Par t THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saleta,. pregM Wednesday, December Z, 19JJ In The Valley IdHed ay aOU FOKBES Hubbard Turner Turner The play "Hying nigh" presented by the Turner Community Building organl. Mtioo cleared $208 10. The highlight of Saturday evening wu the crowning of tne king end queen. Janice Bldwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sldwell wts crown ed queen and Bradley Peter . ion wai crowned king. Helen Mitchell, daughter of Mr. end Mrt. Robert Mitchell and Billy Bones, ion of Mr. and Mrl. Letter Bonei, who were tecond in the contest were crowned ' prlnceti and prince. Mr i. Grace Johnton, who has been here directing the play, left Monday for Callfor nia to visit. While here ahe etayed at the home of Mr. end Mra. X. E. Ball. - Mri. Edith Manning, who li now managing Dlck'a Cafe, haa purchased the real estate building and will atart remod eling It and open her new res taurant about the flrit of the year, . Mr. aad Mri. Albert Bataa and family bought the Jamei Brent residence and moved last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Messer old the Grill to Mr. and Mri Claude Case Jr., of 6alem. Mr. and Mrt. E. E. Ball re ceived word from their ton and hit wife, Cpl. and Mrt, Edwin Ball, that ha it coach of the basketball team at Camp Drake in Japan and Mrs. Ball - it teaching GIi at the Educa tional Center there. ' At the regular meeting of Victoria chapter, Order of Eastern Star, Mrt. Scott An derson wat initiated and Mrt. George Cadmus, who was a member of St. Mary's chapter in Corvallls, transferred to Victoria chapter. At the next meeting, Deo. 9, will be the Christmas party and election of officers. Uuests at the home of Mr. and Mrt. William Kyte last week-end were Mr. and Mrt. Lamar Eggert, Ellen and Betty of Huston, British Columbia, and Mrs. Kyte't father, John Huntaburger of Sunburst, Mont. Thanksgiving waa observed with many family, dinners. Dinner guetta'of Mr. and Mrt. W. A. Rankin were Mr. and Mm. Howard Prohoska and Vicky and Mr. and Mm. Calvin Young, all of Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mitchell of Orayland, Wash., apent the day with the Robert Mlchellf. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Welt haar had at their dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wipper, Mr. 'and Mn. Ben Wipper and Don. The Perry Wolf family had aa their dinner guest, his moth er, Mrt. Grace Wolf, of Rath drum Idaho. ' Those having dinner away from home were Mr. and Mrs. Gene Poitras and family and Mr. end Mm. W. r. Hogted, who were in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peebles spent the day in Scappooae with their daughter and her family, Mr. and Mm. Melvin Shank. Mrs. J M. Bones spent the day with the Harlan Bonet family near Mt. Angel. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kinion, Dale, Neal, LaJano and B ren ds, drove to Newport. MM. Anna wniiehead wat guett of Mr. and Mm. Roy Van Ottlngham in Salem. Mn. Ruby Miller entertain' ed Sunday with a family din ner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rose and Sandra of Port land; Mr. and Mm. John Mc- Cellist, Salem; Sherman Mill er, Calvin, Jlmmie and Carol Ann. Herachel Brower will arrive this week-eed from Modesto, Calif., to take his parents, Mr, and Mm. George Brower, home with him for a visit. Mr, Brower, who has been seriously ill, it reported feel ing much better. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson, Mr. and Mm. Morris Peterson, Bradley and Mark, Mr. and Mra. Leslie Peterson, Steven end Barbara, apent Thanksgiv ing day at the home of Mr. and Mm. Keith Peterson in Dallas. pwwi a-aree Alan Land Jamea Mason "BOTANY BAY" In Technicolor Don Ameche "KING OVTHI il RACE TRACK" Turner The Methodist Woman'! Society of Christian Service will hold its annual 'Chicken Tamale dinner" and bazaar on Thursday, Dee. 1, in the Masonic hall. The serving will be from 8 to 8 p.m. The work committee will meet Wednesday at the home of the president, Mrs. Nora Robertson to make the tama- lea. Members of the kitchen committee are Mm. Estella Splva, Nora Robertson, Rose Kaeppell, Carl Ekstrand, Sel ma Hogsed, Wanda Versteeg and Francine Mickey. Bazaar committee members include Mm. Dorothy Pearson, Orace Prather, Gertrude Pear, ton, Ruth Andersen, Vlda Rus sell, Nora Robertson, Dora Peebles, Marylln Pearson and Wilms Andersen, The cashiers are Mrs. Grace Prather and Mr. and Mrs. J, O. Russell. The proceeds will go to the church building fund. 'Silverton snout a-ai STARTS TODAY! imsm luuuu 2nd BIG HIT! Leaded With Leught! ifarring JANE RUSSELL 6S04KHO KX FUNK SINATIA Silverton Reported from the Silverton hospital to their homes for complete convales cence are John Kaufman, sur gery patient for treatment for a crushed right knee sustained in a fall from scaffolding in building repair work, and Mrt. Joseph A. Luthro, polio victim for the past five weeks, being taken to her Trinity Lutheran parsonage home, Friday. Mrs. Luthro is not permitted visitors. Mrs. Hana Hagedorn under went major surgery for an in testinal ailnent several days ago at Silverton hospital, and ia reported to be making nor mal recovery. Volunteer firemen were call ed to the Orchard street home of the Stewart McClures, Sun day morning to stand by a chimney fire, with "no dam age" reported. Later in the day the volun teer worken were called to i assist in putting up street i greenery decorations In down town Silverton. Larry Carpenter is fire chief. JORDAN READY FOR TALKS Jerusalem ) Jordan i t ready for talks with Israel at mixed armistice commission level to seek ways of easing the tension along the Jordan-Israel demarcation line, a Jordan ministerial source said Hubbard Mrs. Henry John son wu elected noble grand of Tnaiia Kebekah lodge at a re cent meeting. She will succeed Mm. Lawaon Jay. installation of officeM will be la January. Other officeM elected were Mrs. J. C. Morrison as vice grand, Mra. Charles Vreden burg, recording seers tary; Mm. George Leffjer as tnasurer end Mm. Hannah Hunt aa financial secretary. Thirteen members visited the Woodbura lodge, ,Nov. 17. A Christmas party will be held by the members after the Dec. 22 meeting. Thanksgiving mas observed with reading of a poem by Mn. Ore Morns. Mm. Lavonne Bothum gave e brief resume of her recent trip to Kansas. Five dollaM wat voted ; out for I OOF home in Portland for Chrtatmaa. i The annual baiaar and din-1 ner netted $190 for the Ladiee'j Aid of the Hubbard ComantM nity church, as reported at in " Wednesday afternoon sneeun ' Devotions for the day were tug by Mrs. Hannah Hunt and Mrt. ' Russell Roilofsoa. j Mrt. John Morrison present-j ed a chapter from "Women of the Old Testament" The membcM voted to buy! T. B. sells and to help with the Christmas fund at Mac- Laren Boys' school. Hostesses for the day were Mrs. N. A. Mann, Mrs. A. L. Murphy and Mrs. E. T. Rose. The next meeting, December (, will be for all day and will be devoted t- cleaning. Second Lieutenant Bill Rose, of the U. S. Airforce, son of Mr, and Mm. E. T. Rose, is home on leave. He will report Dec. IS to Limestone airbase near Ban gor, Me. The John H. Strains and children and the John W Strawns and daughter were guests Thanksgiving day of Mrs. Anna Danskey in West Woodburn.. The John H. Strawns also were celebrating their 28th wedding anniver sary. The granddaughters of Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Mann, Judy and Joyanne spent the Thanks giving holiday week end with their other grandparents, Mr. and Mm. Chet Manning of Portland. 1 The Hubbard grade school Christmas program will be pre sented in the school gymnasium Tuesday evening, Dec. 22. Come to Worship" will in clude all students and the grade school band will also play. St. Nicholas is scheduled for an appearance with treats for the children. Mm. Kenneth Fox in Port land. Other guests were Mra. J. T. Fox, mother of Mr. Fos, whe bat Just returned from a trip east, and Mr. and Mra, AI via Farmer. Mra. Miller, Mm. Kenneth Fox, Mlae bene Fox and Mm. J. T. Fox were call-; en during the day on Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Simt of Wood burn who are at the home of Mr. and Mra. Neal Butterfleld in Portland,, both convalesc ing from illness. Mr. and Mm W. Karl Dun- ner returned Monday from e three-weeks trip of 4249 miles in their car, visiting Moberly, Mo., and Chicago. At Moberly they visited Mm Dunn's tit ter and family. Mr. and Mrt. Herbert Martin, and Mr. Dunns brother, Ernest L. Dunn, end ia Chicago, at the home of Mrt. Dunn's brother, Mr. and Mra. Fred Fleming. Monmouth Zena Woodburn Woodburn MaJ. Donald E. Jones has re-enlisted in the air force and with his wife and daughter left last week for Denver, Colo., where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Butter- field were dinner guests on Thanksgiving at the home of their son and family, Mr. and Mm. Neal Butterfieid In Portland. Mm. Lillle Moberg of Sa lem was house guest of Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Mrs. Fred J. Miller recently and attended the wedding of Miss Gertrude Wampole and How ard Lengele. Mrs. Moberg. Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Miller were guests of Mrs. Clarence C. Wampole at a coffee hour at the Wampole farm on Mon day, honoring Mrs. Moberg. Dr. H. G. Ross of Glendale. Calif., arrived Monday by plane to Join his wife in a visit at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Robert E. Van. Mrs. Ross has been here several weeks Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Miller of Woodburn were honored guests at a Thanksgiving din ner at the home of Mr. and DTARTg TODAY Open 1:45 THE CADDY" Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis C - Feature "GLORY BRIGADE" With Victor Mature Todoyfcgetf . - w Jtln, Today GImm FORD Gloria GRAHAM! 4 r we fa. W II r, SIL r i -e. JOCEWi BRANDO AJeawnoV Scourby WIU.ARD PARKER. BARBARA PAYTON k "THE GREAT JESSE JAMES RAID" Q M Spring Valley Hms Maaionary society will t entertained at the ennual Cfcrutmas party, for which aire. W. D. Crawford la host eat each year, Thursday, Dec. 3. at 1 p m. Dr. L. E. Barrick will show picture of his trip to the Holy Land and a gift ex change will be held. Week-ending at Neltcott were Mr. and Mm. Theodore Burnt of Zens end their friends, Mr. and Mm. Harry Phillips of Salem. Monmouth Mr. and Mrs. Lester Green and family re turned home Saturday even ing from a week trip to Fres no, C a 1 1 f, ' to visit Mm. ' Oreen's sister. Kenneth MeCrst, president of the Oregon Purebred I h e e p b r aeders association spoke et the recent regional livestock and meat conference held in Covallta. He ssld that a lamb marketed milk fat off grass early in tummsr ia moat profitable for western Oregon sheepmen and that sheep can best be used toutll- lie forage now going to waate. i The organisation of which McCrea it president will hold Its annual meeting in Salem, i Dec. 10. j William Jensen of Junction City visited Saturday , with his father, who it ill and con- i fined hit bed, at the home of Mm. Slebert Williamson, a titter of William Jensen. Persons uniting with the EUB church recently are Mr. j and Mra. Richard Bower. Mr. ! and Mm. E. B. Gobat. Mn. I Etthtr Kenthaw, Mn. Hilda Wirt and Mrt. William Crisp. i Shirley Speece. a aenlor et C a i c a d e College, Portland, spent the holiday week end ! with her grandmother, Mrt. I Susan Graxen. Her parents. the Rev. and Mrt. Virgil Speece, now in evangelistic work in South Dakota. I LEARN to DANCE! Special 2-for-l Rate Now Two People Can Learn for the Price of One Pre-Holiday Special - Save 50 by ENROLLING NOW! New yeu cen be the best dancer wherever ye m dancing this New YeoVg Eve! - - Learning te dance it as easy ai A-B-C the Jon-Mar ihort-eur merited to smooth dentine,. You Can Actually Go Dancing Alter Your Very First Lesson! All Types of Dancing Taught Lessons for as Little as 80c Per Hour POX TROT, WALTZ, SWING, RUMBA, SAMBA, TANGO, MAM BO, TWO-STEP, VAR SOUVIENNA, TAP, BALLET, TOE, ACROBATICS, BATON TWIRLING. JON MAR DANCE STUDIO 474 Ferry St. Phone 4-4962 Studio Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER Give ift that lasts lifetime! Give dancing lessons . . . your loved one will enjoy it the rest of hi life. We have Special Gift Courses. ALSO STUDIOS IN WOODBURN DALLAS MILL CITT JeseaeneeBgggfBBBBjj1jBjJ.ja1 Ym're ready for arrivals when you're stocked with the better beer buy! Be ready for unexpected guests with plenty of Blitz on hind... quarts in the refrigerator, Home Pale of 12 cans or stubbyt in reserve. For any occasion, Blia is the better buy... better for flavor, better for mildness, better for all 'round enjoyment. Better buy Blitz! Blitz Ulemhard .t Pine leer Since 1154 A Predvd of Oregon's Own and Only Brewery HIT! WIINHAI0 COMPANY, rOIUANP, OUOON tern TWO 8 R EAT TV Sim I rUR IUUK tHJUIEKRI efheWWrattftef KOIW-TT-WltSIISITS IfcM P.M. VHtWtUmi TV iWr" RPTV-Pr1deyi8(Mll.a