IT wi i r M .y show THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Ortp Wednesday December fc 195S i, ydnesday. December 2. 195$ Turkey Industry Worried About Threat of Surplus The Orcfoo turkey Indus try 1 concerned over Urge number! of hem being carried nationally that threaten a sur plus of breeder clock in IBM, according to Noel Bennion, Oman Stat eollge cxtenilon poultry specialist Tha Oregon Turkey Im provement association In a poat-Thankfglving meeting at Salem laid it will attempt to move more hens during the remainder of tha winter boll' day anion. More than 17S growers and representatives of allied Industries were pres ent. Walt Schwedler, Portland hatcberyman who recently returned from a turkey advis ory committee meeting with Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson, said a five per cent increased carry-over of breed er hens appears possible. This he stated too many to mar ket at a profit for growers. Oregon turkey breeders and hatcherymen plan only a slight increase of breeder hens, poults and market birds in U54. according to recent survey of association members reported by Bennion. Tha OSC poultry specialist said tba larger national in crease will be in the lighter could result in a 10 to 12 per I breeds with some decrease in cent larger 1834 turkey crop. heavy turkeya which may re sult in better sale for the larger birds. Tha survey indies ted that 1954 Oregon prices on broad breasted bronze and Beltsville small white hatching etffi and poults will average about six per cent less than in 1953. Tha associstion approved aa on-the-farm test under su pervirfon of the Slate Depart ment of Agriculture to check rate of growth, feed conver sion and lives billty of various strains of turkeya The "ran dom sample test" will begin In 1954 in an attempt to stim ulate mora interest in fsst growing turkeys Price Schroeder, Milwaukee, im chairman of Oregon's Ran dom Sample Turkey commu te. QUEEN VISITS CRUISER On Board tha Liner Gothic () Queen Elizabeth II went calling Monday at sea. The British monarch and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the cruiser Sheffield, escorting the royal liner Gothic HAWAIIAN LUNCHEON -Woodburn A Hawaiian luncheon wi& be served "at noon Thursday, Dee. I, at the home of Mrs. John Ramage to the members of the Union Home Extension unit at the regular meeting. Members are asked to wear Hawaiian type clothing and accessories. Movies will be shown during tba afternoon. The meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. and proj ect leaders will be Mrs, Amos Bonacker, Mrs. John Corn well and Mrs. Ramag who will serve tha dinner. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJem. Oreroa Pat M Dr. Bennett iiest Speaker Or. Thomas Bennett pro- itswr of philosophy at Wil- hatttte university, will be rjt speaker at an all day netting of the Oregon United Nations association to be held SitnrdaV on the Lewi, anrf ciar college campus, Port- lud. It was announced by OUNA President Karlin M. Capper-Johnson of Portland. Dr. Bennett will speak at a luncheon to be held in con Junction with the statewide meeting. His topic will be "Education in the United Na tions." Seversl Salem the association are expected to attend. They are Mrs. P. W. Byrd. Mrs. George Ross- man, mrs. usrry Ssppenfleld end Mrs. Walter Pierce. Charlpa A fiiwMn, -k i. unable to attend, is honorary uiiOTin oi me association. Featured in the day's pro gram will be a panel discus sion of the United Nations, its strengths and weaknesses. Guest speaker, with Dr. Ben nett, will be State Senator Philip S. Hitchcock of Klam ath Falls. The public is urged to at tend the meeting, to be open ed at 10 a.m. with a coffee hour. Memberships may be obtained at that time by In terested persons. The state group was formed in July, 1953, as an affiliate of the American Associstion for the United Nations, Annual Meet Of Nut Growers Tha 30th annual meeting of the Nut Growers Society of Oregon and Washington will be held at the Multnomah ho tel. Portland. Dec. 1011. AU persona Interested In the northwest nut industry will be made welcome. Officers of the organization include 'Clif ford L. Skclton. ChilUwack, B. C, president; P. J. Blake, Sslem and John Hillls, Wood land, Wash, vie presidents. Topics to be considered Dec. 10 will Include: Clesniag fil berts of rocks and clods, re port on percentage of blanks and crop by districts; discuss ion of the short crop, produc lnffSOO pounds of filberts per acre and filbert worm control experiments: fertilizer experi ments, control of filbert sprouts with chemicsl sprays, preparing tha land lor har vesting. Fridsy morning's program will consist of a report of the filbert commission, waat the grower can do to improve his grades of filberts and walnuts and several talk an filbert and walnut harvest machines. North Howell North Howell Mr. and Mrs. William Cox spent the week-end at the horn of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson. On Thursday the group was in Salem and had dinner with Mrs. Jackson'i sister, Mrs. M. O. Nlckles. - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Red ding were Saturday evening visitors in Silvertoa at tha bom of Mrs. Reddlnea sister, Mrs. Nettle Norm. A family dinner waa held on Thanksgiving day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hsy. Attending were her parents. Mi. and Mrs. M. P. Leek from Salem and several brothers and their families. Mr. and Mrs. H. C Espe mo tored to Bremerton, Wash, Wednesday to spend Thanks giving at the horn of their daughter, Mrs. H. D. Brady. ' Their other daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bra Is and children, Ronni ' and Connie of Bremerton, were also guests for dinner. Tha Espes returnid home Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sawyer were hosts Thanksgiving day to their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark and children, Nlkki and Gary, of Sweet Home. Other guests wer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dickmaa and aoa, Bruce. BRILLIANT .unFD pR0JECTIN I Far V'Tw Ml IT "V I Stills X -IT A X I a m.vIm x -r Sr . s sirs J Black and f UCAUKK AIW te cZ" ID PICK SET ij I iXlN EIGHT LIGHTX A CHRISTMAS V? SV tree LIGHT SETS U ftDAV I CCC UACTUt GDCATCCT AIETWA EC cor MnTHERFATUL.RKTr CDICKinc VV! rni LLJJ nrw i I "V vici tWv in wn i fnwwn myi iiwiimiiU vuibi uiwi wmvmw jhuui iiuniM i rMumj ,2,0 CH,LDRENS JUST 22 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS SHOP NOW FOR THE ADDED CONVENIENCE OP FRESH, NEW COM. PLETE STOCKS YOU ARE INVITED TO USE THE HANDY PAY LESS LAYAWAY PLAN TO AVOID THE RUSH AND CRUSH OP LAST-MINUTE SHOPPING CROWDS CHIMES .aa1 J' Imported from ss Sweden Plays (. IS BULB OUTDOOR LIGHT SETS , INDIVIDUAL BURNING tsfAftft LONG-LIFE BULBS JP00 $4.95 Value v Cords 50 ...fJelon.: B"!f"d WITH Warn Reg. $1.00 ff 7J value i-. FAMILY 7Te 1 6 CAh .irateo iu-- CMOP Bisque ST NATIVITY g SETS s a p k i l l 5 STAND Ar. PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT SUN. STAND XV 7? ANGEL 4S laaT J waaaaaasl 3 rjtt ' t A ill m .&;:, VNTIlVy complete JWIJKlUINi I V W,, I As FT A I A -r X n& t AMAj Kit M J. . A X AG&th IPAKMX BALL lxCTAdn V SALE l Evening In Paris Perfume I ty I i I AINU . . Ill 211 l 0XG?X1 ribbon tied to Christmas III ttf I r?11! ? tWJ?- I00 Wi 691 D m . ea. w Mm i m ga v iwm ii g xrv . "sw ll V5lX.A 7gsalalaMg9asHswgsssssji sY fl L'A tT Sii an ak vi, rw aatBEaBDBBssatssasBBa l f svxvV rss, l w at ii In, M im yi, i , r 1 IHJOT MI U W L J si . .noe bb x nnin iwiaii i;y s m ijt-r-) :Bnx sxsv ' 1 r- vr r -- box ,(mi Vfl tl IVriVfyr'lBsth Powder and. I YAW rsSft aTTTTT J I ,1 nlJTTT J I gfas1assilalalawjlaasisss m U iCSSBa aV 1 M ur.i.. n iWm, aV Jf, ' i - -TtV I ll'I I I . ,1 I'lH III BwH I a o.T- "aaai aaaaaas.. . Am Ml 1 U lll W iimw.Z , "it 1 Wit lW .7 . im ,B ' IMJM M smmKMa ijmAM towei sets si smUMA &Lmr jrS V i I f-', V I window boa til V- It DIR DflM IVW.! -sg m,0mammt0 m 1 ssaaai i a i aw V - ' aaja . m a sr r- -w S I 111 T FIRE KING -""asr.-,'; Ws . Rt iTj 3"'25 JK SI lU I I , flf niriur. ntcu i2r?Vjessit ssr aRsir' vw- p, m holds six a sssesd i n SfsssamaK. rVrwid V SALTED It. jmVfl"?'2T I AJ-H I rhSrr TC 1- I hJ LaOyJI HM aK inr sfBR' I.W. L1 3 II 47 Oi -1 -. i n WA .sbbbbV ... .. JMW aV Iff! U a l. IIPB1) I 1 mum THE DOLL LITTLE GIRLS DREAM OF "MISS FAIRYSKIN" IN GAY PARTY DRESS UNBREAKABLE VINYL HEAD, UCED IN HAIR. Wash it. Curl if. She sleeps. REG. 14.9S She cries. All lafex body you can bath and powder. America s best known YOU SAVE and best loved doll. . 5.00 AT PAY LESS s&t SCHICK "20" tT w TP.tnF.IN ALLOWANCE ON OLD RAZORS wg. rrinrif iioaii W'.TH a RAZOR An assortment of the tastiest candles rlth thick eostlna of light and dark chocolate , S-POUND BOX KITCHEN FRESH Reg. 3.95 Value CM A TREAT FOR EVERYONE Sc CELLO WRAPPED CANDY CANES I CASHEWS N. DCMIMTnM'A''TDH$OnO llikllllllWI VII UU RAZOR A V REMINGTON CONTOUR Reg.DCMIKiriTnKlllAn'lnCI IIYC IVtllllll V I VII VV UkkUAIi WITH. OLD RAZOR . Oharanteed Til Caristmas 1955 fttrNew Blanket iiT It Away for just (5)88 RAZOR l"T oo mm MADE WITH IOUR OWN FAVORITE SNAPSHOT a ILsdH a lia Sttr - ' B Mirrc SHOE BAG HWIW Ma. auE llr SI US VALUE FULL POUND SALTED MIXED (ID kiurc 0 D I ALWAYS FRESH Re. Fnaf K at ljo sT . cV afokessPERSONALIZED GREETING CARDS 10 Cords With Envelopes 1.39 25 Cords With Envelopes 2.77 50 Cords With Envelopes 4.98 100 Cards With Envelopes. . .8.88 PLACE ORDERS NOW j i f-iri.riii J i i'ii ELECTRIC BLANKETS (FULL DOUBLE BED SIZE) WARMTH WITHOUT WEIGHT SLEEP IN COMFORT FULLY AUTOMATIC MAINTAINS SELECTED HEAT sSET IT AND FORGET IT (U. L. Approved) AES, 34.95 VALUE Save Over $13.00 at Pay Lest my The W Newest V? Feather Weight Kitchen Helper k Great Time and Work Saver A Pleasure to Use FREE GRIP-TITE BOWL With Suction Bate Won't Slide or Spill G. E. PORTABLE MIXER With Powerful Multi-speed Motor At Pay Lest GE-STEAM IRON LIGHTWEIGHT 195 C0FFEEMATIC 8-CUP SIZE LUSTROUS CHROME 29.951 H88 1 Value! H BUY IT TODAY OR LAY IT AWAY AND SAVE 10.00 AT PAY LESS , V Re " 5vyv to G. E. MIXER Powerful 10-Speed Motor Complete with Bowls and Juicer S39.95 VALUE E. Ollalltr B..tu Last for V .r. Buy It Today or Lay It Away and Save $8.00 At Pay Less VIBRATOR ELECTRIC Complete With All Attachments For Massage Oi Body, Skin Or Scalp S.95 Value Lustrous Chrome ESKIMO Deluxi HAIR DRYER (WITH STAND) Hot or Cold Air 10.95 Value $T88 reV Fragrance Men Always Remember . , Women Never Forgetl KINGS MEN tuLOoNE AFTER SHAVE LOTION SHAVE BOWLS AFTER SHAVE POWDER KINGS MEN GIFT SOAP KINGS MEN GIFT SETS 1.10 O20'o60 1.00 -i 2 18x24 BLACK BOARDS With Alphabet Tournaliopper Hanls Plav Loada Over Rough Ground Dumps m w oy spring Lever III llftSrTak. BII .BA 7ft". -a-w Ha.TJtr-'- Hi I. 1 1 ry ENTER PAY LESS PRIZEDRAWINGiJ CHAIR WINCHILDS i' riANU A REAL JOY. TO ANY CHILD I & a 6g8l ipwiiiiiiiiii ml Automatic II I CIGARETTE II UGHTER REG. rrai VALUE fltp3 iiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSS3i TRAVEL j ALARM 1 REG. 6.50 ( 1 1 JBIP I Newest Style II I LEATHER II I t ' (WITH BENCH) 11 keys that aU play perfectly SI ninea pius instrucuon book mat l nuDin couum vu puy sodss 1 and melodies QUICK AND EASY ij nvimnsiviui NOTHING TO WRITE , ' Drawing Dee. list Bee In Fay Leas window " FIRETHORN BRIAR PIPES TRAVELOADER TSBi Powered by Hand Crank Loada JEflffLiryy By Continuous Conveyor Belt -AiStnPzriSstrSl 1 Shovel Blades Super SSlSfl o yJfa Rubber Tires ja.AA lg&3$W "JfSM T0URNAHAUIER Hesvy Duty Play Tractor J!PlJS-' "jM vfi For Active Boys filff, ) M 6.88 'WmWtSfM Operated Wlneh B.35 WiWW For Loading POWER SHOVtLS With Rubber Trock 1 , J Crank Operated CjfX 1 2.95 919 , X YaUe L at pay less rr-r-3- Extra Porous Mellow Smoking Needt No Break. D Ing In Sterling Silver Band Gift Boxed And Bagged 1.00 FINGER PAINT SET 79c REG. 1.25 ir LITTLE TOTS YT PALAMINO ; 'XMASI;MSE plANTlEHORsN w'T ass. AIIIMe if fn nnMltrY 4i Golden Bridle and Reins V IIMlf V Ul U Vllslas I j Removable Saddle It Inches Tall VtSlllW fN , . On i Made of Unbreakable Plastic JslUll W GREAT FUN FOR VL Rockers Jl V. permanent Moulded nRlU A YOUNGSTERS X-eM or 5 . In Colore S SPRAY.;- I ftWv. ! " . YawaAKAMAKK4- 1 iLJSSSt Veil MlgrrL. BILLFOLDS With or Without Zipper ftft I3.M 1 W Values II Ililltlllllliiiffi&Jiii Reg. $3.25 WALK IE TALKIE SET S2.00 COOTIE GAME, $1.89 $2.75 DELUXE SPORT KIT Has Football Basketball and Rubber Baseball FAINT A NUMBER sa I 2.50 PAINT SETT I CONDUCTOR SET I79 mi-- .iciasi P 198 - jft 1 r i. .'i . i-tlJ ST FIRE TEMPERED FOR EXTRA SWEETNESS s. sr 10.00 HJ 75 Volue B-50 FOUR MOTORED JeeTWi Value REG. VALUl SUPER OAABER Powerful Friction Motor frc lit ivff All Faiip VV f 6fV AT PAY LESS s-v I ELECTRIC prsPiAi bt -rnstiaVir rnciuni ikhins 3f w pas r aw -- aaaar m BP Xk?ak MR. OR MRS. POTATO HEAD 98' Sensational Televialon Toy for Everyone MONOPOLY GAME 99 $3.00 VALUE aCfc PLAYERS " iiKTmc '"fcllVA imiiiiimi rA7 fSSs SHAVING , Sty Minnnp Iffiiitiiwim AUTOMATIC COUPLINGS AND TRACK AND POWERFUL TRANSFORMER RECORD i i ax aaa. 3JBas WITH ELECTRIC a- SHAVER PLUG IN a RECEPTACLE POWERFUL STEAM TYPE -l LOCOMOTIVE WITH ZZnWl 1 r 11 1 VV ELECTRIC "S aVBl 1 ar . . ... . -v" iir' 88 ' TOY AUTO .7 IUNS FOR HOURS ON FLASHIGHT aV BATTERIES RUNS FORWARD OR BACKWARD STEERABLE FRONT WHEELS RIGHT HEADLIGHTS RUBBER TIRES 4.00 Value COMPLETE f3 Zk 1 BIP T l L. .-m. aaai JkT.iA M sXf- j V