I Wednesday, December 2. 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sshn. Ortcoa . i . -1, ' . . , if pi . V ' : V."- . ' ' , i ; J Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Held mere married recently at the Fint Chriitian church in Madras. Miss Reldji Jhe former Alta Flo Hadley, daughter of Mr. and Mrt. Quillin,A. Hadley of Salem. (Broughton'i photo, The Dallei.) ;''' I Garden Clubs at Albany Plan Show Albany Four garden clubs, I the Albany, Riverside, Grand , Prairie and Sunrise Garden I clubs, will welcome the Christ 1 mai season when they stage a i Joint flower show, "Holiday i Highlights," at the Sunrise -1 school gymnasium, Saturday : and Sunday, December 5 and 8. Doors will be open from 2 t to 8:30 p.m. Saturday, and ? from 2 to S p.m. Sunday. " Featured attractions will be : life-sized displays to be pre . t: pared by each of the sponsor- ing clubs. Each exhibit will in clude a fireplace mantel, ,' Christmas tree, door swag, and .s a Christmas card display. , Persons attending the show jf will have -an opportunity to I purchase swags, wreaths, win I trr corsages, fruit cakes, and i other items appropriate to the i Christmas season. i The event is non-competl- tive, so no ribbons will be , awarded. 3 General chairman of the i show is Mrs. I. C. Arnold of the Sunrise club. Assisting in '( planning the affair are Mrs. y Vernon Petty, Sunrise: Mrs. Nora Johnson and Mrs. Eliia- 1." beth Dowling,. Grand Prarie; ; Mrs. Ed Norris and Mrs. S. J. Burch, Riverside; Mrs. H. A. Luther and Mrs. William Mick ; Olson, Albany. Circle Busy :' Sllverton Among activities of the Miriam circle of the '' Woman's Society of Christian Service of the local Methodist church, will be the Thursday evening, December 10 8 o'clock meeting at the home of Mrs. Ben Sprick who will be co- hostess with Mrs. Gordon Van Cleave for a Christmas party with exchange of gifts. ' The club's project for the ' church budget has been the ; making of Christmas candles, : which are to be sold In a booth f at the Saturday, December 8 , bazaar that is to be an all-day ' affair at the special basement ,- rooms of the old church build ing. The Miriam members are also contributing to the candy .booth and are assisting gen- erally in serving during the merchant's' luncheon hour at -. the bazaar. CD A Plan Sale ' ' Woodburn Members of ; Court Victory No. 731, Cath- . Olic Daughters of America, will , sponsor a food and fancy work . sale. Saturday, December 5, at the Western Auto store of John ' 1 E. Zerzan on Front street. The tale will begin at 9 a.m. and S embers are asked to have elr donations at the store by that hour. ' ' Mrs. Charles Yuranek is gen , eral chairman of the sale and ; Will be assisted by Mrs. Steve ; ; Bauman, Mrs. Julius vaixie ' ' hey, Mrs. John Sticks, Mrs. John Kosse. Mrs. Frank Purdy, nd Mrs. Mike Seifer. Hi-Y Mothers Meet Plans for the new addition for the YMCA were discussed by Gus Moore, general YM secretary, at the meeting of the Hi-Y Mothers club, Tues day. Douglas Chambers show ed slides of the proposed ad dition plans as drawn. Frank Washburn of the YM staff dis cussed achievements of the mothers club in past years and took the group on a tour of the building. . e Scout Leaders The Girl Scout Leaders club will meet In a combined ses sion, Thursday, December 3, from 9:30-12:00 at the YMCA. Christmas songs and gift ideas will be the theme of the meeting. Mrs. Frank Parch er will lead the songs and Mrs. R. B. Strlngham will present gift Ideas. All Girl Scout and Brownie leaders are invited to attend and bring any craft or gift Ideas they have. Rotana Club Rotana club members en joyed a social evening Tuesday at Mayflower hall and enter tained nine guests. The guests included Mrs. Alfred Laue, Miss Sylvia Mattson, Mrs. Enos Nelson, Mrs. William Doll, Mrs. J. A. Carlaa, Miss H"iel Dixon, Miss Marie Burch, Mrs. Leah Geiger, Mrs. W. E. Brown. Prizes were won by Mrs. Brown and Miss Dixon. Various games were played. The club is planning its an nual Christmas party for De cember 14. HOSTESS to Gaiety Hill Garden club on Monday was Mrs. Walter Kirk. The annual Christmas greens workshop for the club will be December 15 as an all-day event, lunch' eon at noon, at the home of Mrs. William-L. Phillips, Sr. 8ILVERTON 'Members of the Junior guild of the First Christian church are to meet Monday evening, December 7, at 8 o'clock at the parsonage home of Mrs. Arthur Charles Bates. Following a devotional ob servance, a Christmas party, games and exchange of gifts with late refreshments will be enjoyed. Mrs. Delent Flsk Is president of the guild. Students on Tea Program Students from the Salem Federated Music clubs will pre sent three programs in a muai- cale Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to o'clock in the audi torium of the state school for the blind. The affair is a bene fit tea for the completion of the Mrs. Walter Denton fund of the Federated dubs. Assisting will be Miss Jane Gray, who la the second re cipient of the award from this fund. Miss Gray is a senior student majoring In music at Willamette university.) Participating in the first pro gram at 2:30 will be: Martha Klaus, Joyce Johnston, Laura DeWeese. Billy Gelbel, Sara Mayers, Jrne Roberts, Ann Ha worth, Jean Haworth, Carroll McMann, Bob Levy, Karen Kovert, Pamela Clayton, Pa tricia Edstrom, Toni DeSart, John Gibbens. ' Karlene Quls tad, Suzanna DeArmond, Shar on Mulier. Margaret nuxia ble, Carolyn Cramer and Jane Gray. The second program at 2:30 will Include: Ronnie Potts, Toni DeSart, Janle Baker, Gor don BlrrelJ, Elizabeth Keyser, Sharon Forrest, Marcla Hum phrey, 'Pete VanHorn, Ferae Craven, Carol Stettler, Stephen Shipp, John Gibbens, Mrs. Har vey Gibbens, Patricia Whelan, Joyce Mount. Meredith Roe, Manx Christensen, Winifred Waltz, Karen Johrwn, and the Crescendo Club carouers. . Appearing on the' third pro gram at 4:30 are: Stuart uoia- blatt, David Louthan, JoAnne Doerksen, Cary Buchanan, Danny Harris, Bette Hunter Mary Clabough, Linda Moore, Allen Bates, , Patricia Collins, Genevieve Cameron Parcher, Dorothy Baumgartner, Rox anne Kaiser, Kathleen Butsch, David Johnson, Frances Palm- ason, Daisy Lee Crenshaw, Marilyn Rehm, Patricia Ed strom, Toni DeSart, Nancy Payne, Judith Seamster, Arlja Lietuvietus, Gaynelle Metheny, Nancy Webb, Eileen Asco and Nancy O'Neill. Lions Auxiliary East Salem Lions club aux iliary is planning a joint Christmas party with the Lions on Saturday, December it), the dinner and exchange of gift to be at China City. Plans for the event were made at the meeting of the auxiliary Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Stearns Cushlng. On the afternoon of Decem ber 19, the auxiliary will de liver its Christmas gifts for the state school for the blind. At the Tuesday meeting, Mrs. Cushing played selections on an old-time music box that has been In the family since 188S. DISCUSSION of plans for the annual silver tea, arranged for mid-January, featured the meeting of Salem General Hos pital auxiliary, Tuesday, at the YWCA. Also, preliminary plans were discussed for the annual mid winter rummage tale to be in February. Mrs. Robert W. Gormten has named Mrs. Floyd L. Utter as general chairman of the directorate planning the rummage sale. Sisterhood Plans Event for Sunday Temple Beth Sholom sister hood plans its annual Chanu- kah party on Sunday. Decem ber at 10:30 a.m. for the children of the Sunday school and congregation. Leon Gab- inet, Sunday school teacher, will be In charge of the pro gram assisted by Alvln Jacob ton. In celebrating Chanukah the group commemorates the mil itary victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians, ana the cleansing and re-dedication of the temple. For eight dayt the Jewish home Is bright with candle lights and gay with parties and exchange of gifts. . Mrs. Aleck Cohen, Sunday school chairman, it in charge of the party arrangements as sisted by Mrs. Maurice Blum, Mrt. Robert Golden, , Mrs. Theodore Linn, and Mrs. Harry Ferlman. Mr., Mrs. Lindsey Married 53 Years Mr. and Mrt. N. D. Lindsey, 2363 Claude street, are to ob serve their 83rd wedding an niversary this coming Satur day. Only a small family gath ering will mark the day. The couple were married in Oklahoma, and have lived in Salem since 1936, coming here from MiU City. There are two daughters, hMrs. Donald Palmer and Mrs. Robert Hamilton, both of Sa lem, three grandchildren and two great grandchildren in the family. . Named to Group Oregon State College, Cor- fvallia (Special) Miss Betty Andresen, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. E. F. Andresen, Salem, re cently was elected vice presi dent of Phrateres, national or ganization for independent women at Oregon State col lege. . The purpose of Phrateres it to promote friendliness and en courage women to participate in campus activities. The or ganization assists with Red Cross, Community Chest, Moth, ers week-end, and many other events. Miss Andresen it junior in home economics. Furs Exclusively For 38 Tears LACHELLES 1348 Ferry St Couple Honored WUlamlna Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Wren were given a be la ted charivari this week. They were married Oct 18, 19S2, but Mr. Wren has been away in the service. Those attending the charivari were Mr. and Mrt. Guy Fendall. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mlshler and Naomi, Mrs. Viola Spicer and Janet, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Menden hall and Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Chan Mendenhail and Clifford, Mr. and Mrt. Ernest Menden hail and Mrs. John Bett Mr. Wren showed colored slides he had taken while se ing aboard the aircraft carrier Valley Forge. Mr. Wren report ed in Seattle this week for fur ther service with the navy. DON'T FORGET Aufrmnc'a for these tire taste appealinc Xmaa Gift boxes ef canned fruit k pre serve, seme with not neate and delicious dried Ortfoa Italian prunes. We alw have a few casta of tod tolM pack tomatoes In No. tH tins. tUFUNC CUSTOM CAKNEJY J 1487 r i Mothers Know! But have you ever helped Four husband understand the ilifference in the enjoyment of life that your child experiences on the day he wakes up dry jnsteaa oi in a wet Dear i Dry beds are important to your child's happiness and self-confidence, to help him tiow. Bed-wetting can be cor rected by a new, simple, safe, acipntific method. - If your child has this prob lem, write The Psychological research Foundation. 1019 S. IV. 10th Avenue, Portland f, Oregon. f (Advertising) SPECIAL HOSE EVENT A.s' VI site I I and ,; 9 ':if'!v-f ONLT TO 59' I Imuran ill US! n CrJL "ATrMf 13 Wee Fer DANA'S BOOTERY uMoi vmm ana at latti ... a miracU b$auty ' treatment for your handi! revoluthntry hand cream IDA .If M HV ssssssssssst uU Ittclle Z HIM Vdfc&v ' 8H0? 1 tjll V est MUD tend areata to Mick feral, Tht avft way to quick 'a easy hand care a , f eathtr-tttpks it on ...takt It tra Tolling withovt worry ...tftBetv-aplllabl.1 IWth dripping Hqnidt, tMMy ooamsfor the ear QCTX-tTTII way to Hand testis I Purs stat CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Stole St. Corner of Liberty WE GIVE HrfC GREEN STAMPS PLEffiM -SEE 1 You'll find baraains at KAY'S such as you never before dreamed possible! This is a genuine clearance of all short lines- at prices that hurt but at a great savings to you ! ; MESSES ssssssP' es -iif NEW FALL STYLES Values ta ONE UR"!?NAl GROUP LA'"' Value to IW-M HERE YOU ARE IF TOMS ir SQ88 m $1088 ONE RACK ALL WOOL GRADE S U ITS $3300 FAMOUS MAKE ORLON PLAID Reg. $15.95 lAHfCTC Reg JUUVLIJ $ CORDUROY ZIPrcK if I SUCK SHIRTS 4 S149 MANNISH STYLE f5 SHIRTS 98 TO ONE RACK ALL WOOL Value to $49.93 $(0)88 ONE RACK ALL WOOL v PASTEL SHADES - s3300 Maiy A' Anet Spring Stylet LEATHER BELTS L DDIfP r III Via LEATHER PURSES OFF PLFS TAX ONE GROUP Wedding Dresses OFF L : : ". "ZZZZI ZZ ALL WOOL ONE TABLE I STOLES T Sweaters V.1.....W5, V.IJ,15.,5 I DOWNSTAIRS CLEARANCE VALUES On Table BARGAINS T4 GLOVES Values to $3.98 m Cellophane Packaged FLOWERS Re9. $1.00 10' ANKLETS Voluet to 59c HO FLANNEL GOWNS 2 far $5.00 ONE GROUP ODDS & ENDS Dresses House Coats Jackets 2" BLOUSES SHORT LINES Values $fl lo $5.95 99 ONE GROUP HIGH GRADE ROBES Slightly Soiled Values L lo $29.95 2 PRICE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 WSWItCTrVE APffl K WCgM ( 460 STATE ST.