stores around town to collect food and other articles for needy families. Dec. 23 is the deadline for donations of this type which may also be left at the city hall. The donations will be taken to the North Marion fruit warehouse for packing and distribution. Any one knowing of a family in need should contact Mrs. John Hooper or Neil Calkins, chief of police, and the information will be relayed to the Jaycees. The distribution of the dona tions will be made Dec. 24. A board meeting was an nounced to be held Dec. 8 at the home of L. H. Hildebrandt. Winter activities were dis cussed and entertainument was furnished by Hildebrandt and Bob Sawtelle who showed home movies of the Jaycees In action and other scenes. The next regular meeting will be Dec. 15. McFaddens Out At Timberline Portland ) John R. Mc- Fadden, Oswego theater oper ator, resigned Wednesday as manager of Timberline Lodge. At the same time his father, Carl R. McFadden, Portland, quit as assistant manager. Els ton Ireland, Portland, president of Timberline Lodge Inc., said he will manage the lodge until other arrangements can be made. Ireland said the McFaddens resigned at a lodge board meeting during which their op erating methods were criticiz ed. He said they were told that "the Forest Service and the board were of the opinion that the present management had not fulfilled its obligations." Ireland declined to say what was the source of the dissatis-1 Gardner Killed Over Flag Dispute San Diego, Calif. UP) A civilian gardener was shot and killed at the San Diego Marine Corps Recruit Depot yesterday, reportedly in a dispute with a guard over observance of flag raising ceremonies. A military court of inquiry was told that Irving V. Lefever, 27, employed at the depot, was shot by Pfc. L. C. Camp, who was guarding four Marine pris oners at the time. Deputy County Coroner Ol iver M. Ladd said testimony disclosed these was an argu ment over how the civilian should conduct himself during the flag ceremony. Warren waa honored nation ally recently when be was the subject of a page story and picture in the monthly Law Enforcement Bulletin maga zine of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for his comple tion of 30 years of police work. Chief Warren a rise from pa trolman in the Oregon City faction. Timberline Lodge Is in a national forest and operates under a permit from the Forest Service. Chief Clyde Warren Subject Of FBI Magazine Feature Salem Police Chief Clyde I police department In 1923 to Salem police chief was enron icled in the story as waa his work in modernizing and Im proving the Salem department, including installation of exten sive new radio facilities and moble equpment and the insti tution of a continuous train ing program within the depart ment A Capital Journal story of last March told of Warren's normal day. In his career, War ren was a patrolman one year, Oregon City police chief three years, deputy state fire mar shal four years, transferring with the arson squad to the state police where he was a sergeant for four years, a lieu tenant three years and cap tain two years. From captain in charge of coordinating all criminal work of the state police. Warren was transferred to the state Liquor Control Commission in 1040 as supervisor of law enforcement, the story relates, holding this position until 1947 (with threef years out for military service), leaving the service with the rank of lieutenant coloneL For two years Warren worked for a private industrial organization with most of his work dealing with enforce ment of liquor laws from with in the industry. In 1949 he was named Salem police chief. In his present po sition. Warren has been pres ident of the Oregon Associa tion of City Police Officers and is now vice president of the Oregon Association of Chiefs of Police. Quads Making Good Progress Gainesville, Fla. t" The Hijab quadruplets are mak ing "considerable progress, their doctor has announced, so much that one of them, the only boy, will be ready to leave the hospital when they are a month old. Dr. Raymond S. Camp made his comment when the babies. born November 18, were weighed last night. The boy, Omar Bakri Hijab, acaleri 4 pounds l'i ounces. a gain of 9H ounces. At that rate he'll be home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wasfi Hijab, Moslem Jordan stu dents at the University of Florida, in two more weeks. Camp said. Doctors Annoyed by Unnecessary Calls St. Louis VPi What annoys a doctor more than anything else?' A number of doctors attend ing1 the annual American Med ical association clinic session here said the "late call" which gets them out of bed when they could have been called earlier. Most of the doctors agreed that 11 p.m. seemed to be the peak hour for unnecessary calls. NORMAL CHANNELS DEMANDED Paris, W France says if Indochina's Communist -led Vietminh rebels want to talk about an armistice they can do so through normal diplo matic channels. The French cabinet warned, however, any proposals must be approved by the French-backed Indo Chinese government of Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia. Albany Weighs Salary Changes Albany Adoption of rec- ommendations presented to the city council Wednesday by a special committee on salaries Indicated that no overall in crease in salaries can be made, among city employes, at this time, but that existing InequaU ities will be adjusted. The Inequalities to which aeference was made included chiefly the salary scale provis ion that all newly hired em ployes must start at $200 a month, the apprentice scale, re gardless of experience. It Was the opinion of the committeemen that when ex perienced personnel is em ployed, provision should be made for a higher starting sal ary. The scale now ranges from $200 to $311 for employes oth er than appointed officials, such as police sergeants, assist ant fire chiefs and heads of departments. The committee recommend ed also an $800 clothing allow ance annually, starting January 1. 1954r for thi police depart ment to cover costs of clean ing and repairing uniforms. The committee recommend ed in general that the council study the whole salary situa tion before the 1954-53 budget is adopted, but expressed the opinion that in the meantime it deems a general pay boost in advisable in view of current lo cal economic conditions and a tax level that is already pro voking vehement protests among property owners. The committee s recommen dations were based upon find ings resulting from investiga tion that had been prompted last summer, the report ex plained, when both the fire chief and police chief asked salary increases for employes in their respective depart ments. Geese are used as warning agents 1 n Malay villages threatened by attack from communist guerillas. WOMAN BREAKS FAST Johannasburg, South Africa Mrs. Cornelius Foster, a 61 - year old Johannesburg housewife, sipped a cup of tea Wednesday afternoon, break ing a fast which she claimed lasted 101 days. She lost 50 pounds and is down to 238. th sweater with everything! 0)14 T0WNLMKlN0,tra. t0' cuhmrre o It's luxuriouiil? oft, 1S nylon to (Ive It added trrngth, blended with finest of AustrsUan sephyr wool. X ply yarn eonitrurtlon. Ttit styling t lm' peccable with nar row, rolled V neck . band. Rlb-knll leem and wlil band. Miles 38-4 In a tine selection of California Colors: LWit Oxford Charcoal Black Dark Brown 8pray Green Rust Wedjemood Blue Dark Green Maroon rwn. Navy OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 $13.95 I ODE MAN'S SDDdDD DON RAMSDEU JAY MONNETTE 416 ST4IL SI. On Sears lety Payment Plan 7 n jZ e c'ote 0ny Ml ryh nd I Down "S VSVaN! Is. -"K?si VB X s win s m Most Desired Bike Santa Can Bring . . . J. C. Higgins 24-inch bicycle Regular 46.95 Big bike construction mt remarkably law price! Welded tubular steel frame, J. C. Higgins Coaster Brake for sure, safe (tops . . . and easy pedaling en the go. 24-inch All state balloon tires. Beys' or Girls' model. Give Your Youngster the Thrill of Building His Own ! Scooter Kits Reg. 1.98 Complete building sets A I J . . . i laowi ror ages 4 n i ' . jMe'll hove fun putting together this fine, sturdy skote .scooter! It's quick ond eosy to do, using just a hammer '-.ond screwdriver. Kit includes oil necessary ports, plus tiinoils, screws ond instructions. All in one box. STORl HOURS: Mon. and Fri. 9:30 to 9 Other Days 9:30 to 5:30 ScUZfmuKtoaotfom tact ' SEARS Basketball Sets Fall 8Ue Ball, Coal, Net Reg. 6.IS A GO Low-priced! A low, low price for this eoni pleu aetl Fan atsa, molded rabber beiattUSl official sin, Il-lnek seal and act. Phone 3-9191 550 N. Capitol Salem, Oregon