IHfw I Wednesday, December 2, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galem. Oregon Loal Paragraph . Baste Skills Class -Am 4 term In the adult class In basic skills sponsored by tot Sapera public tchooli adult education n department will open at 7:15 p.m. Wednesday In room 121 of ithe achool office building, 4S0 a North High street Reg titration will be open -to any adulta who have knowledge of reading and writing. Arthur V. 14 yen, achool district administrator, t will continue aa Instructor. Staff Meetini Wllmer Pife , tint aid chairman for the Mar- ton County Chapter, American , Red Croat, will be present dur ( ing itaff meeting of Marlon , County Department , of .Health . employes in the Masonic build . ing at B 30 a m. Friday. Page wui give a number of demon' Itrationi along first aid lines. - Pre-NsUl Ciaaa The first of a aeries of pre-natal classes for prospective mothers was ' r held by the Marlon County De ll partment of Health Wednesday afternoon. The course will ex tend throughout December on " a basis of each Wednesday aft- ' ernoon. 1 Mrs. Kills Returning Mrs. Wade Ellis, 435 North 19th, will return home December 17 from the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, . Minn., She may return to the ' clinic later for further treat ment ' Deputy Waxdeu Speaker . Louis Barnes, deputy warden . of the Oregon State Peniten- .' tiary, will speak on "Penal Ac tivlties" at a meeting of Salem . Chapter No. 8, Disabled Amer- lean . Veterans, Wednesday .night, at the Salem Woman's , Club, 460 North Cottage street. The meeting will feature a cov- ered dish pot-luck dinner for members, their wives and in ' vited guests at 6:30 p. m. In '. charge of dinner arrangements are: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Harns ' berger, Mr. and Mrs. Vicar Wa , gers, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles . Peterson. Board Meeting A regular ' meeting of the board of direc- 1 tori of the Salem Chamber of ' Commerce will be held Wednesday night at 7:30 at chamber headquart era on South High street Fire Protection Hearings Hearings in connection with proposal to annex territory to the Woodburn and Four Cor ners Rural Fire Protection Dis tricts will be held in the Coun ty Court chambers January 11 according to action taken Wed , nesday. The Four Corners hear ing will be held at 10:30 a.m. and that of the Woodburn area at 11 a.m. Cilbarl Closing Out The Tinkham Gilbert Appliance . Company, 260 North Liberty, announces that it will discon- tlnut operation on or shortly after January 1. The store has , been in operation at the loca . tion for two years. Mr. Gilbert a aid he expected to go into an other type of business, but had made no definite decision. A new tenant for the building to be vacated has not been an nounced. Plan Thursday Event Dab blers club plans its annual fatr for Thursday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Norval Edwards. Displayed will be many articles made by members and these items will be on sale. Co-host- esse with Mrs. Edwards are Mrs. Frank Barqulst, Mrs. J. J. Gallagher and Mrs. Merlin Estep. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thursday, December I Organised Nava: Reserve sur face division, at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve Training cen ter. Battery D. 722nd AAA.AW bat talion, at Quonset huts on Let street. Company D, Ittno Infantry regiment, at saiem armory. Vrieta. tjoepmhef- A Seabee Reserves, at Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. Ale ftpierve Center Salem's 9414th VAR squadron has been Informed that In the future the unit will be known the local 'Air Reerve Center The announcement was made at the Monday night meeting of the unit Dy me commander auj. wu 11am Strong. Caot John Thomas was In charge a the training period of the mtettna. with his topic Personnel Problems of ac tivation. At Norfolk Norfolk. Va Lloyd tJnderland, seaman, DSN. Aurora, Oregon, was a member of the crew of the TJSS Block 'sland, which ar rived bare last week. The shin, which la with Carrier Division 11. during Its recent cruise ranted the ports of Kingston. Jamaica, and San Juan. PR. BORN Saim eexnat nosriTAL Mwottae To Mr. and Mra. Andre Ruiaiu ,M a. utb at, a bar, Dee. I. ewwart Te Mr. and lira. Olena C. Stewart. Slit Teea Are. a boy. Dee. L aaust awoaiAL smmu Baeewa To sir. and Mn. Itsacla feee&a, slel R. 4tb at, a sari. Dee. l Vetss Te Mr.- and afra. Tfconaa 1. ala. SMS a. Cbarrb at a (Irk Dec L BenwTo Mr. and km. Bnbaa DaiU. SU. a, Sou IS, Moaaaaatb. a tor, Dee. J, Riaei Ta Mr. and Mn. Robert oale Steaaa. SMS R. Charcb St, a boa. Oat. i. tttvaBTOR aoimu Todd ?a Mr. and Mra. Robert Todd. Ml:io. , nrl. Hoe. SO. Snbaeeei Ta Mr. and Mrs. UarS biires at aaatea MUa, i, baa. Do. L Reek great Wednesday Pleasant . Hours with - Books meeting will oe in the fire place room of the First Con gregational church, Wednes day, at 1 pjn. Any woman in terested Is welcome. Mrs. Robert Haley if to review "The Syrian Christ.' by Bin- bany, a native Syrian, for the weaneaaay event. Balldiag P ermltt Martin Bohrofen, to build a garage and greenhouse at MS North Bummer, 91,000. Nina Shep- pard, to repair a two-ftory dwelling at 155 East Miller, mi Ask Street DeatnaUea The County-Court hat been asked to place a designation for vine street where it loins Lib erty Road south of Browning Avenue. The matter was re ferred to the engineering de partment Gibson Improving Res Gibson, injured a week or more ago In an automobile accident, although f till confined to a hos pital, was reported Wednesday aa being well along the road to recovery, . ..' - Driver Arrested Mrs. Hel en Ann Waerth, 1695 Yew street, was arrested by city po lice Tuesday night on a reck less driving charge after she struck a "One Way, Do Not Enter" sign In the 200 block of South High street as ahe was entering the grid system the wrong way. A witnessing of ficer said ahe continued north on High street without stop ping. She was cited to court Wrist Cut A severe lac eration of the wrist was suf fered Tuesday afternoon by Loren McKay while working on his car at his home, 840 Norway street The wound was dressed by first aldmen and McKay was taken to a doctor by his family. City Trucks Entered The glove compartments of two city trucks were ransacked some time Tuesday night while they were parked at the city shops, city police reported. The entries were discovered by a city employee when he went to work at 2:10 Wednesday morn ing. Nothing was reported missing. Equipment of Army Observed by Blind Pupils at Oregon School for the Blind were given an op portunity Wednesday after noon to observe Army equip ment and to see how It works. The equipment. Jeeps, guns and other things, were brought to Salem from Portland by Col. Louis Farnsworth, an in structor for the Oregon Na tional Guard, Tamale dinner and Bazaar, Thursday, December 1, 5:00 p.m. to 8 pjn.. Turner Metho dist Church at Masonic Temple., 287' Rummage Sale. Alpha - XI Delta Alumni, Friday, Decem ber 4, over Greenbaum'i, S-4. 288' Rummage sale over Green baums Saturday, December 5 Open 8 s.m. 289 Bazaar luncheon St. Paul's Episcopal church, Chemeketa near Church St. Friday, De cember 4, 10:30 a.m. -6:00 p.m 288' All-day bazaar snd 75c chick en pie luncheon, 11:30 s.m. to 1:30 p.m. Friday. Dec. 4, First Congregational church. Home made mince meat for aale. 288 Paint with glamorizing Treasure Tones. See our out standing wallpaper collection. Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib erty. 287' Vision - A d means Semler made. For glasse- ground to. your optometrist's prescription, get Vision-Aid glasses at Sem ler Optical Offices, Waters Adolph Bldg., State it Com'l. Ph. 3-3311. 287 Goodwill pickups Tuesdays: West Salem and south of Cen ter; Friday, north of Center. 4-2248. 287 Dr. Robert Burdette Jr., Op tometrist, 802 Llvesley Build ing, wishes to inform his pat ients that effective December 1st his office telephone has been changed from 1-7582 as listed I- directory to 2-2525 Plesse enter on the inside cov er ef your new directory. 287" Another shipment of Kim- port Worldwide Dolls has ar rived, priced 25e up te f 15.00. See these and American-made dolls at 1210 North lflth. Also do mschine hemstitching. Open Tues, Wed, ft Thurs. 288 Rummsge sale, Jason Lee Methodist chi'th. Jefferson at. st Winter. Wednesday and Thursday. Dec. 2nd 8s Ird. a J87 Learn knitting. 141 State St 3-5654. Wednesday thru Satur day. 1:00 xusv-4 pjn. 101' Woman Bank Robber Freed Portland (V- Mrs. Elisabeth Tsber, accused of attempting to rob a Woodburn bank last week, walked out of the U. S. courthouse here Tuesday tem porarily free without ball. U. S. Commissioner Robert A. Leedy released her after ahe waived preliminary hearing on a federal charge of entering a bank with intent to commit a felony. The case probably will be presented to the federal grand iury in the near future. The attractive 31-year-old mother of four young boys said she planned to return to Hub bard, where aha lived with her children in a motel. The chil dren, ages 6. 7. 9 and 13, were placed in a Salem foster home after her arrest. She said she planned to leave them there for the present. Mrs. Tsber said her husband had left her and that ahe was desperate for money when she walked, unarmed. Into the bank last Friday and handed the teller a note stating: "This Is S robbery. Don't do anything you'll be sorry for." Tree Top Falls, Kills Logger Stayton Lyle Lyons, 33, was killed by a falling tree top Tuesday while working on a logging operation on the Del bert Sander place, Sclo, Rt. 2. Lyons was working with his brother-in-law, Maurice More, who discovered his body. Death was believed to have been In stantaneous. The accident occurred when the top of a dead tree which was lodged against the one Lyons was felling, broke, fell on his head. Lyons is survived by wife snd three children. and his The average depth of the ocean is 12,450 feet says the National Geographic Society. COURT NEWS Circuit Court Oreille C. end Alta O. Jobs VI. Bd. Vara J. ana Alice R. KenoaU: JadTOeat ardor dlomlulni complaint wile, prej udice and proyldlng de!endorite rewreer rrom pieinuira coeu one dleouraemenle. Thornton McDonald vs. rniblle TJtuttiei CommUiloner of Oregon: Order permit- unc Beonlvo Truck Rental to become a partr defendant br totorveiittoa. Bettr Boaa v. Jooepli BonJarflta Ron: Order of default eotvod Matoil de- lendaat. Bnataeea Mea'e Aueranot Compear of Amortoa re. Albert J. Mccormick otbere: Order autborUlna plaintiff amend complaint. Thornton McDonald ea. Pabllo CUImee Coramleeloner of oreeea: Defendant'! anever admltttu and danrtna and aek- Ins dtfmaual el aompialt. atate Rlzbaar CommUeloa a. O. E and Jane Doe Powell; Lawrence J. Wurd loier and Cecilia Ann Wurdlneer: Do. frndanta' anewer admltttas and donrlni and aekrna rodiment aaalail plaintiff to daUrmlnl the demon 10 theol or rea- ol appropriation of real a-ranonr loojBt to be ainocmned. Coneolldatod rim, Xal wa. Weatorn Lumber Pec lore, far.l C plaint aeeb- tni Jndtment of I3.01d.aa. Blue Mountain Mi:la. Inc. re. Woofers Lomoer Factora. Inc : Complaint aeek- t of ll3.lia.ia. Bettr Stenek oe. atanter Rop Stanek Divorce decree ta plaintiff el.ee Sat aao tadp ef two attaar ehlUrea. L. C. Baitcnan n. Patrick M. and Bt r Oraeen. ualted Stetee of America. Btet UAoatplermeat Cowipeneatlnn com tntaeton and stale or oroeewi Order el defoult entered eoemet deiendontd HOC and Steto of oreeoo. Beelra U Oatchet rt. weelep M. OeV anetl Order 01 default entered aaetaat de fin lent. . Probate Court Rtenard D. Bartoa aetata: Order petattaa Richard Pawl bar tow admlala- trevor. Si tato hae probablo ralae wf lla oe. Steel aoRie Remit aalata. ReMte ap. praapaa at ii.ee ai. - Jbehae Cwataawa aetata: flapi m. bp aa aa Jaa. a. Rente O Cerllele eet.le: Order an polnitnc Waller 1 Carllela aa admlola. trater. IN PUPPET SHOW v.- r, t mm Robert and With Williams have their picture taken . with Nanny, and the King, of two of the leading characters in their new marionette production, "Milk for the King's' Mush," e comic story of a- runaway goat and an unhappy king till ahe Is found. The Williams Marionettes combine bright costumes and amusing characters for good chtl- -dren's theatre and puppet tun. The show will be at the high school auditorium Thursday and Friday alghts. Show for Children Billed For Salem on For the fifth successive year, under the auspices of the Salem public schools, Robert and Edith Williams will pre sent their Marionettes for the pleasure of Salem children. The show will be given in the Senior High School audi torium December 1 and 4 at 8 p.m. Prices for children are 25 cents and for adults 75 cents. ' 'Milk for the King's Mush," the Williams Marionettes cur rent production is an amusing costume play laid In medieval Widow Wins (Continued from r-are "The decree will be reversed with instructions to terminate the trust and pay the proceeds therefore to Mrs. Nichols, after deducting costs and disburse ments in both courts" the de cision directed. The supreme court set De cember 16 as the time for bear ing of the application of Ber nard Asheim and Gables Parks, Inc., for a writ of man damus against Circuit Judge R. Frank Peters of Washington county to lift an attachment on the property and bank account of Asheim and the company. The attachment was Issued after Mrs. Ednamae F. Caveny had filed suit against WiUiam O. Robinson, former chairman of the Marion county republi can central committee and As heim, who were then partners dealing In real estate, to re cover 811,858 paid the two men for a house in Washing ton county on which ahe claimed she found a mortgage after the deal had been com pleted. The lower court ordered the money paid by Mrs. Caveny re turned to her and an sppeal was taken to the state supreme court where the case is now pending. The partnership of Robinson and Asheim has been dissolved and Robinson is now in busi ness in Kelso, Washington. Doubts Taxes (Continued trom Pace 1 2. Said that under prevailing circumstances the question of whether Communist China should be admitted to the Uni ted Nations is not open to ne gotiations anywhere. That was in reply to a Question whether the matter might be discussed at the Big Three Bermuda con ference opening Friday. He said he would lesve for Ber muda at 8 a m. (EST) Friday. On Nixon's Tour 8. Said reports reaching him on Vice President Nixon's tour of the Far East have been most encouraging. He ssid It has helped to bring into closer con tact the United States and the countries Nixon has visited. 4. Voiced complete confi dence in Atty. Gen. Brownell, and announced that the Justice Department plans to make pub lie, possibly later in the day, a complete report on what El senhower termed events tn the outlying cities. a . NIXON VISITS FARMERS New Delhi, Indlo ) U. S. Vice President Nixon and his party visited the dusty. parched - Punjab Wednesday I and met some of the poorest farmers they have seen in their I Asiatic tour. But the residents of three mud villages they called st gave the Americana a friendly greeting of sslssms, musle and marigold garlands. " i Two Nights times, presenting a Jester In the old tradition with cap and merry tinkling bells. This ta the 10th play pro duced lh 28 years of puppet- eerlng In the United Btatea and Europe. Robert and Edith Wlllams make their puppets of white or sugar pine, balsa wood and stuffed cloth. Hesds sre hand carved with sharp knives. Moat an imals are all cloth "cloth sculpture". From 400 to 600 feet of braided fish line is used in each ahow with approxi mately 89 knots for each pup pet With 12 to 15 puppets in a ahow, that a a lot of knots, especially when many of them are tied and retted several times in order to get the exact balance necessary for smooth performance. Nothing unties faster than a nylon string tied to an active puppet To keep this from hap pening during a performance, which, might be embarraaaing to the string pullers, each knot is covered with ahellac to hold it, it's hoped, forever. Refuse lo End (Continued from Page 1) Department stores reported sales falling off. The public was without Its usual quota of 5tt million daily newspapers. International union Presi dent Edward J. Volz made his plea at a membership meeting of Local I. He asked mem bers to accept srbltrstion in their dispute over wages and other issues with the New York publishers. He said they had "nothing to lose." The president of the local union, Denis M. Burke, how ever, told the members that his negotiating committee "will not recommend they accept ar bitration." Volt' plea came after -be re ceived a government request thst the union sccept arbitra tion or decision by a neutral party. The request was made by Federal Mediation Service Director Whitley P. McCoy. As 350 of the 400 strikers went into session Enis M. Burke, locsl president, stress ed thst the union's negotiating committee was reported only, i 'but will not recommend they accept arbitration." Used Car Dealers Vote Closing Days Members of the Salem Used Car Dealers association have voted unanimously to observe two three-day business closing periods during the coming hol ldsy season. The used car lota will be closed, the members agreed, for three days beginning on Christmas day and fnt a sim ilar period beginning New Year's day. The dealers e greed also to move up the regular monthly meeting dates from the last Monday of December to the Monday before Christmas. SURGICAL SUPPORTS rif ad tinea. trial gap -porta, Elaatia Hoalorr Export lliura aylrald fitUng all TOm DOCTOB t Capital Drug Store est ataie Btrwet Ceraar se Ueertf Seta Oreea Btaaare Sfcckpolelo Head Division Brig. Qen. A. H. Stackpole, who during World War U made bis home In Salem while com manding the Pennsylvania Na tional Guard cavalry, which was stationed here, Is to be come the commanding general of the 79th infantry division, U. S. Army Reserve. Salem friends of the general. who Is executive- editor of the Patriot-News newspapers, Har risburg, Penn., received word recently of his appointment ' Stackpole Was honored re cently at a military ball as the new commander. His appoint ment was made known inform ally In late November, though the formal announcement win not be known until later this month. Stackpole assumes com mand of the division January 1, succeeding Maj. Gen. Rob ert W, Wilson, who is retiring. Celled to active duty In World War n with the Penn sylvania National Guard, Stackpole was itstloned la Sa lem early in the war. Later he was sent to the Chine-Burma- lndla theater snd awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service as commanding officer of an American observer team with the Chinese 27th Group Army in the vcilnity of Bang yang. (Continued from Pace 1) He previously had schedul ed a news . conference later Wednesday. Holding the copy of Eisen hower's ststement,' McCarthy told newsmen he wanted "to go over this carefully" and also to spend more time going over Secretary of State Dulles' ststement. Reds Boon Out ef Picture The president also took sharp Issue with McCarthy on another subject rs pasting that he believes the communists in government issue will be out of the picture by the time the congressional elections occur next year. McCarthy told a nationwide radio and television audience last week that communism would be an issue and thst the question of continuing his hunt for subversives would be the main issue In the election of a republican congress. "Straggle of the Ages" . Elsenhower said that If the United States "should turn Impatiently to 'coercion of other free nations, our brand of coercion, ao far as our friends are concerned, would be a mark of the Imperialist rather than of the leader." He said American military and economic aid was a part of this country's own secur ity program and added: "We do this because unity smong free na'tions Is our only hope for survival In the face of the worldwide Soviet con spiracy hacked by the weight of Soviet military power. "This struggle dominates all other considerations of our timet. The issues, freedom versus communism, is a life and death matter. "To my mind It is the strug gle of the ages." When the Wright brothers made their flights at Kill Devil Hill In 1B03, it could be reached only by boat, but a highway now links the ares to the mainland. A FLYING PUP for Christmas Little Henrietta, whose family wot very poor, did n't have much to look for ward to ot Christmastime until she found Willie the pup. He was the only Christmas the would have. But Henrietta's father hod to give Willie away. He ate too much. Henrietta was broken hearted until Willie, offer many exciting adventures, flew back to her on Sonto't tlelgh C h r I it m a i Eve. But would he stay? It was to much more fun In Santa lond. You'll find out when you read the Christ mos ferial "Santa ond the Flying Pup." Starting In The CepHel Journal Dec. 3 Unify Only Hope 80 Fcjtivo Centered a Salem City Center : Aa escaped convict enjoyed only 18 hours freedom before he was apprehended by city po lice In downtown Salem Wed nesday morning and returned to the State Penitentiary. .Picked ud about 1:43 ajn., khortly after bjiylng different clothes at a used clouting store Commercial street was Kenneth M. Gibson, IB, a trus tee at the prison, who ducked away from a work gang at tne ate Society Cards Out For Holiday Parties December.' the big holiday month of the year, will be marked as usual by many par ties, each week avow bringing invitations for events. Invitations were In the mall Wednesday for a tea for which Mrs. Robert J. Hsrrall and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur are to en tertain next Wednesday, De cember t, at the Hemll home on Falrmount Hill. Invitations are also In the mail today for a dinner party for which Justice and Mrs. Walter L. Toote are to .enter tain at their home on Fair- mount Hill the evening of De cember 18 Mr, snd Mrs. Wallace Bone- Steele and Mr. and Mrs. Mer rill D. Ohling are entertaining Thursday evening at the Bonesteele home as the first of a series of dinner parties they are giving. . - -1 A group or 24 Is Invited, bridge to fol low the dinner, , c&zb 4&H I or Dcuuoitn Pinna eeaBBBagaJS APPLIAMCE REPAIRS : Ph. 2-5665 UNmDMrAmco.wwaiSM.Uitm i Authorized Repair on All Usor Applianoee and All Smalt : ' Appliances Guaranteed Servioe Pickup and Delivery on 4 . Large Appliances Ivan Royta and Walt Claua, Outran ' 1 CONCRETE MIX-RITE - Ph. 4-1317 VIISKO SAND ft etUVIL At Whfetfeiie' Ferry Rt 1, Oervkb Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Oravel, Crushed Reck Prompt. Courteous Service Equlpmsnt Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3645 H0WSIR IROS 11IS S. 12 ST. ' Garden Tillers Power Mowers pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools Power and Rand Mower -- Sharpening Repairs on All Smsll Osi Engines FLOOR COVERINGS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HI0H ST. ; ; . Armstrong s Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets , Estimates Gladly Olvenl ' IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26033 STITTLIR SUPPLY CO 1110 UNA AVI Water Systems Deep Wall Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment - OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Aooountlng : Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OPPICI EQUIPMENT CO, 131 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN 1174 Edgewater St OR S-S7 ROAD .SF-J:,,,. ROAD OILING , TWEEOIE FUEL OILS . OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER 1 . PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repsuing 355 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commardal Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ws give Penny Ssver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.J-llI? 1)0 I lAertJ JtO (earl. ewirrevt iUt trter, Mtdkal Cess 34-HOUR SERVICE . Service tor Your Convenience. FREE Delivery DaQy 1:00 A. tl to 11:00 P.M. ISO 8. Liberty Store Open 11.00 to 1:00 P.M. and f.'OO Pit. is :0OPJt All Sundays snd Holidays .' Radio Repair MrrCHEU'Sedle - Motorola " Dealers Pick up TELEVISION Ph. VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 1J0S Fairgrounds Rd In Woodburn at 171 Orant SL DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR . HOlTMAlt . root cellar outside the walls about 1:45 Tuesday sivarw noon. Police received a tip at Baa , the clothing store that seial a) pair of trousers, a shirt astd a coat to Gibson that he had set! behind a denim outfit that eeavo talned serial numbers In si fit A check with - Gibson's prism number revealed that they were his and police were quickly dispatched te leek for him. He was wearing a aheepo akin coat bought from the store. a A detective spotted him gee Ing west en Chemeketa Street and walked up behind aba as a uniformed officer came around the corner oft Liberty street "GlbtonT" asked the officer, "Whadda you thlnkt" muW Verei the unhappy escapee. He was tauten te the eUtsM and turned ever ' te prlaem guards. - i aiuon was teat ub green Multnomah county eat twtt counts of assault and robbery. He had but 10 months to go oa his 10 years term but will new lose hit "good tune' and will also be faced with a court trial ot a charge el eecope. "Gea4 tVAe" is time a convict earM which is deducted froea his te ta! sentence. . t . The number of trailer parka in the United State is fate creasing at the rate ef about 1,000 a year. ' CARD OF THANES ' V I wish to express my sincere thanks to the many friends for their kindness, sympathy had beautiful floral offerings dur lna the Illness and death ef an . T . . . ' Dfiovea n us Dana. Mrs. Ben J. Rameeyer : - Uf a Paint Sprayers Air Ceaaa Ph.4-5751 - Ph. 3-5584 Ph.2-4151 24 KOUI jam Ph. 3-9123 Ph. 3-7577 Televltleii - . 1110 Stt . . for General Electrlf and Delivery