Waa day, ecmbr 2, 195S THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salt-. Ortfow Pm 20 FOR SALI HOUSES Low Down Payment 1 a. a. aiodtn ba. nr. Movrn ar. Laria IW 1HU Prtea. blab, .llaf. West Salem Home Tama aa thla I a. IL t law IUW laa at. B. Isherwood, Realtor UK WaUan M. fa. -ua aJU Only $800 Down for thla S bedroom DREAM HOME! tha famous Lockwood Homt that haa all of Salem ffaspinf with ad miration. . IT Bo.. Ft I ttodrtamt tarta Ulnt room and tUnlnt area VIM kit picture wiadew BceatlfkUlr Saclfned liunii wit suturei airea ceoiaaie Bt shower tad tub ft. ward robe closets Ml all Mrowtf I4 wood floort Thermo-controlled all r iu furnace IMUIU4 MM wetua- r etrippad Lane ttorate rem Your chain of tatorler and totorlor eelore Mo Sow pannes! If paw ow let Appna. 4to.0t per am itto tBf UUTMl, IUN, IWUIUC Oa. A'-L Trl9 WOJfDB3IFl feeicree Xr only MMM ORDERS AR WOW SKJNQ TAKEN, SO SX TH MODEL HOME TODATf JHON 3-0411 t.ii;nut4' jy'JJi rtWTWfT'r ! tl Cioiri LOT sr. Dlekaaa'a Hal. 1MMI -aaptl task alaf. P.. it Oood B?Isherwood, Realtor UK WalUM M. Th. JJJ,. KAMI toub dowa parraaot. lraad aaw. Tw. MMH Irulda millu. Lota at atarata apaaa. T.HA. buill. Paona t-oau. "W KLUMPP'S , SUBURBAN Thti ff bedroom hemt with llT.ni room, dinlnt room and aw kitchen. Insulated overhead. One block to transportation school bug. Oil elr tulater ruv Include-. Hie 9ttad let 100x104 Wit ' weli. "too 'W0 Terms. $500, DN. alahaa uira. HarawM. noon, all heal an ruulated ataihaaa. CUT watar atw. Clou la km Tola! prica , G.L OR F.H.A. Juil liala. thla toal 1 baftaaai noma with HTlnk room Wlia nrapiaca, .nn4 tiMri klteh.. with atalnk ar.a. alia brnk'aal k.r. Oood alaM kalb with tollol aaow.r. Ia.ul.t weathcratrlpM. ralr aarawooo hoot. all luroaea. Paacad back rard with lawn a flora. Total prica aa aw. ' L. t- KLOtm. MALTOR Ml rarlluX M. ra. -1ta Ira. I-1IM ar MUa all? aiaaaaaaaa'aaaa'aaaaa FOR SALE LOTS lt1 V1IW lot. Parad itraak Baa Una. Tarma. Phona t-llta. aa REAL ESTATE SOUTH a HbDP.OOtf ECONOMY BUT. Thla pood bone la la A-l conditio laalde and ut. riaatarea and baa laria Llt-DR Comb. Larta Klttben with braaktaal paca. Hie Bath, Larta Utility Room Plantr of Btorata apaca. 1 Badroon Dowa, S ap. Mlcalr fencod bark yard with outdoor firaplaca. Bandy le achooL eltr baa. ea paTtd at. City VaWr, I mm ad. Pwaaeulon. Tbla la a rrai bur for into and what a low DOWN PATMFNT. Call today. NORTH 4 BLOC KB TO HIOHLAND BrhOOl. A rttl aire I BR Hoana with Hd. rut. Xntulated. Wtathtrairlppad, Venetian Bltnda. On Fvd. at., a real nanny lo- talloa. Onlr 17710. THE EASIEST OF EASY TERalB. a BLOCKS TO ST VINCENT SCHL. Dandr 1 BR, A nice Family Homt In A-l Location. Ton can't beat thli fr en IT I87M. THIS IS ANOTHER EASY term deal. Trades If A CRM FARM 1 nllaa Eait oa Blata St. Stock. Poultry and Equipment all toes for 111,000, What Hava YoaT SIlfllNKSS Complatrly Equipped Oaraaa. Malar Ca. oaa BmlntM. AAA Fran' ehued. Lane Wall Arraniad Bulldlni tt Huh way PTontaae. A-l Location In Oood Town North of Sal tin. Home, Butlneoa, Bldf.. Stack and Equipment, a tolnt eoncara all for Wl.Oot. What Have Your SUMMERS. RTALTOR 1T3I State St Ph 2-400 till1 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE 5 ACRES Cleat to laonttor. 3 bdrma. Lane llv rm. and din. rm. comb. Lane kit at ret ell tillable. Willamette all! aoU. Tma ta s rati bur at (eeo(. 2 HOUSES ON 1 LOT Beat buy In Salem. One 3 bdrm. with very lent llv. rm. and a one bdrm. reeled for the laat three reara to aame party St (to per mo. Onlr I'Tto tor both. SUBURBAN HOME Thla hwelp I bdrm. borne hat com fortable llv. rm. WUh firaplaca Cute dinlnt alcovt. Larva kit. with world, of bulltlna with eetlnf apace Ati tar. Lent lot Price tttet r veutd trade for Feriland home. Roy Todd, Realtor 111! Stata at. OIIU phoaa: 1 ttai l.RliKa aaU' Vaadtrvart I-I3II: aimpawi Wit; Hum cm Will TAR! laria traim horn, far .u:tT la aaodara UirM bMlrooai bom. I-I1J. caat" rii.DING asaaa with lt.tBd auart.ri. Hutt.bl. for w.r.hoiiM tt aau ah.p. Conrr.la novr. K.Uar DUL Phon. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 tt.ttMHED AbVIRTHINQ Per Word, S limn 14c Per Word 4e Per tterd, I Umea lte Per Ward. I month tat No Rer ejt.de Mia laaom Werda BE 4 PER W la Local Newt Ce'etaa Only, Pet Ward la Ts Plsrs Ad In Same nay's facer. Thsns 1-24043 Bsf OfS It (VBS. REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S CHOICE LISTINGS STARTER HOUSE urt litlM ib Utt mv vtnr til IttM (UC U UU IM 4VB i tm4 H. Uria tlvlu m . car part. daraaa altatL Lot IMiM. Th aurt mm aaat la aaa tWtv ONL.T bm oa W ar BMata. Talai ? ) POOR MAN art la ttul far f a-XH U b4 Mart Tur aaviau Mfnt ! tbia 3 a. aatB. Oaiajja. Onljr' M a4 micaa at MH. NEW A DIFFERENT TtiU is a bar ta but Udiuu. Knat- tr Pisa fraaL I badraetm, lattlr Hvlai rm. 4ialAa raa bath. ta !( kttcbta. news. nra-. naau&f ariw-i baaalUal alaatar lab. La4 aOHM. AM to h aa yaur favtly arava. Talai fefiaa faaM, oattr au aa. DON'T LOOK FURTHER Thla bana la ana la aa baaauaa f tarau location. Total artaa ta Ml- itoa.-iioa aowa. Haa ai Man la alaaiaf lot oa baautlful ralntwuat Mia- S Mrsu . Bata, iana ii'iu im., alUltr rm. Waona ataril Hara It U $5950 SURPRISE Ttila la aa aiaaaJon biil far tha vrka al lftM ou abaald raaJlf lint thla baasa. S bdrmJ, brand aa bath roa . larta handf kiubaa. atlLty rat. Oaraia. Eli daav lot- Tbll la a f oo4 for bona ar rant at PTaaant taa- aal will alar a arva ani far ar aaoslb U von daaira (or tbaai to ONE TO REMEMBER This hoana far m$ affara aiart aar dollar lhaa aar Ma will aaa Whara aaa m Had ka lata far th rrieaf t larva battrooau oa mai floor, ait tinier rm liviat na.. BkOdara kltabaa, vary larva baaat wlib all fsraaoa. Located la buaiaaaa ana. Lai 41ill. Oaraia. Tat. tbla taomt duat aaad ailBer rapalra. blaka IdaaJ raotal moptrtr. Immadiata poa- aaaalOTL Tarau. ONLY ONE CHANCE Ta a Ulloa to rick ap a daal Ilka thla. Tat, It It true aa hara to aU thla BTopartr iBunadiatalr. Nnr wara botM buiidint aii. oa tot WiiM. Ideal locatloa oa Charrr Ate. Aaklnt I69M. But frff Let ut kne your beat after, 4 RENTAL UNITS a apartawat rentela pint aaiall baa. rental. Oa lot Mi lit. PI tot 7 of fur atahiavt. laaoma aa follow.: API Me, I 143 par month. Apt. Ho. I m.U par montb. Apt. No. I par montb. Bant houat 4 110.00 per month. Owner part for water, (areata let hot water for apit. 1 b I. ThU la a bargala for TU0. Tama OltM down. Located la food laeatlra at Dallaa. - MARK THIS DOWN furht bow Wv cava lane bualswa let WiiM )uu I blocka from city tatter. Plot lartt home with I bdrma. flrtplaca, llTlnt tu, dlalnt rm, Bke klUban. S bo t broom l. upetairi fur Blahed pat. wit at par a ta euUlde aa trance. Burnt with ell furnaca. Pu tura bualnaaa potaatlal aiOTlnf In feat Onlr raaaea far aalllav barauia of bankrapter forecloavira. Onlr llS.ooo for thla dealrablt property. RtaaoDable THINK OF IT Well locatad home oa lovely lot treat, outdoor fireplace. Tha home la attractive, tlaan m about yr aid. 1 laraa bedroomi with lola of atorace apace, lane Ulu dla. rmt comb, with firaplaca. la tint arte tn kitchen acparete utility room. breeetwer, oil beat. ncw lira, ta Tata. Oood terme. IMat 111,100. (Eve. pbonaa on the above 41414, hits ar stau aia - FARMS & ACREAGES 73 ACRES Oa hlthwap near ahaw. It A. ta paetuye, bai cult, lot. of fruit. bdrn. home, barn, tractor and toola. Prtrid al 114.000. Termi. See T T. AnderaoB for a farm. (Ira. ptt. 43714 235 ACRES Orade "A'v Dalrr. SO atanchloni. KllklBt Parlor, lane barn. I siloi. larta older 4 bdrm home, flieplaret. SI bead milk eowa, 31 head com mi S ire eld he if ere. Cattle are nearly all mutcred Hoixelna. lrrliatlof ara tern, all equipment and feed. See T T. Anderson lor a farm. Eva. ph. 43714. CHEAP 5 ACRES Dandr butldlni location on hithwey. Onlr 43 750. 'Sea T. T. Anderioa tvt. ph. 4-2714 Bin.) Eve a pha. 00 home JS11I, 444(4 or 3-1(31. Eve. ph. on tarnu 41714. kPgr,ywffVTH mi HIGHWAY AND RIVER FRONTAGE 31 acret wall locatad on hlahwar. Oood 1-room home, J -car caraie Approtl matety 30 acrct river bottom land 41i"M) atore bulldlnc la eood condition, flatutea. Idal apot to develop trailer park. Owner want, to take In Salem property. A wonderful opportunity for the man that la looklnt toward the future HOME IN THE COUNTRY 30 arret located approximately II ml lea Eaat Lane 3-bectroom home that la la very eood condition, naraie and work hop. Lane chicken home, barn Approximately K arret In cultivation. balance In pattura with year around water. School bue. milk route, and mall pait door. Price 110. BOO. Term.. CALL O. V. HUME or STANLEY BROWN WITH STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 147 S. Hith St Ph. 3 4131 Evaa 3 -not or 3-i CJI7- Wanted a tood homo up to 134,000 in trade for o tourlal court or a tood piece ef Interne propertv n Pnrtisnd read. Court haa eood I-bedroom home With basement ( units all en tood corner lot Income property hat taraee bultdlnc, aloe frlpiei. duplet. ati1 ent-bedroom cottate. Room for expan sion. Wanted a 3-bedroom heme In town tt 113.000 la trade for lovely 3 Ocdrocm home ouislde of city touth Rrautiful llvlnt room with fireplace. Eitra lane wardrobe cloaett. Lane eii-landscaped lot with vartety of fratt ev ciuded, tjatet aeiahborbood. ('.( 40t with I SOOt ttultr tor trad ins. Wanted a am all houaa thai tB over crowded la trade for a lane S-oodroom heme with double t trace. Not lutt an ordinary ) bed room home bul an out rendin, aB sutlactlve home witn stria ta meet the' meet disc rtmiaeuas of tastes. The moat beaut ttul hard wood floora ica will ever see. Plenty of apace for outdoor Uvtat. 301 South Rith Phoat S-HOI Salesman's Fhont: S rea in a and auodaye 4-1111, I-IOS 4-1)44 4 41 IB, 1-3344, 3 -44 HEAL ISTATI KIAL ESTATI THREE BEDROOM l2 ACRE $8,500.00 Terr atce thrtt bodrwoai. claat is euburaaa bona oa l4 acre. BBcaHaal aoU, deep weU vita lott of water. awrtbt, frail eraee. Una li'iAt room, ttua lane ktUbaa and dlaiav roota. three tood bed- rooava. atuias boeauaa of 1U feoaiikv Baap urna. Ceil Uve avawiiaa. BARGAIN TIME IS HERE! TTilt It bat ban a la raw bavt beta waittat for. Meataeet It a br ward la tate lane too bedroaea borne. Bit Uvtat room, awt oUaint roota. well trranted klUhea. lou of built int. Overelae (true, la re a let, I rean aid. Yea will be wiao to tot tbit oat at only at m at. Call Jut Bovalma. TWO BEDROOM DOUBLE GARAGE Lortlf two bodraoBl with double terete leeeted 0 ti am. Uakt offer oa dowa ptrmeat- Putt ffk vaup tw.ta. Call Chat BavUaa for appoistveaai to v , TRADE THREE BEDROOM FOR TWO BEDROOM Tea. Terr Blot three bedreon ts Belter OB sppretlmatelr sere. Would take two bodroen la bade up to S Of Ihcaaand la city, ruil pruo aalr IKOt ta. call Cbet Jiawilss far appoiaineot to tot, PROPER LOCATION'! ' Tt location a neat with rout Then doa'l aiUt thla fine two bedroon bona. II bat all the retnlnneatt tor fine llvtnr. aucb aa lane bodroona, full a Had dinlnt mom, a Uvtat room that will aa commodate your trend piano, forced air oil heat, all redecorated, ir roa wast a flat locatloa drive by KTi Norway then call at. Fred Kawliaa. NICE LOCATION NORTH Thla sew borne hat 11(3 at- feet floor apace. Two lane bedraoau, llvlnt room 14 s It with beautifully dealt nod fireplace, aiaint reoa kitchea tbtt't tot la a Bullion, larta ttiutr, double terete. Immadiata poeteealoa. For appointment to tea tall Dale jurbtus. li2 ACRES NORTHEAST Oood butMlnt lot ta oiled rood direwar oa lot tonpltted. ten Is alta feacuo (rate and tloTtr. Lot It fenced with 33" woven wire tad I barbed wire. Permanent power oa lot lit and 230. Ceil Dale Rtrburs for appointment to tee. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) MM X. Capitol auaal OUtta raaaai J-aMa art-1711 Krinlaii prioaa Tlkaatu l-TUI Chat l Jim I IJ7I Dala Karbura 1-90U Mui.inlaain7 ,TaV BE IN TOUR NEW HOME FOR XMAR Exceptional hone, central hallway, all automatic atrtam line kitchen with appUancea, rwjwd. fir, fireplace, 3 bdrma.. plenty of atorate and cloaet apace, 100x100 ft. lot. treeji. paved alreeta. But br door Reduced to (13.000. CALL ROY a. FERRIS. TOUR DREAM HOME On Candalaria AJmoit completed, t bdrma., day lie ht baamt. with flnUhed playroom, 3 full bathe, llr. rm.. din. rm , birch kitchen nook. Mahoeany trim throuthout, lea. covered front porch It a. covered patio. Dbm, strata. CAL4V J. B, LAW. HOME VALU11 Thla tttrtctlvt homo and half-acre lot U located north on River Road. 3 Bice bdrma.. llv. rm. with fireplace, dla. rm.. kitchen. Lte. unfinished upitaln. Full baamt. Frlca (11.000. Term. CALL ft. K. LAYMON. 3490 SOUTH COMMERCIAL BTREET C 3 Bul!nr Dlitriet (1H00 ft. lot, tood 4 bdrm. home, apaca for bualneu bldt. in front with parklnt on aide. Offered at price of (13,300. Thla it a eplendld value. CALL C. L. ORABENHORST. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS lit . LIMrt. at. I.KT1 Braalnit and Sundara aall aalaamaa Mar a r.rrli lull . l. I. ui l-llll . . K. Urmoa J For Your Insuranct Needi Call W. H. (Bill) Johnaton 2-2471 or 3-3363 REAL ESTATE (150 DOWN Burt aa add-on home and H acre.. Plumblnt all In. wired for alec, ranee. Haa own well and pump. Oood loca tion, cloie lo Lancsettr and Silverton Road. Balance like rent. KEIZCR ACREAGE Li tile over acre of excellent toll with deep well. Extra tood 3 -bed room plat tared borne, only 4 yean. One bedroom ta unu.ua.: lone. Beautiful kitchen with lou of built-lna. Only (1.730, terms to meet your needt. PER !btO. Yet, that'a ruiit. You can live with in 3 block of State Office BulVdinta and have a reallv comfortable home. Ideal for workini couple. Rent from 2 apartment brlntt In tlH per mo., you pav (34 more and be burlnt the prop erty. Down payment only (l.OQO.OO. 301 South Htah Street Phone 3-3203 Phone Evenlnn Ar rVmdar: 4-1471, 3-3UI, 4-1MI. 4 Mil. 3-33(4 NELSON OL'R WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE W sat-. in ton School T11. Contpnirnily arrsnied 3 bdrm. home. aiipx 4 vr old ell tnnul, plastered inienor. luins rm 11x14. lot 43 110. sar. Cose to bj A Khool. This home tsn be handled on Ol Inan. Price ;a0 Wi.l trde lor 3 bdrm home. I'tli Ktra. Wivi '.rn TRADE t Bdrm for 3 Bdrm or More My client ha a verr livable 3 bdrm home on 74x143 lot, pvd at, near new Brrs'l store In Kirer. Pami.jr ha outarowa home Price 14450. What have roa to trader call Al Watt. ;n4. TRADE I Bedroom Near Hun Srtioel Do you have a fmi;y This la tt1 Complete wiiri lane part room and fireplace Ideal for TV. 3 hetha, 3 laa bedrooms, p.aair of storage apace, full basement, hot waier radiant heat Price (33.000. TRADE Suburban Home With Tjp:tl Au receive Cane Cod 1 bdrm home ilit S ac land, tood location, ekMe tc store as k ta. Two rental unita for eiirtd income Owner will accept a toooo home IB trade Price reduced to I4.7M. Call Mr. Schmidt Nelson & Nelson SPSTIALIZINO REA I TORS 103 N Ha. h Ph. 3-laM cur $4,950 TMs tma:ier )-bedroen heme ta oa a 40K124 )ou Pic cerate. Paved street On.r ii.ftoo dowa rurni had (. 10s. La 1 for cash Home and 1 Acre Beatdee 3 bedroom dewa. there's aa inflmahed upstarra. Oar ace. Pralt and nuta. C om to boa. Price 14(00. Term. RAMSEY. REALTOR 10M Kortb rrajm.rclal Ol:Ka . Oil Cva. Al B.Ml.r I.TIM I'M. Jut ftaauap 4-1H I REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES LARGE LATE MODEL Trailer will be accepted ta part pay ment oa this home. Ht really forth the money. Automatic oil heat Ia oulated. Birch kitchen. Only 1 yr. old. Pu' price INI.. (Call for MR. CRAW FORD, tve. ph. 4-3020 dm.) See This Spotless Home Ano we mean lutt mat. ou heat. Lonlv lawn. Owner leavtnt and will sell furniture very reasonably. Pint location. 2 biks. to bus and school. Fu'l price 111 to. Terms. (Call for MR. OFtlMMETT, eve. ph. 3-1479 Sim I DON'T MISS THIS 3 bedroom home with a full base ment in En i !e wood DHL 3 car earase. ' Saadual furnace. Pvd- driveway. Ex-, tr play room for children. Fireplace. 1 LoU of shrubs end lent back rard that la fenced Juit think tha price 1 only 110 500. NEEDS PAINT That'a a;i to rcall matte It a home Juat outside city. OU hen. Onlr 4 yr old Real nice lot with several lartt walnut tree. Oil heat. AU larase Sept, utility room. Insulated. Full price onlr 17600. BEFORE YOU BUY let us show you thli suburban dandr. Sep utility room. 3 bedrooms. and sen sal. 100 bv loo lot Well de veloped area. Full price on.r (T2Q0. You'd Be Proud to Own1 i This lotfly court, t indHidusl home en one let. Very modern 1 saraee). un. e yr. oa. i ne (oration it ei re.lent for School, bu. and store Partially furntahed. Heal nice yard. Income (300 per mo. Full price 13Q OAO Liberty terms. (Call for N S "DAN" 1SAAK. tve. ph. 4-li31 Bin,; BUSINESS BLDG. Almost atw. The Interior has been completely renovated Very sound ten ant. New tile on floor. Corner kL , Oca of Salem's bu sines t au. Pull price 124. toO. iCBll tor N. O, "DAN" I9AAK. ee. ph. 4-31 Sim REAL HOT DUPLEX Income III per me. Modern. Par tially furntahed. Tenar.ta par all util ities. DcAirable location for schools, bus and store. Sep utility room. Term if desired. Bariam price only tano. 'Call for n. o dax isaak. eve ph 4-333 fl m 99E NORTH 5 ACRES i Brand tpankln' new modem 3 bed room ranch home Hardwood floor. In.ide utility. 2 car gatue. Excellent ell. Pressure aralem Will, aa.lt, aoiL Itime caasarita and pie cherries Balance wheat. A 1 this for 110 400 or you can have it acre for tis.Mo. tCsll for MR. CRAWPORD. tC. ph 4-MWl Aim ' SPACIOUS ROOMY 4 bedroom home luil out.tde eltr. Pull baaement. Oil furnace. Small barn. 3 chicken houaes (taraee. Fam ily fruit and nut. Outaide f 'replace A very cosy country pome for only (ttto ' CaU for MR. LXAEX8, etc. r acre'bldg. site Outside city. A tood well wild elec tric pump. Initailed. Oood toll- FuU pricB only (3000 (Call tor MR. LXAV ENS, eve. ph. 3-4734 arm t PHA CONVENTIONAL MTOS . TO Year FEDERAm Ol 4TOa 34 Yttrt UCVN8EO ALSO D WABH XDABO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off Phone 4-3111 ar )-TI2( Bva. I-1' 4 1133. 4-1414, -rT4, 4.407 If so saawor call 4-33TS WANTED REAL ESTATE MOTICIi If your aropenr ta fat tala. raol or tirhaDte, tut u with at. We baa all kiada of ca.b burera. oTTATB flNANCa CO. BKALTOJl Ml Hub at. ea FOB TBAOE. Vb acre, for dowa pav aioat oa beano. PTtoat 4ia. ca34w LOTf NOT Uvu'tbu tt foot wvdlk with water. Reaaeoaoiy prieet. i-ttor. Alter lie, 3-0411. taltt WE ABE la Bead of tood beu.ee tt tell, la or near Salem. U roa wit to UM reur property for aalt. tee ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1M a Ubertr Pb. 3-34T1 ta EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE ABDWABS-Pt'ENlTURE atore. Trade for bona. Manna Hardware. Deleke. Orecon. c2t3 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB LEASE, major ell company terv.ee atone. blabiUbed bumtat, toot talionatt. eaii 44t, on a. I HIT APT. houaa la Medford. 13.000. (l(t. ma. Income. ConaMar Salem ret. I Uavoe. ror oetaiia write a, n. w beaker, 333 WUlametto Ave, Medford. ed3H IN COM E PROPERTI ES SEE V1CS STATION and fuel oil buaineaa. Oood location. Phono Albany 14W or 13343k. UK Calaaoota St, Albaay. Ore ton, cntt FURNITURE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL mahotrar tplnet plana. tood aa atw. A banal lor caan. 1400 . Cotteet. dl WANTED FURNITURE S5 8P cm AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road.. Ph. 3-6098. 287' LIVESTOCK AUCTION THURS., DEC. 3RD, 10 A.M. uim. furottara. ..f.tablaa. app'.M. potatoaa. 1 PU. LTVBTOCF. Chlekena rabblti. aalvca v.al. .an.r Al XeMler pi... b.tf.r milk ii b..r aowa, bulla, at..ra. ahMp a, aoata. Comal A kood aala ta bur or MIL Lane Sudtell's AUCTION SALES YD. 1111 aiLarua Kd. Ph. l-ntl dfl3.7- FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Win Every Week! (1.00 on t oceaalnt of Hoc or Beef, Hoc killed Hon-, Tuej. Beef anytime, K llll nr. cultlnc, wrapplni, curlnt, lard render int. BFST PRICES DAHL'S SL4UOHTER HOUSE INDEPENDENCE. OREOON el87 LOCKER BEEF White face Hertford 30c. Nothmt down, ( month! to pay. Cuatom kllllnc. Trailer loaned fret. Salem Ideal. CO.. 1334 S. tb. Ph. 3-4141. PETS P A R A K E E Y K Yo un t and breeders. Put your Chrlatmas order la aow. Merlin i Mtrsh. 116 Cheater Ave. (Off Lanalni . eclat EQl'ITY IN beach home for trailer house. Write Box 94. Olenedea Beaoh, Oreion. PARAKEETS, choice rount bird. Xmao ' tuts. All coiors. Reasonaoie. tasa. ; feed, toy. 34 hour service. Open Xmat. Bird Paradise, 3110 Llvlnctton, 3-1442. CC390 REOISTEBED Pomeranian pup. Will s sa crifice one orance female at Va price to til hi party as pet. Phone 3-4174. ecJSO CH4MPION BRED Boxer puppies. Moores Tropical Pish Equipment. Parakeet. Pets. Marleay Road. 4-3773. Cloaed Wednesdays. ec)10' GLoVpR'l-SIAMESE-tfutenj' an4cati. Beauty, tentleness, intelllf enra, devo tion. Priced lirht. 3-0411. eel 10 WK1MARANFR PUPS, tood huntlnt stock. Reasonable. Reiltttrad. C. J. Brlcca, Carlton. Ore. ec3(a CANABlEft! FINE THBHTMAS tlft Small deposit Phone 3-41IS, 1344 Che - meketa ec4 FUEL ANDERSON'S SLAB WOOD, 3 tarda 114 00. delivered.. Phona 1-1111 or -4353. eelOl IS" 'sLARWnoii. (1100 per load Saw- dust. (12 to per load. Delivered la SU- verton ara only. Twin Kails T-llinhpr tfo rail LwUlllUer VU. BlLVmTON. OREOON PHONE 3-:0l eeSU- SPECIALS! 6a k Aih. Maple Wood. Oreens'.sbt We have bioca A planer ends WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 2-40)1 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARC haichmt New Hamwnirt Gold en Broad and Arbor Acres White Rock, eer week Special prices to rear arojrd fryer a row er. Pox's Hatchery stn P' nn- l.4att f PRODUCE WALNl'TS, Je POI'VD. Phone 4-49B7 eventnta. or weekends. ff392 GOOD WORM free appleaT91 00 box. M3 Monroe A Phone 24T10 ff3B EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES YOUR JOB! F-Acct 4 da (250 P Oen. of Secy. 4 da. 20-40 ....111 F-R N 4 da O-t 4JM P-Bskpr. Oen ledter 4215 F DietapSone opr .ep. linn F-Steno I- (210 M-Ina. underwriter 4)00 up Tht Bast Way to the Pest Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AO IMC" Y 4H State St. tOrecon BVdt 4-33S1 tf34: oFpalooka rT JO PLOOA LEPT F0s 1 I rMJ0 Cf- H-tOM Y rvtR LOTS Of W LOOK AT THM HAAfc y IT WOaTT B C POMPTCv LKES 1tOY TD rRMH UP FRF, P--!5. E, LA. SPARRfM toU5 ATRH5. MAKES I LONG, LAD. MOeV . fTwr POR M S enw TITLE BOJT WlTh I LlrC A 10T C ( r-WTNERS. TH6 COOPi, XA AWTUL MOwe&ICK I tM 0N...vVU - 'M aG6 ACPALAf,AuSSie PEOPLE AROUND. V- AE . tVHV, IT'S FDS1 THE AU6T1(AIAH START OUT Oft HELP WANTED MALE FST COOK capable of bandltat BKbt anift aioat. No otbon seas ariv. North'a, IlTt Ceeter. ta3M HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOiHTANT. eBperteaKed. a late ate. experience tramint. Owa Aaadwrit tn Bot 3t4. Capital Journal WANTED POSITIONS 3 St IT. (UAUE ornamental trot work. Rofertacea. Fonia. Sale a, Feaaietoa. Bl 304. Capital Journal. MM bast arrtiNQ or ttm cleantat. ynone 3-43 It. aaat- EXPERT TREE aervice. Treat topped. ULmmed. removed, neoaee rrimmea. yard cleaned. Iraa batued. Free eatl matea. i-7444. b-l- BESPONBIBLE. BKPEJlIENfBO lady waate aaby altttnt and nouatnera an tu Carlatmaa. Plaocta 4-4713. h3t3' PAINTING. PAFEBU ANG1NO. day Ol contract. Bmau wot wa.come. rnow 3-:42. b3l FAFbb BAM GlVC. tUatlt. Fiat eU- matet. Da uicera. rn- t-aa. nw BILLABLE BABT I ITT KB WIU ta dart or Blarita. Fhont 3-4l. nw LANDICAFINQ. U actor tad tiller work Servtco Center, pihont 4-3413. h PBACTU'AL aurae. cJtrojtit, ued or con valescent, lUaaonatlt lata, yaone 3-JB41 h3 CABFENTEB rtpairlnt Si baUdlnt of any kind. Fhont 3-oftl. b3tt CROCHETED pot ho Id ere for that extra Chrlitmaa tlft. 1024 N. l(th at. pan' CARPI NT r repair work. Call titer p.m. Phone 3-MM. n3( CHILD CAKE in my home any time. Phone 3-43)3. 610 Jwlaon St. TREK WORK. Toppinc, trlmmlnt. re- movlnt. Lnaured. Job rarne. Fhont 3-0434. bltl' CABFENTEB WORK H Hew conatruc lloa and bait of repair or rtmoaaunt. Oaratea atari tt moo. nana 4-ii. hMB MICKENHAIATS DAT NURSERY tata Utenaed Inapected. Fa. 3-T3M ni' MlMIOGKAPHINa and TYPXNO. Quality work. ReaaoBablo ratea. Mra. Foe. MS N. ltth. Fho&e 3-3043. 02 LIGHT CRAWLER, dot Int. dlrl level lor. cradint. Fhont 3-3o. hair GENERAL "EWINO sad button hole. Phone 3-7440. b311 WIEMALS Day nursery. Ucenaed and ataU Inapected. Fhont 3-3014. h26 FAFER HANGING Br tat hour. Phone 3-3137. CHILD CAR la my home. Days. Phono 3-4437. 1(93 S. Commercial St nJl CABFENTEB Repair, remodel, cabinet ant taratea. small job welcome. Phone 4-U44. h30 CHILD CARS Is my homo. Fnoat 3-43M, h2(7' HOt'flE KEEPING JOB hi motherlett home. Phone 4-(iu after 4:i( pm b3IT PAINTINO AND DECORATTNO. 3( rean Salem txperlence. Free aatlmatet. 3-73S3. h2(7 BXFEKIENCED DAlBT and farm hand needa employment. Phil Ynnceya P. O. Box 4(4. Cor vail la, Oret. hl DICTAPHONE A IBM trplat FuU time poaltion. Phone 4-8S14. h38( FOR RENT LARGS warehouse apace for rent or lease." Cement floora, brick nulldlnt. Down toan. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone l-9in. ) WANTED TO RENT BESFONSIBLE yount couple doalrea nlcelr furntahed and verr clean apart. meat or houaa. Preferably north. Ref erences. Phone 4-1303. jaatB ( OR 4-BEDROOM newer home with IS bath. Pay to .35. Mtxht conatder op tion to buy. Call 3-4440 office hour.. JB3II ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for your axed or disabled dependentc Fhont mornlnrs, 3-0079. JJ29 BOOM AND board with packed lunchr. ta N. Winter. JJM FOR RENT ROOMS NICELT FI RyiBHED room In buemiot Cookint facilities. 133 N. Wmter. Jk390 OIRI S ONLY. Kitchen privileges Una tntire house. TV. (44 N. Winter. Phone 3-4)13 or 3-3440. VERY NICE room. Private entrance, reasonable. 4 N. Cottate. Jk29l SLEEPING ROOM for 1 Church. Phone 3-4)34. Of 3. 790 N WARM SLEEPING room, hot cold wa ter. 441 N. Jllalt Jk293 CLO'-E, NEWLY decorated, warm room, hot. cold water. 454 Center. .k2 PLEASANT sleepinr room far tn lie men lOf-n Norway. Phone 3-4541. Jk3ft- FOR RENT HOUSES ONB BEDROOM. Knotty Pine kitchen Stova. refrlterator. Fhont 3-1471. jmlll j ncnROOM suburban fUrnUhed home, . noo per month AL jgx.K, REALTOR, PHONE 4-3311 J".' ONE BEDROOM furntahed. Fireplace. nardwood floors. Phone 3-4471. Jm344 YERY NEAT, almost new, two bedroom ho-we unfurnlahed In court. Oood lo- ration. Must be seen to oe apprecr tied M5 444 Breya Aenie. Jm297 It-BEDROOM duplex Oaraee. Also, one atortm apartment. Hardwood floor,. electnc hat. Phone 4-163(1 TWO BEDROOM, unfurnished houae. 10. Tro children. 1480 Park Avenue Phone 4-5714. .m3l7- THREE BEDROOM on ' acre. Cloae to acnnol. store. (40. Phona after 4 pm. 2-4J29 Jm397 LOVELY TWO bedroom court apartment. i Ranie, re r matlr wt Phone 2-3 Ranie, refrleerstor. Tile bath, aito- wa.ihini facilltiaa. B-is line. 1141. Jm3l- CLEAN 1 -BEDROOM hou.e. furnished Pn. J-3101 or 2-B744. )m THREE-Bl DROOM house. Purnified or unf uTQUtrtrd. 1410 A. Commer f;l St Jm384' smail TWO bedroom bouse, raater Dr. 4114 Lan JmltT SMALL F1RNISHED one bedroom houe. For further information Phona 3-4734. lm287 ONE Pol R-ROOM. one flve-room. all electric. Both redecorated. Osrd.n space. Inquire W4( B llth. iml TWO -RED BOOM hbne. Available Decem ber 10th. laaulre all Bliler Ave. imltt (ROOM HOl'SB Phone 3-4444. Oaraaa. 13 Cross. Im291 4-ROOM unfurnished house, close In. In- tutra M9 N. Front. Jm289 C1E4N TWO - bedroom unfurnished houte. Oil clniuatoT. close U state Buildints. Phone 3-4111. Jm391 fir4N MALL .euia.. suitatiie for one I or two people, completely furnlahed. j 135 00. Also trailer space. Children wel I ccme. No pets 110 00. Phona 3-8S4t IT40 Oslord )m392 tNEtKMSHFoTiNF-Bedrwim house, ta- rate. Automatic beat 111 B St 9-4441. I jm389a FOR RENT HOUSES I SMALL MOl'sa. (3S. Cleae-ta. WaUaoe aaadL ouul rnooo J" MODBKN ONl-Se3roem bo. Cloae ta. u.,t. aaa Phone 1-10(2. Jm3U' Xvil) SCO BOOM booec. Oil beat. South llth. Boa uaa. rnoao MODEBN ONE-BEOBOOM home. Kec- trie water neater ana earssbi. He if hi. Diet IM. Pnona (ttit. Jmltt I BOOM unfaratthed bouaa. Ou yanta. water beater, eat a itw. I BEDBOOM bouaa, lane llvlnt room. fireplace, aaaemeat wita ou clone to aheppiat teater aa Capitol treat Ad-Utt- (f, call lata I. jml LABOE ONB bedroom recently built aouia near Laddt Market, a to. pnoae 4-3403. imltf CLOtk-IN. clean alder type three bed reotna. 433 UnWro, 4(0. 3-433(. JrnJW MODKBN. THREE-BOOM Dtrplei Ra- tonabio rent, near aiveie nvmyni. hoppiat center. 1440 Center St Jmlii ONE HXDSOOM furalahad cottate. Rea- tonaaie. aoaw Biuiitea, wjuiw Portland Rd. iaiWl BUSINESS RENTALS pood DUTR1BLTUBS warehouse. Sep- prate ttalt. 40 i oaone unia, aaa fltb St. Weal Salem, rtvoat t-aisi. Will WARBHOL'NE SPACE. New bulMtnf With lane parkint area, with or without of fice facilltiaa. Rail a Mine. Drive-in and truck dock. Forkllft trucka and Bel li ta. Capital City Tranafer Company. Phone 3-3431. Jo03" BUSINESS RENTAL for buaineaa Of tf flcct. Excellent lacatloa. II-foot front. 41 feet Ample parklnt. 1144 S. Com mercial. Jo3SI LOST 4V FOUND LOST Tap Randal thot, alat M. Black. Phono 3-74)1. k( FOR RENT APARTMENTS WARM. COMFORTABLE bachelor apart, ment. furnished. Automatic washer, electric dryer. CtUltiea paid. Two blocka to aisle (uixunta aaa snop Plni center. 441 N. Winter. Jp3M VEBT NICI apartment, kitchen full alia. dinlnt room, llvlnt room, ont bed room, private bath. Furnished or un furnished. 1410 Trade. Jpstt1 COZY f-ROOM. first floor. Capital Cen tcr. Quiet woman. 1-7S31. JpMOj ri'RNUHED COl'RY apartment 3 rooma Si taraxa. Cloaa la on North commer clal. (33. Phone 3-4441 or 1-4444. jp TWO-ROOM furnlahad apartment, (27.30 mono i?mr CLEAN S BOOM furnlahad apartment. with tar ace. Rania, refrlterator and laundry. Ut lilt let furnished. (31. Phone 3-904, 31(1 Haul Art. JP3P0 Ft'SNISHED one bedroom apartment Close to CepttoL (91.30. (If M. Wlattr, Phone 3-3343. JpMJ NK ELY FLRNlttHID 4 rooms, around floor. Prlvata entrance and bath. Elec tric rami and refrlterator. Phone 4-1177. llll N. Front. Jplll THE BEST three room offer In town. Clean, modem. Close to buaineaa dis trict Partly furnished. 1044 Edie water at., Watt Salem. Jp3(( NICE THREE and five room furnished apartment. Close in. (20 and up. Adults. Phone 3-3)43. jp3SS I ROOMS, unfurnished. Modern, cite trie rente, refrlterator. Water, heat, furnished. (60. 3140 S. Commercial af tcr 4. Phone 4-! 4 SI. Jp39S NICE ONB bedroom apartment Located near Shopplnt Center, state office and schools. (59 per month. AL 1SAAK, REALTOR, PhOBt 4-1)11 3P1 FURNISHED APARTMENT, I roomi, bath. (30 00. Adults. 3-9211. 330 S. llth St. Jp247 NEWLY remodeled 3 rooms and bath. Also warm baaement apartment 310 S. 14th. fi9 1 ROOM furnished, clean apartment. Electric ranee and n frit ere tor. All utlutlea paid. 140. 3401 Maple. Phone 3-I0S3. Jplll TWO ROOM furnished apartment All electric. 4M Oak At JP3I7 THREE LARGE reoms furnished, bath. Private entrance. 437 40. Phone 4-4511. 3310 Lanslnt Avenue. Jp390 LEEAPTS. Salem's Most DlsXlntulahed Address Tborouihlr modern. Ideally located, for those des'rlnv betttr llvlnt. One bedroom units from 143 00: bachelor unite as low a 949.30. Inspection Invited. 9(4 N. Winter Jp241- CLEAN furnished apartment. Clost In Phona 3-7149. Jp390 NICE, CLEAN, furnished apt. Close In 444 N. Cottate 3p SEVERAL furbished apartmenta. toot location. Inquire L Stiff Furniture Phone 4-41(4. Jp COt'RT APARTMENTS, utilities furn tahed (33 and 159. Trailer house for rent or salt. 3311 Portland Rd. jp01 l-BEDROOM unfurnished, lane lower floor. Phone 3-7493 or 3-0501. Jp289 TWO THREE-ROOM furnished apart tri'oti. private bath, entrance. 101 N. Liberty St. 2-4447, JpJto VERY NICE l-bedrocmrurnUhed and unfurnlahed. Inquire at 1434 a. 13th. Ip349 Tl RNISHED AND DrfFORNlSHED 1 and 3-bedroom apartmenta. Stova, rente and refrlctrator furnished. Pb. 3-1544. )p3IC TWO TWO-ROOM furnished apart menu, dcwutairs. Private baths, entrances. I,:ihti. water furnlahed. 129 and 140. 1420 Perry St. Phone 3-1101. jp3(l- BEAITIFULLY D E COB A TED court apartment Furnlahed or unfurnished. One or two bedrooms, atove. ref riser ator. automatic washer furnlahed. 407 B. 13th. Phone 4-32:4. p391a ONE BEDROOM. Chemekela near 13th". Furnbned or unlurnished. Phone 4-3403; JP2I9" CLEAN. 3 ROOM apartment clceln. Utilities paid. (42 40. Phona 25013. I JP292- CLEAN. Ol'IFT. warm one room apsrt- j ment. Cloae-ln. Lady preferred. 445, I Perry S: Jp2l j DOWNTOW7?.lrK.-clean." smairaVsrtT ment. tood heat, refrlterator. 451 cen ! ter. ;p2il , APARTMENT IN WEST Balem. Children j welcome. Phone 9-3411. 1111 (lb St Jplll T HRE E - BE D R OO M furnished unxtaira Ilat Adult. 440 N. Hteh St. Phone 3-43TV Jp291 (-BOOM furnished apartment. Alto, bachelor apartment. Ambaasanor- Apartreen-. f50 N Summer jplll MISCELLANEOUS - BEE-HIVE TRUCKS D-DRfVa MOVE YOURSELF SAVE " CAR RFNTAUI STARES . TANS TPErX STATION (19 COt'RT ST PHONE 3-191! PAOE ST EVEN SOP tad AL MI FORD nrvrx plate repair 1-HR SEHVTCB IN ISOST CA8F24 DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bits., State Commercial Stt. SALEM PH 1-3311 m MISCELLANEOUS aALAAf 4UND Aj OEAVEL COMPART - C oniric, wora Road Claarinf Dltehts Sewer and Baaemeal Eeulpmeal Boatal iHUhins br the Foot Phoat Dan -4M vea. 1-4411 or 1-14LS Balam. Orecon me. IUILDING MATERIALS SALE Oerare doora oeapleit with bwd (44 OS Overhead tar. doora. hwV .... 13 (( 4i( waurproof wallbd. 1 Naila. (0.11. 1 keta at New picture windowt SS bp New weather atxlppeS wladowa 14 New doora. aU aiaet t-bS 100 need doora At frames Dapelflted cedar shakes (OS PalBted tbakaa with uadcrcaurta 14 AsbeaLoa adint. per at ... 0 44) Ptbanlaaa roil blanket InAatoUaa, New thaka meuldlns 1S Cedar fence poet Caeap SOS taL aeptlt tan at S3 M " cast Itob toll pint 1w Roll rooflnt. lerte aupplr lift - 4" aolld oranteburt plPO 34t I tab composition rooflnt lot Cedar sh.nt.ee. 4 trades ........Cheap New toilet with teat 34 to New bath tuba complete Si.eS Double kitcbea ainka cocapUto 41 (S 40 tel. alec water btrt 11-4S Steel shower eabtnett complete . 41 40 14-3 Electrtc wirlnt 14a 13-3 Electric wlrinc IWt Laundry trays, pipe, wash baalne. Salt C. Q. LONO a SONS , Ph. 4-M31 1 au. H. of Kaiser .. ma: BOOITNG, 1N4LLATION. VlBtlllt Blinds. CaU Western Auto Bupply Co, for free estimate. 3-1171. me, RtMODIUNO At IMPROVIDENT"" iroana 31 MONTHS TO PAT NO DOWN PAYMENT veerrTUA-TTien awnvlrW ADD AN EXTRA BIDRU- OARAOE. Bt, AIM uarrAiL nxnuiiiu s OUR OFFICE DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. 1TTI Lena Ave. Ph. 3-43)3 NO PAR KINO PROBLEM maSOl NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOR (HE LBS AND SAVE. Spread, int Juniper 11-14" and more. lit. Healhtre. (4c Middle Orove Nuratrr 4(M) Silverton Rd. Phone 4-4(33. me FERTILIZER Plotted manure. Weed free Dell v. tred anyhtre. Phone 3-0774. mbttl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BIRCHCR.4FT BOAT, Ualltr, BKrtOT and extras. Mutt tot to appreciate, (no. 3-6831. B393e CHRISTMAS lift problem? Handmade) . tiftfl talore al Homecraf Bouaa, 3O0f Falrtrounda road. B3IT TRAVEL EZE Baby Butty, (7-M. Portable bathlnetu. (3 00. Phoat 3-4410. Bl(9 GARAGES On your lot, to your epec trie at lose. 34 months to pay. Pree ajtlmata. BORKMAN LBR. Al HWDE. CO. 3444 state at. Ph. 1-3701 nil 7 I'LL TRADE new furnttaro for piano. WoodrrPh. 3-4110. n3(7" MAYTAO washlni machine. Kkctllant condition. (40. Phono 4-3990 after. 12 00 P. M B390 BETTER BL'YS. Olen Woodry. B3(7 SEASONED CEDAR bop poata 30 ft. OT cut to order. Alio fence pasta in larta quantities. Can deliver. B. L. Seller, Bant. Ore.. Rt. 1. Phona 343. n)49 L'SED OlRL'S bicycle for talt Don lor aire). 2223 C heme keta St e renins. n21l WHITE ENAMEL kitchen traaa burner. Woodrr. 103 N. Bummer. nl(7 ELECTRIC- BANiGE, breakfast act. sew- lnt machine, daveno and entire Wood lr0ltof- -"bono 4-4122. n247 r t-PC." WAL. Dinlnt acts, (9.00-7t.OO. Woodrr, 1409 K Bummer. B347 CLOTHESLINE POSTS. Iron leva for tables, furniture, ralllntc I14t M. Lib erty. n( ROLLAWAT RED a Mattreu, 39.30. Olen Woodrr. 1403 H. Summer. B2I7 BATTERIES ALL Cart (4(1, 47 94. El chance 13 m on the tuarantee. Open till I 00 dally. Lytlc't Tiro Mart n2(se FLAW CASE Piano, SI. 00. Oltn Woodrr, 1404 N. Summer. nJI7 DEEPFREEZE HOME freetcra. Tetter Appliance Co., 373 ChtmektU St Phena 3-4311. a (-PC. CHROME dinette, Blca, 39 94. Woodrr. 1406 IT. Summer. B247 (TtTJlO UPRIGHT. Only 44" hlrh. Re ftnlshed. Only 1345. JuH one of tht many fine buys at Tallman't Bit Xmat Sale. Tallmaa Plane Stores, 3(3 S. llth. Salem. n3(7 DELCXR COLDSPOT Refrlt, 74 00. Oltn Woodrr. 1403 N. 8u miner. n247 iso.to ALLOWED for your old water heater. Ret srd le of condition or make, ea a new Westlnthouae an to mat tlectrlt) water heater, wltb a 10 pear tuarantec Yeater Appliance Co4 I7( Chemekela Bt. Phona 3-4311. n 3XMAS SPC. Complete picture develop lnt Bet, 12 90. Olen Woodry's Part a in a, l05N.Sammer. p247 GOOD I S ED washert. T04 A up. Teat, er Appliance Co., 373 Chemtketa St Phone 3-4)11. n- CHILDREN'S CHAIRS, new, 3.43. Deml tSASt seu. .99. rooatera, .49. flcurlnet .19. Olen Woodrr, 1403 N. Summer n297 UED FRIGIDAIRE refrlctrator for tile, 350. Excellent conduion. Phona 4-4.91. nll DAVENO SET, 49 40. Olen Woodry'C 1B03 N. Summer. nlll" SAWD 1ST TIRES, (70-14. 4 94. Lytle t j Tire Mart. Phone 48013. n2(S" rRIUIDAIRS Eir.C, Ranee, nice, 9ft 00. Woodry. 1005 N. Summer. nffl HOSPITAL BCD for sale or rent B. U Stiff Purmture Co. Phone 9-91(3. B ? BIKE. 14M-2500. Olen Woodry. 1403 N. Summer. n337 OOOD 1'SED refrlierators. 149 40 up. Yeater Appliance Co., 174 Chemtkta St. Phone 1-4311. n GOOD WASHINO Machine. U.K. Olen Woodrr.14 N. Bummer. B347 VsTlTElTnRlcRaniaa. 419 01 m up. Yeater Appliance Co 171 Chemektta St. Phone 3-4311 n CLOTHES DRYING Racka. l.TI. Olen Woodry, 1406 N. Summer. oil.' ua c alloN oil tankTli' octaton dla' , mend cut mirror 1 elate tlassi, 4-14. B14( RECAPS, tot-14. (4(5. Open Sunday'. Ly tie's Tire Mart nisJ RIVO COLE oil beater. 34 IS Liberty Rd Pnt 34471. BMP MW WASHlNOmachine " Wrlnttr type Reaaonable. Phone 43771. b29S N ru n V 'NO SetredToom Bale Woccf- rr. 1403 N. Summer. n397 U H1GGINS pumpahottua (40.04, PrT 399 It. a3S9 By Ham Fisher