filQmette I Host Inlsranii TTIaiiaii'sV t ttc&s Maj; Bearcats List Five To Start College basketball la Salem will move onto the fUge this week when Willamette uni versity meeti the University of Hawaii Thursday night and St Martins Friday night, both in the Willamette gymnasium. The Rainbows from the land of ukuleles and pineapple are on the mainland to meet many Pacific Coast confer ence teams and are given a SANTA, TWIBLER BOOKED Then will be halftlme en- tertalnment for all ages wheal Santa Clans visits the WIN lamette-St Martins basket- " ball game here Friday night Providing a skit will bo Miss Donna Cheney, a senior from San Mateo. Calif., who will perform as a baton twlrler. She is .the one who ' was featured during the half time of the Willamette home- - coming game against Lewis and Clark college football game. Santa, with assistance from two children, will dis tribute lollypops to young sters attending the basketball game. good chance against molt of them. Heading the list of threats are Harlow Tucker, a former high school ace from Walla Walla, and Bill Lee, 6-foot-5 lad who led the Rain bows to a 70-96 victory last year against the Bearcat team which eventually tied for sec ond In the Northwest confer ence. Tall, Experienced Coach John Lewis points ut that his. squad this year is taller and more experienced, but slower breaking. The al titude comes from Tom Good ing, S-foot-4 transfer from Boise Junior college, at cen ter; Pete Reed, letterman for ward, 6-feet-4; and a couple of battling reserves, Jack Bishop. Salam freshman at -feet-e, and Neil Cauabie, fl-feet-7, Albany freshman; and Jerry Patterson, 8-6 soph. i Rounding out the starting five besides Gooding and Reed will bo Dick Hoy, Junior let terman from Newburg, a guard; Duane Shield, a letter man, guard; and Bill Colvard, 6-foot-l forward, also a. let terman. Other reserves who battle the starters on oven terms In practice are Jerry McCallis te, guard: Dave Gray, Junior guard; Johnny Ray, 6-foot-S sopohmor forward; Wes Mal colm, Dale Gustafspn and Dave Johnston. The games are scheduled for I o'clock. There will be no reliminary Thursday night, but Friday night the William ette freshmen will play an ln tersquad contest at 6:10. Jerry Frei is freshman coach. Hawaii Cage Coach To Talk Thursday To Breakfast Club Al Saake, for seven years basketball coach at the Uni versity of Hawaii, will speak to the Salem Breakfast club Thursday morning at the Sen ator hotel. Saake, a native of Ithaca, t N. Y., is here with his team v to play Willamette university Thursday night as part of a tour which will take In games with Oregon State, Eastern Washington, Idaho, Washing ton State, Southern Califor nia, Santa Clara, Stanford and California. The Breakfast club was postponed from Monday morn ing to be able to have Saake aa the guest. The meeting at 7:50 will be open to the pub lic. Fights Last Night By Tha AMaetatas Praka) Waaklaataa HMlr kllmk. 1U. W..h. fitktao. aotpatatad ftammr Walker, 1U, Sprlnifleld. Meet.. II. Srnte Oene Smith. IX',. Wkkhlnktan. itappe4 Mtt1 Ola 44444. lit. OprlBkflelal, Mim . I. Mtakat Beach, ria. Mirker taareot. 1H. Peru, aatpatatas Bab WllUaau. IN. HaTane. II. GraaS BapMa, Nlek. Krarja Una. 1 It t. Matkeean. Mica., aatpotntecj Ran tribune. 111, Cedar Baplilk, lava. I. White Flarae. . T. Ntrele runart. IT!1. clTltavecchta. nalr. atappeel aakU Merle. UT. MiUaOelphla, a. Sea AaleMe, Ter Otitic- XartV Oal. aa. in, aalttua. Weilca. outpetnied Dane Medley, UT. Baa Antonio. IS. Laa Aaeelea Raenaai Paentea, 14m. tea Atweiea, tee pea Mem True, 14H, Laa Aaaelee, s. FAN FARE Baskelball Scores isr Tat Aaaeclatee Preen ran weir lu Praadaca 11. Cellfeimla U OtMM Tt, Hrllu4 13 VitlUMlw atale 44, tutn ul a Calereaa Out TS. Dmiv 44 tmi. m Jm stele W. ea Praaelene atete as aeuthern Canferala U. Sea Dleit iuu at Peciiie Vmll. aa. Or mm KtaeaUea M JUT Ti4 II. SerlaffleM M Pandheka 1M, Aeelpbl M Cenacucet ne. Anode blue U Pterldeace II, Breaa tl at. jwu (Bia.i fa. ftmoki el Selena 11L ahNatala IUU lW.Ve.1 u HUJI m c. state lea. parntea T4 THMUM 10t. Wofferd B Preaertertaa M. CHmn II Wake Pereet U. Vtrelalk Tick aft VanoerblU Tl. InuN St Auburn 11. Biratlnkhaa-SoetharB M Middle Tea. M, Beetera Keatuckr M klurrr ir.l S4. BtananUe M MIDWEST Hlmela la. o&ie van. at Wucenata M. Bailer S4 otiahaau Aatu. as. lurdia-aiawu 4 Detroit M, KihtMW SI Cincinnati II, Uaien (Bli.l W alereuctte II. Rlpoa 14 Bredler II. nilnota aula Manaal 11 Dapaul Tl, Illlnou wtlejaa tl Carletoa Tl. Drakt IT Duboqua Tl, wueoniln Tech SI Wichita Tl, Ft, Hera attta 14 Arkeruai CeUaaa II. Orurr IT SOUTHWEST Teiaa Chrletlen Tl. Auatia St Berler TO. NorUI Takaa 14 LiBir Tech kk. Texaa AAaf 4k OouUiara Uelbadlet aa, Kerthweel (La.) Tl Writ Ttaaa 11, Arlaan auta tPlee etetll U Taxkk Wealeraa It, ataphaa P. Ana tut Tt. rBO BASKBTBALL Beaten II. Philadelphia M (evertlmel arracnaa Tl, Milwaukee M levertlme) Rachcktar II. Fart Werne 4k. Marion County B Jamboree Pairings Listed for Saturday Pairings for the Marion Coutny B league basketball Jamboree at Willamette uni versity gymnasium Saturday night were announced today. There will be five 10-min-ute games starting at 7 o'clock. Admission will be 25 cents for school children and 60 cents for adults. Troph ies will be awarded to the first and aecond best cheering groups. Opponents: Game No. 1 St. " Paul vs. Mill City. Game No, t Scio vs. Sub limity. Game No. t Gervais vs. Jefferson. Game No. 4 Chemawa vs. Detroit Game No. $ Oregon School for the Deaf vs. Gates. Panter, Hayes To Box Tonight Detroit W) Soldier Norman Hayes of Boston, who hasn't fought in six months, will try to make the most of a three day pass tonight when he meets Utah's Garth Panter in Olympia Stadium. This 10-round clash of hope ful mlddlewelghts will be tele vised from coast-to-coast. It starts at 7 p.m., MST, over KOIN-TV, Portland. A wade-in fighter, Panter haa had 65 pro fights, winning 51, losing 12 and drawing I Hayes, who also started as s pro in 1949, haa had 19 fights. His record is 22-16-1. 4IERS GET HALFBACK San Francisco UJ9 The San Francisco Forty Niners turned the tables on Canadian Football today by luring sen sational halfback John Henry Johnson from the Calgary Stampedera to their Profession' al National League club for next season. Oregon Scores 79-72 Victory Over Portland Coos Bay UJ9 University of' Oregon, hit by last-minute loss of three reserves, won a 79-72 basketball victory over Uni versity of Portland here in a season opener for both teams. The three men, transfers Bob Glaves and Ray Bell, and Bill Davis, were declared ineligible hours before game time. A mixup in transfer paper side- lined Glaves and Bell, and fall- ure to pas. requires academic work last spring stopped Davis. The Ducks, winning by a margin of free throwa. denend- ed heavily on the accurate toss- es of Ed Hslberg, who hsd 20 points for the night. Late in the game, the Port - land team cut a halftime 12- point margin aown to 1 0 u r points. But the Ducks, led by sophomore Max Anderson, who tallied 16 points during the evening, and Ken Wagner, who got 11, managed to maintain control. . 5 & X J ,12 - vd Foul Shot Wins As Jeff Shades Canby, 42to41 Canby Claude Meyers of Jefferson sank a foul shot In the doting seconds and with it he sank the last quarter Canby rally as Jefferson downed Can- by, 42-41, in a basketball tilt here Tuesday night In the fourth quarter Canby had overcome a seven point 35-28, Jefferson lead when they tied the score at 41-aU with less than a minute to play. This set the scene for Meyers to hit his game-winning free throw. ' Canby led. 16-9. after a tight first canto, but in the second quarter Jefferson began hitting and the Jeftmen piled ud a 28-16 half time lead. Aft er that Canby was unable to catch up until the last minute. John Wright scored 18 and George Marlett hit for 14 to head the victors scoring and Dick Rayley dropped in llf or the losers. Canby got some consolation by winning the J. V. game, SI- 27. Mlanaa (K Mkrlktt. 14 .. wtiu. I Wttiht, II .... UtrtTk, 4 (41) Caaaa 11. ttarler ,1. Oltbaan ...T... ....... .....S, Bilham 1. Bark Httilon, T, Xnox Aiibi: Jatfariaft Tlakar. Cotmaa: Cu by runtr 14., Warrnon (1), Hrnrr (I), Daati. Offklalk: Wlckart M naaaar. Church Honors Viking Gridders The Salem high school foot ball team and coaches were guests at a banquet last night given by the high school de partment of the first Baptist church. The meal was served at the Evangelical United Brethren church and was followed by program. Dr. David Laurie, Portland, was guest speaker on "Foot ball Lingo. The group pre sented Coach Lee Gustaison with a gift before the 76 per sons present. Herb Triplett and Ken Rawlings, squad mem' bers, gave toasts. Miss Nancy- Teague served punch at the social hour. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Teague headed the committee in charge. Oregon's halftime lead was chipped away rapidly as Ron Marshall and Jim Torson gath ered eight points in three min utes, but the Ducks began con trolling the backboard in the fourth period and went on to ring up victory No. 10 in the 12-game series. Both teams play this week- ,nd. Portland meets Utah state in Portland, and Oregon face, Sn Jose at Eugene. I The haa: rertrs r. orprTTOrea. oppptp ""','"'1 s Ternm I IJJgV 1 itmni 1 53',', ! 5 I II Helb a f 4 90 I II atAqt.I 1 4 I Anae'a.e S 1 1 Weta'r. I t 11 Hona'e.t S a i Mora 4 1 ll'U 1 t THa4k.s S 5 I ROM 4 1 Peaa.f 1 I I 4 I II 1 S 11 4 1 le l a 4 S 11 I wuimt 1 F!mn.i 1 I a Totala IT M IS It retail II tl II HaltllBi: Orataa 41. Portland St. Pree threera BHaaad: Portland Mar. hell s. Trtnanlrh I. Krahn 4, Bertel 1. Drauhert I; oreaeai Helberi. Aodertaa 1, weaner !. Plouend 1. ly Walt Dirzeii Do Like This his method of shooting free throws to his six lettennea . who will wear Salem's colors against Roosevelt hero Fri day night It will be the opening baaketball gam. Left to right are Larry Springer, Jim Knapp, Wayae Erlcksen, Coach Hank, Herb Triplett, Oordy Domogalla and Tom Pickens. Stojack, Lindsey Draw- In Tense Mat Duel Here In a battle of stubborn, pow erful wrestlers, Luther Lindsey and Frank Stojack labored to a draw decision in the main ev ent at the Salem Armory last night with a fall apiece. It was a brilliantly executed struggle between Lindsey, the heavyweight favorite of local fans, and Stojack, the recog nized world lightweight cham pion from Tacoma. Cleanly fought all the way, the match went the time limit of 45 min utes with the second fall, won by Lindsey; ending only 45 second before the limit. They came back for the brief howdy-doo but had no time to gain a decision.. Stojack took the first fall by getting Lindsey by the ankles Corbet Trornps Sherwood 50-31 Sherwood Corbet had little difficulty in downing a less polished Sherwood team by a score of 50-31 in a basket ball game here Tuesday night ' The Corbet team had the ad' vantage of mora practice than Sherwood and it showed it by jumping to a 16-8 first stanza lead. They still held an eight point lead at the half, the score being 24-16. Corbet stretched their advantage to ten points by liie end of the third quarter, leading, 37-27. In the final canto Corbet completely outdistanced Sher wood, scoring IS points to four. Crouser scored 18 and Ben- ney counted for 12 points to lead the Corbet scoring parade. Tom Marlin waa high for the losers with 12. Sherwood won an exciting J.V. game by a score of 30-25 after one overtime. Caraat (M) (id Ctoumt, 11 Hirrla, I .. Ontppkrd ,.,.11. Hkrlla .1, Jarca I, Kxukar MtiTdaek ,.r.. B4BB47, II Hunter. 1 . Vaehert, 1 Oubt: cartat Lata (1), Aniata, Lawu, Cloch. Smith; Oharwaad ftutrwm. CAa. Mr. Ofltclalt: Miliar ana ruukraa- Sheridan Trims To 21 Hoopmen Sheridan Coach Raymond Pointer has cut the Sheridan high school basketball team to 21 men, who wlieamake up the varsity and Junior varsity teams. The players are Jerry Clark, Jerry Papen, Larry Green, Bob Bailer, Jack Eden, Noah Ber key, Weldon Wood, Phillip Stuck, Kelton iVickerson, Jim Fisher, Rodney Eastburn George Papen, Bob Vaughn, Gary Woodall, Gary Anderson, Chuck Clark, Lonnle Bailer, Alan Crisp, Everett Gould, Jim Hen, Kenneth Specimen. Managers of the team will be John Terry and Letser Cody. Woodburn Gun Club to Meet Woodburn The Woodburn Rod and Gun club will meet Thursday. Dec 1, at 8 p.m. In the Woodburn city hall. Edwin Ostrorn will be pro gram chairman, chosen by John Zenan. Gene Coleman, assisted by Randel Kelly and Art Peterson, will serve re freshments. All sportsmen are invited. Fr ths Bast la FUEL OIL GEORGE C A DWELL OIL COMPANY lad Sim tt Mmm 2-7431 Coach Harold Hank (center with ball), Salem Ugh school coach, demonstrates in giant swing, then pinning him with a Boston crab hold. Lindsey got up from a kick and three body slams in the second fall to throw Stojack with a pair of slams and cinch ing the fall with a full nel son. ' Tag Team Draws ' In a wild-eyed semi-final. Red Vagnone and Jack O'Reil ly, Northwest team champions. had to accept a draw with Carl Engstrom and Danno McDon ald, whose tactics are those of angels compared to Vagnone and O'Reilly. O Reuly used a stopover toe hold on McDonald for the first fall after kicking his victim in the face to soften him up. Me Donald used a rolling keylock on Vagnone for the second fall after wringing him arm like a. chicken a neck. The preliminary between Tony Ross and Don Kindred found Referee Frank Fagetty disqualifying Kindred for head' butting, a foul which haa lost him more matches than It has won. He even used it on Ref eree Fagetty when h ordered him to break hold on Ross. 18 FOOTBALL DEATHS Los Angeles VP) Ten foot ball fatalities two in college, two In athletic club levels, five in high school and one in sand lot play have been reported thia yer ? th Fcctbal! Fatal ity Committee of the American Coachea Assn. Maryland Earns Final No. 1 AP Grid Rating New York VP) Maryland. the only college football team to go through a major schedule without a defeat or a tie, won the 1933 national collegiate football championship from undefeated but once-tied Notre Dame. Maryland, winner of 10 gamea and headed for a New Year's day engagement with Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl, earned the coveted O'Donnell trophy. The O'Donnell trophy, do nated by the Notre Dame Mon ogram club In honor of the late Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, former Notre Dame football player who became president of that Institution, is swarded annual ly as a national championship emblem on the basis of the As sociated Press poll. Maryland succeeds Michigan State as holder of the trophy, which will be awarded outright to the first tesm to win it three times. The final 1933 poll brought out a record number of 376 votes. In the showdown vote, Mary land received 187 first place ballots and 336S points to 141 tints and 3149 points for Notre Dame. Michigan State, last year's champion which lost 1 of 9 games this year en rout to a tie for the Big Ten champion ship in its first yesr of ccr'er ence play, finished third with I n. 4J3JJ 1 I Star Tallies 33 As Colton Tops St. Paul 59-48 St Paul Colton let loose in the fourth quarter to break open what had been a close basketball game as they de feated St Paul 69-48 here Tuesday night Martin, who also waa the high scorer of last year's tilt, dropped in 33 points as he led Colton to victory. St. Paul's two Smith boys, Sam and George (who are not brothers) were also vets of last years game and led the losing ef fort Sam hitting It points and George counting for 11. Colton led, 24-23. after nln-and-tuck first half. The third quarter waa close and in the final stanza the victors piled up their margin. The B squad game waa also won by Carlton by a score of 27 to 11. Caktaa US) Mania, SI , (IS) at. Peal ,.p. p.., ,.u. a. emitn Neataau s . , a. Ktreoh ,.IL O. amlth Cheleea. IS DIUer. 1 .... .0.M. Bentluaa, S O.... 4, ruth I, Mertea at. Paid Walt suae: cot lac Hill tin (41. Vaa Damme (41. aaa Mall. Amateur Boxing Card Scheduled Here on Dec. 16 The aecond amateur box ing card of tha winter sea son haa been scheduled for the Salem armory a Wednesday, Dec, 16, it was announced last night ' Sponsored by the Marion County State Employees' as sociation, the card will In clude 12 bouts, featuring ap pearance of Jack Pnaesa f ' Eugene, lav-pound champion of the Northwest, and his brother. 2736 points. The Spartans were followed by Oklahoma, UCLA, Rice, Illinois, Georgia Tech, Iowa and West Virginia. Team: 1. Merrlend (1171 (ia-a..., t. Notre Dene (111) ll-t-n,, I. Mlehlien auta II (1-11.. 4. Oklahoma (111 (M-ll I. UCLA (11 (1-1) a nice (i (Hi 1. nilnela (1-1. 11 I. oeoriia Tech (1-1-1) 5. leva 1101 ll-l-U It. Waet Vlrjlnla (HP (l-ll.. Patnte I..1JU ...llll ...1154 ...loll ...1001 ...llll ...1141 ... 131 ... 171 411 Tha eeeend It: 11. Teiaa. 171: 11. Teaaa Tech. Ill: IX Alkhama III 117: 14. Ar aiy an: II. WleeanMa Stli IS Ken. kirkr 111 111: IT. Auburn 111! II, Duke 1M. IS, Stanford 41: at. MKKlaaa 111 II Olhera racetrtnt Beta that It Berate: Cincinnati, Mlnaaeata. southern Center nla. Peaa state, MUklaelaal, Tenneteeo, Barter. "OUR REPUTATION Is YOUR SECURITY" that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE Ltftgg . FOB THE BEST IN HAULING IS STORAGE jV FUEL Dial 3-3131 r e as st 89 N. Liberty ASSOCIATED PRESS SaJem. Oregoa, Wodneoday, Lake Oswego Swimmers Hand Salem Secbnd Loss Salem high school swimmers were defeated by Lake Oswego for the second time "this sea son Tuesday afternoon as Os wego topped Chet Goodman's team 41-23 at Portland univers ity. Salem now haa a 2-1 rec ord aa they lost their first meet of the year 40-26 to the aame squsd. Mika Riley, Lake Oswego, was the only double winner as he took the 200-yard freestyle and the 100-yard backstroke. The next meet for tin Vikings is Friday with Vancouver at Vancouver. The Trappers have fine team again this year. The results were: 40-yard freestyle Dave Kromer (Sa lem), Jerry Schwarx (Lake Os wego), and Paul Beck (Salem). Winning time, 21.0 seconds. , 100-yard breast stroke Dick aPine (Lake Oswego), Allen (Lake Oswego), and Jim Hurdle (Salem). Winning time. 1:20.2. 200-yard freestyle Mike Riley (Lake Oswego), Jim Lawrence (Salem), and Del Frahm (Salem). Winning time, 2:23.8. 100-yard back stroke Mike Riley (Lake Oswego), Ted Venablea (Lake Oswego), and Dean Angove (Salem). Win ning time, 1:14.8. OSC to Start 2 'Midgets' Friday CorvaUls tu.n two men de scribed aa midgets at least by OSC basketball standards will probably start for Oregon Stat college Friday against University of Hawaii here. The midgets 6-8 Ron Rob bins and 5-10 Bill Toole come from Marahfield and Klamath Falls high school respectively. Both won first team honors on the All-State team, and both played regularly aa freshmen at Oregon State, when first year men were eligible for competition. Pacific Defeats Wolves 60 to 50 ' Forest Grove UJ9 Pacific university's Badgers fought off a late-game rally to win 60 30 basketball victory over Ore gon College of Education last night Clint Agee, tossing In II points for Pacific, connected in the fourth period to push OCR out ot the lead for the rest of the game. N. u. Chamberlain, former Salem high school star, collect ed 13 points to lead Oregon College scoring. TROTTERS WIN 71-51 Eugene U. The Harlem Globetrotters, d a x 1 1 d 5300 gigling spectators with basket ball court wizardry, last night defeated the Boston Whirl winds, 72-38. Give Dad his ownSniaster barber aJsMaT-a- ana Bare etebten ft. the paaaias ream at eaarlaf ham. let tearr saaeaa. lie, pace re arkea he rrarrtklac. aaeapt ear aaaea at teat a aaalan taiiiriai Ikactrie aeaeee-aera't ene ft" ! auin uSaaa S Dalana. H part anat Bare tkaa S4 Mttea lakUts l(irattiaa ear aleete ta saaltj at a Master Barber! It'i. it T' Triit M llliiuu m Tin in uiiiin mmi n nn n asra n n an ai CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Slot Comer of Liberty WE GIVE ZrfC GREEN STAMPS UNITED PRESS December 2, 1953 Pago II 100-yard frees trie Sua Hendricks (Lake Oswego), Jim Boudreau (Salem) and Bill Donnelly (Lake Oswego). 120-yard individual medlev Dick Pain (Lake Oswego), and Dave Kromer (Salem). Winning time, 1:21.03. 180-yard medley relay Won by Lake Oswego (Jerry Schwarx, Denny Allen and Bill Donnelly), Winning time). 1:16.3. . ... 160-yard relay Won by Sa lem (Jim Boudreau, Jim Law rence, Paul Beck and Dav Kromer). Winning time, 1:24.1. ' - Double Overtime Woodbum Points Defeat Newbera , Newberg Some cool ire throw shooting in the second overtime by guard Royal Has tid gave Woodburn high school 49-48 basketball victory her last night over Newberg In non-conference opener. Hastl hit both of bis frea throwa after Don Mardock had missed the first ot his two for Newberg earlier in the over time. The regular gam ended at 43-43 and the first overtime) at 47-4. ' Jerry Plank, reserve center. was high for Woodburn with 16 points. Ruben ltosen scored 18 lor Newberg. Woodburn will be host to North Marion Friday night The preliminary found Woodburn'a Junior varsity win ning 83-19. ti ekelaea, t Hleelaa T, . Oaraara, S Nerrle, 14 , Baalla, ,..r. A aatalartk .....a. aattak a. ...... .4. Wuoeer a 1, eUeftkue WeedbHira Plank, a. Ml Heserveel Stelner, Mewacrt ouuea. I. 44 Collins, t. ll Mardack. a. 11. OtncliH . O-NCU ana Hawaii. For Dependable Service Cascade Transfer & Storage Wallace Bonesf eele & Son Commercial Trucking, Warehousing nd Distribution Service ' 1625 Front St. Phone 3-4444 tee-ae ana a," eWjara braahea a, hex An4 H atee Da afattlaas aharee aairwkara, an-tuea. Jaet aa neat aa aa aaan. u e net aaa ererr sap. Taa aaa as- UaOhftcei errtk aaaaUeaaa - Its fmBr fee, ea lead, auk pea know Dea d at, aapar vera aki awa Heater ai hsasataaM.hUnlM Mr) Mkaca.,, Ll mm IIMInaneu - .a