Vgt 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba. Oretron Wednesday, December 2, 1953 SAILING, SAILING if r, ' ' ;,. J ' ' :. it".";-- im imb.. mSmm Mt. Angel Among the casualties of the recent heavy rain was the campus of Mt. Angel Academy and Women's College. Two not so ancient, but none-the-less hardy mariners, launched a "yacht" on the resultng lake. Those aren't albatross they're hunting, however, merely decoys borrowed for the occasion. The adventurous lassies are Margie Annen, left, and Mary Jane Mclntee of Salem. They didn't catch a thing not even a cold. Salem Heights Water Election South Salem The regular lection of the Salem Heights water district Is scheduled for Monday Dec. 7, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Salem Heights Community hau. The vacancy on the board of directors to be tilled at the election is the office of treas urer. Candidates placed on the ballot to fill the vacancy re Harvey Fasching, seeking reelection, Archie McKillop ' and Elbert Dickson who were petitioned. ' Two areas are to be voted n for annexation. They were voted on before and accepted by the district as well as the county. However, they did not comply with the state re quirements and the district has been asked to submit them again for re-electtion. The East Browning Ave. area has been accepted and placed on the Marion County tax roll for the past four years. The West Browning Ave. project was accepted at the regular election last year as well as the area which is the eastern part of South Village and the new Morningslde school. This area also squares off the dis trict boundary. The judges serving at the election are Mrs. Hale Mickey, Mrs. R. R. Ritchie and Mrs. O. W. Gorton. . The , planet Mercury, the smallest major planet of the sun, is 3,010 miles in diameter. On Television KPTV (27) . KOIN-TV (6) UHF VHF nauiui II M I m. EPTV-Dlea Bw aVBeal 1S:W m. EPT WUI'I CMtlMf u sm-iuui pane 11:1 BFTV-TM SiuHU ' 11:4 m-m. KFTV-rrUM mt PaaaUr a m t.B. rrrv wiui'i om Tmi mi !: mm rm-Miii, neater KOI Bauble at Minima 1 11 a KPTV Om Yoar AMMmft KOlK-aiiU, II lUc 1:44 KPTV Kata amiik KOIN Oarrr Moort IH mm. KPTV Kale Balls. 4 m m. KPTV Walcem Traveler. I D p.m. KPTV Tlx Tonakar -4:4 , rPTV Toe Tarnaker KOIN Variety. Tim, I 44 m. KPTV Howdy DooSr KOIK 4MkC Feie I W m. KPTV Bar S7 Carre KOIN Kit Carlo a 4 44 m.m. KPTV Naaae IU Sea. KOIN Ur. Wealhermaa, l:r) mm. KPTV Nernaa the BeaM KOIN Pnote Quia i St la KPTV i Porter roiN Dous Edaaras I U m.m. KPTV NW Duaat KOIN ThU la TW afaalt 1 44 , a. KPTV Bubo a&ee KOIN PKliu 14 a m. KPTV-Coka TIM KOIN p labia 1 41 p a. KPTV Ntat Carevaa KOIN PUhU 1 44 ra. KPTV 1 Harried Joea KOIN Arthur Oodlrer I P.m. KPTV air Llttla Marala roiN Arthur Oodlrer 4 44 Pm. KPTV Kraft Theater trtfca It Blca IS p.m. PPTV Kralt Theater KOIN Tra Oot a Betret 14 44 P.m. KPTV THU la Tour Llla KOIN Hollywood Wreaula. 14:M p at. KPTV Daath Vallea wreitllna 11:1 w KPTV lilt How Mrwi ICOIN-ahowtlme oo an 11:11 p.m. KPTV Ni ta Owl Tbeater THUBSDAT KPTV Dint Doni Ball KPTV Whet'e Cooilns KPTV Hawklna Pala KPTV Tha Benoetta KPTV Prlend of PamllT PPTV Matinee Theetaf KPTV Hollywood Reel KPTV On Your Account KPTV Kata Bmlth KPTV Kate Smith KOIN I'll Buy That KPTV Welcoma Travelers KOIN atrlka It Rich KPTV Toymaker KOIN Garry Moort 14:04 I 14:14 I 11:44 I 11:11 I 11:14 I 1:04 I 1:14 1 1:14 I 1:04 I 1:14 I 4 04 I II I TV TROUBLES? Technicians oo Doty Till S:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph. 45512 fO S tw1 " Tele -Views Radio-Television GIVE f tvixnHfN9...EniOT tvnnmt with nCTURS JUST UKE THE MOVIES! The Gibson The Gibson, Model L2574R Select mahog any veneers carefully hand rubbed. Slip match ed mahogany veneer door panels. Razor-sharp focus over entire 320 sq. in. CINEBEAM tube. Big 24" TV seicoo Once you see how much more you get out of your favorite sports and entertainment telecasts with Zenith's giant 24" screen that puts you on the 50-yard line, you'll never again be satisfied with anything less than a big new 24" Zenith Cinebeam TV. And it will poy you to consider the value of this big screen of the future in the years to come. Right now make it a point to see the new Zenith 24" consoles for the widest selection of big picture TV. Come in soon! IS f-A I Wl a I V OTHER MODELS From20995 Liberal Trade-in Allowance The Bailey. Model 257 1R Seventeenth Century Cab inet design In maf nlfleent mahoxanv veneers and hardwood solids. Has sens itive ten-Inch speaker. $519.95 1 Good Housekeeping, Inc. 467 Cowt.Sr. Phone 3-9611 Marion Electric 27IS PertlantJ Rd. Phone 3-6672 Hogg Bros. 260 Stat St. Phone 3 9148 Wills Music 432 Stole St. Phone 3-49S9 WEDNESDAY PROGBAMSl BvlTVl Tha TwymAkfT, 4:3a Fred Olennann stars tha lovable, old Ger man "Toymaker.'' Name a tha Same, Robert .4. Lewis is amce. run. and Porter, :it Pestures Bid Porter at the plana Lit la Worth Urine. t:Sa Bishop Sheen discusses tlwrstory of Modern Man." Cak. Time. 7:3 Eddie Planer slnn "Harvest Mnon." 'Goodbye Sue." and "Stranger in Pvsdue." His fuest, Judy Lynn, will render 'irons tier io rtmnj. I Married Jaao. t Joan discovers that inter! erina with the normal DroKTeu of teenue douwj la only rikhUy less hazardous man taaipenni wiu an atom oomo. Mr UIU Marrle, 1:3a "Vern's Secret Ftehinc Place." Kraft Theatre, t "The Gate" stars Aura Llndler. Addison Rich ards and Margaret wycberljr. Story of a Virginia family unwilling to let anyuiinc aisrupt uietr way ox me. aury euy. io-year-oaa dancer makes first dramatic television appearance. Nil. Owl Theatre, 11:15 "Smart Ouy" staxrlnc Ric TilliS. Veda Ann Borg. and Jack LaRue. a . . . . WEDNESDAY ON KOIN-TV: I dju... Carry Motrt Shaw Stev Allen Is substitutirui for Gam who is on vacation. 3:15 pjn. Armchair Theatre "The Madonna's Secret'' atarrine Francis Lederer. Gail Patrick and Ann Rutherford. 1:45 p.m. Thl Is Your Muaie Features -lelen Pamsh. 7:0 pja. FirhU Ernie Ourando vs Norman Haves. Middle. weight bout telecast "live" from Detroit. 4:41 vat. PPTV Tormakar KOIN air. HOOB 1:44 P-a. KPTV Howdy Doodr KOUl saddia . Pala S 14 p m. KPTV Bar 17 Corral KOIH To Ba Announced 4:44 P.m. KPTV Rant a Rider KOIM Mr. Waatharman 4 II p.m. KPTV Raota RKlar KOIN Photo Quia 4 It pja. KPTV Hunting and Plihlat KOIN Doua Edwardi Ncwa I II p.SL KPTV Northweat Dlfllt KOIN aporu Scholar 7:00 p.m. PPTV Football HUllaa roiN Claco Kid 7:14 P.m. KPTV Dinah Shora KOIN Placa tha Pace lllli KPTV Nawa, Bpon, KOIN Placa tha Pan 4:44 p.m. KPTV orovcho Mare KOIN Mttt Ur. McNaltr 8:14 p.m. KPTV Charron Thaatar KOIN Tour Star PUrhouia 4:44 p.m. KPTV Draintt KOIN video Plarhoua 4:14 p.m. KPTV pord Theater ' KOIN Bit Town 14:44 p.m. KPTV liar tut Kane , KOIN Tha Plarhonaa 14:14 a ra. KPTV Bli Plartaca KOIN Notre Dame n X. C 11:44 p.m. KPTV Nawa, Sports KOIN Showtime do SIS 11:14 p.m. KPTV Weather Vana 11:14 p.m. KPTV Nlta Owl Theater 1 pm WrajatUat- from HaflrwawS Biml-matn; Bob Cilltimlngs ' ra. Pedro Godoy. Main: Dissy Davis vs. Boulto Gardinl. II M. SkawtiiB mm Sta -HeriUg of the Plains" starring Rus sell Havocs. Donald Woods and Bvelyn Venable. THIBSDAY ON KPTV: rrtcsHl tha rajmily, 11:3 Hike Davenport will have VUry Gordon of TWA, a epeclalist orf packing for air trips as his ablest, 1 Ha will also present Mra. Herbert Uo Uinday. Oregon authoreas. Ma line. Theatre. I "GenUemen man Duie" auurinc Jack La- I Rue and Marlon Marsh. . Tha Teranaher. 4:34) A ia tK TvivMakcr1. thm I " aVt Yaw Life, S Orotic ho Marx is enter on comedy ouls. Dragaea, t Stars Jack Webb in popular mystery program. , ", Theatr., :S i Kiss and Porget" stars Mark Stevens, Wil lard Parker. Virginia Field and Colleen Gray. March of Medicine, 1 sum. Higbllghls of the annual clinical meeting of the AMA in St. Louis. Arthur Murray Dane Party, M:M-Local, Ur danetnf show from the studios of KPTV. Nit Owl Theatre, 11:45 "Call of the Jungle stamng Ann Corlo, James Bush, and Claudia Dell. a . . ON KOIN-TV: I Bisa, Garry Mam Shaw Steve Allen Is substituting for Garry who is on vacation. Denise Lor and Ken Carson featured 3:15 is, Armchair Theatre "Swlnsng on a Rainbow" scarring June Frazee and Brad Taylor. rm. Meet Mr. McNutley Ray tries vainly to revert to the gay carefree days at a house party. 1:3 pro, Ftnr Stag PlayhaaseOirl on the Park Bench' atari Joan Fontaine with John Lltel and Craig Stevens. Story of young woman who wrecks a political machine. t pjn. Vide Theatre Women Who Waif stars Laraina Day with Bui Clung, Randy Stuart and Kenneth Tobey. Story of two women who wait for rescuers to bring back a loo aurvlrar from a plane eraeh. t:3 D-Wl . Eir Tawn Concema the mxAmsminrntinn of aui lmnnrfn i diplomat. le PJtu I he riayneteue -The Sacrifice' star ChariM Karrln Story concerns a convict who volunteers for scientific experiment iu oraer io catiry out a aong-piannea mission. 11 p.m. Shwwtime aa Six "Confidential" atarrlnf Donald Cook, Evehn Knapp and Warren Hymrr. a a a a N.treDame-C.S.C. Game n KOIN-TV, Thursday night t 10:30 Tim. Hlirulghta of Pacific Coast Conference eames on KPTV at 7 pm., Thursday. THURSDAY ON RADIO: Father Know. Best at t aa KGW; Sleet Millie at t aa KOIN; My Uttle Margie at 7:3 on KSLM. ... Beginning Saturday, December 6, KEX will braateast the weekly Metropolitan Operas. This week broadcast time will be approximately 1:30 Din., immediately followina the Notre Dame-fiMTJ cam. Later weeks it will be at 11 am. The opera will be Gounod's FAUST, with Jussl Broerlina- as Faust. Victoria De Los Angeles as Marguerite. Nicola Roue-Lemenl as Mephistropheles. Robert Merrill as Valentin, Mildred Miller as sieoei, Tneima votipax as Martne, and Lawrence uavioson aa Wag ner. Conductor will be Pierre Monteux. The standard work week In the United States was reduced from 73 hours in 1850 to 40 hour in 19S0. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION EES TV Soles Service - Installotion Open frees sub. ta t sua. Ph. x-1611 114 8. Can, salem's First Tela via 1m 8 tor iitet-mrutSi QuimMi TELEVISION Soles Service Inirolloriont MITCHELL RADIO & TV 1880 State 5t. Ph.3-7577 Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMAN 'hzXZr PHONE M91J Valley TV Center 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Sales - Service - Installation Open Till p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. ON DISPLAY TOMORROW THE NEW 4 UN CO N newly designed for modern living-completely powered for modern driving -.-.v -ml-A ' wJ5 OrThrr ..- .. - - v ' , - k-ali m ' i . m Wi.Mear.,,, yrTiSMn. J SBBMssktMsBBaj ' it -fif r r iiimnasffisssaasM 1 $?'t&:rri- - II '.IfV I- mi Mr 1 T- 'afSHWaiaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 1 1954.2 " ' Sf irS HERE. The newest, most beautiful model of the car that is taking America's motorists into a new era. It is the incomparable new Lincoln for 1051 the one fine car which marks the (trowing trend to modern living on wheels. In fact, Lincoln fine-car sales have doubled in two short rears! There is distinctive new beauty wherever vou look a new bumper-grille combination, new rear end styling highlighted by new taillights, a longer, lower look all over. Now you can choose from a wonderful array of colon, inside and out, from yellow to black or royal red. You can have rich nylons, broadcloths, gabardines; you ran even hare genuine leather in four-door sedans! As for performance, you've ntr eierienced anything like Lincoln's 1954 high-compression engine. One of the world' most efficient power plants, it has been improved with a new 4-barrel carburetor. Youll never believe that an auto mobile can do to much with so little effort until you try Lincoln's V-8 engine, its new oversize brakes and optional power features. Power steer ing, power brakes, and 4-way power seat can be yours for the last word in motoring convenience. Your eyes can tell you that this new 1954 Lincoln has been wonderfully designed for mod ern living. But you cannot appreciate the effort less action until you try a Lincoln or a Lincoln Capri yourself. Ask us for a demonstration at your convenience. WARNER MOTOR COMPANY 430 NORTH COMMERCIAL ST. SALEM, ORE. I