Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 02, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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Tint CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba. Ortfna
Wtiumiuy, Deeamber & 1933
Star Chapter's
-Mrs. E. T. Arm Iron f and
Thomai Kelley wer aamed
worthy matron and worthy pa
tron of the Chadwlck chapter.
Orders of Eastern SUr, during
the meeting at the Masonic
temple Tuesday night
Other elected were Mrs.
William E. Knower, associate
matron: Ernest Peterson, asso
ciate patron; Mrs. Cordon Eir
ker, secretary; Mrs. E. P. Phil
lips, treasurer; Mrs, Edward
William, onauetrae.
Installation of officers will
HOSTESS to ber brldg
club this afternoon was Mrs.
Wlllard Marshall, the group
meeting for luncheon and
cards. Mrs. Vrlin' S. Page and
Mrs. Vers W. Miller were ad
ditional guest, i
e '
. AMONG club hostesses of
th week is Mrs. William H.
Hammond, who Is to entertain
her group for luncheon and
cards, Thursday.
Some Notations . . .
A sparkly affair, literally
and figuratively, was the
monthly style show at ..the
Marion hotel, Tuesday noon,
when Jolmson's store present
ad their holidsy time suggest
ions and styles under the
them "Holidsy 0ms" , . .
As usual, practically every
seat was taken. . . Smart at
tire for Christmas shopping
time; dressy tea frocks for
holidsy entertaining; glamor
ous formal; pretty orlon, jer
sey and flannel in th pastel
blues, pinks and whites that
come out at mid-winter time;
and the prettiest prints imag
inable in tissue taffetas, win
. ter cottons, etc., all featured
the style parade. , . But ther
was more this time. . , A
clever act was put on by two
of the models, Mrs. Harold
Schick, Jr. and Mrs. Willi
, Ross who came out "wrapped
up" In huge holiday gift box
es and pinned over the box
covers were many "little
Items" for gift suggestions
hankies, belts, dainty undies,
Jewelled collars, detachable
cuffs, and many other items,
Also featuring the parade was
a display of "out of this
world" lingerie filmy night
ie and robes in nylon in gor
geous colors and gay slips and
can can petticoats. . , At th
climax, during th parade of
holiday time formats, Mrs.
Thomas Joseph, wearing one
of the formals. sang "White
: Christmas.", . , Glitter of ev
ery description highlighted
the fashions, keeping in tun
with Chrlstmi glamor . . .
Mr. W. C. Dyer, Jr. was com
mentator. . ,
Among th guests glimps
ed, Mrs. Thomas E. Rile from
Clackamas and Mrs, Rufus
Holman from Portland; with
Mr. Judsoa Webster, Mrs.
William Maaset of Portland and
Mr. Ermait Ludin;
Mrs. William H. Hammond,
Mrs. Carl en L. Simpson, Mrs.
Morrell Crary, Mrs, James
Armprlast, Mrs. Kenneth
' Sherman, Mrs. C. Ronald Hud
kins, Mrs. Robert DeArmond,
- Mis. George &. n oilman, Mrs.
Ralph Kohlgran, Mrs, Maynard
Sniffer; in a quartet, Mrs. Jo
seph B. Fslton. Mrs. Carl Steal-
hammer, Mrs. Maarlea Heater
from Sublimity and Mrs. Bert
A. Walkers in another four
some, Mrs. Wilmer C. Page
and her d a n g h t ers-ln-law,
Mrs. Wilmer H. Page snd Mrs.
Rollln Pare, and Mrs. Tyler
Brown; Mr. Warren Baker,
Mrs. E, A. Brown, Mrs. Geo
rge A. Rhoteni Mrs. George
W. Dewey, Jr., Mrs. Bill Cla
baugh. Miss Margaret Matee,
Mrs. Gene R. Walper, Mra.
Ronald Jones, Jr., Mrs. Daniel
Fry, Jr., Mrs. Ernest H. Mil
ler, Mrs. Newbury Close. Mrs.
John Kolb, Mrs. Otto Skopll,
Jr., Mrs. Leland Shlna, Mrs.
Ftank D. Ward, Mrs. Charles
H. Muggins snd her daughter,
Mrs. Lloyd F. Ramey, Mrs.
Alton L. Chamberlain and her
mother, Mrs. Ted Allien waters,
visiting from Los Angeles; Mrs.
Leon Perry, Mrs. Robert E.
Joseph, Mrs. Herbert Stiff, Jr.,
Mrs. Robert W. Gornsen, Mrs.
Staart McElhinny, Mrs. Fred-
erlk Roster (M.rlann. Low),
who Is visiting for a time
Mrs. Benjamin Whl.....rf
(Dorothy Mottt, visiting from
Martinez. Calif., Mrs. James
Walton. Mrs. Stewart Johnson,
Mrs. Kills VonEsehen, Mra.
E. E. Batterman, Mra. Law
rence N. Brown, Mrs. Vance
Morrison, Mrs. Claude H.
- ... .
Th f.hinn .u-
hotel will be resumed afler i
the holidays, the next one to
be on January 28. , ,
Brightening tha array of
culinary department" gifts
is tha new Better Homes snd
Garden cook book. , , The
volume Is the largest yet for
this cook book, more recipes
being included, many beauti
ful pictures and a lot of "late
st Information1' tip on food
and kitchen equipment . .
Thl cookbook has now sold
more than 4,600,000 copies
since ft first waa published in !
1031. . . Included In informa
tion section ar suggestions
n frozen foods, package mix-
take place at the Scottish Rite
tempi, December Is.
A sociaKhour was conducted
on the fifth floor of the tem
ple following the business
meeting. Co-chairmen for the
affair war Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Paxson. They were assisted by
Mrs. W. W. McKlnney, Mrs.
Emery Wood, Mrs. U M. Case,
Mrs. Chester Mulkey, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Crabtree, Mrs.
Lucy McDowell, Mrs. M. Theo
dore Madsen, Mrs. Mary Jan
, A CLUB hostess of Thurs
day evening will be Mrs. Rob.
ert DeArmond, entertaining
the group for an evening of
cards with a lat (upper.
BETURNINO the first of the
week from a trip to Port Town
send, Wash, where Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer H. Page and fam
ily who spent the Thanksgiv
ing holiday and week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An
thony SeLeo at Port Townsend.
' By M. L. P.
es, and th new appliances
out since the war . . . Also,
ther are) pointers on setting
the table and planning part'
ies. . . The bright red, white
and blue checked cover is an
sye-catcher. . .
From Salem' postmaster,
Albert C. Gragg, comes th
following ststement, remind
Ing Salem folk of the Christ
mas mall and tips to help all
in this greet rush period of
th year. . ,
"No one Is is busy these
days as the average postal
employ, unless it's the aver
age housewife. I doubt if elth
er will have time to think
twice about anything .before
Christmas rolls around.
"It's true, Mrs. Homemaker.
So true that it will pay you
many times over to fallow the
Postmaster's advice on how
to mall your Christmas cards
and gifts correctly the first
For example, the Post
Office ha little Interest In
how pretty your gift packagea
are wrapped. But it is defini
tely concerned about. how well
each parcel Is wrapped.
"The Christmas mall will be
heavier than ever this year.
If your gifts are fragile, mark
them 'Handle With Care.'
We'll do our best to protect
"Select a mailing carton of
corrugated fiberboard. Us a
heavy, wrapping paper and
strong com tied over and un
der several times. Christmas
seals and 'Do Not Open Until
Christmas' stickers should be
placed on back of the parcel,
so the address remains easy
to read.
The package Itself may not
be sealed, unless th return
sddress snd this inscription
appear: (Contents. Merchan
dise May be opened for post
al inspection.)
"Both the sender's address
and that of the recipient
snoum be written Inside of
the mailing carton, for emer
gency use. Llmtt a
weight this year vary accord
ing to destination. Ak about
them when you visit tha Post
Office to buy stamps. '
nigni now is the beat time
to buy your stamps. The
crowds are small, esneciallv
before 10:00 a.m. or between
1:30 and 3:30 p.m.
As for Christmaa cards.
the Postmaster strongly rec
ommends that everyone for
get the twos and use the
threes. With a three-cent
stamp mristmaa cards are
sorted and delivered firat. and
they will be forwarded or re
turned If necessary.
"That eliminates any worry
about whether your Christmas
cards went astray, provided!
they did carry a return ad
dress. Also you can write a
personal message on them,
when only signsture is
authorized at the third-class
rate. i
"Delivery of your Christ
mas cards can be speeded up
too. Just tie them in two sepa
rate bundles, and attach the1
i ''
if R Jt0M"T
:!."! .ALL FOR OUT-OF-
special Iables marked 'ALL
- . - . luru nri tirenti i
tags can be picked up at thai
Post Office, and you'll find1
other helpful mailing lnstrue-1
tions printed on back. '
"If you begin now, there's
plenty of time for delivery by
- n r i s i mas Eve. Christmas
rrds going to other states
'ho,"!d ,b.' po,,ed b,,or Dec"
n.imr in, mose wun local aa
flresjes at least a week before
"Parcel post require more
time. So msil your out-of-itate
gifts by December S,
and the local ones by Decem
ber 10. After these dstes ar
past, better us air mail ser
vice for both gift packages
and Christmas cards."
in N. most
Edited ay MARIAN
Greens Show Due
To Open Friday
Additional workers to as
sist at th Christmas greens
show of Alpha C h I Omega
alumnae, opening Friday at
Valley Motor company build
ing, hav been announced.
Mrs. George Seymour beads
th committee in charg of
th guest book, assistsnts in-
eluding Miss Nancy Hershe,
mra. n. jvira, Mrs. wauace
Bonesteele, Jr., Mrs. M. Theo
dore Madsen, Jr., Mrs. Corne
lius Lofgren, Mis Helen
Lane. .
Mr. Jama B. Young beads
the hostess committee, her as
sistants including 'Mrs. John
Larwood, Mrs. C. J. Hershe,
Mrs. Vernon - Glim ore; Mr.
Walter Berg, Mra. Thomas
Joseph, Mrs. Frank Guerin
Mrs. Claude Steusloff, Mrs.
George Hanauska. Mrs. Gor
don Cooley, Mrs. Rodney Fety,
Mrs. Lioya orlfflths, Mrs.
Vernon Bartach, Mrs. Lewis
D. Griffith, Miss Florence
Goodrich, Mis Gloria Kslnu,
Miss Barbara Mail.
Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith and
Mrs. Roy Rice, Jr., held the
publicity committee.'
Preliminary to tha greens
show, ther will be a sal of
candies and cookies, Friday,
starting at 10 a.m.
The greens show opens Fri
day evening, between T and 9
o'clock, and will continue
through Saturday between 10
a.m. and 5 p.m. and 7 and 9
o'clock In the evening; and
Sunday, between 12 noon and
8 p.m.
The Interested public is in
vited to th benefit.
Highlighting the displsys
will b 31 mantel arrange
ments. e
Student Recital
A atudent recital 1 planned
In the college of music recital
hall on Willametta university
campus, Friday at 3 p.m. Tak
ing part in the program will
be Ronald Hershberger, piano;
Trlcia Gordon, piano; Ted
Jameson, t n o r; Loorrain
Kaija, piano; Robert VanVac-
tor, piano; Margaret Huson,
cello; Lawrence Monk, violin;
Rebecca Hang, piano.
PHI MC alumnae met tor
their December event, Tuesday
evening, at the home of Mra.
George A. Brown. Attending
were Mrs. B. F. Williams, Mrs.
Elmer O. Berg, Mrs. Bud Lor
ence, Mrs. Alfred G. Larson,
Mrs. Wilmer H. Page, Mrs. Rob
ert M. Fischer, Jr., and Mrs.
Brown. i
The (roup will meet next on
March 3 to observe the soror
ity's 102nd anniversary of
Sale Is Billed
Annual bazaar and cooked
food sale for Salem Business
and Professional Women's club
will be Friday, December 4,
at the Good Housekeeping
stsrs cn Csurt slrctt. AnoU...
money making project this
month for the club will be a
rummage sale on December 11
and 12 over Oreenbaum's
A NO-HOST luncheon was
attended by 15 members of the
Missouri club at the home of
Mrs. E. B. Kasson, Tuesday
afternoon. Christmas gifts were
exchanged by those present.
Next meeting of the group
will be January 8 when
'secret pals" will be revealed
and a new drawing of names
for the next year conducted.
The meeting will be at th
home of Mrs. Margaret Willis
st DOS North Fifth.
Oki WiDtw far Udlet
Capitol Shopping Center
curta mm ana
5r' I
m 9
k1m.Hv-.-1 ONLY
I H.,.119
On Tea Committer
University of Oregon, Eufen
(Special) Mia Judie Bur
den, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.
L. R. Burdette, Salem, has been
appointed entertainment chair
man of th Associated Women
Students' annual Christmas tea.
Miss Burdette Is graduate
of Salem high school and Is now'ckck wdlelight aarvic at
a freshman In pre-nurslng at 'it JnX M'thodlst church.
the university. The AWS tea
wlu be Saturday afternoon, De-
cember 8,
A SON, who has been nam
ed Steven Donald, was born
Sunday, November 28, In Chi
cago to Mr. and Mrs. Steven
Benson (Donna Johnson). The
grsndparents are Mr. and Mrs.
L. V. Benson and Mr. and Mrs.
George Johnson, all of Salem.
The younger Bensons have
been living in Chicago tem
porarily while he has been
taking special work there and
they plan to be back in Salem
for the holidays.
Plan Dinner
Members of Sslem Wom
en's Army and Navy league
ar planning a dinner event
for all member and husbands
on Monday evening at Chuck's
steak House, the event set
for 7:30 o'clock. Guests are
welcome. Reservations should
be In by Saturday of this
week, December 8, telephoned
to either Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld
33004, Mrs. Normsn Cam
pion, 23185, or Mrs. C. A.
Schaefer, 27277.
nae were entertained at a
Christmas party Tuesday night
at th horn of Mrs. Arthur
Col. ' Attending wer Mrs.
Ralph Jackson, Airs. Vernon
Wiscarson, Mrs. Joseph Cham
bers, Miss Janet Felcher. Mrs.
Ralph E. Walker, Mrs. Bruce
Crandall and the hostess. Next
event will be in January at
home of Mrs. Crandall.
For Mother or Dad
Fin selection of
Strik a personal Christ
mot not on o handsome
mahogany Secretary Desk!
Whot better occasion for
a gift of a handsom
Choice of several colors
From our Gift Dept. make a
choice from loads of selec
tions that are different.
At Homiltorfs you will
find th Top Brands of
Coff Makers . Teosttr
Mixers - Electric Irons
Waff I Makers
You ul find a oomplet as
sortment of tine kirtac at
Hamilton. For Mother,
rather. Bister. Brother or Just
about any one on your gift
list. Altraye an appropriate
and useful gift.
The services of our
interior decorating
department Is
arailablo to you
without cost.
Miss Vance
Is Wed
At Albany
Al heavy A hrwke f th law
fall waa Mua Kathrya Man
vane. Aaugoier f Mr.
Mra. Walter Weeiey V
Albany, wh exchanged bee
nuptial vow with L. Guy Lew
eUlng. Albany, son of Mr. L.
Q. Lewelling. Albany, and th
lata Judge L welling, en Wed
nesday. November It. at aa
read th double ring service.
The bridal party stood be
fore the chancel rail that was
decorated with whit chrysan
themum arranged in baskets.
ferns and many lighted whit
Mrs. Glenn Taylor was the
organist and Marvin Marts
Th bride was given In mar
riage by her brother, James R.
vane. She wore a white vel
vet wedding dress styled low
waisted with a stand-up collar,
long sleeves pointed at the
wrists and th bodic buttoned
down th back with imai) vel
vet buttons. The skirt fell in
a full court train. The floor
length veil of net was held in
place with a band of white vel
vet Th bride carried an arm
bouquet of whit chrysanthe
mums. Mrs. George Chambers was
her matron of honor. She was
attired in a brown velvet dress.
Miss Marjorie Kay Vance,
niece of the bride, and Mlas
Charlene 8almoh were th Jun.
lor onaeamiios. Miss Vance
wore a frock of champagne
shaded velvet, made with Peter
Pan collar. Miss Salmon's
champagne shaded velvet dress
was mad Identically to that of
Miss Vance's.
Master Mark Chambers waa
the'ring bearer.
James Lewelling, Salem, bro
ther of the bridegroom, served
as best men and those who
ushered were Asa Lewelling,
Salem, also a brother of the
bridegroom; Donald Stryker,
Albany, and Donald Vance,
Portland, brother of the bride.
Lighting the candles before
th ceremony were Donald
This year's Christmas idea
should include one of these
Winter evenings when the
iireucnt piays on tne gleam
in wood Of the tu hi- vnii -av- fi.
her, she will think of you.
Prepora for your holiday
festivities with a beautiful
A modern dinette set to rive
u a sew iWluia oi grautud
In this Holiday season.
Everyone Enjoys
Make HAMILTON'S Your Christmas Store
Vance and Donald Stryker.
Far ber daughter' wedding
Mrs. Vance choc a blue tissue
faille drees, lac trimmed, ber
bat being coronet of faille
with feather trimming. Com
pleting ber eoetume was an or
chid corsage.
Th bridegroom's mother
wore a dusty rote dross of
eh Iff on, made floor length and
she also wore an orchid cor
sage Immediately following tha
ceremony a wedding reception
was in the church social hall.
The bride's table waa decor
ated with a large, three-tiered
weddL-g cake encircled with
chrysanthemums and lighted
candlea In candelabrums. Those
who poured were Mrs. Fred
McHenry, Corrallls, Mrs. B. R.
Wallace. Mrs. Leon F. Baasctt,
Albany, Mrs. A. L. Lewelling,
Salem, and Mra. C. G. Vance,
Pocatello, Idaho. At th punch
bowl wer Mra. William Daugh
erity. Bend, Mias Melba Ayl
ward, Albany, Mrs. T. A. Bur
ton, Salt Lake City, Utah, aunt
of the bride, and Mrs. S. A.
Daugherity, Boise, Idaho, aunt
of the bride, cut the wedding
cake. Those who served were
Miss Alice Merrill, Mra. Rex
McReynolds, Mrs. Peter Hen
shaw, all of Albany; Mrs. Ber
ni Tlland, Portland and Mrs.
Bruce Lyday, Kings Valley.
Music during the reception was
furnished by Mrs. Glenn Tay
lor, pianist and Glenn Taylor,
After tha ceremony the bri
dal pair left on a wedding trip
to San Jose, Calif., where they
are how at home after Decem
ber S at 64 N. 24th Ave. For
her traveling costume the bride
wore a tan suit and cape with
green and white accessories
and a . corsage of green and
white orchids. Both the bride
and bridegroom were graduat
ed from Albany high school and
the bride attended Oregon
State college. The bridegroom
Is attending San Jose State col
lege where he is studying law.
ENGLEWOOD Woman's club
is meeting Friday at 1:15 p.m.
for dessert at the home of Mrs.
E. A. Collier, 559 North 24th.
On the committee are Mrs. Or-
rin Chase, Mrs. B. C. Hall. Mrs.
Walter Minthorn, Mrs. Chester
Johns. This is to be the Christ
mas program and there will be
exchange of gifts.
A handsome lamp to bring
a new light of festivity to
your Christmas.
Hundreds of New Lamps of
B all types from 4.95 up.
Toys to bring joy to th
hearts of good little boys
and girls.
Convenient Budget Terms
Couple Plan
Home in Salem ,
At II 'clock Boon eero
mony, November II. th mar
riage of Mlas Eileen Mary Bar
ger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Berger of Cornelius,
to Robert Y eager, ton eg Mr.
Gln Y eager of Salem, was
solemnized la the Emanuel Lu
theran church In Cornelius,
with tha Rev. Mr. Jahr offi
ciating; Th couple was attended by
Miss Fran Berger, cousin of
tha bride, of Lebanon, and
Donald Berger, brother of th
bride, Cornelius.
Music for tha wedding was
provided by Mrs. Iverson on
th organ and Staa Halasnan,
who sang. Bouquet of white
chrysanthemum on tha altar
formed tha decoration for the
church. .
Th bride, given In marri
age by her father, wore a rose
wool street-length dress' with
matching aoceasori and a
deep orchid corsage. Tha maid
of honor wore a gray and rose
wool dress with .matching ac
cessories and a pink carnation
Following th ceremony, the
bridal party and tha immediate
families wer served a dinner
at the horn of tha bride's par
ents After honeymoon at the
coast, tha couple will make
their home in Salem, where
the bridegroom is employed in
the offices of the Oregon state
highway department. Before
her marriage the bride was a
staff nurse at the U. S. Vet
erans' hospital in Portland.
Out-of-town guests at the
wedding wert Glen Yeager,
Miss Esther Berger, and Mrs.
Elizabeth Bagley, all of Salem.
club is to meet on Thursday
between 1 and 4 pm. at tha
home of Mrs. Anna Simmers,
1170 North 16th.
Threw Imi Wale!) Avar
W. ru TlM Wfcaft OU4 OmjI
tis situ. SsiMt, Oram
Om niter Htekl la I
The versatile table . . . cor
related for countless room
Tha New
without the divided top from
New beautiful accent rugi
27" x 45" 16.95
I3'x5' 27.95
4'6" x 6' 48.50
a . . .
Party to Honor
Honoring Mrs. William J. "
Cook, who will be leaving soon
to Join Lt Cook to go to Wssh-1
engton, D. C, Mrs. Gordon 1
Krueger and Mima Ruth Skin- j
nor are to entertain en Thurs- j
day evening at tha bom oft
Mrs. Krueger at a farewell par- J
tjr. 'J
Lt Cook wijl arrive in the j
state December 18 from over- J
sea duty and will then be as-1
signed to Washington, D. C. 2
Feting Mrs. Cook at thai
Thursday party will be Mr.;
James White, Mrs. VernJ
Oleaves, Mrs. J. P. Schlmberg. JJ
Mra, D. V. GemmelL Mrs. War- 4
ren Ling. Mrs. Hillary KUeLJ
Mrs. P. Dixon VsnAusdell, Jr,
Mrs. Don McNeill, Mrs. W. E. S
Rltcher, Mrs. Clarence Gilmer,
Miss Janet Kirk, Mrs. Ray
Stommell, and from out-of-j
town, Mrs. Joa McHenry off
Corvallls, Mrs. Walter Bauch-J
man of Corvallls, cousin of
Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Eugene Thorn '
as of New York City, sister-ln- J
law of tha honorea, and the
hostesses. ' 1
COSM1S club's guests at
the November dance on Sat
urday evening included Mr.
and Mrs. Elliott Hayes, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Welch, Mr. and .
Mrs. George Madison, Mr. and J
Mrs. Roy Webster, Mr. and
Mr. William E. McMillan
The., hosts for tha evening)
were Mr. and Mrs. ; Jack a
Rhodes. The Christmas timel
dance of the club is planned i
for December 28 at Mayflow-
er hall. -
HOSTESS to her bride club
for luncheon and afternoon of
cards today was Mrs. Henry A.
Lovely Holiday
Dresses for Your
Young Miss
Ma rg wen's
Capitol Shopping Center
Modem 18th Century
Early American
From 49.50
Your family will be pleased
with this gift . , . and no
wonderl Viewing all the
show Is a pleasure on the
huge screen. Th picture 1
clear end brilliant and the
tuning is easy. It will be the
pride of your living room.
Every tightly twisted strand
of this luxury thick carpeting
is ruffed and wear resistant.
g Decorative Colors
t-13-H ft, widths.
10.95 sq. yd.
Wok up to soft music on
Christmas or any other day
with a Radio Clock from
Open Every
Frldaf Evening
Until 9 p.m. for
Your Shopping
Lay Away your gift.
We'll "hide" your
gift for Christmas
Delivery. v