Pan 8 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bales, Oreroa Tuesday, December 1, 1953 RIDE HUGE HAWAIIAN WAVE KM. - $5 Million Bond Issue Sold to Kuhn, Loeb Firm A $5,000,000 lasu of bondi in sold Tuesday by the On ion Department e Veterans' Affairs to Kuhn, Loeb and Company of New York and Aa- Skllled Hawaiian turf rlden (Iide down advancini front of huge wave at Makaha, near Wainanae, Oahu, as Mskaha'a winter sesson of big waves gets an early start this year. This wive was estimated to be about 19 feet high, and only the best of island surfers brave such big ones. Photo was made with a telephoto lens from a Jutting reef by "Scoop" Tsuiuki of Hawaii. (AP Wlrephoto) Siddall Riles At Astoria Funeral service will be held in Astoria Wednesday for Mark Siddall, former Salem resident and a resident of Astoria for about the past 30 years. He died In Astoria Sunday. Born In Iowa 84 years ago, Siddall was married in Cali fornia In 1023 to Alta Haw thorn. The couple came to the Salem area and Siddall farmed her for several years and later operated wood business here. They moved from Salem to Astoria and operated a hotel there. Survivors besides his wife include a son, Mark Siddall, Jr., of Astoria; a daughter, Mrs. Richard Freeman of California; a half-brother. Gaylen Siddall of Hayesvllle. Two sisters-in- law, Mrs. C. L. Lynch and Mrs. Ralph Gilbert, and a brother-in-law, Ray Hawthorne, reside in the Salem area. 811 Jap War Prisoners Returned From Siberia Maizuru. Japan UP) Laugh ing and waving, 811 former Japanese soldiers who ware captured by the Russians troop ad ashor today from ship which brought them from So viet prison camps. Some had been prisoners in Siberia 14 years. The highest ranking officer among them. Lt. Gen. Yolchl HltomL who commanded the 135th Division of the Kwan tunc army in World War II. re ported a tremendous buildup of Soviet jet air power in eastern Siberia. Hltoml said 80 percent of the aircraft now flying in the area of Khabarovsk, due north of Vladivostok, are Jet fighters similar to the M1G15 and big ger twin-Jet planes. He said there also is a vast Jet base In Ivanov, 180 miles northeast of Moscow, which he believed was for the direct de- fens of the Soviet capital. The repatriates arrived on the Japanese passenger ship Koan Maru. Unlike Japanese prisoners freed by the Russians several years ago, they ap- UdvtrtlMMH) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your akin Is irritated with pimples, red blotches and ether akin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with itching torture, try Saaltone Ointment Itching stops promptly. Smarting disappears immediately. Banltone Oint ment is also wonderful for Itching feet, cracks between toes ana Athlete's toot. For Sal .' UmiKUCSTNI tat at Liberty Phone I-Sllt pea red not to have been Indoc trinated by the communists. There were no Red flags and none sang th "Internationale.'' The former prisoners w r a the first of 1.247 Japanese POWs and civilian Internees in Russia whose release was nego tiated by the Japanese Red Cross. Red Cross officials said they did not know when the other 436 will be returned. Girl Scouts Area Elects At th semi-annual meeting for Santlam Area Council of Girl Scouts at Lebanon, Mon day night, the following were named officers: Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding, Salem, president; Mrs. A. C Newell, Salem, recording secre tary; Ward R. Davis, Salem. member of finance committee; Mrs. R. A. Talbott, Albany, public relations committee Mrs. D. J. Willson of Corvallls and Mrs. Jack Pearc of Al bany, membership nominating committee. Attending th meeting from Salem were Mrs. Spaulding, Mrs. Newell, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. W. A. Link, Mrs. James Waite, Mrs. R. B. Strlngham, Mrs. W. M. Hux- stable, Mrs. Ted Hobsrt. Mrs. Chester Chase, Mrs. R. N. Chase, Mrs. C. J. Kaunowsky, Mrs. William White, Mrs. D. V, Cleman, Mrs. Walter Shendel, Miss Shirley Valet. Capital Drug has them! Tftt evreif, fimst pens ; whk tlectnJ$iisktd Mrs 2!L. "irtpiJsUAs-s-ir P.ts. ' hAiy Igist-VtaMrm.swka WiJr rax $5.00 an stji Snow Reported In Mountains Cloudy skies and fairly mild temperatures continued for valley areas, Tuesday, but from th high mountain regions come reports of snow. As result of the snow reports, the state highway department put out a warning to all motor ists to carry chains if traveling the pan sections. Seven inches of new snow was reported for Santlam pan this morning, four inches for Willamette. Government Camp reported slushy conditions on the blghwsy there. Five-day forecast for Salem and area calls for more rain off and on with temperatures slightly above normal. Polygamies' Trial Opened Kingman, Ariz. W) The Short Creek polygamy cases hurtled toward a swift and dra matic ending Monday as 27 men, accused of being th driv ing fore behind the multiple marriage cult, pleaded guilty to four charges of conspiracy her. Their action was believed to foreshadow a quick windup of all of th SB other pending actions against men and wom en of th northern Arizona col ony. No date for arraigning the other defendants has been set but there were indications the chargea against them may be dismissed. All of th defendants were originally accused of eonspir acy to commit th crimes of adultery, statutory rape, big amy, open and notorious co habitation, contributing to the delinquency of minors and marrying th spout of an other. As the arraignment proceed ings opened, th counts of statutory rap and contributing to th delinquency of minors were dropped by mutual con sent of both the state and the defense. The polygamlsts were seized in pre-dawn raid by 100 state I officers July 28. Richmond School Entered by Thieves Richmond grade school was broken into over the week-end and $2.50 in cash was taken, city police reported Monday. The money was taken from teachers' desks, several of which were ransacked. The thief also wrote on several wall calendars, investigating officers said. Entry wss gained through an unlocked window on the north end of the play porch. The thief had to climb over an eight-foot wall to get to the window, police said. SMOG BRINGS FREEDOM Pasadena. Calif. Mrs. Jo Schwartz showed the traf fic court several photographs to prove that smog almost com pletely hid parking signs. The pictures got the Junior college student a suspended sentence yesterday for overparking in a two-hour tone. soeiatas at an effective interest rate of 2.38 per cent Next clos est bid waa th 1.389 per cent offered by Bankers Trust of New York. Th money derived from the sal of th bonds Trill be tued to finance th state veterans' 4 per cent horn and farm loan program. Tuesday's sal was th largest single issue by the veterans' department sine th loan program started In 1943, according to H. C. (Hub) Baal feld, director. This sal is th second on In which th department has been forced to pay more than 3 per cent Interest on its loan bonds. In th last preceding bond sale last March, the department sold $4 million of the bonds at a cost of 2.381, highest on record and .031 higher than Tuesday's Is sue Th present issue will ma ture on April 1, 1967. The department to date has loaned more than 848,000,000 to World War II and Korean veterans for home and farm purchases, of which $1314 mil lions have been repaid, with $14 Vi millions out of the repay ment reloaned. Marine Platoon to Be Named for Governor Oregon will be sending an other platoon to the Marine Corps. This one Is to have its headquarters in Salem and probably be known as the Gov ernor's Volunteer Platoon. I KEEPS VIGIL BESIDE DAUGHTER IN COMA iriaf Thirteen-year-old Bernadin Pollack, who baa been in coma for 14 months following an operation for removal of a brain abscess, lies on bed behind her father, Cecil, . who devised a home-made suction pump built from parts of a refrigerator and washing machine to clear the girl's nose and throat and help keep her alive. They are pic tured in their Davenport, la., home where the child's par ents and brother and sister keep, a vigilant watch, hoping ahe will regain consciousness. (AP Wlrephoto) Four Brothers Suffocated Greenville, Mich. ) Four young brothers suffocated early Tuesday when trapped la an upstairs bedroom aa fir raced through tb first floor of their tram bom. Tb oldest gave hi Ufa heroically in a vain ef fort to save his three brothers. Their two sisters escaped on by Jumping from a second story window. . Th victims were James Mc Allister, 14; and his brothers, Vernon, 10; Ronnie, B, and L. D., . Th sisters, Jean, 10, and Reva escaped. Ruby Violet Barza Dies at Salem Home In a coma sine undergoing an operation In March of thus year during which her heart nad stopped, Mrs. Ruby Violet Barza died Monday at her home at 803 Juede street Born September 28, 1920, Mrs. Barza cam to Salem to make her bom In 1840. Sh was a member of th Catholic church. Surviving Mrs. Barza ar her husband, George Barza ol Salem; a daughter. Miss Doro thy Barza of Portland; sisters,' Mrs. John Bishop of Coos Bay, Mrs. Clara Diamond of Salem, Mrs. Vernon Beesmer of King ston. N.Y., and Miss Joyce Ann Vohland of Salem; and broth era, Clifford O. Vohland of Gervaia, Burgess C. Vohland and Roas J. Vohland, both of Salem. Announcement of ' services will be mad later by - th Clough-Barrick chapel. Date for this platoon to leave will be sometime in January and the men in the platoon will be from all over the state. The first platoon of Oregon Marines to leave for Marine Corps duty, reported in at San Diego in early July 1953. It contained over 20 men from Salem. NOTICE THE ADVANCE SUPPLY CO., INC., whol.sol. jobbers f restaurant, ravarn, janitoriol anal institutional sup plies, hat movtd Its offic and warahousa to 735 Edg watar Straat, Salem. PLEASE (All 2-0807 FOR PROMPT SERVICE Mr. Sidney S. Wages is no longer with tha company Capital Drug Store 405 Srata (Corner of Liberty) WE GIVE &C GREEN STAMPS Here 7s proof of the greatest scientific discovery in toothpaste history proof that Colgate Dental Cream with Gardoi; Colgate's exclusive, new, miracle ingredient, I !-a. a a.I J a yivc snaring pruictuun uyuinar luurii-aecay enzymes t- that brings now hopo to millions for Actual use by hundreds of people has proved the long-lasting protection of New Colgate Dental Cream with Gardol! Tests supervised by leading dental authorities for a full year-proved this protection won't rinse off, won't wear off! Proved just daily morning and night use guards against decay-causing enzymes every minute of the day and night! Acid Stomach? Get Tl) MS Quick! aod awaaiewin. V NOW you can get Sew Colgate Dental Cream the only toothpaste with clinical proof of long lasting protection against decay-causing enzymes! The only toothpaste in th world with amazing new miracle ingredient, Gardol! LABORATORY 8XAMINATIONS of hundreds of people have proved that New Colgate Dental Cream with Gardol acts hnmtdiatity to prevent the forma tion of tootb-decay enzymes gives you the most eomplelt long-luting protection sgaimt tooth decay a .er reported. Because GardoTs protection won't rinse off or wear off all day, just ordinary dairy use morning and night guards against tooth decay rvery minute of the day and night! CLINICAL TtSTS on over nine hundred people were conducted for a full year under the supervi sion of some of the country's leading dental au thorities. Results showed the greatest reduction in tooth decay in toothpaste history proved that most people should now have far fewer cavities than ever before! And similar clinical tests ar continuing to further verify these amazing results 1 Yes, ctiuKal and laboratory tests both prove It! New Colgate Dental Cream with Gardol, used regularly and exciusitl, offen new hope to millions for Lifetime Protection against tooth decay! A JUST OS atSTSNaUHHIO MNTtSTi HAS IXAJtlNIS TNI IVIDSNCII Documented facts, recently publobei tn en authoritative dental journal, have convinced theaa dentists that Costita Dental Cream with Gardol b far man tnective asatasl decay-causing enrymes than any other torthpasw. And because Gardol is the only lont-lasung amKnxyrrn ingredient with clinical proof, these dental autho-.tties agree that New Colgate's with Gardol gives th surest protection asiinst tooth dacty ra offend by any kxxhput. No Other Toothpaste Offers Proof of Such Results! SAMS MMIUAI PACK A Oil AMI LOW StKtSI lnj Sen 1 Glonl Hi.7 Ston-v ! CLEANS YOUR BREATH WWII IT CLEANS YOUR TEETH I pon upETiLiti PaiOTEerion ijhst iootm decay