. 1 ) i i i t a i i U P b 4 c t! o ' tt n tl! w t t tl 8! Pat 10 6 r , i VV M.r, Mrs. Fendall Anniversary Feted ' Wlllamina Mr. and Mn. Guy Fendall celebrated their golden wedding anniversary thli week with a reception at their home near Wlllamina. They wert married November 18, 1S03. - Bouquets of chrysanthe muma decorated the house. ' AJilrtlng with the reception were Mn. Harley Mlahler, Mrs. John Carlich, Mn. Eldon Fendall, Mn. Ferrol Fendall, Mn. Rex Burgesi, Mn. Jeu Bonwell and Mn. M a x i n e Mclntyre. Mill Nancy Mlshler paued the guest book to the 130 friends and relatives call ing to wish them well. Their four children, Ferrol and Eldon Fendall, Ruth M1:V ler and Rugy Carlich, were all present to honor their par ents. Others signing the guest book were Mr. and Mrs. Ron ald Johnston, Mrs, Ida Dun- das, Mr. and Mrs. John Bett, Mr. ana Mrs. cieo Wren, Mr. ana Mrs. Marry Shipley. Mr. and Mrs. C M. Rugg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mendenhall, Mr. and Mrs. Del Lamson, Mr. and Mn. Max Bare and Car mellta, Howard Bare, Mn. Frank Fawk, Mrs. Ernest Kil gore, Mr. and Mn. Ward Men denhall and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Endres, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Lord and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dent and Mr. and Mn. K. E. Shetterly, all of Wlllamina; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Bonwell, Helen E. How ard, Mn. Maxlne Mclntyre and daughters, all of Tacoma, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fisher, Love Brocha, Mr. and Mn. Art Andewn and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Nelson, Alice McDonald, Jan Mclnnis, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fendall, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Sanford, all of Portland; Mn. Pearl Sitton, Ada Talbott, L. A. Courtemanche, Ben Whitman, Kate M. Simms, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Sitton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sitton and Ona Buchan on. all of McMinnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McGuIre, Mr. Mrs. Bayless Fanning, of Anvtjy; Mr. an(j Mrl otis " Himar of Toledo; Mr. and Mn. Pearl Sitton. Carlton. Chriitina Bouge, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Atwood. Mr. and Mn. Elmer Blanchard, Mr. and Mn. I. B. Harris. Mrs. Gert rude Stockton, Fay and Ray Stockton, Mn. Wei Lady, all of Sheridan; Mr. and Mn. EmU Carlson, Grand Ronde; Mr. and Mn. Rex Burgess, Mr. and Mn. J. P. Junrwtrth of Newberg; Rena Richard- aon, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Olmsted, Mr. and Mrs. John Cerny, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mclnnis, Albany; Mr. and Mn. Robert A. Leiehtnn. Yamhill; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Branson, Independence; Mr. ana Mrs. w. W. Reed. Cash mere, Wash.; and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Penland, Dayton. Family Event Sllverton The annual Thanksgiving family dinner and over-the-week-end visit of the members of the family oi Mrs. Josie Mires was ob served at the home of the mother. Those present Includ ed: from Seaside, a son, grand daughter and great-grand son, Frank Porter, Mr. and Mn. Don Pate (Lois Porter) and small son, David; from Victor Point, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Miller and Venlta and Annls Jo, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Miller and Janice; from Mill City, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ver beck and Richard; from Rose burg, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ver-1 FIVE GENERATIONS Four score and 10 yean and a youngster Just starting on a career are represented in this family group of five fenerations. Front row, left to right, Mn. J. A. Gardner, Debra Lee Hammack and Mn. Ralph Hammack, all of Salem; top row, Mn. J. N. Brinkley, Salem, and Mrs. E. S. Huffman, Chickasha, Okla. Mn. Huffman, aged 90, Is great, great grandmother of little Debra Lee. Mrs. Gard ner is the daughter of Mn. Huffman and Mrs. Brinkley the daughter of Mrs. Gardner and the mother of Mn. Hammack. Today's Menu everyone lines to dunk, so serve tMs good cheese dip along with pretzel sticks at your next party. A Saturday Night Party Blue Cheese Dip Pretzel Sticks Fresh and Dried Fruit Tray with Nuts Beverage Blue Cheese Dip Ingredients: V' pound blue cheese, 2 tablespoons chili sauce, 2 to S teaspoons finely grated onion (pulp and Juice) 1 tablespoon minced parsley, 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce. Vi cup (about) mayon naise or Mayonnaise - type dressing. Method: Have blue cheese at room temperature; mash with a spoon or fork, and stir In chill sauce, onion, panley, and Worcestershire sauce. Grad ually stir in mayonnaise until mixture is of dunking consis tency. (If yeu want a smooth er mixture, force it through a fine sieve.) Refrigerate in cov ered container until serving time. 8ILVERTON Mrs C. L. Kleonschmidt of Bismark, N. Dakota who has been a house guest at the home of her bro ther-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs. L. P. Oehler of Sll verton for a fortnight, left Saturday for home. She went by way of Palo Alto, Calif., where she is remaining a week with other relatives in cluding her mother, Mrs. A. Zander, a brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Zander and a sister, Mrs. C. W. Gibbins. m P. E. 0. Event Woodburn Chapter J of the PE.O. Sisterood will meet Thursday. December i, at the home of Mrs. Frank P. Doer flcr. Speaker of the evening will be Miss Rebecca Hang of Singapore, China, who is a sophomore at Willamette uni versity on a scholarship. The educational committee will be In charge of tile program with Mn. C K. McNary as chair man. The meeting was post poned to December i on ac count of Thanksgiving coming on the regular date. 81LVERTON Mrs. Byrde Miller had as Thanksgiving week-end guests, her brother. W. B. Cooley of Seattle and her brother-in-law and sister of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. James Kieth. Mr. Cooley lefi Monday for his home following a day's stay at the Salem home of the Kleths. Mrs. Jean Anne Rlzzo of Portland, daughter of Mn. Miller, was a recent visitor in Sllverton, on a business trip and as guest of her mother. 81LVERTON Mr. and Mn. Chester Bergenon and their daughter Kay, entertained at Thanksgiving dinner at their! home for a sister of Mr. Berg-' enon, Mrs. Msrie Smith and four daughters, the Misses Elsl, Janet, Ann and Lucille Smith. I beck, Jr.; local members of the family, Mrs. Josie Mires, and Mr. anad Mrs. Odin John son and Mr. and Mrs. Hsrold Mires. I Mrs. Scoggan Is Birthday Honored Hopewell Mn. Sarah E. Scoggan of Hopewell waa the honored guest at a reception Sunday afternoon, November 29, from 3-4 p.m. at the home of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mn. Lea Scoggan of Grand Island. The occasion was Mrs. Scoggan's 86th birth day. Nearly 100 relatives and iriends came from the sur rounding community, with many out of town guests. She received an orchid corsage from her grandchildren, Mr, and Mn. David Brown of Sa lem, Mr. and Mn. Byron Scog gan of Corvallls and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Scoggan of Grand Island. ' Out of community guests were her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mn. T. A. Scog gan of Lander, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, Sr., and Mr. and Mn.. David Brown, Jr., and two children, Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Warnock and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Warnock and family, Mr. and Mrs. Enel Hallsted and fam ily, all of Salem, Mr. and Mn. Malvin Warnock of Walla Walla, Wash., Stanley War nock of Laurelwood. Mn. Amanda Hallsted and Mr. and Mn. Max Martin of McMinn vllle, Mr. and Mn. George Jones of Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Earhart and family of Lebanon, Mr. and Mn. Albert! Krauthofer and family of Sheridan, Mrs. Ethel Scoggan of LaFayette, Mr. and Mn. Dave Ellia of Dayton, Mn. A. W. Dokken of Salem, and Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Holce and son Tommy of Portland. Refreshments were served in the afternoon. In the evening the family enjoyed personal motion pictures, brought by T. A. Scoggan from Wyoming, as well as those of Oregon rela tives. Mn. Scoggan makes her home with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mn. Arthur Warnock, In Hopewell. S1LVERTON THrough an unintentional error, the name of Mn. Jim Stuchlick (Reta Maulding) of Salem, was om itted from the group of host esses who were responsible for the Sllverton Hills shower i complimenting Mrs. Harold Mires recently. Othen arrang ing the affair were Mrs. Fran cis Miller of Victor Point, Mrs. Lloyd Oveross and Mn. Odin Johnson, near relatives of the bridegroom, Harold Mires. . 1 Salem Chiropractic Clinic 9 Phytiofkerophy Electrorheraphy Colon Irrigation X-Roy Dr. J. L. Ahlbln Nerve and Rone Specialist TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortgw Gates Woman's Club Reports Activities Gates The November meet ing of the Gates Woman's elub was in the recreation rooms of the high school. Mrs. Kenneth Martig presided at the business session at which plana were made for the annual bazaar and carnival to be at the school Friday evening, December 4. ' It was reported that eight boxes of clothing had been sent to Tokyo to be distributed to an orphanage there. This waa in answer to an appeal from a Mill CKy GI stationed at the Tokyo army hospital, which waa published la the Caiptal Journal recently. He, with other mem ben of the hospital personnel, were endeavoring to aid in the care and support of the orphanage. The rlnthmg had been gathered, cleaned and mended by Mrs. Tiro White, assisted by Mn. John Watson. Money collected by Mn. Albert Mlllsap was used towards paying the mailing charges, which amounted to over seven dollars. Following adjournment, the meeting waa turned over to Mn. Effie Coles, health nurse from the Marion county health office, who introduced Dr. Dale H. Parker, orthodonist, of Sa lem, who spoke on the benefits to be derived from fluorida tion of drinking water. Mrs. Glen Henness, Mn. George Clise and Mrs. Burrel Cole were hostesses for the evening. The next meeting of the club will be the annual Christmas party, Thursday evening, De cember 17. Mn. L. L. Rynear- son, Mrs. Tim White and Mn. Orville Nygaard will be host esses. Each member is request ed to bring a gift for the gift exchange. Miss Gottschalk Is Married Recently Sllverton Miss Lorraine Gottschalk of Seaside, daugh ter of Henry Gottschalk of Sll verton and the late Mn. Gott schalk, and John Paul Wolfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wolfe of Sllverton, exchanged their marriage vows in an af ternoon ceremony read by Father Thlele at St. Paul's Ca tholic church, Saturday, No vember 21. Mn. Herman Gott schalk presided at the organ and accompanied the Misses Delia and Elma Willie, who sang. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white satin dress modeled with all over lace, the skirt waltz length. The shoulder length tulle veil was secured by a seed pearl coronet Her flow ers were white chrysanthe mums. Maid of honor was the bride's sister. Miss Bertha Gottschalk, wearing forest green satin with net overskirt, and carry ing an arm bouquet of bronze chrysanthemums. The bridesmaid. Miss Ce celia Wolfe, sister of the bride groom, wore a light green dress fashioned similarly to that of the maid of honor's. She carried yellow chrysan themums. Flower girls were Karen Klapsadle and Bonnie Steffen. Best man was Gabriel Wolfe, brother of the bridegroom. La Verne Bergerson, Melvin Beth el and Ivan Gottschalk seated the guests. Mr. and Mil. La Verne Ber gerson were hosts at the recep tion following the ceremony, SPECIAL HOSE EVENT WHIlfMT LAST "A Treat lor Wetresr DANA'S BOOTERY CAPITM. SHOPPING CEHTBt Thai Orfue Ate On trolled Thmth Nerves oHtJ Si,e 14S m l .J and m 9 fi i J onlt If If 59' Phone 2-6820 for Appointment Oow DjPt, Hfl i SitwdsTf ffi IUxhi 1225 South Commercial with Mn. Darrel Jahn cutting the bride's cake, and Miss Mary Gottschalk ' and Mn. EmU Jahn presiding at the urns. Assisting about the rooms were the Misses Arlene and Caroline Torresdal, Bonnie Operud, Norma Jordan, Mn. II , J r:m i " eOLSCTA-VCU. tmm WxmiitOTL You Do with SIY Sefl - lightly More for Gas tntt tvM ptrni im (riflM caa cat pad, tup riiiin . . . Bnt ctMkt fi wanes tfryw-m wit aat tm in- ! viltf km l mt HuuliM. TlMrm'. mttM tiovlr o tnm 4rodity Htjaeltoa tmwim. Tk Bt lUrke JtMfl.Wa.trskIuel-ge- W. tL MHt StB-t-Dty U, CiOuWi kU ffMO t-t tN fw toMt ttefif totHM ...! fielMt sttWt 7U rHr Wtiw fjctroctiM ImJt "lasiairv Imamm" V; n -;D ntnSnHn i Nsllllp "- . . . prttots cloths htm HHiit dirt. I 13'1H3 MRST TIMI ,N HAM,lTON HISTORY UZ: f -" ll VsW 1 mt rogsinCAl PtTlg SMI saa mMi mitm M acdsisi TjTT" rS 1 I I sTs ii i't "- - r '"r 1 ' T ill I I I fij IrW - V3f7 I V)lwSi)ta mnio4 er HassHHe-ealy a srk j CS 1 0 I M i I T I Vll) h. y i rJt Ki 4 I J SW jmt Sid ataslssril feaL ! J AL LAUE REFRIGERATION DALLAS STANDARD SUPPLY CO. Chester Bergenon, Mrs. Larry Crennell and Mrs. Ralph Stef fen. The bride wore a brown tweed suit and forest green ac cessories for traveling to stha future home of the couple in Arizona. Give Her THE MOST WANTED GDFTT of WOMEN EVERYWHERE AUTOMATIC WASHERS and DRYERS HAMILTON, the originator of AUTOMATIC CLOTHES DRYING brings you the wonderful new Companion Piece completely automatic home laundry. Set 3 dials . . . whisk marvelously clean clothes out of the washer into your dryer . . . and washday's over! Hamilton's great new ' washer with the "soil-seeking water action" and the new 19S4 Dryer, give you the help you need for perfect, effottleea laundering! Seekinf Weser-Ashea Model SALEM UVEKTON Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Drake have return ed from an over-Thanksgiving holiday visit in Portland at the homes of their son and their daughter, Mr. and Mn. Charles Drake and the T. T. Turner family. MATCHED PAIR" it an with Dials! too RUT ffW Forttrt'e PROPANE GAS APPLIANCE MT. ANGEL W. A. VERBOORT HDWE. Wednesday, Dtwbaf 1 153 The Drakes were Tuesday evening dinner guests of the Lyle Campbells la Salem. If the earth were reduced to the size of billiard ball it would be not quite as smooth as a standard billiard ball. - . AOTOttMIC DIAL eONTKM. fsrfcsl easisrsl sf every washing aa4 eryiag vilh antw- elals Bke tbaesea sear lease. r far M MM, tn, . . . im stisoTrVisirji Wfce CSofrSK ceaaja) slsjoxj e issessnesiM Tm cam't get ctoHM detw ta Art; vittr . . . Hamas tea wnMm coo but to t In, csmt vttor pit tnfto KOMI