Pat 21 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sake. Oregoe Wadnaaday, December 1, 1953 DENNIS the MENACE ByKttchaml AUTOMOIILES AUTOMCIILES TODAY'S ADVERTISED SPECIAL 1951 RAMBLER STATION WAGON mir M.M ul ewe van, eanufal Mti cowers idta teiM, ejmrdrlve, as hm as am $1295 MA IT S3SCCMTC T. 72a4. 1 MARKET QUOTATIONS AUTOMOIILIS HOUSITRAIUM rvinni um chn. 4-llM .fur l:M B t WW UM CBITBOLR NUM. law. Fair MlU4. T.U iuwii Is put 1IBO. MM. 11W camia OKLt'XK. itv, m bm. TSU U IM Iralltt M UT1 M siting Jar, Mt II taAT. UUU LANE TUUn VL4S4 . IMS Unl.AM. UIM' IM nraocra Subiutoa, UM bum. ovsar rtMM ittm. - in to GQGV ev&m&i FOR SALI MISCELLANEOUS XMAS TREES. PHON1 1-41M QIB MODEL Bendli automat. Ml. Bieellent eondltloB. Baby buggy. Bard ly used- Pboat 4-llM. mill nlT POB BALI M trade 110 AC light plasty. heavy duty kuupff trailer bitch tor pickup or truck, lit Larry Ave. nnMl PC. WBOl'GBT IRON DUUttS, 30 Ml Woodry. 10 M. iummtr. aw CIID ELICTBJO wsmut ceblnst ui lag machine. Round bobbin. Oood MWlng eoodlttoa and guaranteed. Only MM. Stager Sewing Center. IM M. Commercial At. Ope Prtdsy evening. DIM INDEPENDKITT private detective. Civil, octal, domestic RtUMUK. rnone l-MTS Sslsm. 1H 1 WOODBT BUYS PlADM. Ph. 3-I110.O3I? AINOBB TBIAOLB sewing machine as low aa Bt.M. A-l condition. Singer MwlBff Center IM N. Cosmmerelel At. Oni' Priday evening. aSM BCAVTIPUKi Kasha spinet plan. A-l conditio. BM at 114 Su&nyrlew Art. B2M UrW f-WAT Floor tamps, . Woodry, iwi n. aummir, naoc Larro BalMtlOB ef Ussd Davsni Dsvenpeete-dlide-A-Beds-AU Ball Priced. 4-pc. Mnni Bat III H. Refrigerators 414.50 Oood coad. We ere overstocked oa food u wethers. Automatic Bad Wringers S4.ll. RCA Record Plover Can't ttU from rsw Bake Price 11.01. Wardrob 14.14. Plait or at Rockers Nice Mlactloa. USED MERCHANDISE MART rw a. Liberty pmo 4-an Across tht street from Armory Terms of course BMT si PUUTIC-EOTB reeulra bo wasin lor roar noon or Ueoleum. Teeter Ap pllaaeo Co, lit Chsmeksta AU Phooa ADDIMO MACBlNSt. Uaod band Aj oloe. trie. Clary MulUpUtr. 1ITI Pairtrouads Rd, S-I3TI. D3' U CD. IT. o. I. Commercial Rtlrlgcr- Btor. Deablo door. Ideal for larm. bono. TMtaarant or UvtrB. S years old. Oaly ll II. Ttator Appllanca Co 7I Cijemakeia At. Phono 1-4111. a1 CAH RBGUTERS. from 3o up. Qary MttlUaiur. UT PBlrtroaada Kd. l3ii. TALLMAN'S BIO Z1U PIANO SALE! Ill Soldi A Piano Per Xmu DELIVERY ParaeaU Berla Mtst Yearl BRAND NEW SPINETS, 393 UP Small Bfahotaay Aplatl Atudta Miua A) Bamlla Conoola Aplait Bacb Apinat Hellar Spinet IM fttw Mtbocany Afiaak ... Attlaway Coaiolo APlnet 1741 New Blond Aplntt 14t New HaUett At Davie Spinet 1711 New Limed Oak Bplnat .... HIT New Betiy Rou Bplnat .... 11,101 New Knaba Spinel , ifony otncri GRANDS, $427 UP Over 100 Piano Bargain. UPRIGHTS, $89 UP Eaay term W carry yoor contract. OPEN EVERY EVE. lit. IM TALLMAN PIANO STORES Ml EXCHANGI MISC. PERSONAL UCDRITI DBTECTIVB AQENCY Prlrato taveitltatlotu, bU typos. Pa cut Bids. Pbeao day ar allot 4-I7M. PIB AUTOMOBILES ll-PT. BOliB YBjiOAB 43M 00. Praa aia Whlto. EM AelUiattr. wawdMra. UXU LODER'S for VALUE 1951 Olds 88 .$1695 Auptr 4 dr. sedan. Ra dio, heater, lmmacuUl la Bad out. 1946 Olds 76 $395 Aoiaaetu. Radio, beater, hydratnatlc uetL coadl Uoa turnout, k 1950 Chev. Sdn. ..$1095 Delivery, eao owaor, Uko new. U.0N aetual attlos, at any BCeessorlat. 1948 Olds 7 Check this price i 1MT Pord 4-door Y-l SDPtt dOlOEt. Pert eel throughout, low mlleaie. All extras Including Columbia overdrive. Aavo 1100. Prloe only 4s. Owaor, 3411 Fisher ltd. Phone 1-1404. 0.M3 Ada. Dstuit, ra dio, beater, hrdramatte, spo lisbu, sua rlsor, t day spoctal. 1950 Olds Sdn, Radio, heatre. hydrama tie. Oood solid clean ear. .$ 495 .$ 995 FOB SALE or trad. U Aero-Acs 4-door dan, radl4, heater, overdrive, wnr.e side wall tiros, two-toue palot, 3.100 miles, new oar guar an U, J-U2T. 1117 Ruge. 1 1951 Olds 98 MECHANICS SPECIAL 41 Mercury 3 dr. R.N. A; O.D. needs work oa otwlns. Am aviil K. Winter AU alter t pas. 3l itu CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door sedan. Excellent condition. All litres, pnone 4I1QI evenings. 1M IP You ARE LOO kino lor a clean car that Is reasonably prtcod. try urn an. 1140 Pontlao, HydramaUe. radio and beater. WiU sell to beat oiler before December lit. Phone I-11M. 7 X I0UARE .$1795 4 dr. edn. One local owa or, low miiease. A-l eon diuoa tbruout. TERMS to ret tod pocxrrsooK LODER BROS. OLDSMOBILE PHONE S-TtTS OR 4-3341 4M CENTER AT, AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR a-A YIN a BADIATOB TEOUBLIf Valley Motor Co ex peru wm soive your pro- lenu BBS save yon aioney. rreo osii mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. 1 POOT trailer bouse. Aee after U a at. 1141 Osiord, across frosi Psului cannery. U3IS DIRECTORY ADDINO MACMINES All assies need macbiaea gold, rented. repair eo. bubb, sm coon. ra. -07?i, BL'IXDOAINO BuUdoeiag. roads, clear tag teeth. gU Buskey, mi Palntew, abase 1-314. O)04 COMMERCIAL YYPINO AIM direct mail sdvartUlas. BWAM. 13M UolSSle. IXCATATINO Bea ODeo i Boo, excavating and radlas. Land clearing. Pb- 3-30ae 02t4 INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, atom eaaa. Free estimates. T. Pullaiaa. Phone ISHS. 0314 MATTBESStl Capliol Beddlnt renovates. Pun line new matireeaea. Pb. 1-4041. OFFICE Ft EN m BE A Sl'PPUES uatra, ftlea, ining supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, dssk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, tsi court. SEPTIC TANES Mike's Aeptle Service. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter cleans eewers. dratas. Phone S-MSS. 0311' Bewer. aeptto tanks, drtlns cleaned. Roto-Rooter . Bowse Aervioa. Phone I-HI7. POBTLAMB PaWMHCS UST aartaaTwaaavo. amaiort to am- aiodlato abaae: Preailaai aaallty, saaxl- asuei M of eae per coal acMlly do Jverod LB PortUaJ as-fle ab.t tirst ual-l tty. II ate. odcoavd tuaUlp. as-vle. Valley roatos bb4 I seats teas. Baiter Wboieeala La a. Balk aabee to w betes a la, gr4ta AA. M searo. MSOei A ttada, n Btoto, mm B, IS seere. Mteot & si oeera to Abava gwavee sirktly aeealaaJ. Cbeeaa SVeUtM prlot to Portlaad Vbausaiera, Oregosi siagiea. 0J-Bfte; Orsteai lb. loaL U'-Sl'ea. Eggo to Wbelaoaairi candled ecca ooauialBB ae lees, oases iBcloded I.e.. ror llano: a graoe urge, ss-ooc grade aaedlaia, aVio4Wc; A trade esulL wi-wm; m area lerge, oeiiao PoettsM atoar SUtbm ttaiur rree to reiaiktrst orada AA print. Tlci A oartoa. 13 ; A Brtats, Ha; ear tea, im; pruts, ava. bsso aa aoeetaeera caaeuea i.e.a. Portland: Ungraded Urge, st-lie doe.; grade AA targe, loo dea.i A Ursa, tie doe,; AA aiedlttm tie doci A arade maoism. 41 its doo,( A rado asasil aeminsi, 10-lee. Ess to Beunera orado AA. taraa. a-3o. A Urgs 4o-4se AA d-s7e: A BsediBBi. BVei A small lac, Cartams I Mats addlttoBBL Cbaias Prioa a retsllera. Pofttead. Ores oo alagies. 4IS4-Mi lbs. laavw, tl-Unei uiplets. me less tha ia- gU. Premium Brands, singles. Ms lb. lot ginsl whoeU OS We. Processed Am erican cheese, I-IB. laavaa to retail, OVr 4io lb. PejNry live CbleOeai fNB i oisllty. tAt plaauit Fry axe, !- las 34-lie l 1-4 las.. 34 -tic; roajters, 44 lbs., and avtr IB-Ilei heavy aras, all weMhta, uUc: itg it bobs, ail weights. It-ilc, m roosters, 14-lse. Breseed CUefteso - No I dressed to retailer: Fryers, broilers, 40-4 is lb. roasters, au wis. 4l-43t. usbt aeos. M-tsct heavy bens, IJ-Jlc. cut-up fry ers. sU wis, I4-S7C ib.i whole drowns, so- t3C lb. Dreaaed York ere Te retell ere: A trade evUerated Lns. ST-sae lb.i ttUerated toms. '4-s4e lb.; according to weights; Tor dressed torn w-ue lb. new York dressed bene, eOe lb. Ta produe- Orado a young bens, too lb. I.e-b. farm; A torn. lie lb. BabMU Average ta growers; Live biles. 14-1 las., ll-llc: 4-4 lbst tl-SOc oM does, It-iio, lew hither Fresh dressed fryer to retailers. st-ITot aut so-esc. Ceeatr Killed Meals Yea Too aualltr. 10-lls Ib.i rough beavies, 30-lc. es-s Letns. blockers, ii-us ib.1 bows. light. SO-SOc. Lamae boil 13-lse la.: yesrllnta. M-tte la. Mattes Best. U-14B rull-utlllty. S-10C. Beef UUlity cows. M-14e lb.i canaer eqttera, 17-ltc; ebetls dowa to 13a. Proeh Pressed Meats Wholesalers to retsllera Dollars par Hall's 'Dying' Statement Conflicts with Shoulders' St Louli tu A "dying! decUratlon by kidnip-iUyer Carl AuiUn Hall told today how mora than $500,000 of tht GrMiUcaaa ranaom money dia appearcd between tha time be waa arretted ana tne tune ne was taken to police headquar-tera. The ttatement wai In direct conflict with Information given by former Police Lt. Lout, Shoulden and Patrolman El mer Dolan who made the ar- reit Authorltlea laid Hall'i ac count of hia arreit ahowed a "terrible retentment toward Shoulder." Hall made the atatement to sr.rtic TANKS u.m,r. MptK unka clc.ol. tin, Mrrtc Ou.rutMd rk Fkmi TYrEwaiTEai amltli. coroat. KamlatMa. Ror.L On. carwoetf Mrublu. AU m.ks um! michtot,. a ml Aora, court. I-71I. WINDOI C1IAN1NQ Acm, Wlodow Clcuiar Industrie floor VBIlBf, hOUMClMalH. ttM&t I-IIS1. 147 Court. LEGALS TRUCKS ltd XI INTERNATIONAL t-yard dump. gOOd CondlttOB. XdWtB ROBOT. St- S, Bom II, Be lo. HEAVY EQUIPMENT O.l CAT FOB HIRE. Phone 1-4444. Wtl llam Phiuipe. JJ&o Aorains qeaye- FINANCIAL sicrj DESTDUY3 M DESOTO SEDAN I14M Has hsd unusuauy flat eats eiesn aao depeodabU. M CHEV. PELAIR HC powertltde, radio, beater, one owaer. good lovklng and good condition. II Mercury convertible ..lift 41 Packard) sedan 41 Pont ia sedsB tl Chevrolet sedan Lid A-131 and M33l and ROY N. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13-W Dally KSLM Hit Ks. OENXRAL PINANCB CO. LOANS 111 As. Commercial 04. Tel. l-llll NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals for furnUhlnt terlal for two prefabricated Iteel build- lncs will be received at the office of the City Manager, CUy HeU, Salem, Ore eon, until 1:41 a.m. en Friday. De cember 11, 1M1, and will be publicly opened at 1:00 p.m. 00 the asms date by the city Manager at bis office. This project Includes the furnishing of all material above the foundations lor two prefabricated steel bulldlui includ ing sidewslls, roofs, partitions, windows, doors, etc. Plena. Spec If (cat lone and other does- menu reoulred for bidding may bo in spected at tba office of the City glneer. tl propoiiU muit be wpos molar blank forma furnished with the specifi cs t Ions. The right U reserved by tht City te reject any or all bids, ar to accept the proposal which, appeara most advaBtaf U ALFRED MTJNDT City Reoorder Doc. S. ItsI Beef. Sucre, choke. SOC-Ytt Be., JI- ood. Ill-w; oommerciai uti; ullUty, I3I-PI; commercial cows 133-31; utility. 131-10: csaner-ctttMrs. 110-11. Beef Cute Choice steer bind ejuart- era, 044-si: rounds, 1 41-41: mil loins, trimmed. 171-00; utaaglea. 130-sll lore- quarters, Hl-lli chucks, 11141; ribs. 053-10. Perk Cats Loins, enoiM. i-ix me., 4044; shoulders, 10 ibs J"-J; spare ribs, 410-M, fresh bams, 10-14 Ibs 444' Veal Bad Calvec Oood -choice, all weights. 120-30; commercials, 133-11. Choice-prime. 434-34; i 133-37. eked ama Skl&aed IHST, fined lard la drums 114-ll.Mi dab atkean. aat-71. Pert land MUeeltaSMaa t bmaw IV fibnvlM " lh. itxii.. Waoh.. oellow t5NOjV IN lOiANK . . .i . I C 1 IKK A. I.V -.t ousuiie v; au iiivii ui heavy snow fell on Spokane Pi m S. Hth, Seism til S. W. ttb. Portland 13-GAUGE MODEL tT Winchester. Excel condition. Phone 1-4430. nlU- FOB BALE OR TRADE tor earpenters. 1040 Bulck. 1034 Chev., daveno, lamp. chsir. Duo-therm oil stove. Phone 4-mi. nail' 14 CI BIC foot Despfreese. 1300. 1-7704. Phone BOSS DAVENO and' small dinette set Phone 3 sail. nzsi fJSF.D PIANOS. RebuUt and tuarsnteed for It pears. The lancet selection ta the N.W. Save at Tollmen' Big Xaes Sale. Tallmea PIodo Btorea, wo a 13 th. Salem. Ht REDUCED $3 per Day Until Sold eTARTiNo mica HO. M. IT! II Electric Thermadore Wall HeMer I.OM WATT Dec. 3. $47.10 Keith Brown Lumber Yd FrioM f-tlll Pwot Court Btrwl wi onn aaa oanii .tamp, a narn pukol a.i, mew .urt .t Hal Chom troia M miUrml rli Ri flnlohM. Doa'l mlu T.Um.n'1 Ell zmu .n. tiiibu iiih atom, m a. inn. aUa. ' SINGER PORTABLE MACHINES atfiur KoHiu !. twnn tm e-rukM im Mow artor Ml I nm4 f-t Uktrtl n mw ntht cmit nt u rat t llmltMl w win Inrlo ar rM.lw HI M lnt llkrorr tt O .BU, cMt. a.r K.,utk a Co. w If r.rilol. r-h. l-tlll. erl" Viugds better Uted Car mm sBotek Dealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commsrclal at Center Phone 3-3131 q3U CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 an FRED SCH0TT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS ADMINISTRATOR I FINAL NOTICE Notice Is hereby glvea that LaNoel B. Myers, aa edmiBlstrator of the eitate of Mary Maud Fisher, deceased, baa fllad Fir.! Account as such, end by order of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore- goa for the County of Msrloa, the 4th day of January, 1004, at l:lt o'clock la the forenoon of said day has been fixed as the time, sod the courtroom of said court has been fixed as the place for the bearing of objections to sold final : account and the settlement of estate. Dated and first published- not. 31, lftl LaNOEL E. MYERS Administrator of the Estate Mary Maud Fisher. Dscreaed RROTEN, RHOTEN A SFSERATRA 310 Pioneer Trust BuUdiag Salem. Oregon Attorneys for Administrator Nov. 31. DM. I, 0, 11. 13, 1091. WdwfteJ MISCELLANEOUS WOOBBT WANTS PlABOB. Phase B-SllOX PtTENIYTBS BEFINHBINQ, ehalr sesU rcane4. Very reasonable rates. Phone 4-IMS ! ELECTRIC i-iiia. BANOEsV Woodry s. SHORT ON CASH WANT TO CASH IN ON YOUR EQUITY? COME IN WE WILL TAKE YOUR CAR OFP YOUR BANDS PAY OFP YOUR EQUITY UNDER REASONABLE CONDITIONS 41 Dodge. RAH I 41 It s a nice, clesa car. U Pord Pnrdor. RH I 401 Just eoflipKtelr overhauled, with good poiat, Ures. M Merc. 4-Dt. sedan Ill RAH. l-tone ten end brown, spotless la and out. overdrive passing tear. tors sltnsls. oaly 13 000 miles. 1 owner. Drive like a new car. Yoa'U love Itl 10 Pord Deluxe 4 Dr. sedan t tot Sparkling let black. RAM. extra eteaa etc- A very atco carl 'H Chevrolet I Dr. sedsn 1100 Powerglide, excellent condiUos. really a Bice car. -41 Cher. I Dr. clesn asd after .1 lt 'IT Dodge 4 Door, very bko shspe, NAN. exceUest coaditles I 4ft '40 Pord 4 Door, RAH rvas atco I oil -41 Bulck Special. Take over law Fer ments snd it 'I yours) -40 Fir moo lb I door t tt 41 Cadillac "OT I in 41 Chevrolet PltttP. Extra teod I 004 CHEAP1EB as PlnaoutB 4 door, perfect etor and tires to Packard 4 door I T KANNIER'S USED ,'AAS R. J. 'Ktfltft H,af,14. Mrr. U. Hwt. AC IMM l-IMJ U -IHt tin LOANS I UP TO $1500 ob signature. Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL. It's "yes" promptly to employed men or women. S) 1-vtslt was,. . . pbo&e first Yoa select best payment data S Between payday loans Phone, write or come Is TODAYI Personal Finance Co. IK S HIOH ST. SALEM State License Nos. S-133. M-tlt Loans over 30t up te litoo and up to 10 months to repay made by Personal Ptnanos Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Aet of Oregon. rllO AEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS - BEAT OP' TERMS WE BUY Real attaU Mortgages A costracta State Finance Co. Ill SB. Hicb St. Ph. S-4111 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ao,rT w SOKMSIN Pot, ' 687 Court ,.. 4-2283 LODGE 4, AF & AM Wed., Dec. 2, Din ner, 8:30; Pal. Maiter'i Nignt and Stated Communication witn election, 7:30. 287 WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us AH trow of fwrMntl toon. Tonu u tult. M. nltwtli.ttoo eh.riw. All MUM, Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. MM,ratm4, M4 rnA Door t. bmii m r.rkUf lm c.u t-mi AUTO LOArta wnxAMrm rBinrr co. 1,3 aita Ch.rrh PuktB. ,-Pi.Btr Pt. 1141 IM. .. Bl-IM. a-iH HOUSE TRAILERS Bar TKAiLtn Kouni a.g Tr.4. Bank flnioc, RB LAMA TltAILZR FLAZA IM U. M lAlte 1 IM SOMkiC .IbimIiM WI. L Canby Man Named Cattleman of Year Prineville W) The Oregon Cattlemen', aaaociation Tuea day night named Everett Shib- Iey of Clackamas county the Oregon cattleman of the year. He received a trophy from Herman Oliver of John Day, firat president of the organize, tion. Trophiea also were pre. rented to regional winners: R. Breesc, Prineville; Herbert Chandler, Baker; Henry Ger bcr, Klamath Falls, and Gerry i Close, Grants Pass, I More than 100 cattle breed 1 era and Industry leaders at- ! tended the association's ban quet. I . SUSPEND 8ENTENCE Cairo. Egypt WI Egypt' revolutionary court sentenced ex-Prince Abbas Hallm, a sec. ond cousin of former King Farouk, to IS years Imprison, ment Wednesday and then suspended the sentence. He had been charged with treason and conspiracy with foreign powers to harm the state. Porilane AlAw fTteM M M1TM m B. l0.t. Citll. IM: Bi.rtrt Mtlrfc ataUr: fM4-chotc M atMr. Marc; IM4 114- IB. Tu,M.r U.M, f, bom 1.41,-l.lfl, IB BtMr, to4.r 17-11: catufitimr Utht twra le-lS: .tilltr BM4 lo. ceaBBMrrl.1 holl.r. 1,M'1IM; canflr-Btur am moatir 1-1, .tltli, CO I II.M'llHi eom mal !)!. atilltr Ball. 11-11 -n Calna M: BB.rkH atron, t. 1 M hub. r: BOM-CMtM a.ra U-ll: aa. ptln. rtiir tl: CMoVhotc alAMbbir Mini .rouo. ll-lt w .on,. Hoc. SO,: .rk,l Mtlra. Btrmc I. He hlih.r chca 1M-IU IB bvuram tarM Ir S4 n-M: fa aUS 1MB CIMtc. 1 hKMl B, I. Mil: Ml-n. a; cbem IM-M, pj. tri M M-I1M. int., IM: BsarBat lalr:r Bcllra. atM4r: aral lot, choioa .oo'm lamka with aoo-a btibi. ,rB4a 11-llBl: llttl. a.rlr BTIHMI St. Louis Police Chief Jeremiah O'Connell and Circuit Attorney Edward L. Dows on Monday, lust IS days before his schedul ed death In tha gas chamber at Jefferson city. - O'Connell and Dows said the statement was under intensive study and would be compared with accounts given by au out er witnesses of the arrest. Hall said he was the last per son to leave the hotel room where he was arrested. Two suitcases containing most of the $600,000 were not taken to the police station with him. be said. Shoulders and Dolan had said the suitcases were placed In the police ear for the drive auction Thursday. to the station. . Hall said Shoulder made little effort to find out lt ha was armed when he burst Into the kidnaper's hideaway apart ment here Oct. 6. He said Shoulders asked for his keys almost Immediately. then went to a closet and ap peared to be examining the suitcases. Dowd said Hall's statement was taken in the legal form of a dying declaration. Hall and his accomplice, Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady, are sche duled to die Dec. 18. Texas Girl Wins In Chicago Show Chicago (?) An 18-year-old farm girl whose father took a financial beating in the Texaa drought was the proud owner Wednesday of North America I finest steer. Miss Sue . White of Big Spring. Tex- won the honor Tuesday when her white-faced Hereford, Lone Star, waa ad Judged grand champion steer of the International Livestock ' Exposition. The victory already has net ted her $1,000 In cash from the American Hereford Assn. She has a chance of picking up sev eral thousand additional dol- ' lars when Lone Star is sold at County Road Parley Topic . Members of the County Court and County Engineer Hedda Swart will confer with resi dents of the Victor Point area Thursday afternoon in connec-j tion with the possibility of im proving County Road 70S for a distance of approximately two miles. The conference will be held at the scene of the propos ed Improvement. Both the County Court and Victor Point residents agree that the proposed Improvement would be beneficial to all con cerned. The matter of securing a bit of additional right of way to reduce the sharpness of a couple of right angle turns must be ironed out before theLrjes, Sunday afternoon follow- road will be improved, County Road 70S Intersects the Silverton-Stayton highway near the point where Market Road No. 22 comes in from the west. Market Road No. 22 Is an extension of State street. It has been pointed out that the two-mile improvement of the Victor Point road would provide an excellent route into Salem from residents of the Waldo Hills region. The section under consideration is quite heavily traveled, and currently is In none too good condition. Sue, crying with Joy when the decision waa announced. told newsmen she probably will be able to return to college next September. Sue will be shooting for tha exposition record of $11 pound when her 1,015 pound champion goes on auction. She bought the animal a little mora , than year ago for $189. , , Canby Farmer . Selling Milk Portland (AV-Ebner Deetz, Canby dairyman, has been sell ing gallon ugs of milk for 70 cents and he said Tuesday he will carry the fight to the su preme court If anyone tries to stop him. He is to appear In district court next week on a charge of Illegal sale of milk. State milk control authorities plan to seek an injunction against further rrake.Tow.rAt te-rj-jEss the age of 8 years, she moved with her parents to Oregon and Mid Willamette Obituaries Esther VonLehe Corvallls Esther vonLehe, a former resident of Corvallls, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Howard Jef- 1ns an extended illness, The daughter ox jaexson ana Alice White, she was born May nedluna. 11.10-1.21; Urge. OlsVl.40; Idaho rsiiovs, men, 11 JS-i.sei largs tl M-l.1l; white. Ol-I H. Petatees Or. Deschutes Russets we. l- 4 a ,0-J. II; i-io oa. u.70-i.n; io-is 01. U.TS-4; 15 -lb. sb. I0-Ibei 10-lb. IS-Uc; I 40-in. lo-uct wean, husssis. no. 100 lbs.. UJU.N; Idaho. 0-10 . IS 40-1 M; 100-lb. U. M 40-1 M. lie 11. A. Mo. 1 ereen alfalfa. do Uvered car lela I.B.B. Porllaad and Ao attle, io-io. Weel Oresse basis. Willamette Vet- ley soedlum, tl-lse 10. 1 Eastern Oregon fine and half-blood. :; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 4Joi li-mooth wool, 44-40. HeBair fo-eic . on ii-monm vrow- f.o.a. country shipping points. deeProducers paying price fob. Portland, calf sfcina, ll-llo lb accord ing to conditions green klpa. 11-W lb.: green cow bides, 1-le lb., according to weight and auallty; bull hides, l-tc lb.; glue bldei. M per cent below prices lor above clsless. Filberts Wholesale selling price i-e.a Oregon plants No. 1 Jumbo Barcslonas Sic; large livvs n.i meoiua c is.: ta growers f o b. plant; il lb. for Baree lonss. DuChlUys half cent leas. wataat Producer paying prices, too. plant: large Pr enqueues, ll-lsc lb.: May attaft. le lb.i seedllncs. 11-140 lb. Whole sale selling prices first ouellty large Prencuettes, e ta.; usnt naives. 70-lsc lb.i shefted light amber halves. 74-Tftc lb. Wednesday but rain began fall ing by mir4 -morning. STOCKS SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reperte of talem dealers lor the geioeaee ec vjepuei '' readers. fBevlsed dally.! Betel! Peed Prices. Bebbll Petleu 00-40 (bomb, mi, f4.lti-l.O0 (100-lb. bag). Esg Biaea Dairy Peed 4 14-1 (10-tB, bail; is so.s aa i loa wt.i. Poaltry Baying Prices Colored fryers. ; o4d roosters, 14c; colored iowi, ; Uttham fowl, lie: roasters. 31c. Berlag rrieee Efts, aa. sic: large . i.sse: medluia AA. 41c: medium 40-41c; small, SJS. aggs wnoieiaie prieea tenerally 4-1 eeau higher thta prices above; large grade A, gedsrally quoted at lie; mediums at lie Better. Betterfet Bel tertat Buying arlee: Premium. H 11 eeau; Be. 1. 01-00 ceau; Ma. a. Ida. PertUaS Orala Portiaod t4V-No coarse graias bid ar offered. Wheat bid te arrive merest, oasis no. 1 balk, delivered coast- Soft White eg eluding Rest 3 34'; White Club I.34S. Wednesday's car receipts: wneat i: barley It Hour t; corn li aaU 1; mill 1 U Cblcaco Oaleaa Chicago sjjo supplies moderate, de mand fair for Spanish and market firm to slightly stronger, lor other demsad slow, market dull. Track sales 0 Iba.i: TJ S I unless stated: Idaho Spanish J -loch and larger 1.40. 00 per cent U S. U 1-31. Street sales s0 Ibs.l: Spenlsb t-taeh and larger, Idaho and Oregon 14-1 10, Colorado I 10-1-40: Idaho and Oregon White Olobea 1-Inch and larger 1.14-1 4. Yellow O lobes medium. If if hlgan 1 00. 1 11. leva 1.10-1. II. Indiana 100-1. 10; wiseentta 1.00-114. Uliaou 11-100. M i-his so cartoas twelve )-pound cellos Cblceto Uvestorb Chwsso t Hog Jumped II renu an the liveiieck merhel Wednewlsr. aeilins at the beet price for DtremOer einfa 1141. Ib some ceess, aotsbly sows, galas rsn to 40 cents Host good and choice 100 to 100 pound botchers eotd at 131 40 U IIS H Steer i and heifers moved at needy to cents blsber prices. A lew prime leads browsht ISIftO to I31tl, but the bulk of tholes steer sold at Hi-fi to 131 74. Early or sistignier lamae sani around 40 coats oo too of Tueedaji e shsrp break Salebie rwftpts were esiimsteo et li.- 00 hots. 11,000 eetUe, 400 calvee and 400 sheep. Cbkar- Oreta Co ices e UPr Price ebangee were miiea ta graias bb the board of trade Wedaee- iy Wheat shewed esrly strength, el t hoes h easing o(f from best levels towsrd the fiatsn. cora mei tenuis prvseure sno wse caster throughout the seMion. Oau moved ahead while eerbeeas wre mlsed. show in relatively small asms cad tosses Lord fq teres spvried ta early declines, setting new eeasonal highs, but could oot bold their peak sina. Wheal glased btgber. Dog. 1014s; ear VS lower. Dec. ISOSe-H: oats H-bj btgher. Dec. rre t lower to 4 higher. Dec. 1 Sl-1 11f; old crop eoTbfani V-1M higher. Jan. I IIS S. new crop was up 4' cents, end lard 10 la n eeato A baadred poeaas big bee. Dee. 1110. iBy The Associated Press) Admlra' Corporalloa .. a. Allied Chemical A Ills Chsimers American Airlines Amertcsa Power I4gb American TeL ToL American Tobscoe Anaconda Oopper a Atchisor Rsuroad Bethlehem Steil Boeing Atrplalne Co Borg Warner Burrows Adding Meablnt California Packing Canadian PaclfM Caterpillar Tractor Celanate Corporation Chrysler CorporaUoA ClUes Service Coneolidsud Bnaoa Coaeolldstcd Vultea a Crown 2llerbacb . Curtlis Wright Dousias Aircraft Du Pont oe ifemoura Eastman Kodak Emereon Radio Oeneial Electric . Oenerel Poods Oensrai Motors Oeorsie Pse. Plywood Ooooysat Tire Homestsks Mining Co InUrnstlonal Harvester International Paper Johns wen vine Kaiser Aluminum Kennecott Copper ..... Llbbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewe Ineorporaled Lone Bell Montgomery Ward Nash Keivinato New York Central Northers Pacific Piclfle American Ptsb Pacific Oae a Electric Peelflc Tel A TeL Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C. Pennsylvania It B a Pepsi Cole CO. Philce Radio Radio Corporation Rsyonisr Zncorp. Rayooler fncerp. Pfd. Republic Steel Reynolds Metelo Richfield Oil Safewsy Si ores, Xna. ... - Scott Paper Co aeara Roebuck A Co. Socooy Vacuum OU ... Southern Pacific Standard Oil CaUt Mandard OU N J Stodebaker Corp Sitniiiin Mining Swift Do - Traneamertce Corp . Twentieth Century Pes - Unloa Oil Company Umoa Psctfis United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporetlon United States Plywood Unite Sums Steel Warner P.etures Westera Union TeL Wsstinrhftute Alt Brake ....... Weftlntnnuse Electric Weolwerth . T44 . 44 . US .114 . 44 . llVb HI . 11 . 4fl4 . . 14 . 13 . 23 . 41 . 30 . 03 . IS . 41. . 11 . 31 .1044 . 44 11 . 00 . 40 V . oo . 10 ,. 03 . 14 . 31 V .. 13 ,. 03 ., 34 ... S3 ... ... 11 ... M ... obV.) ... ... 11 ...111 ... 1 the family settled In Pleasant Valley. She was married to Artnur R. vonLehe in Hopewell. Ore gon, in 1019. For several years she taught music in Coos Bay high school and later at Ore son State Colleae. . Mrs. vonLehe sraauaiea from the University ot Ore- son where she became a mem ber ot Mu Vm Kpsiion, naiionai music honorary. Bhe was member ol the Presbyterian i church. - Survivors Include her hui- band, Arthur R. vonLehe, Sa lem, Oregon, two daughters, Mrs. Howard Je fir lei, Corval lls and Mrs. Dsvld Moir, Car acal, Veneiuela; two sisters. Mrs. Morris Goodrich, balem, Mrs. Roy Thornton, Billings, Mont., and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held -at the Mayflower Chapel on Wednesdsy afternoon at Z o'clock under the direction of the DeMoss-Durdan funeral home. Rev. Robert Bulkley will officiate. Interment will be in the Mt Union cemetery Omit flowers. milk control act Deets does not hold a licensA from the milk control board -and has refused to allow a san itary inspection. He contend! that If he permitted the in spection, he might become ft grade A producer and there fore subject to state regula tions. - - v Charles Donnelly Woodburn Charles Donelly, 64. a brother of the late Dr. K. S. Donnelly of Woodburn, died In Portlsnd hospital Monday. He was born at Friend, Alaika, in February. 1889. Surviving are a brother in the'eait and three nieces and three nephews of Woodburn, The rosary will be recited at 7 p.m.. Wednesdsy, Dec. 2, et St. Luke's Catholic - church, Woodburn. Funeral services will be at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Dec. 3, at the church with in terment to follow in St Luke's cemetery under direction of the Rlngo Funeral chapel. To Add Stomach say It with 1 f Mr-acting TUMS Don't 1st add laU g.itioaaw the beat ol jrou. Don't raffar needlessly with heartbaro aad pun i. Eat 1 or 2 Turn, for lop ip..d relief whenever distress ocean. Turns cannot ovenlkalise. Caa't cause add rebound. Require do water, oo mixing, no waiting. Get a haady roll of Turns carry la pocket or purse today! M H, a M I Z rf-T BP, BB I B Vjiui rot im iwamt , ii , i) . liv, . BOtk . u . 114 . . II . n . u . " . TIV, . n, . l . 41H . 11, . It . .101 . II1 . IIH . lilt ,. II1 .. II . II ,. 11 DEATHS AleJsadro Pen re Aleiandro Ponce, late resident af IM JeffersoB St.. Nov. 30. at the see of SI years. Survived by mother, Mrs. EluMrta Ponce, tuspsb, meiieo; aunt, airi. re llcltas Garcia, Salem; cousin. Mm- Otto Durant, Salem. Heel tattoo or the Rosary la the Howell -Ed waMi Che pel Friday. December I at I p.m. Reiuum mass at Vincent Do Paul church Asttirday, December I at 10 a m. Mrs. WI a If red Oeddee Irs. Winifred Oeddee. late reildeBt ot 041 McCllehrlil At., et a local hoipital. Dec. 1. Survived by nusbann. Kooeri uea des. and a cob, Allan Oeddee, both ef Salem; father. Roland Oatls, and a brother, Raymond Oatls. both oi Van couver, B.C. Private services will be held ib the Virgil T. oowea cnepei Tnursoay, Dec I at I M a at. Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes Away . . .T Kerting backache, lees ot pep aad eerp, lieavtsches and dlsalnese may be duo to lie. down of kiday function, uoctore say tooa kidney funetloa Is very important ta goe4 heahh. WhemarmweWHeemdiUoBiOocb as stress and at rain, causes thte in portent function to alow down, many folks suffer nan ring beekecho-feel mBerable. Minor bleep Or trritetlons doe to eold or wrong diet map Don't aecTeet vour kldners If these enndb tlons bother you. Try Doan'e PlHs-o mild db nretic It'a amaefnf hmv many times Doea'l give happy relief from these dteeoni forte -halp the II mike cd kMney tubes end Slten Busk oot wests. Asa for new. tern, o else and save sooaey. Get Doan'e Piles a t. eronfay iUgaodavt BtoA MaFfctvt mo vnrtt ijPi The stock market rushed ahead Wednesday IB ,a fnrwsrd movement that eueceoaec m overcom ins sU miner oheteclee The push carried prices wp ground 1 pomu at tha best. At the earns time, however, there were losses running to ground a point ta scattered sections. Volums eipaaded ae prices improved aad came to aa estimated 1 ooo.aoo harea Tfleaday'e total was l.aaaoM when the msrket closed slightly higher alter sec else meal at the stay. BBSS TJT etllll HI STMUCI UHllt at. iea. m a fc Our ynante ft BB SwerlSI sss-me - " WrtwerCeN THI DIAN CLINIC Ub?T am.'sVaaOPT, Waast ewd rVider. Creayfrt Stirwit. ...!( 4W TV. 9VS0 PvOtrteiafT IAMST OOUtCVAOB Teleese lAse 0011 Mrs. Reby VleM Berta Mrs. Ruby Violet Scree, at the reel denoe. 00) Judes At., Nov 30 Survived by buahsmi. Oesrgs Dsise, Aaiem: daush ter, Miss Dorothss Sena. Portland, par ents, lev and Mrs. Clarence Vohlend. Salem; Isters,- Mrs. John Suhnp, Coos Bey. Mrs. Clsra DUnrnnd, Ssiem. Mrs. Vernon Beeemer. Klngftca. N Y. and Mtss Joyce Ana Vohlend. Salem, broth ers. Clifford O Vohlend, Oervau. Burg ess V Vohlend end Ross J V or. land, both of Sslem. Services Thersday. Dee. I, at 7 10 pm. hi Claucb-Ssmck Chspel with latermeBt at Sekrest MentortsI Psrk. Dr. . L Lam. I D Dr. O. Cbaa. I-O. TJRH. tBAN sni LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, Ml Nartli Ubstty Office, epsa Saturday only. 10 a va. ta 1 B-m.t S o 1 p.m. OocubIUUob, blood pretsure and urine teats ara free af charge. Practtred alnco HIT. Write far Bttraottea gut. No ebU- CSllOB. El WANT WALNUT MEATS Highest Cash Prices Willamette Nut Shellers (Miatil Must