Tuesday, December 1. 1953 TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orena Paft Farm Prices Drop Slightly Washington W The agrl culture department reported Monday that farm price ai a whole decreased two-fifths 'of one per cent in the month ended Nov. IS. Thii wai the four consecu tive month that prices received by farmer! for their crops and livestock went down. By com- psrison. farm prices are 9.72 per cent below a year ago and JO 4 per cent below the record act in February, 1851. Commodities which declined during the month included hogs, eggs and cotton. Products which increased were milk, wheat and several commercial vegetables. Prices paid by farmers for goods and services used in fanv ily living and in production Increased one-third of one per cent in the month. With the decline, the level of farm prices in mid-November dropped to BO per cent of par ity, the lowest since May, 1841. farm Meeting Dates Disclosed Dallas Meeting dates of Interest to Polk county farm ers follow: Dec. 3 Oregon water re sources committee report, Rirkreall Grange hall, 8 p.m. Dec. 3-4 Oregon state hor ticultural society 68 th annual meeting, Corvallis. Dec. S-S Oregon wheat growers league annual meet ing, La Grande. Dec. 5 Oregon Jersey cat tle club annual meeting. Sena tor hotel, Salem, 10 a.m. Dec. 7 Annual DHIA meet ing, Rickreall Grange, 11 a.m. Dec. 7-8 Washington state horticultural association an nual meeting, Wenatchee, Wash. Dec. 7-8 Oregon seed league, Multnomah hotel, Port land. Dec. 8 Polk county 20-40 club, Rickreall Grange, 8 p.m. Dec. S Willamette basin commission meeting, Eugene, sll day. Dec. 10 PMA practice sign-up, rerrydale high school, 1:30 p.m. Dec. 11 PMA practice ex planation and sign-up, Mon mouth city hall, U30 p.m. Dec. 12 PMA practice sign up, Dallas city hall, 1:30 p.m. Jan. 6-7 Oregon livestock and meat marketing confer ence, Oregon State college, Hifchman Funeral Wednesday at 11:30 Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 11:30 o'clock in the drawing room chapel of the Colonial Mortu ary in Portland for Mrs. Minnie Hltchman, late resident of 3465 D street, who died at her home Sunday. Interment will be in lilt Ruse Cily Cemetery. Born at Glen Richey, Pean., March 18. 1896, Mrs. Hitchman was educated at Barnesbow, Penn. She made her home in Portland for 10 years. Survivors include her hus band, Earl Hltchman; three sis ters, Mrs. Margaret Storseta, Mrs. May Bates and Mrs. Ruth Henderson; -nd two brothers, William and Thomas Beynon. Ten Indian Tribes Function at YMCA , The Indian tribe program of the Salem YMCA which stress es the importance of dads and their youngsters playing to gether has gained considerable impetus in .the past few months. As of today there are more than 10 tribes function ing. The boys are in the 6-7-8-year age group and they must be accompanied by their dads whenever an official tribe meeting is held. Next Saturday night, boys and their fathers will meet at t the YMCA at 6:30, from where they will go to the "Le looskas Indism Museum." Butler Appointed on Teaching Committee Edwin W. Butler, associate Professor at the Willamette Unlveraltv Pnllpff. nf T.. V been appointed to the commit tee on teaching and examina tion methods in the Association of American Law Srhnnlt Before coming to Willamette in 1848, Butler served as an Instructor at the University of Tulsa In Oklahoma and the University of Colorado. He re ceived his B.A. and M A. de grees from Louisiana State un iversity in nBtA c j j ... uawii ivru, nu hi LL.B. from the Univenity vi .oioriao. rUKOHUlfXWID Accepted oy the American Mlicsl Association Council on Physical Medicine. FLOYD BENNETT Senator Hotel Lenharf Rites I Set Wednesday oervices wiu do neia in Portland at the A. J. Rom and Son chiful Wednesday morn ing at lu.ia o clock for John Teddie Lenhart, who died a the Veterans HosDital in Port land Sunday. Lenhart, a resident of Salem since 1841, moving here from Eugene, and with tha stat ckient commission for the past iu years, bad been a patient at the Veterans Hospital for about six months. Ha served with th. Army from October 28, 1820 uniu November J, 1824. Lenhart vu Hf nmk of Ainsworth Lodu No. Ml I Ar ana am, and a member of the Salem Chapter No. 162, Or der of the Eastern Star. Survivors incluHo hi. wif May E. Lenhart of Salem; fa- uier, John Lenhart of Eugene; five sisters, Mrs. Effie Boqua of Eusene. Mr. I.llli.n tt.rt r Roseburg, Mrs. Elizabeth Mc- uonaia of wenatchee, Wash., Mrs. Esther Johnson of Lnnrinn England, and Mr. vl.i. n , Freese of Coos Bay; a brother,1 ana several nieces and neph ews. The familv has th.i friends instead of sending flnut. era make contributions to the cancer Association. Briefs Filed on Segregation Washington Kansas and South Carolina contended to the Supreme Court Monday that the federal courts lack power to outlaw racial segre gation in the public schools. Both states filed briefs ore- liminary to oral argument be fore the high tribunal next week of a aeries of cases at tacking aegregation of Negro and white pupils. Pending be fore the court are cases from Virginia, Delaware, Kansas, South Carolina and the District of Columbia. The cases attack segregation on the grounds that It violates the 14th Amendment. South Carolina and Kansas argued on the other hand that the 14th Amendment was not intended to end segregation. The Kansas brief said it was the intent of the framers of the 14th Amendment that the management of public schools should be left to the state legis latures. Keizer Keizer There is need for a neighborhood chairman for the Girl Scouts and Brownies. Her dutiea will be that of helping to organize new groups and to help Girl Scout leaders. She will relay notices from the district office and help or ganize projects. The chairman should be one who can devote some time to the work. She should be Inter ested In the Scout movement, and know the district well. If any woman is Interested, she is asked to contact Mrs. Carme lite Weddle at Keizer school, phone 2-7778. The new Union Service Sta tion at the corner of Chemawa road and No. River road will be opening around Jan, 1. Keizer Pack 41 held its reg ular meeting at the Keizer school. Cubmaster Jim McCor- mack opened the meeting, and the colors were presented by Den 1. Awards presented by the Cubmaster are as follows: Wolf award, Kenneth Harris, Gary Starling, Phillip White. Wolf Gold Arrow: Kenneth Harris, Jay Narkaus. Wolf Sil ver Arrow: Gary Janes; Bear Award: Lewis Priest; Bear Gold Arrow: Lewis Priest; Bear Silver Arrow: Marvin Smith, Dick Yunker, and Dwane Watkins; Lion Award: Marvin Smith and Dick .Yun ker; Lion Gold Award, Marvin Smith and Dick Yunker. The Ladies Missionary So ciety of the Keizer Community church will meet Tuesday, Dec. 1, for an afternoon meeting with Mrs. C. E. Shidler at 1130 East Dearborn Ave. Mrs. Hobart Jackson, 1055 Maine Ave., was called to the middle west by the illness of her mother. Her mother's con dition is much better and she is to return soon. Mr. and Mrs. Ciarenre R. Rickard and family of 5130 Will Ave., moved this past week end to Seattle, Wash., where Mr. Rickard is em ployed at the Boeing Aircraft Co. Mrs. Rickard has been in the employ of Orcutl's market. NffW ANTlltOTtC HAtO CANOtfft Mir SOOTHI FAIN, lOM7 OttJtf ChUnm'i Thro TaNttt delidouf itd cWtty bard caodiei coaum paitbtobc Irrothncu. to fithl throat Strma, tad ptiB-rebcvutf BefuoctiM o kJp mm lore Kritcby tbrotu vbit jyf lor IV laOIVll, I bmica foe th not iatib I tac throat tablcfe. .Try am 1 today... Mat at ! CHILTON' Ihreet 1 XoMfljatf tttiau. J U at DOLLAR DAY SALE OF BATH TOWELS 2 for 1 5:30 Another dollar day sale of those big, thirsty bath towels in white at 2 for $1.00! Replenish your own linen closet or- select half dozen for Christmas gifts. Here is a real bath towel valuel Downstairs. FREE CANDY CANES FOR KIDDIES AT MILLER'S! WHATr-Ioo 2 FOR WILL BUY STATIONERY . .. FLAXSPUN NOTES 2 for $1.00! Flaxspun papers are unique for many uses, such as home-made greet ing cards, etc. Natural linen color with flax grain. 20 notes ... 20 envelopes. Handsomely gift boxed. Gift shop. WOMEN'S NYLON PANTIES DOWNSTAIRS 2 for $1.00! Think of it! Nylon panties at this extremely low price! White only. Plain tailored. Sizes 4. S. 6, 7, 8. Down stairs in TEENAGE DEPT. SCENTED GIFT SOAP FOR CHILDREN Also bubble bath, etc. Gift-wrapped for Christmas giving. Soaps are assorted fragrances, flowers, etc. Shop now and save. Main floor Cosmetic Section. REMNANT' SALE 4T TAPESTRIES, UPHOLSTERING, FABRICS . . . direct from mills these represent very unusual values. VALUES TO $10.00 per yard. Heavy tapestries and upholstering fabrics for chairs, cushions and many other uses. Here is an opportunity to acquire that costly fabric at a mere frac tion of its true value. MAIN FLOOR , MEN'S T-SHIRTS Reg. to $2.50 Again! Another shipment of this popu lar T-shirt at the popular bargain price of $1.00! Ribbed or flat knit in plain or novelly patterns. Be sure to see these "up to $2 50 values" in the dollar day sale. Main floor. Sizes medium and large. MAIN FLOOR KIDDIES' SLIPPER PAK For that handmade gift! This Kiddie Slipper Pak contains one pair of fleece lined toe-capped lounge soles with suf ficient sports yarn to complete. Full knitting and crocheting Instructions. All sizes small, medium, large. ART NEEDLE DOWNSTAIRS What a Gift! SOFA CUSHIONS Pretty sofa cushions made of Truponto quilted satin, chromespun and faille in rich tones of yel low, gold, green, wine, delft blue, chartreuse and many others. These are "overstuffed" for long lasting service. Downstairs. Special Purchase Tinner Fastening - r r CARRYALLS, BAGS LUNCHEON KIT HANDY KITS For Dollor Day Only, AT WILL BUY! WEAREVER PUDDING PANS Three and four quart Wearever pudding pans In excel- tm A A lent quality aluminum. IwU Regular to $1.60 . PYREX HOSTESS BOWLS .. These are in decor colors such as red, yellow. $'100 Regularly $1.38 I STAINLESS STEEL KITCHENWARE Ekco brand stainless steel kitchen tools Come In a var- AA iety such as spatulas, mashers, forks, etc, 1 WW Each DOWNSTAIRS GENUINE MSPHOID HIGH GRADE WASHAlU PLASTIC a kit IK1STANT rbnm . . .-' rrv- i.l Boiler Day purchase oi Here a .,,,(v uM. It s a , "ZJTSSSSZZ? Ulu.tr.ted. value: r. - - .ii are zipper .hown here, J " -hnn "?i"wu. vhould bags. - Tit Week-eno m. , 501 THESE u i GUABjStEED0 HOUSEKEEPING. NOTION DEPARTMtNi A REAL LIVE SANTA AT MILLER'S REG. $1.69 PRINTED SILK SCARFS A special Dollar Day sale of pure silk scarfs for only one dollar! Also some plain wool scarfs in the lot. Come choose these rich-looking printed silks and warm wool ones now and save! Main floor. MAIN FLOOR 4 FOR CHILD'S PLASTIC APRONS Little girls fancy pinafore plastic aprons for gift-giving are here in quite an ar ray of colors. Assorted fancy trims. Al so plain tailored ones. For one to six large. DOWNSTAIRS EARRINGS NECKLACES Large selection of pearl, rhinestone clus ters, drops, hoops and button styles in latest earrings. Also a dollar day sale of beautiful Satlnore necklaces. Antique gold mountings. Emerald green. Choose now for gift. Jewelry dept., Main floor. MAIN FLOOR 2 FOR BLENCO WATER GLASSES Handblown Blenco in original shaded green somewhat resembling old New England glass. It's smart for entertain ing. In two sizes, 8 and 4-ounce. Reg. $1.00, now 2 for $1.00. Gift shop. GIFT SHOP GIFTS! Stationery . . . king size matchei , . , crystal creamer and sugar sets , . , Vik ing flowerlite vases in colors . . . duo crystal candlesticks . . . aluminum salt and pepper sets . , . also a special table of Dollar Day values! GIFT SHOP HATS at Low Clearance Price! Budget hats In this clearance are velvet and felts in the new fall and winter man ner. Many of these were priced $S.BS! Also some knits In the group. Assorted colors and styles. In addition ... an as sortment of feathers at $1.00 each. 2nd floor, SECOND FLOOR 2 FOR WOMEN'S T-SHIRTS Women's fine combed cotton T-shirts, regularly priced at $100, will gn on sale dollar day at 2 for $100. Terry yarn in white and maize with round or crew neck style. All sires. Sportswear dept. SECOND FLOOR 2 FOR If BRAS Quality you never dreamed possible at this low price ... 2 for $1.00! Fine cotton broadcloth bras in low-cut styles in plain or self-figured come in sizes 12 to 36, A and B cup sizes. While only. See these In the corset shop, 2nd floor. SECOND FLOOR GIRDLES Only about 120 of these famous brand girdles go on sale during Dollar Day sale! Made of nylon elastic net (very light and durable, easy to launder). Satin panel in front. Sizes petite and small only. Our buyer says, "These are extraordin ary bargains." 2nd floor Corset Shop. SECOND FLOOR