Pag 14 THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale, OrtfM Wednesday, December 2, 19S3 HOUSE UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES HEARING 7T TTrq ' This wu th general scene in the supervisor's chambers on the San Francisco City Hall (Dee. 1) at the Home Un American Activities Committee, beaded by Rep. Harold H. Velde (R., 111.) opened 10 dayt of hearings. Committee men aeated on upper roitrum are (left to right) Congress man Gordon H. Scherer of Ohio; Donald L. Jacluon of Pacific Paliaadei, Calif, Velde and Clyde Doyle of Hunt ington Park, Calif. They are lUtening to the fint witnesi, Iioui Roaier, 47, a Negro who told the committee that the Communis ta In 1932 tried to itir American Negroea to revolt and act up their own Soviet republic in the south. Roster said be was a party member and official from 1932 to 1944. (AP Wlrephoto) June Haver to Reenter Movies Make Honors - Hollywood ( Negotiations ire under way for actress June Haver to co-star in the movie 'My Sister Eileen." Miss Haver, who quit Holly wood and a $3,500-a-weelc job to enter Catholic convert Jut February, may make her screen comeback early next year. She and her agent, Ned Marin, and producer Jerry Wald have gone over tentative plans, and a Co lumbia Pictures spokesman says "June likes the idea." Further talks are scheduled next week. The 26-year-old actress waa In the convent 7 W months, stu dying to become a nun. Then she returned home, saying ill health forced her to give up religious life. Darrell Ray Baker Dies at Hoquiam 102 Students Eighth graders placed more students on high grade honors than any other grade at Par rlsh Junior high for the first nine weeks. The eighth grade class had 49 on the roll, the ninth grade bad 82, and the seventh graders had 21. In all 102 made high honor grades. To make this stu dents have to have three "As" snd the rest of the grades either "B" or "S." Honor students were: BerenUi Ored. BtTtrlr UcKIddmi. Trerarlene Miller, J1U Amundeon. Janet Btdfla. Linda srteeaard. Janice Gordon. Sandra leaae. Bryan Haneon, Nancy Otto. Alexandria Karen. Sharon Trsai, Kdlth Oarle Brown. Larry Fatxer. Oerald Bilk,. Boo stubMerield, Claim Well- brock. John Tolmaoff. Nancy Satee. Lin da Bmmcrton, Judith Pmcra, alike TounyqtiUt. tlanth Grade Oary AUIaon, llary 11 ltn Xl,ln. Alma Kunowaxy. Judy At wood. LVAnn Oowner. Carolyn Lunday. Dortha Pierce. Donna Bandera. Jantt Qooaman. Sandra Johnaon. Janone Boot Ann Catae. Harlan oraham, John Soeo- lority, oary Featal. Janleo Drakalay. stofanlo Kurti. Daanna Paraona, Dal, Draka. Bob Btit. Ladall Aadereoa, Joan Croiiland, Rosa Dunlfan. Anna BcUa Hart, Jacklo Klfht. Judy Qnerr, Bawly Word has been received in , - , inart, wacai avieni, rfuoy VU.rr, n,T,riy Salem Of the Sudden death at carpenter. Joan Kamy, Judla Ralmann. Tommy Ibrlf , Joy Baa Dawaoa. Jamca lila hnma In TTnniilam Waih .. Sandra Stanhjam, .a - - el- u ' I Brown, Tom Pake, w ai juiuicr oainu iuuj, jmi rell Ray Baker. Born June 17, 1909 at Cascade Locks, Oregon, and graduated from the Oregon City schools, Baker lived in Salem for 18 years prior to go ing to Hoquiam. Survivors are his wife the former Gertrude Olson; four children, Mrs. Myrtle Klxur, Louis, Anna and Ida Baker, all of Hoquiam; three sisters, Mrs. Melvin Bales of Salem, Mrs. James Wier of Eugene and Mrs. Everett Cook of Sacramen to, Calif.; and two brothers Fred and Judson Baker of Sa lem. Services were held November 17 at Hoquiam and interment was in that city. 92-Yea7oidMan Seeks Compensation Chicago W) A 92-year-old man who still works dally filed a claim under the Illinois work' men's compensation law yei terday. David R. Steffey wants com' Dentation for a broken leg he suffered when he slipped on a water meter plate Nov. 6 in the building occupied by his em ployer, the General Produce Co. Kenneth Hecht, Steffey's at torney, said officials believed Steffey probably was the old est worker ever to file a claim , under the Illinois State Com pensation Act PRINOLE CLCB Prlngle The Pringle Com munity Club will sponsor a benefit covered-dish dinner on Friday, Dec. 4, at the Pringle School. Serving will start at 6:00 p.m. and each family it asked to bring their own table service, a hot dish or salad and a pie. The pie is to be auctioned for dessert Dona tions will be accepted. Pranklta. Kant Lammara. Joan Ifarah. Jim teelr, Brarllyn Spark,, Diana Coolay, charlene Oranka, Barbara HoUocray, Bd- na flnltkar, Beterlr Stain. Helen Winia. olorta Wood, Sua John fan. Louie. Lara Paul Rlehay. Ninth orada laary xarlrwlne. Bererre Heady. Jndle Seamaler. Carla Henderson. boid norn. Wanda Noel, pat Swanaon, Robert Tralstad. Sarah Booeter. Triiha Perrln, Katharine Alexander, Cynthia Cheee, Donna Kelley, Srdoey Week,. Vallota Hay, Oolleen Zameov. Carol Btolk. Mary Wood, PatU claiiett. Alice Brewer. Kutrs iuutt cora Da All Types at Permanent Machuielcwa - Cold Wats -Maehlu Capitol Shopping Center DO YOU UK! Sunwley rvitKftrfiftmnNsiMi You Work Better, Feel Better When You See Better! You'll do a better lob and feel better when your vision is better. Good eyesight is an important asset for anv work you do. Come in now and let us give you a thorough ex amination. We never prescribe glasses unless they are really needed. USE YOUR CREDIT Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now in Our New Modern Office and Laboratory COB-NEK ltth el CENTER DIAL I-UH : XV .Sen Kim Sigler Rites Friday Hastings, Mich. VP) Kim Sigler will be buried Friday in Hastings, his home, with dozens of state officials in at tendance, including, possibly, his last political opponent. Gov. G. Mennen Williams. The former Michigan gov ernor was killed with three others Monday night when his private plane crashed Into the television tower near Battle Creek. His daughter, Madelon, now Mrs. Richard Gossett of Tulsa, Lacomb Lumber Deal Confirmed Albany Acquisition of an interest In the Westers Veneer plant at Griggs station, near Lacomb, by the Willamette Valley Lumber company . was made known here by William Swindells, president of the lumber manufacturing concern. The telephoned announce ment coincided with the filing of articles of incorporation here Monday by Robert S. Miller, Ralph H. King and Mouriee O. Georges, members of a Portland legal firm, acting In behalf of the Western Veneer tt Plywood Co., with headquarters given at a comb, near where the plant is situated. Capitalization of the new corporation is recorded as $1, 000,000, but Swindells said this is not in excess of the present vslue of the Western Veneer Co. plant and that incorpora tion does not indicate imme diate plans for expansion. "We do not plan to make any changes whatsoever," Swindells said. "The Willamette Valley Lumber Co., is merely acquir ing aa interest in the operation, which will continue to function as before." Harold Jones, Eugene, is president of the Western Ven eer company and will continue Veneer & Plywood Co., it was indicated by Swindells. Okla., arrived in Lansing Tues day to make the announcement. She said that two services will be held for Sigler, one In Lans ing, the other here. North Pole Now Boasts Post Office Washington () A new pest Iflce, North Pale, N.Y, fcaa been authorised ky rest anaster General 8 inane r- lleldV The fsarth -class office will he locate) la a rmral area between Lake Placid and Wilmington, N. Y, where a glft-nuking lndnstry exists. Pasta! officials aald Taos-' day the new post Mice is intended primarily to serve this indastry, bat they spec ulated it will share la some f the novelty holiday mail inn which annually pour throngh Santa Clans, lod., and Christmas, Fla. ISRAELIS GATHER ON JUDEA HILS Jerusalem (AA Despite freez ing weather, large groups of Israelis, including students and soldiers, gathered in the Judea hills Tuesday for ceremonies in connection with the start of Chanukah.the week-Ions Jewish Festival of Lights. Kidnap-Slayers i Get Heavy Mail Jefferson City, Mo. W) Missouri State Penitentiary of ficials say 2S0 pounds of let ters and telegrams have been sent to Carl Austin Hall and Mrs. Bonnie Brown Heady, the k Id n a p-killers of 6-year-old Bobby Greenlease. But none of it hss been de livered at the kidnapers' re quest Tney said they didn't care to see any of the mail. - Prison officials said most of the letters checked appeared to come from cranks and persons who wanted to thrust their re ligious views on the pair who will die In the state gas cham ber Dec 18. 8ILVERTON BAZAAK Silverton The annual Mer chants Luncheon from 11 a m. to 2 p m, Dec. S and the all day bazaar of the Methodist church, in the basement rooms of the old building at Fish and Main Stj., is being announced by the general chairman, Mrs. Albert Grinde, and the Worn an's Society of Christian Serv ice , president, Mrs. Lores Barr. Mrs. George Huchen dorf is luncheon chairman. POP CORN 909 IT QUICK-MSy rv mm v-w ate JOUT TUU. Hmm Guaranteed USED REBUILT BICYCLES IDEAL for CHRISTMAS! The BICYCLE-TRICYCLE SALES and SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Harry W.Scott 147 South Commercial Easy Terms aaw-mawawawaa , , I Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial LOCKER BEEF WAR Lowest Prices in the State 1000 head Eastern Oregon grain-fed beef. Hurry! They won't last toe long. Hauled in our own trucks from our Eastern Oregon feed lots. Buy and Save at Packing House Wholesale Prices ' CUTTING, WRAPPING, CUSTOM KILLING and CURING Fancy Eastern Oregon White Face Beef Front Quarter lb. Half or Whole lb. 20 m Salem Meal Co. Hind Quarter lb. 25' Fancy Doubla AA Young Steer Beef lb. 25' 1325 South 25th Phone 3-4858 1 rmL Chairs for ease S RTrjS and relaxation 1 1 mi ji S Lounge Choir. Fw5l JfVV fj g Wing Choir. ff 1 fJ Modern Chair. Jt''$$9U IL' I Occasional fff'tHjll ' I I si I 0 '4.95 31.50 9 I Iwii-fiM Handsome " E llIllriiHit Hassocks if Every woman's heart warms to a gift for her home. Santa has emptied a pack of them right here in our store! They're gifts that give pleasure when they are received and over and over again while they are used with pride. Give a HOME gift from Stiff Furniture Company to make her happiest! Here ore just o few selections from a very complete assortment of choirs that are truly superb gifts, because they are so good looking . . . so comfortable and so smart. Choose a Lane Cedar Chest for Her Christmas Gift. Choose from our big selection of styles and finishes! This Is a Christmas thrill your loved one will cherish all her life. Come in early while stocks are complete. Illustrated here is the stunning modern cnest finished in blonde oak. The same design is available in walnut. A real value at 54.95 Fireside Enchantment Brass fireplace screens and ondiron sets . . gift of worm pleasure to all the family. THREE WAYS TO CHARGE: J CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN CONTRACT BUDGET PLAN J REGULAR MONTHLY CHARGE ACCOUNT We can't hide our pride in this large selection of truly hand some Hossocks now in stock for your Christmas choosing. Plastic and textured moteriols, sturdy, comfortoble and so eosy-to-eleon. Be Sure to See . . . The Storage Hassock The cover is heavy-duty dur able oil plastic that keeps its ifV, luster and is eosy to clean with Jr ' a damp cloth. Hinged top, soft podded top, strong wooden frome. For gracious Entertaining This delightful mahogany tea wagon is one of striking interest and so adaptable to informal entertaining. QQ JQ " WE GIVE AND REDEEM PENNY SAVER STAMPS 450 COURT ST., SALEM Open Friday Nights Till 9 PM. for Your Shopping Convenience Dr. K.K. Bering Dr. Bam Hnghea