Patt It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. BaJem. Oregoa Wedneeday, December t 1953 Noteboom Earns 4th 'W' As 23 Bearcats Letter Willamette Univertlty foot-! ball Coach Ted 0dhl announ ce that 2S player bava been declared eligible to receive let ter! for their work In the I5S grid campaign. The tenlori rating a "W" are Dorence Noteboom, Cliff York, Raymond Chiapuzio and Byron Sittaer. Junior Ken Cooper, Bob Dyer, Andy George, Norman Overadal, 1 Mike Hovit, John Kent, Phil McCalliater, Ruben Menaahe. 6ophomorea Erneit (Dave) Anderaon, Dean Benton, Lou Lofland, Bob Zoelch,. freih men George Bardtley, Bruce Harding, Judaon Jonei, Hr- i vey Neffendorff, Eldndge So queira, Lynn Zumwalt and Dale Greenlee, Manager Bob Whitaker. Noteboom is the only four year letterman among the group. Thoie In the three year category are Ken Cooper, Bob Dyer, Andy George, Norm Dvertdal, Mike Hovia, John Kent and Rube Manaahe. The two-year group in clude Cliff York, Ray Chia puzio, Dave Anderaon, Dean Benton and Lou Lofland. John Laitner To Get Two Grid Honors SCORES In the Alleys Capital Alleys r Bui tatata 1 Brltai Ul. Hill Ml. Um 411. Olbaoa t40. rraatk. Bwa ill si.ood 171. aehrMiMr m. Mom III. MerrU fol. ull!ka 131. WmI satm B.r4wara (II K witkn 431. 4. Chtrrluua l r. Km 4U, 1. atuuMii in, c. i?u ui. vaiiar ou a. 1 A. Winir 417. J. Mink 442. M. UtB 34, V. Rrottolll 444. . CltuMI 414. tacka aat Waaa.aria ID R. Kmym tit. a. auaiar h. w. iiuiid 411. H. Bartholona tM, O. Cauiar 4S4. Baai Inllm 111 O. HUH 417, H. CM 404. o. Carausaoa 464. u. out 411, T. Ub- lllkll 417. Km Falla lanraaaa (I) . tvhnall III, D. Toiullf 411, B achlit 411, D. Fr lit, . Sulllru Ul. Kalaar Htl tUO. Brtialir 444, J. Hollar 4, J. COOalar 417, D. WblU 417, . Ur ra 419. tBlllat Jaafa Ua. l . Ua 411, S. Nolduril 474. C. Hajuaa 104. J. rramvall tst, B. Nalaoi 474. Braam'a Jawalara 111 V. Hauaa Ml, Barn aul! 46I.'C. Haul.. 111. J. Twin 421. H. Bauira M4. Fartlant Gal Caka (I) B. Btalar 41. 1. Ktlltl 4U. L. UiKIa 411, T. Fan- daraaal Ml, L. Waalabal 441. StrCWa 74 talaa (I) Thorapao 414, Medina 411, Odoa 411, Wllkalla Ul, Conulocl 414. Huh buUiMuU sum h. Barttwla- aaa. all. Huh inUTlouai larlaa H. Bartholo m". m. Huh lain lama Xannr'i Baal Ba tata, 144. Hta tain aarlaa Xeanr'i Baal Eatata, IIU. Duck Pint mini crrr uaoi'z (ana 11. 1 Mar. JMI) olskiv rbuauBT ill Ilia Whlta Paul Barkar .... Carnal Waldlai Boh Junallat Tom Wax .... 1 141 4U 1 111 ,.1 111 IS 341 ,...141 ...14 in 1M 14 DAVII OIL CO. (11 Bd Onohundro ... Harrir Seharl Joa Adama Olan Blantoa ' Jarrr Pavli d. rtrria ity Al Blltlop Jtm lierrlmaa ... Waltar Hoaell ... ' Bob Earnatt XA Lappar , 441 Ml II.. iiu ... lit ,..1M m 144 104 l0 100 xonriN WOODMEN l Laa Dole. ... Carol Cappa Bill Wernar . Karl Thellaoa rrad Haaaa , 111 111 111 111 171 4U .111 131 141 414 441 111 111 1010 ,.111 111 111 311 ,.140 114 130 414 ..110 111, 111 401 ,.11 II 111 3 ,.IM MB m xii 111 tit 113 3117 South Bend, lnd. () If Johnny Lattner geta on hi feet to addreaa hi boat at the Maxwell and Heiimen award dinner thot preaent may wlU met a neat bit of tldettepping. ! Metre Dame' brilliant 20- year-old halfback, voted both awarda yeaterday, it Jutt at i hard to corner in convertation aa he 1 on the football field, i That' eapecially true when the eubject It Johnny Lattner. "Sure Thrill' Atked by a reporter for hi reaction to being choten for college football' top two indi vidual honor, the boylth AU 4 j America heaitated, then aaid It wa "ture a thrill." . ' . However, he battened to turn the Ulk to the Irith team. Said John: "I'm torry the team mined getting the top ranking In the national poll. We were all do ing our beat Saturday againtt Southern California, (hooting for It I teem to be getting all the honort and the tram mined the big one." Lattner had perhap hia fin- In looking over the proapecta ; ett day of the aeaaon, (coring four touchdown and running 1S7 yard from acrimmag at the Irith beat USC 48-14. How about that perform- u V DORENCE NOTEBOOM ...four-year man Copitol League Headlights C of l.'s Hayes Picked To AP Little All-America for thit teaaon'a title race, we find the coachea agreeing on one point, the noticeable lack of height, which will be the thing that will hurt the It nee T chance of all the team. Sacred Heart of Salem haa what little edge there ia with two 8-3 boyi, but the reat of the Cardinal! average around Well, we were all trvina hard. That Nell Worden it great. Fullback Worden aver aged nearly 10 yardt In 15 tmashei againtt USC. You By BAKOLD CLAASSEN New York, (WThe Aaao- ciate Preta' Little AU-Amer lean football team of 1031 bon on playera from college In 10 different state, giving recog nltion to athlete who helped their teamt win conference or regional championthioi, aided In winning bowl blda and, In one cat, act national record. It 1 doubtful if ever lh the paat the college! termed minor by the National Collegiate Athletic Service Bureau, In contraat to the huge brain fae- toriet, Jiave been represented by tuch a italwart, able team. Ltata Negr Ace For lnatance, the backfield litt Leo Lewi of Lincoln Uni versity, Jefferaon City, Mo. Lewlt, a Junior, already hat acored S3 touchdown! In three teaton to ettabliah a record no other player can match. He waa the natlon'a ace point-getter thla year with 133 point. In the backfield with him I H u g h Laurin Pepper, the running ace of the Miasisiippi Southern team which opened the tenon by defeating Ala bama and closed it by blank ing Georgia. At quarterback 1 Pence Dacu of Southwett Texa State, by itatittica the nation't belt paster, and Rich ard Wolt, whose . Arkansas I team of Jenetboro again ia in bowl game. , To make thing easy for thit talented array of ball carriers are aeven linemen who are atara in their own right. Cal foly Man Listed Right in the middle of thing 1 Stan Sheriff of Cali fornia Poly. The club is the only undefeated team In Call torn la and acored 400 point while holding It nine victim to 85. Sheriff, whose college career wa Interrupted, al. ready haa been drafted by the Detroit Lion. At one of the tackle It Rob ert Lade of Peru, Neb., Teach er. He 1 a repeater from the 1052 team and again help ed the Nebraskana to an un beaten year. At the other tackle post Is Norman Hayes ef thevCol lege ef Idaho. HI team alts defeated all rivals rad then won a spot la the Befrlgeif ator Bowl. - Bruno Ashley of East Texas State, a team which equalled Maryland's mighty record of 10 successive victories through the season is stationed at one guard and Robert Adams of Shippensburg, Pa., Teachers at the other. Shippensburg also stormed through its schedule without setback. For the past several yean St Olaf College of Minnesota haa been the scourge of Its class. Thla year it whipped eight opponents in succession and regiatered 381 potnta to 68. A part of the reaton for its success was the play of John Gustafaon at end, poatlon he holds on the national outfit. At the other terminal Is Hal Mor riion, the all-everything iter of the' Eaat Tennessee State aggre gation which won the Burley Bowl laurels on Thanksgiving Day. The team thla year, with the return to one platoon football, names only 11 men in contrast to the 22 picked during the two-platoon era. Cutting the first team honors in half shunted Ron Billings of Pacific Lutheran to the aecond team after he made the top rung a year ago. It also prob ably cost Jim Gray, a team mate of Ashley on the East Texas State team that haa won 20 in a row, a first team berth. The playera that did make the team represent clubs that won 80 games out of 98 for a 806 pace. That an effective cure for any coach' ulcers. Hayea of College of Idaho and Billings of Pacific Luther an were the only Northweit erners in the top 22 but tackle Silverton Gains 71 to 49 Victory Against Cascade Cascade Silverton high Miml fronted hr Fred Ku- er1 28 points, vanquished Caa- cade nigb nere last mini n- in the first effort of the 1053 54 basketball season. Neal Kenyon acored 18 In the losing cause and Bill Brown 14. At halftlme It was 44-18 for Silverton. Bllwtaa (111 t Caaaato Coppia. 11 F I. WlPPar Woil. 4 F a, Lairanca K.r, M C....1I. rasjoo. M. Onaanhwar. u ..0 14. Brown Stack. 4 O t. aaaat Humhi: ailvartott Bohblna t. Olllam S. Caatada Arjdaraon 3. Fflul S. Wlnkia ornriala Kallr and mitia made the third team and 11 others who played on gridiron in Waihmgton. Oregon ana Ida ho received honoarble mention. Butschmaa Mentioned The honorable mention list included: Ends Larry Craven, Whit man: Lou Grzadzielewskt, Col lege of Puget Sound; Bernard u. mI. T.atmm Waahlnfftnn College of Education; Jack Kennevick, College of Idaho. Guard Joe Kahahawai, Col lege of Idaho. Centers William Fowler, Whitman; Ron Hibbard, Central Washington College of Educa tion. Back Boyd Crawford, College of Idaho; Ted Martin, College of Idaho; Ad Rutsch man, Linfield; Bob Ward, Whit-worth. Central Edges Dayton, 38-34 Monmouth Central Union, high school moved from a 22 22 halftlme tie to edge Dayta, 38-34 here last night in the first game for both teams. Gilbert Bartel, forward. acored 11 points for the wia. ners, while William bad 14 foe Dayton. Central also won the 1uni varsity preliminary, 54-3, over Dayton. Dulra (Ul (M) Caural FlnntcuaB. S F....,a...4, Jobruoa Bowtana. I .. F...,-.,... 11. WUUaaa, 14- ...... O a Fr4an Ball. I -...O ...a. NtiMB Jobnaon. I O I, Prauka juaariaa: uantrat nuip i, Haranaao L Ofttctala WILUaau ant Andaraon. W.8.C. BEATS E.W.C.E. Cheney, Wash. ( Th Washington State Cougars, led by book-shot artist Ron Bennink who acored 24 points. opened the basketball season with a 44-43 win over Eastern Washington uoiiege of Eduu. tlon here Tuesday night PIONEERS IN HONOI III t? Honolulu (U.n Lewis tnrl Clark's football team went through light workout here to day ahortly after their arrival rrom me states ror a game Fri day with University of Hiwiii. SPORT SHIRTS JHRTOtn HEN'S WIU Capitol snapping Center 3-8. Sslem academy haa a 8-1 know, he practically carried the center, but again the other whole offense in our opening HI 114 111 411 .113 .114 KAYS TV (4) Dta Daaa .... Eodla Hanaal ., Kllto Kayo ., Bill Harold ., B Ill lal 4t4 I Ka 4 111 141 110 444 ..141 113 114 401 111 171 111 3111 ..KW in 111 Ml ..111 170 111 447 members of the squad are un der the 8' mark. Central boasts five boys over the coveted mark, while Stay- ton has but one. Cascade haa two six-footers as doe Phil omath. In high school, the height factor is not as important as some people think. You find that a good-sized am'ount of the large boys In prep circles don't know how to use their height. Therefore, they have no great advantage over the small, fast player. The first chance that the mentors will have to look at league opposition will be at the jamboree. It will be held at Salem high's gym on Decem ber 14. Incidentally, the Cascade band la going to furnish mus ic for the entire show. The Cascade band is one of the top bands in this area, the product of an extensive program car ried on under the direction of William Blssell. By now, tome of the teams have already played their openers, but it is too late to get the results in this week's col umn. These score will appear next week. This week's games are as follows Tues.: Silverton 71, Cascade 49; Toledo at Philo math, and Dayton 34, Central 38. Wednesday: Mill City at Stayton and Sacred Heart at Sublimity. Friday: Gerva 1 a plays at Salem academy. I looking at Friday a game, it will be intercstlnx to see what next year'a new Capital league member, Gervals, can do against one of the league's present members. Yalsetx Squeezes Out Siletz 47-46 wooDti rrcs saw ihop id Duaaa Frank 110 11 Bill Hal to II Don aa-arta 110 ill Tom ruher 101 101 Warna Frank lit 101 HI ITt 101 111! Wll LAMITTS AST TUB III Smll fchol 114 171 111 110 Mai Jacooar Ill 111 131 171 Ed Bub 141 43 117 111 BUI Holwr 101 in 111 111 Arnll 14am 144 111 14 471 Valselz Valsetz slipped in; through with a last-minute 47- 48 victory here last night over in in in iiu ! Siletz in the season's curtain- iii raiser, Jack Cowan hit his free ii mi throw to break the string of ; ties in tne tourtn quarter. At halftime Valsetz led 17- 13. Cowan led the victors with 17 points, while Thompson was good for 13 for Siletz. games. I hurt my ankle. Til Enter Air Force Lattner played both ways on offense and defense even before this year'a revision of the substitution rule made It mandatory. Which does he like best? "I like both.' Does he think he'll play pro fessional football? I'd sure like to but I'm in the Air Force ROTC and may have to go into service after graduation so I haven't been thinking about it too much." TO SET FISHING RULES Portland &t) Oregon sport fishing regulations for 1054 will be tentatively set following a public hearing Friday, Jan. 8 here at the State Game Com mission's office. Following a two-week interval, a aecond public hearing will be held by the Commission Jan. 22 to set final regulations for the year. TIDE TABLE Tld.a faf Tail. Oraian Dwaaaar. 1151 (Caaaplla ar V. . Cart a OaotaUo arrap, Fartlano Oratanl Hlak Waura Loa Watars Blah Watara Lov Watara Dacambar Tlmo Haunt Tlno Haunt S I 11 am. it 31 ost. II 10:41 p. at. 4 1 4:11 P A. I I I 1:41 O.K. 41 I II a m. 31 11:11 p.m. 4 T l it P ra. 1.1 1010 a m. I.I 4:11 km. 11 1 11 p.m. -0 1 I 11:11 in. It 4:11 am. II 11:11 a m. 11 1:31 p.m. -0 4 1:13 a.m. 10 in a.m. i t 11:11 a.m. 1! 1:04 p.m. -0.1 I f 1:11 am. I 1:11 km. It 11:04 PI. 1.3 : 1:41 p.m. -0 3:14 am. S t It7 a.m. II 13:14 p.m. I I 1:10 p.m. -0.1 t I 13 am. 4 1 1 41 am. It 1:11 p.m. 1.1 1:00 P m. -0.1 It I. ll am. I it am. 14 I ll pa. It I II p.m. -0.1 It 4 14 am. II I 44 am. It I 13 p m. I I 10 11 p m. -0 1 II I 11 a.m. II 10:11 a m. II 4 11 p.m. 1.1 11:11 p.m. 0 4 13 t II a.m. II 11 II p.m. 1.1 14 I 44 a.m. 17 1 01 pa. 4 1 1:13 p.m. I I 1 10 a m. 11 n il a m. I I I 11 pm. 41 3 41 p.m. 0.1 11 I 11 in. 11 1:41 km. 11 I 11 IT 41 1:40 p m. 0 0 IT I 04 k m. I I 1:14 I I. II II 04 p.m. 41 4:14 p.m. -O.l II I II a m. 10 1)1 k m. 10 I 33 P I. -11 11 11 01 am. 1 1 III am. 3.1 II 40 a.m. 1 1 1:11 p.m. -1.4 Ql 41 ITT t'"ED CABI III Bill campball Ill Frank SnaloroTO Ill Ira Short 130 Bob ftnaiirora Ill FrkUla Miliar Ill 111 111 lit 1103 134 414 111 314 111 IN HI 410 111 411 nrra iniiibjincb i B. OVban Ill M. rn la if. Faiaa 114 31. Follukl 144 A- Final 141 Til 711 IU 1100 IN 111 431 141 111 444 114 114 143 140 101 473 114 131 111 LIS NIWMAf It) Bart Nalbakl .... Pick Tarlof Bd Davla Tad Hoa Jam Andarman . Ill Mt t7l 33M 111 411 141 414 111 411 101 113 141 413 Vktartk 111) 'HI UlrU Co.fcn. II F I. flood. OU. I F 1. Simmoni B-tar.nn 10 T k T.tlnr Halmar, I O I. Luttr.i: ' B.U. I o 11. Ttiompwm Raaarraa. aitatrorMorr. I. Valirta Nona. Odlclalk Cummlnaa kn4 Cadrkk TRABERT, SEIXAS LOSE Melbourne, Australia (" In Just one of a series of stunning blows to America's Davis Cup hopes, the United States top doubles team of Tony Trabert and Vic Seixas went down be fore Australia's second best to day in the semi-finals of the Victorian championships. Rex Hartwlg and Mervyn Rose, 8-8. 8 4, 6-2, 5-7. 8 2. ON 111 lit 3003 BJlh laom aarlaa one tamo HadarnJ "' "' n-"'-Woodman. Illl and 111. 1 Huh Individual oamo Dla Paan Ka.f Hurt individual oarloa Dll Daaa IKaro Bkdloi ont Ham acharf iDavta Olli. TVi, 0I 1104. FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical use Si You can't buy better auto insurance pcgy A'iloft'i low rafos or Iht eerrer ralu you'd eiptcf from ffta compony founoW by Start. St llOW AHKA )KM tOvm. hone or rilii your AiMr Agent looViy.M 1. 1 lltVUM lib, 1. 1. 811111 550 H. Cipll) Si. FlitM J 9191 Vov'r. In Good Kandi wXfiiu USTOTG Sale Starts Wednesday, Dec. 2nd c Sale Starts Wednesday, Dec. 2nd EVERYTHING GOES! Raincoats' U.$.Army $99 New I Cost Gov't $12.75 Men's Hats Showerproof 79c Reg. $1.95 Now Blankets 100 . Wool Viv R.,. $6.95 $M9i Cloie-Out "T Work Sox Nylon Heel To Med. Weight Reg. SSe pr C lose- Out 4 P, 99c Boot Sox 69c i Wool 50 Nylon Reg. $1.25 pr. . pr. Now Cushion Fool Sox Army O.D. 50 Wool 49c Reg. 69c pr. Now. . . pr Coveralls Genuine V. S. Army New! Cost Gov't $7.15 Close- $J9S Out oi pr. Gl Barracks Bags K:89c Shoes sw, Getiui xe SAl Corp f New, GetiuiM Marine $A9S pr. USN Oxfords Black or Brawn $595P, Rain Gear Genuine U.8. Rubber Co. Black Rubber Reg. $7.95 $93 Cloie-Out t Panta, Jacket er Calls Sleeping Bag A Perfect Gift For Any Boyt Reg. $10.95 $C4S Cl?t9-0ut ? YES ! Cascade Merc Is Moving to a New Location ! We hove out-grown our present location. NOW! our main goal I to clean out everything. We don't want to move it. Everything mutt be sold. Take ad vantage of this once in a lifetime sols! Be here early for best sel- , action. ALL PRICES SLASHED! "FLY ROD Hollow dots 7 'l or 8-ff. 3 Reg. $11.95 $ 41 9 5 Clote-Out Spinning Lures Over 101 type to choose from Thomen, Thomas, Wogl-Rlte, etc. Choice 49c Spinning Reel Rn-Lac Reg. $21.5 Close- $atC50 Out O Motor Oil 100 Pur Eastern Gallon AA V Can 99c Salmon Rod Perfect for Trolling 7'i-H. Glass Reg. $15 Close- $-795 Out Gl Shoe Grease av Many Wonderful Christmas Gifts for that Man of Yours Select your now! While these outstanding value are available . Spinning Reel tr Olympic Deluxe Reg. 16.50 $95 Now Spinning Reel International 100 (Copy ef Mitchell) 1293 Reg. 19.95 Now Lemon Wood Bow Staves Reg. $4.50 Close- $199 Out I Salmon Spinning Rod Glass m-foot Reg. $19.50 $Q95 Clote-Out 7 Casting Rod True Temper Hollow Glase Reg. $21.95 $X95 Clote-Out O Casting Rod olid Glee Reg. $3.95 $199 Now I Spinning Rod Wright McGill Gluts Reg. $9.95 $ 95 Clote-Out O Automatic Reel Reg. $7.95 $19S New 9 Casting Reel ilrect D $6' Shakespeare Direct Drive Reg. $12.00 $,95 Nei Many, many mere tremendou value . . . tee for yourself . . . Sleeping Bag. Tenta, Fishing Tackle, Clothes, Shoes, Tools Everything Goes!!! Casting Reel Shakespeare Wendereel Reg. $11.00 $95 Close-Out T Star Drag Reel Ocean City Ne. til Reg. $7 JO $95 Clote-Out H Hand Trap For Blue Rocks Throw Singlet-Double Reg. $4.95 $195 Now '. I Duck Decoys Genuine Deck The Famous Rubber Decoy Reg. 19.95 do. Q95 Now dox. M Hand Warmers Chrome Plated Reg. $2.50 $149 Clote-Out I Leader Material 10-yard Coll Most Weights Reg. 30c Clote-Ou )ut 2c Electrician's Pliers Reg. $2.75 -JQ Now tC pr. Needle Nose Pliers 69C pr Reg. $1.95 Now Lineman's Climbers Spurs, Strap Pada Reg. $9.95 Clote-Out Reg. $9.95 $I95 Friction Tape 11 15C rail Large Roll a,' Reg. 55c roll Now 5 Cell Flashlite $69 Reg. $3.95 Now Gl Fool Powder 0 cant 25c OPEN EVERY EVENING Ul 9 P.M. ' CASCADE MM OPEN EVERY EVENING TI19P.M. CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 1-8862 1405 North Church 1405 North Church Prc8-tologoH .