Fact 6 Miss Nieswander Tells Troth at Monday Party A surprise far group ol relatives and friendi gathering lor a party Monday evening waa announcement of the en gagement of Miaa Shirley Nies wirr, "laughter of Mr. and tin. Paul Nieawander, to Don ald Sepich, aon of Mr. and Mn. Joseph Sepich of Eureka, Calif. The party waa arranged aa ihower for Miaa Joanne Perry of Portland, bride-elect of Paul Nieswander, Jr., and during the Imtm rimer! iha betrothal of Mm Nieswander and Mr. Sep ich waa told. Mm Nieswander la a former Itudent at Willamette univer sity and la now employed In the local Artist? Work Is Displayed An art ahow for the Christ maa ahopper la the main theme for the next two weeka at the Gleaaon-Simpaon atu dio, 162 North Commercial atreet. The local chapter of the Amateur Artlata associa tion of America if exhibiting worka in water color and In alia in aood variety and offer the ahopper an opportunity of seeing both the work ol uie club and at the aame time gifti for the season. Among thoie exhibiting are Mazlne Shurtleff, Evelyn Benner, Geneva Dee Harriaon, Gloria Voelsch, Kenneth Bur nett, Reginald Garralt, Luella Moses and Pat Collina. The open home la slated for Friday thla week, from 7:30 to 10 o'clock. The abowing la open to the general public without charge. e AMONG the week' bazaara will be the one by the women of the Pint Methodlit church, Wedneiday, at the church. The event atarta at 8:30 o'clock. Cafeteria luncheon and dinner also will be served. Credit Women Hear Discussion Thirty attended the meeting of Credit Women'i Breakfaat club thia morning at Nohlgren't when Mr. Lloyd Myera led a discussion on what t- do and what not to do In letter writ ing. Mra. Leo Wahl won the prize for the beat dlacuulon on the aubject. Gueata at the meeting were Misa Myrtle Ingram, Mra. E. L, Hildreth, Mra. Glenn Bowman, Mra. Lome Newkirk, Mra. Sid J try. Mra.'. Leo Wahl, Mra. Myrne Malea, Mra. Emma Dor man. Plana were made for the Chriatmaj meeting on Tueeday morning, December IS, when membera will take food pack age to be given a needy fam ily at holiday time. In January the club la aponaorlng a white elephant aale. ' e e e Bazaar Friday Membera of the April-October circle of Jason Lee Methodist church are aponsor Ing a bazaar on Friday of thit 'week on the mezzanine at Ro berta atore on Court atreet. There will be holiday glfta, cookie and other ttemi. On the committee for the event are Mr. Joe Kllnger, Mra. Roy Lively, Mr. Glenn Lar klna, Mra. E. L, Moore, Mra. W. T. Bromley. a HOME from a trip to Davit, Calif., for over the Thanks glving holiday! are Mr. and Mra. Harry W. Scott, who vialted at the home of their aon and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mr. Verne Scott . PKINGLE Pleaiant Point Social club i meeting Thurs day at the Lome of Mri. P. M. Hilmoe, 268 North 17th, a luncheon to be aerved at noon. Today's Menu An old itandby with new flavor to delight family and guests. Company Dinner Roast Beet Browned Potatoes Mashed Turnips Green Salad Bread and Butter Coffee Rice Pudding Beverage Coffee Rice Padding I teaspoon Instant powder ed coflee H teaspoon aalt H cup rice 1H cupa boiling water H cup acedlrsa raiiini (rim ed in hot water and drained) 1 cup cream , i cup sugar ii teaspoon vanilla 14 cup chopped walnuts 2 tablespoon chopped mar aschino cherriet Method: Stir coffee, (alt and rice Into boiling water; allow water to boil again, then cover elofcly and cook over very low heat 20 minute. Add raisins; cover and cook B min ute longer or until rice 1 ten der. Chill. Whip cream until (tiff, fold In sugar, va-1 nilla, walnut, cherries and cooled rice mixture. Make to aervinga. J buaineai office of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph com pany. Mr. Sepich la a aenlor at Oregon State college where he la affiliated with Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. A aummer wedding la plan ned. ( Miaa Perry, honoree for the Monday party, la to be married on December 12 to Paul Niea wander, Jr., the wedding to be at 8 o'clock that evening in the Faith Lutheran church in Port land. The reception following alto will be at the church. Mm Perry la the daughter of Mr. and Mri. J. H. Perry of Port land. Miss Thomas Wed at Jordan The Rev. T. J. Bernard read the double ring ceremony for the 10 o'clock nuptial mas at Our Lady of Lourdea Catholic church at Jordan, which unit ed in marriage Mis Marjorie Jean Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Victor Tbomaa of M1U City, and Cletua SchmiU, aon of Mr. and Mra. Joe Schmitz of Stayton. Alternate pewa marked with sliver bells and white aatin bow set off the bridal procea aion. Mia Thomas waa given in marriage by her father. She wore a floor length white aatin over net dress, Apearl crown held the fingertip veil. She car ried a white prayer book top ped with white carnation and pink rosebud corsage. For sen timent she carried a white handkerchief which belonged to her mother, and a ailver chain and crosa which waa a gift from the bridegroom. Matron of honor waa Mr. Marjorie Thomas, sister-in- law of the bride. Mis Charlene Schmitz, (later of the bride groom waa bridesmaid. Mr. Thomas wore a blue net over satin dress. Mis Schmitz wore coral rose net over aatin. Both carried nosegay of white chry anthemum. Beatrice Ann Schmitz, lister of the bridegroom, was flower girl and wore a floor length white satin frock and carried a basket of white chrysanthe mum. Bet man wa Louie Pietrock and groomsman wa Douglas Thomas, brother of the bride, Miss Josephine Brand was or. ganlat and the wedding music waa aung by Mra. Gu Kirch and Mr, bomak. The bride's mother wore suit of blue with back accessor ies and white carnation corsage, The mother of the bridegroom wore a rose uit with navy blue accessories and white carna tion corsage. The grandmother of the bridegroom, Mr. Jake Lambrecht, wore a purple suit with white carnation corsage. A reception followed the ceremony and waa at the Jor dan parish hall. Cutting cake wai a cousin of the bridegroom, Miaa Delorls Toepfer of Wood' burn. Assisting in serving were Misie Edith Tietze, Evelyn Johnson, Ardls Meeks. Open' lng gilt were the same three, Passing the guest book was Misa Evelyn Johnson. Music for the reception was played by the Etzel brothers. The bride wore a green luit with black accessories and the corsage from her prayer book for going away. After a short honeymoon to California the couple will be at home in Stay ton on his father'i farm, known as the Jake Lambrecht farm It was the bridegroom's grand father 1 home place. Advance Night Salem chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, met Saturday ev enlng at the Masonic temple for advance night for the new officers. Miss Helen Fletcher and John Graybill presided. Herman Johnston, associate grand patron of the grand lodge of Oregon, was an hon ored guest. Mrs. Hilda Berk was a guest from Chicago, 111. Decorations were arranged by Misa Evelyn Daniclson and Mrs. Mel. Propp. The refreshmene commitee included Phil Yoder and Mr. Mona Yoder, co-chain en, Mr. Walter Sogge. Mrs. George Thomason and Mrs. T. W. Leis ure. A SON was born Sunday, No. vember 29. at Salem General hospital to Mr. and Mrs Rob- 'Mfi" 5'e l'll,nllltollerr1nkT1iei(layiiiht. The child in the family, there be ing a daughter. Lia. W. S. Lukins of Salem and Mrs. A. F. Rodgers of Train, Ore., are grandparents. The baby has been named Mitchell Laban. MISS DELFIIINE SAVAGE, formerly of Salem, now of Honolulu, will be home for the holidays to visit her moth er, Mrs. Fred E. Perm. Fruit land, and her sisters, Mrs. Don Kimple of Chemawa road and Mrs. Gordon Hood of Corval 11s. justs llitl. M tlcnta IhUpurvoraivr flavor) tablet to mm pain. TOn CHiionf J Iiirtrt Up SdL Ason for Qtta Capital Edited y M ASIAN l! ' f 3' .:' ;';: y: ; ,'" j : piii a A " ' - .' v lib it,, -i 1 1 .. fc Wf Are Newlyweda Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gooding (Ber nadette Mejitrik), above, were married in mid-November at a ceremony in St. Joseph'a Catholic church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. P. J. Mejstrik and Mr. Gooding is the ion of James Gooding of St. Paul. The couple are at home in Salem. (Stelmont studio picture.) Rehearsal Party Honoring their daughter Mis Norma Jean Camfield, and her fiance, Darwin J. Kerber, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Camfield are. to be hosta on Friday evening at a buffet (upper at their home, the af fair to follow the wedding re hearsal for the yourg couple. Mis Camfield and Mr. Ker ber are to be married next Saturday evening. Milton Katims to Conduct Symphony For lta next concert on De cember 7, the Portland Sym phony will be directed by the young American conductor. Milton Katims. The program will begin at 8:30 p.m. In Portland's Civic auditorium. Mr. Katims waa first viol Ist fdr the N.B.C. Symphony when. Maestro Toscanini took an interest in the young musi cian and elevated him to a guest conductorship. Since that time Mr. Katims has dis tinguished himself as a viol- ist and conductor both in Eu rope and America. He has ap peared with the Detroit, Seat tle, Buffalo, and Israel Sym phonies as conductor and was chief violist for the 1952 Prades Festival with the famous cellist Pablo Casals. The program for the Dec. 7 concert will consist of: Adagio and Fugue in C Minor by Moz art, Copland's "Appalachian! Spring, and the First Symph ony of Brahms, and Tchaikov sky's "Romeo and Juliet". Tickets for Mr. Katims' con cert will be available at J. K. Gill's box office beginning Thursday, Oec. 3. After his appearance, the Portland Symphony will be directed by Dmitri Mitrop oulos. Paul Strauss, Fabien Sevitzky, Igor Stravinsky, and Boris Sirpo. MEMBERS of Bethel No. 35. Job's Daughters, plan a skating party at the Norm River road:to their Khool work ,t Lu, senior prince.-, Miss Susan Youngquist. will have charge of the concession. CONGRATI'LATIONS are being extended to Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lambert upon the birth of a son. David Benjamin, weanesaay, ivovemoer 23. at Salem Memorial hospital. The .r.nHn.r.m. .r. m, m,. Ben F. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Ringland. all of Sa - lem, and Mrs. Cordelia Malo ney of Salem is a great grand mother. YOUR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ILICTRIC 3 CREMEKETA THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Orcfoa Women tOWBT TOCHER Alumnae Planning Sale on Wednesday Alpha Delta PI alumnae met last evening at the home of Mrs. John A. Jelderks and made plana for the group' rummage tale to be Wednesday of this week over Greenbaum's Mrs. Roy G. Green, alumnae president, is In charge of ar rangement for the sale. Attending the Monday meet ing were Mrs. Green, Mil Marguerite Gleeson, Mrs. Allan Gray, Mrs. R. F. Howells, Mr. Jelderks, Mrs. Al Pfeifer, Miss Shirley Smith, Miss Donna Wiedekehr, Mr. William Zen- ger. Next meeting for the group will be on January 11. Star Officials Entertain Group Mrs. Paul Grlebenow, worthy matron of Chadwick chapter. Order of Eastern Star, and Paul Bramble, the worthy patron, entertained last evening at a party for officers of the chap ter, committee membera and their husbands and wives. About 150 attended the affair at the Masonic temple. On the entertainment pro gram were Mrs. Jean Haynes and Peter Larson. Mrs. Haynes played marimba numbers. Peter Larson sang, accompan ied by Mrs. Jerri Benedict. Col ored slides of Oregon and the Northwest were shown by Don Smith. Refreshments were served In the dinning room by girls from the Chadwick assembly of Rainbow. MOTHERS club of Bethel No. 43, Jobs Daughters, i meeting this Thursday for a luncheon at 12 o'clock at the Masonic temple. Mrs. Elmer Worth and Mrs. L. R. Burdctte are co-chairmen and on their committee are Mrs. E. F. Whelan, Mrs. R. M. Law, Mrs. Charles R. Shaw. S1LVERTO.N Returning i theran Parkland college Sun day, after spending the Thanksgiving week-end with local relatives, were Ray Lei ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lea- ter and small daughter, and Owen Flatberg. i The Lesters were at the Phelps street home of their n,.t. th R. B. Letters, and ... 1.,.,K. . . ,h v,. , Mr. Flatberg was with hi aunt, Mrs. Ed Holden. 1 1711 So. Commercial Pa.4-6tlt AisHiittansf Board Meeting Set by Group , Mrs. H. D. Peterson, state president of the Republican Cquncil of Oregon Women, Inc., announce that the De cember quarterly board meet ing of the tat council offi cer and member will be at Dalla from 10 to 12 o'clock on Saturday, December t, at the Chamber of Commerce room. Walter Norblad, representa tive in congress from the tint congressional district, will be the speaker at the luncheon. He will apeak on achieve ment' of the 83rd' congress and on what are to be the main issues to com up in the second session of the congress which begin early In Jan uary, IBM. All men and women Inter depute ORoe Bros., a National Shoe Chain has purchased the entire Fashion Bootery Chain. All existing stocks are to be cleared out regardless of cost to make room for all new merchandise and new fashion policies. A rare opportunity for buying at , ' m baraain orices. a . Value ifr MOW $6w Value MOW VoVes MOW n -'.'5' ested in hearing the congress man speak on the main issues of the coming campaign are invited to attend, but reser vation must be secured In ad vance from Mra. H. D. Peter ton, 214 Clay street, Dallas, TeL 2006. Holiday Meeting A Christmas party and gift exchange will feature the meeting of the auxiliary of Hal Hibbard camp. United Spanish War Veteran, Fri day, at the home of Mra. Joe E. Wood, 1088 South High, at 1:30 p.m. Assisting Mrs. Wood will be Mr. Johanna Perry, Mrs. Mark Baker, Mrs. Charles O. Wilson. ' MRS. P. HOCSSEAS of Portland spent the Thanksgiv ing holiday at the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Richey. E) Qifcg Gto nllf ? J L" you' Yd""" S7 N. E. Corner Court & Liberty Silver Tea at Mr.- Angel Set - Mt Angel Mrs. Louis A. LeDoux, Oregon state regent of the Catholie Daughters of America, and Mrs. Edward A. Hammer, vice-president of the Oregon City deanery, Archdloccsan Council e t Catholie Women, have been asked to pour at the Christ mas f estiva and silver tea Sunday, December 6, In the sunken ballroom of the Mason ic temple, Portland. The affair sponsored by the Tut Christ Back Into Christ mas" committee is one of the outstanding social event to herald the Chriitma season and will be held Sunday af ternoon from 1 to 7 o'clock pjn. The date of the festival is the feast of St. Nicholas, the original Santa Claua. in Bel VALUES ill vr ' r T - I J 1 lV Vol." NOW yue$ to Tuesday, December 1. 1S5S t gium and Holland It was ejn this day that the good St. Nick distributed gift to good fhl'Hr.n It wa Dutch an cestor who brought the cus tom to this country of hang ing the Chriitma stocking and the' giving of Christmas presents, the committee states. The archdiocesan council of Catholie women, the Portland council of chorehwomen and the YWCA are unified a the committee for the primary purpose of putting Christ back Into Christmas. Mr. Malcolm and Mr. 0car Chappell are co-chairmen of the festival and tea which will be open to the public. 1 ' I XI LAMBDA chapter of Be ta Sigma Phi is meeting Wed nesday evening of this week at 8 o'clock at the home of Miss Martha Lierly. The Chriitma party for the chapter will be on December 16. to 55" SEVERAL HUNDRED PAIRS All SIZES Not in all Stylet Mostly size 4-4Vi VA to 9 C. UK NOW p