Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 02, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wednesday, December 1
Coldframe May
Hasten Spring
You cm let ahead of tprlnf
with a coldframa, which many
irdentn call "the bett car
eening friend they have." The
use will pay off wall, too. The
(arty start it gives you for
vegetables maans a mora pro
ductive vegetable garden. For
flowers, it means more
If properly located the seed
lings In a coldframa will have
sunshine most of the day, an
essential to good, healthy
growth. On balmy days the
sain should ba propped up an
inch or two on the side away
from the wind, thus prevent
ing too much heat generation
through tha glass.
In erecting a cold frame
choose a well drained garden
pot in a sunny location. Make
an open box measuring three
by six test with the sides
about 10 inches high. A stand
ard 3x6 glass sash will cover
this satisfactorily. Hava one
end lower than the other to
permit water to run off. If
ihe soil is good, spade it,
otherwise remove about six
inches and replace with good
garden soil, one part peat
moss and one part sand. Half
a pound of bonemeal will
prove beneficial, too. Tha cold
jframe, especially if banked
with soil, will protect young
Seedlings against frost or
reeling. Thus you can start
beets, cabbage, celery, cauli-
lower, letuce, parsley or o-
soes from seed much earll-
r in the spring than your
elghbors who do not use the
oldfrsme, thereby reaping an
srlier, more productive crop.
iters, delphinium, marigold.
ollyhocks, nicotinic, lobelia
nd ilnnias will also give you
n sarly start on your flower
garden. Pots of bulbs or pot
.rted rose bushes can be stored
pn a coldframe for winter pro
jection. i The coldframa is not a hot
jted. There is no source of
,'hett except sunlight. Thus it
,is largely a protective cover
ing and not a heated props
'gating plant. The addition of
' - artificial heat to a coldframe
- converts it into a hotbed
.where seeds germinate in
warmer soil conditions or
where cuttings take root un-
der more ideal conditions. The
$use of the two, while similar,
are distinct.
"Dairy Herd Owners
''Meet December 7
1 Marion county annual Dairy
" herd Improvement association
- tneetlng will ba held Decem
ber 7, Monday, at the May-
' flower hall in Salem.
4 After the directors meeting
In Salem this week. President
Jim Phillips announced the
employment of Billy Melton,
6cio; as tha new supervisor.
The annual meeting will
start at 10:30 a.m. with the
t Middle tJrove associated ladies
serving lunch at noon.
to Ton Know?
il 1. That Jerusalem Cherry is
frcry susceptible to gas? It will
drop its leaves if there is even
faint trace in the atmosphere,
a 2. The Nightshade Family is
a group of more or less poison-
us plants found in the warmer
(Formerly i?p:nhol I'wM
260 S. 21st SI. Phone 4 1856
tit 8. Higb Ph. 43751
Rent a Tool
Belt-Disc-Vib. Sanders
Floor Sanders
Plumbing Equipment
Stapling Hammers
Cement Mixers
Gas Welders
Compost Grinders
Tools In Most Anything
1131 S. 12th Ph. 3-1641
Capitol Floor Coverings
as,.!) h. goodYear
wwwiMK virts nvvnunts
e h koom e ler
a tm MMt im li . "V
CJUM ea costs m k rot cosmmaiw asss rsnsun ess tout
tooewe) tsnat, smsa ameatnm oa cosMtesciai
Capital A Journal
f - r 1
r- .4,
If vl 14 f-- s-i
I UVINg Onnnt L CMIlOalN Cm I
I r BovEfo gajr i
I o leiiw. suj ,s- e- Onl !
'- w e' eoecMi,,,,
i e cas soar rwt Jl
The family room is an Important feature of homes de
signed for modern living an informal living room, a
main floor recreation room, a party room, a multipurpose
room. In this plsn it merges with the boys' bedroom,
avhich can be closed off with a folding partition. It opens
into the kitchen to give the mother constant view of
youngsters at play. A glass wall separates it from tha
play yard, still within a view of the kitchen. This house
wss designed by-Wiltshire It Fisher, architects, 3217
Rose St., Dallas, Texas, at cooperation with engineers of
General Electric. Wide root overhangs and basementless
construction are used for year-round air conditioning.
All equipment is electric.
Ail Vines Should Be Studied.
Before Being Placed in Garden
What vines should one in
clude In a garden? Tha answer
here should ba obvious it de
pends entirely on the purpose
the vine is to fulfill. Is it to be
a screen; to cover an unsightly
wall or to form a pattern with
its textured foliage or to lend
color ot an otherwise drab wall
or fence? Some vines climb by
attaching small root-like hold
fasts to the wall as their mesns
of support. Others climb by
winding tendrils or leaf-like at.
tachments around the object on
which they are growing. One
should know the nature of the
vine's support before planting
in order to provide a proper
means of support. Unsupported
vines may quickly revert to a
tangled mass of foliage If al
lowed to grow over the ground
without support. In planting
vines, too, one should learn
their rapidity of growth in or
der to provide enough support
for the season's growth.
Of tha msny vines available,
the most commonly used are
!per, tobacco, beladonna, to
mato, potato and egg plant?
j 3. That soot hss value as a
fertilizer, containing about 3
4 Th1 the ilm( u tht tender,
j est of citrus ruitJ. the kum.
, quat lht hdiest?
3. Grenadine is the name of
a fragrant type of carnstlon?
6. That lilies should be plant
ed three timet the depth oMhe
7. Freesias bloom the first 1
year from seed?
8. Ixlas are brightly colored
flowers resembling mlnisture
9. That now is the time to
plant daphnes?
10. That light or shsde will
determine the time of bloom,
size of bloom and quantity of
bloom on most flowers?
11. Charles Dickens' favorite
flower was the red geranium?
In window boxes around his
house that still stands In Lon
don there are red geraniums
growing that have been started
from slips from the original
plants. It is said that he always
wore one in his buttonhole.
a s m 1 iw
the English Ivy with evergreen
foliage a clinging vine, splendid
for brick walls where ever-
green foliage is particularly de
Clematis, a flowering vine
in yellow, pink, red, blue, pur
ple or white. Clematis is a
twining vine that climbs by
twisting its lesf stalks about
the supports. Clematis is best
transplanted in Spring, one
can buy started plants In pott.
A lightly loamy soil is desir
able with some lime added.
Plenty of moisture and a cool
soil seems to be a necesssity.
Many clematis are especially
conspicuous, sometimes hav
ing flowers up to 10 inches in
diameter. Cold Winters fre
quently kill some of the hy
brid varieties, but some var
ieties bloom on current sea
son's wood, whereas some
bloom on the previous sea
son's wood. In buying plants
one should ascertain these
facts to avoid loss or .-onfus-lon
later on. As cut flowers,
Clematis are very desirable as
they last up to ten days when
placed in water. New hybrids
are constantly being develop
ed and improvements may be
Creeping Fig is another fine
clinging vine for covering
walls. Its leaves are small and
heart-shaped, but as the plant
grows older the foliage be
comes dense, msking a solid
wall of green.
Wisteria is a popular twining
vine that may grow 23 feet in
one season. It hss blue-violet.
white or pink flowers, very
Ifrsgrant, and grows In dense
recesses 7 to 12 Inches long.
It Is a long lived vine. Some
unusual effects are obtained by
training it up a tree so that
it appears thst the tree is in
full bloom. The variety with
the longest racenes of all and
very fragrant is Macrobotrys,
with flowers a reddish-purple
color. Its racenes may reach
three feet in length a gorg-
eous sight A white variety it
Longisslma Alba, slightly frsg
rant. The pink variety is Rosea
with true pink racenes at least
12 Inches long and extremely
so, 11 you wish to soften a
harsh wall, fence or screen off
an area, consider the use of
vines to accomplish the pur
pose snd possibly sdd color snd
fragrance to the garden at the
same time.
March Air Force Base. Calif.
A mass flight of 43 B4
let bombers and 20 KC97 tank
era will leave here tomorrow
for Heyford, England, making
one stop at Goose Bay, Labra
dor. An air force spokesman
said the men will be on S0-day
temporary duty In England.
The Twentieth Century Fund
estimates thst the United Ststes
hss about 40 per cent of the
total world Income.
Mums Blooming
In Late Season
Xven though tha principal
chrysanthemum blooming sea
son la past, many era still per
forming in tha garden with tha
aid of little protection trem
winds and rain. A muslin or
plastic treated wire screening
ta la much favor with 'mum
fans in tha Willamette valley.
While much is being dona by
Jhybridiaera to develop a per-
lecuynaray garoan chrysan
themum, the results hava usual
ly been tha smaller or single
flowered types, not the buge
blooms we aea at tha florists.
Yet these huge blooms can ba
achieved by tha amateur, but
they must ba protected la aev-
weather. The resultant
blooms this lata in tlx season
makes the effort well worth
wbile. Of tha large pom pom
'mums that bloom well lata In
tha season, hava strong, sturdy
sterna and heavy leathery fol
iage is variety, Cameo which la
available in a pink or white
(tha whit is really a delicate
pink-shadowed bloom which is
appropriately named). This var
iety has been one of my best
performers for a number of
years with a minimum of care.
Mine was grown without pro
tection this year, yet In spite of
tha wind and rain ot the past
two weeks, we were stUl able
to find soma good blooms on
Thanksgiving day. A smaller
but very sturdy pom pom is
Angelo, a splendid pink, vary
florlferous. A few years ago I
had a plant of Angelo that de
veloped a sport, or mutation.
The variance from tha original
was only in the color, being a
pale pink, so pale as to ba al
most white. Such mutations are
part ot the thrills of gardening
and I am looking forward to
production of this sport as a
new variety. It has all of the
characteristics of Angelo
sturdy stems, many blooms and
weather resistant.
Chrysanthemums planted In
pots have an added advantage
in that they may ba easily mov
ed to a protected location in the
event of adverse weather or
they may be brought indoors
for even further enjoyment.
They seem to adapt themselves
surprisingly well to pot-culture
and grow to an amazing size.
Realtors Wait
Albany Meet
Albany Preparations are
being made by the Albany
Realty board for entertainment
of 133 real estate brokers here
Thursday night at the regional
meeting of real estate boards
to be held in the Cascade room
at the Albany hotel, starting at
3:30 o'clock.
Delegations are expected to
come from six areas compris
ing the Willamette valley re
gion, including Salem, Xugene,
Springfield, Corvallls, Albsny
snd the Lebanon-Sweet Home
. Ben H. Hazen, Portland,
manager of the Ben Franklin
Savings 4e Loan association of
Portland, is the speaker and
his subject will be "Real Es
tate Markets," it was announc
Riches and Glatt
On Seed Committee
Two Marion county seed
growers, Harry Riches of Wal
do Hills and Ray Glatt, Wood-
burn, have been named co-
chairman of the Oregon Seed
League soil management com
mittee. This committee meets
on Monday afternoon, Decern
ber 7, at the Multnomah Hotel
in Portland. Reports on fertility
plots snd crop residue utilisa
tion are among other topics to
be reviewed by tha committee.
The Seed League meeting
commenses the morning of De
cember 7 and continues
through Wednesdsy, December
t. AU seed growers are urged
to attend.
Clear Lake.
Clear Lake A covered-
dish dinner is scheduled for
the Community club meeting
Friday, beginning at 6:30 p.m
it win be held In the new
schoolroom, and there will be
no charge. The committee In
charge is Mrs. Ferd Zeeb, Mrs.
W. B. Klmmel and Mrs. E. E.
Arranging the program to
follow the dinner are Bert
Murphy, chairman, assisted
by Mrs. D. D. Huddleson and
Mrs. K. W. Dunnlgsn.
Jerry Chspin, son of the
Jsck Crispins, underwent sur
gery Fridsy and is eonvslesc
ing at home this week.
" Gve a Gift That Lives
Coma in and make yeur Xmat Gift Selection NOW
Wa hove o nice voriety of Rhododendrons,
Azaleas, Roses and other evergreens to
choose from ot very reosonoble prices.
411 SUvertoa Read FREE GIFTS Phone 4-4433
. J
Keep soil around seat intact, whan sieving yeaag laala,
Rules for Transplanting
Protect Plants from Shock
One of tha most Important
and possibly less familiar gar
dening practices is transplsnt-
ing. Tba process certainly is
not complicated; It consists
simply of moving plants from
one location to another. While
the rules are few they must be
followed carefully. Intelligent
transplanting makes it possible
tor you to change a bare patch
ot land into a living bouquet.
. almost overnight
Not all garden subjects lend
themselves easily to being
transplanted. Specimens with a
single taproot such as a carrot
or parsnip, for exsmple, are
difficult to move. It should also
be stated that fast-growing an
nuals such as alyssum, Virginia
stocks and nasturtium grow so
quickly from seed that little
advantage is obtained by trsns
plsnting. The best time for transplant
ing Is tha coolest part ot tha
day; when skies are overcast
and when evaporation Is at a
minimum. Exposing tha roots
to sun or wind may prove ruin
ous; the ball of earth surround
ing the roots should be kept in
tact, thus protecting tha roots
Make Do
For sanding inside curves
and irregular surfaces,
cement a sandpaper disc to
tha bottom of a rubber
Inner tube valve. Insert the
metal tip In the clutch of
your electric drill or flex
ible shaft outfit Keep sev
ersl valves on hand with
different grades of produc
tion paper on them.
Dallas The quarterly board
meeting of The State Republl
, can Council of Oregon Women
Inc., will be held Dec. 8 at the
Chamber of Commerce rooms.
The meeting will open at 10
a.m. for members of the execu
tive board, followed by a no
host luncheon at 12 o'clock.
Walter Norblad, Congressman
of the First District, will speak
during the lunch hour. The
meeting is open to the public.
Those who wish to hear Con
gressman Norblad call 2206 for
reservations not Ister than Dec.
Mrs. Kste Mendenhsll and
Cathryn liom of Sheridan ac
companied Dr. and Mrs. H. D.
Peterson to Yoncslla on Wed
nesday returning to Dsllss
Herald Rich motored to
Seattle Wednesday returning to
Dallas Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Courter and daughter,
Jan. Mr. and Mrs. Kermlt Cour
ter and daughter Joan, and
George Curtis were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wihlon at
Taft Thanksgiving day. Mrs,
Wihlon is an aunt of Mr. Cour
ier!. The Woment Society of the
First Methodist church will
sponsor a bazaar at the church
Dec. 3. A merchants lunch will
be served at 12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Pslmer
are leaving next week for a
short vacation in California.
Mr. Palmer is local representa
tive for the Henry J. Helser 3c
Co. Portland, Oregon.
swives Delight
UN. High St
preventing their drying
Before setting tha plants' In
their position it is advisable to
thoroughly dampen the toll;
then cultivate it after a tew
days to allaw for the mellowing
up process. Moisture thus stor
ed in the ground will move to
warda tba surface by capillary
action, the best way ot supply
ing plants with their necessary
drink. With sufficient moisture
in tha soil there will ba leu
chance ot the plants drying out
and also caking of tha surface
may ba prevented entirely.
Maka sure thst the soil Is
firmed wall about tha roots;
otherwise, air pockets msy
form. In addition, this tactic
guarantees that the specimen
will be firmly anchored in
place. Water well after plant
ing and add a surface mulch to
reduce evaporation at the sur
face and also to keep tha toll
in a friable condition.
North Marion
High Activities
Hubbard The' monthly
student body meeting will be
held Thursday afternoon. Dee.
3. The Band-chorus Parent
club -will meet Thursday eve
ning at S p.m. in the library.
Friday, Dec. 4, the Marion
ettes will ba presented in a
National Schools Assemblies
program at 12:18 p.m. with a
revue in miniature.
Tha North Marion Huskies
will play basketball with
Woodburn at Woodburn Fri
day evening, Dec. 4, at 6:43
Tuesday, Dec. 3, the Hus
kies will go to Canby lor bas
ketball at B.4S p.m.
Defoliation of
Holly Prevented
Dipping cut holly in a hor
mone solution will prevent
defoliation for about two
weeks, according to D. L. Ras
mussen, county extension
agent Recent rains . have
cleaned the holly on the trees
so that holly growers, both
commerclsl and back-yard,
should be able to prepare qual
ity holly tor the holiday sea
son. Holly may be treated with
commercial. preparations used
to prevent premature drop
ping of apples and pears. If in
structions for treating holly are
not on the container, the holly
grower should use the com
mercial material at three times
the strength used for spraying
apples and pesrs.
Woodburn to Have
Lutefisk Dinner
Woodburn The annual
lutefisk dinner will be served
by the Ladies Aid ot the Im
manuel Lutheran church Sat
urday, Dec. 8, at the parish
hall from 11:30 a m. to 1 p.m.
and from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30
Chairmen of the kitchen
committee are Mrs. Vernon
Blomberg and Mrs. Minnie
Westergaard. Co-chairmen of
the diningroom will be Mrs.
Russell Johnson snd Mrs.
Glen Ahre. The public is in
vited to attend.
Is Your Foel Bill
Over IU A Month'
Better Convert te
Continental Radiant
154( Fairground Road
Phone 4-261
We Manufacture a Complete Line of
Coverings for Your Windows
Salem mode Venetian Blinds. A complete
line of Window Shades. Beautiful custom
made drapes. We also wash Venetian Blinds
and repair them. Reverse shade or recover
your own rollers. We also have parts for
your traverse rods.
Capital Shade & Drapery Shop
(Formerly Reinholdt & Lewis)
360 S. 21st Ph.4-1154
Questions Answered
Q. I hava a grapefruit
plant which I started from
Wilt you please tall ma
bow to care tor it; what kind
of anil, etc? Mrs.CN., ail.
vertocu .-
A as. Seedling plants of
grapefruit will maka Interest
ing house plants, But It la
doubtful that they will pro
duce fruit without mesns ot
cross Bollenatlon. Anyway.
your plant will be delightfully
fragrant use of numuay sou
mixture for potting is good.
ba aura drainage la adequste.
Vsa plenty of compost, Tha
plant will even mora improb
ably survive aut of doors in
our climate. No doubt you
will find tha seedling plant an
interesting house plant sub
ject though they are rarely
successful aa such.
Q. I hava dug cannas and
cleaned the tubers. Hew
should I store them tor win
ter? J.A.
Aaa. Duet with sulphur
and (tore In dry peat moss or
sand la a moderately cool
Q. How should ! store
Madonna Lilies? J.A.
Ana, These should not ba
stored ' unless absolutely ne
cessary. If it Is necessary to
dig, replant now. ' You can
start new - plants from the
scales, or offshoots by sowing
in a cold frame, by the and of
the second summer they will
be ready to plant In their per
manent location.
Q. Is now the right time
to plant flowering cherries
and crsbspplet? We , ere
anxious to get soma of these
trees established so that
possible wa can nave some
bloom this spring Mrs. H.I.
Ana. Yes, they are dor
mant now and will stand mov
ing well. The else, ot course
will determine whether you
can have flowers next spring.
Both varieties, however, do
produce blooms early.
Q. Want to plant soma
magnolias, Is this tha correct
time? F.B.
, Ana. Yes, this la a good
time to plant magnolias. Your
nurseryman will hava a good
variety on hand now.
Q. Do evergreens need
winter protection? R.B.S,
Ana. Locally, not usual
ly. In event of snow there
may be damage from weight
ing down the branches. If
snow is present you can tie
tha branches together as
precaution or hose snow off
ts soon as possible.
t). Three years ago
planted an avocado seed
saved from an avocado that
purchased at a local store. It
Is now about 4 ft high. How
old are they before they be
gin to bear? Will you please
answer in your column?
Ana. Avocados make in
teresting house plants and by
gradually adding soil to the
water can be transplanted to
a soil medium. Tha trees grow
rspidly and need room for a
30 ft. spresd. Where weather
conditions are favorable they
should begin to besr fruit In
3 or 4 years. The avocado
cannot stand frost, so unless
grown in a lathhousa or green
house I have doubt about your
success in getting it to bear
fruit. At least it ia an Inter
esting experiment and, with
luck, you may succeed.
Shrubs, Plants. .
Sslem's Largest Selection
1053 2nd, West Salem
Ph. 42573
Standard Uses In Stock
A complete line of custom
built fireplace screens end
fixtures. All types. All sizes.
Available in solid brsss or
any finish deslredl See our
complete displsy.
Ml J47M SSS (earl
Wa Give Z.1C Green Stamps
rta it
Q. What la tha eld baale
formula tor hotbed heating?.
Aaa. Mixture at 1 carta
horse manure and ana part
leaves. Keep wet and turned
tor a week. In about 10 day
place IS Inches ot tha mixture
ia bottom ot tha bed and add
r incnoe nu oa top. ,
Q. How deep should er
elamea conns ba planted out
ot doors? Mrs. J.H.
Ana. Near surface at aoiL
mulch it a freeze ia expected. :
Q. What la the difference
between a bulb, corm, rbl
soma or tuber? Mrs. M.K. '
Ans Bulbe err scaly, such
at tha Illy, or lamnate, such
at tha common onion. A rhl.
tome ia a swollen stem ot -perennial
plant, such aa Iris.
tuber la thickened part
ot a root or a tttm. at tha
Q. How often should pot
ted plants be fertilized?
Ans. Frequently, from
the time ot appearance ot
buds. Use liquid fertilizer.
Don't try to feed "sick"
plants. Repot and start over.
Q. Is it too late to plant
bulbs now? Mrs. R U. ;
Ans. No, but gat them in
toon, by all means.
4), what It a good gen
eral all-purpose potting mix
ture for most plants? Mrs.
L.F. .
Ana, One part compost.
one part ssnd, one pert good
garden loam and about
tablespoon ot bonemeal.
Q. Should rhododendront
ba pruned? R.I,
Ans, Pruning usually
consists of removal ot old
flowers. Prune only It neces
sary to keep shrub In desired
shape. Any wood cut now
will diminish next seston's '
bloom Just that much.
0. Have a cunt la our
garden with large leavet close
to tha ground. In early spring -it
throws up aa 16-lnch stalk '
with rosy flowers in a dus
ter. Whst it this and can it
be transplanted now? Mrs,
Ant. I believe this must
be Ssxltraga, a splendid per
ennlal tor the rock garden or
for planting at the base ot a
tree. Yes, it may be moved
now. Dividing should be dona
in early spring, though.
Brush College
Brush College A unit of
the Altar society was formed
by members of tha St. Joseph
Cathollo church, of Lincoln
and Brush College, at tha
home ot the Joseph Nelkes la
More recently a card party
was given by Mrs. N. J. Nelke
and Mrs. Lloyd Dickenson, at
tha Nelke home at Lincoln.
Winning at cards war Mrs.
Charles Nelke, Mrs. Warren
Pslmer, Mrs. H. B. Whltting
ton, Mrs. Ben McKlnney and
Mrs; John S. MIscheL '
cAtU-sm v
HIYkUiD Irani
Whsther you're aavtng la
sr to a glttaat city, we offSr tha
finest la worry-free meving surf
lea. Our lor a storage aad mov
ies faculties are ansxceOH. Aad
as repreasatatrna for Alllsd
Van Lraea ws aaa place at yoer
tear the mil's hnrert lent-elo-taaes
saevbig ertanhatiea. Al
lied'! expert Backers, kawUers and
grrrsrs safefuari year pooturlnna
every stop ot the way. CaD as for
Red Star Transfer
lArr A Botmeas Fk. 3-gUl
aasai sat
U'tTi set. mm M.
217 S. HIGH