THX CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Ongoa Thursday, Dfmbtr t, 195k Pag 10 jSxjjjr The puppy witxled free from Hetirieta'a imj and dashed to uie fauwra leec He llcaed we lather Broken shoes kwlncbr. "Hit father did not smU nor peak. Christmas will be here aoori.' aid tha mother, taking pity on Henrietta, "let tha child nave her dog." 'Ill can him Willie !" exclaimed Henrietta. She threw heraell down beside tha scampering pup ana gsuierea rum into ner lap. "What'a tha harm?" mumbled grandpapa. "Let tha child have ner ace." "Ill lav him for ever and everl" whispered Henrietta. The do escaped from her and ran wyouiiy round ana round uie tiny roam. "It's the only Christmas she will navel" said tha uncles and the aunts. "He's my dearest friend 1" breathed Henrietta. "My only friend." But the father stood atoUdlr In the kitchen doorway and aald not a word. -Oh. father. Please " cried Hen. rietta and aha burst Into tear. (Next: Life With WUIIe) ' Lebanon Mill Men Honored Lebanon About S3 per cent of all employees of Lebanon's Crown ZeUerbach paper mill received pin In recognition' of service ranging from 40 to five year Monday evening. The annual pin presentation ban' quet was beld St Melody Lane and honored 42 workers. A. B. Layton, who nad the principal (ddrest and Is vice president of the corporation stated that the Lebanon mill is going through revolutionary change due to research and development , Ho cited the example of the pilot plant which is changing the entire operation of pulp manufacture from a calcium to an ammonium base process. The new processes bearing completion allow the mill to dump waste Into the river with out pollution, and also to make more of the by-product useful. Assisting in the pin presen tation wns Hugh Croner, mill supervisor. EOUND 'EM ALL CP Tokyo tM Police raided a ehool Yesterday and arrested all the teachers and students. They were charged with con ducting on-the-job training in the science of burglary. Symptoms of Distress Arising frwaj STOMACH ULCERS oug to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Onr m saHtaa patai of tht Wauae TMATMSMT fan bam MM for valial a symptom of dismal ariaiae from Stomaaa) and OaiSniel uliiiadaa to tacaaa ! sw Olsaatlm. Soar or Uaaat Stamaafc, Oaiitmil. Iliailaafa. l alioiwiM, aaaaloaaioH AtlorWMWa aoaa" what lour Piaiaa ISM naaua- BRIAN'S CROWN DRUG STORE FRED MEYER, INC. PAY LESS DRUG PERRY'S DRUG STORK "Oh, 70a wonderful, wonderful thing!" cried Henrietta. Chapter 1 ' Once Upon a time In a land far away there lived a UtUe girl named Henrietta. Her family was very large and very poor. She lived with her parents and her grandparent and two uncles and two aunts In a teeny tiny bouse. There was hardly room for her to mora without stepping on some one. There waa never a Christmas In this house. Worse than that there vu never enough to eat. Nor enough blanketa to keep a body warm at night. There waa hardly ever a bright new toy for a child to play with. But Henrietta didn't mind. She waa a cheerful, hippy child. Only sometime she waa lonesome. with no children to play with and no toys and no money to go ao ine movies witn or anything weu, you coma unaenstana wny ehe would be lonely now and then. But one day Henrietta mat Willie and aha thought aha would never be lonesome again. It waa near Christmas. Henri etta was comins: home from the (tore with bag of turnips for the family dinner, when aha came to her house she saw sitting on the bottom step, the littlest, softest, biighteat looking brown and wtilto puppy you aver dreamed Henrietta stood there and held bfT breath and gased down Into Che deep brown eyes of the puppy. Th P5W gcird up lutu Ui anil blue eyes of Henrietta. For a long moment there seemed to be nothing else In the whole world except thla on little girl and this one little puppy. Henrietta dropped to her knees, ihe put down the bag of turnips. Slowly aha held out her hand. She never said a word. Bhe dared not breathe. Suddenly a stump of a tall sucking from under the puppy began to wiggle furiously and tha little dog leaped Into Henriettas arms. "Oh, you wonderful, wonderful thing I" cried Henrietta. She scooped up the puppy and lea rln the turnips forgotten on the sidewalk, ran Into the house. "Mother! Father! Orandmamat Grandpapa! Everyone I Come quickly!" All the family came. They saw at once thla marvelous thing that had happened to Henrietta. "He's mine!" cried the little girl. "He has no collar and he wants me and oh! I love him so!" She pressed her f see Into the soft warm lur or uie puppy's nee. The family smiled and patted the doc and spoke gently to the child. All the family except one. Henrietta's father stood there silently. He watched the child and the dog and alowly. aadlv he shook his head. Henrietta turned to her rather. She waa afraid. "I can keep him. ssuwrr- The father cleared hi throat. His voice, when It came, waa tired and old. "Poor folks can't afford a puppy, Henrietta. We have no food nor roan to spare.' "But. Ill aire him food from my own plaiel" cried Henrietta. "And he can sleep with me. Why, you wont even know he's In the house. I promise' I promise I" ED WANT WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shelters Cotlig il Mill SI. Mi Propane Gas and Appliance NIW 1954 Wxuruiion. WCTM CLOTHES DtYEI Ike lint, lot aM, fwttf ooy to eJPf fsWAsM tWCiVea fet naSafttgaatf t eeeT 0ssr9fa9 4MpV alptoMeW aMfFtaeaatt pJgs ; PROPANE GAS AND i APPLIANCE V wi Mmi u ., nm ism Strad-OWorsted THE ROYALTY OF SPORT SHIRTS v HI if - u f 7 :- f - ' I leealea,a V ; ' ' I " W -4L---7 .. 4 ,"x " Cable Bloe vVC VY Rlee Green .V,. i and Tan XT. .aaaaM 'y American 1 m "v mmncnrr X I lAJUGUyQAAJ J V aUisOUCA'S agsMT araUTITaXL V SPwatT SeTniT V- Hers'i the Rgtitttt, airiest, most kmuriout wool wotihwl thlrtlna V you've ever seen ... n deliahi Is rite ere. a thrill to the touch, lfi 83 nm wonted with 17 nylon for added strength in on exclusive patented yam construction . . . 7 ounces In weight ... and WASHABLE, no dry cleaning necessary! Tailored wHh consummate care and skill by Stradivorl lor yeorround wear. Truly a princely shirll OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 TDDE MAN' SDDdDIP DON RAMSDELL JAY MONNETTE 416 SI AIL ST. Friday 2nd .Big Pcay Sr1ILING JACCC'S DEC. 3-4-5 1open'til9 mmd:M f ;is r. v . .Xd I EVERY NIGHT g.F.GocGncn LIFE-SAVEB TiiiiplessTire Ssals Punctates. Ptstects flst Blntsuts Join In Our Guessing Game See the B. F. Goodrich "Llfa-Savar" Tubeles Tire on Dis play Register your gueti ai to tha Number of Separata Grip Blocks in It Tread Be a Winner! 50 Prizes to Be Awarded FIDtT DDI7F- Set of 4 B- F- Goodrich "LUe-Saver" IIIUI rKILLi Tubeles tires for yonr car. SECOND PRIZE: B- - CZ$ 8chwln bnm TrfjTTi!-- tread grP tn 3rd Thru 10th: 11th Thru 50th: NeW 'otstoana outpulr ero;L"0lnlle.g., Gallon. Pride of Ore- Complete Quaker 8 Uie gtops. ut'"v d wet road. GWeg greater miw s gm gupCT Ethy, GlM,,M Lubrication for Your Car. slippery, wowy, f SAVE $100 DURING OUR ANNIVERSARY SALE Buy A Thor Automatic Washer- n. a TL.-c: .ur-.L.. vi h iiiwi viiiiier iiusiici ur A Thor Clothes Dryer AT REGULAR PRICE AND RECEIVE A ft k THOR GUDIRON 1 lMjfi ANTENNA INSTALLATION 90 DAY SERVICE POLICY . on any MOTOROLA TV SET SOLD IN THE SALEM AREA DURING OUR SALE-DECEMBER 3-4-5! FREE DOOR PRIZES FOR EVERYONE! PHONE 3-9600 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ON OUR LOT $mum jack's ( CORNER CENTER AND CHURCH STSP)