Tuesday, December 1, 19S3 THE CAPITAL JOIUNAL. Sales. Ontm SECTION III Page II Huge Siren 1 Halts Traffic i Portlind W! Traffic was Jialted Monday ai a three-ton! air raid eiren was Hoisted to the top of the 15-itory Amer-j lean Bank building in down town Portland. The huge siren, being pulled UP on heavy cabin, at one time i alipped and apparently wat on! the verge or tailing back into the street. But workmen! checked the momentary (all1 by applying brake on the lift ing drum. . I The airen was the first of seven to be installed in the Portland area. The other six will be mounted on 30-foot steel towers in the outskirts of the city. Chinese Reds Ration Food Hong Kong Wl Persons arriving from Shanghai and Canton sav the communists are rationing food for the first time since they took over in China. Private letters from China con tain the same information. The communists don't admit it. but they have stopped claiming bumper crops.. - Arrivals from Shanghai say the daily ration Is half a catty (about 10 ounces) and that food lineups are a comm sight. The causes are believed to be threefold: The Korean war, a short crop this year, and too heavy food exports to Russia, the Russian satellites and Ceylon. II INJURED IN COLLISION Peterson, N. 3. VP At least 18 persons were hurt none of them seriously in the head' on crash last night of two Erie railroad passenger trains that were moving at reduced speeds across an overpass about I mile east of the Paterson aU' tion. CHRISTMAS GREENS if 1 . - n Cf- Christmas greens and cones from this part of the state are used for arrangements and decorations la many places. Mrs. Paul Heath puts a final touch to a Christmas arrangement. Greens and Holly Christmas green and holly what could be more symbolic of the Northwest area? Have you ever stopped to think how many of those per sons on your list live in parts of the country where they do not have those greens and holly? Holly, with its bright green leaves and bright red berries, colors so traditionally Christ mas, as you probably know, is found in few places outside the Northwest. . Salem and the surrounding area contribute considerable holly for decoration at Christ mas time. Growers have local florists or United Growers handling their packs for them and the florists can supply any amount and alo Christmas greens. It is interesting to note the number of persons in this area growing holly. Among those holly growers ara Carl Benton, route 2, 811- verton: Clarence Halvorson, route 1. Silver ton: A. A. With' ers, route 8, Salem; Frank Windsor, route 1, Salem; Basil Zell, route 8, Salem; William Ryan, Turner; A. L. Page, RFD, Jefferson; Herbert Miller, route 3, Salem; Beulah Meyers, route 1, Brooks; F. 'Ellis John- CHRISTMAS QUEEN v.. ' : ( J A '&. s -y'- v i i ..f 1fi? 7 V; f - i Hi j. , 1 x : I ' " " - i Christmas dreams are made of mink and every woman will thrill to a "fur fashion that can be worn the year around for day or evening smartness. Above: FREDER ICKS Breath bt Spring mink spencer jacket with dolman sleeves and snug waist. son, route 9, Salem, who has only young trees; the City View Cemetery; Ivan Stewart, Salem; W. R. Newmyer, who resraes here and has his holly near Woodburn; W. W. Chad, wick, Salem, and at Corval lis, Agnes Tllklngton. At least three generations of the letter's family has been in the holly business and her grandfather originated the i using taj) nouy. , Local Art Available i Pens, brushes and pencils of several local artists are creat ing pictures and cards that you can use for some of those on your Christmas list The creative group of the Salem Art association this year has some hsnd done Christmas cards they sell through a local gut shop and in future years hopes to have a catalogue of cards that local stores may use in ordering. Maybe it is a picture of friends home that you will chose for a Christmas gift. Miss Martha Redd does that type of painting and also has done in teresting paintings of buildings here. Her work is also handled in a local ahop - Pictures made of dried flow. era ara the work of another Salem woman, Mrs. Charles Ir omi and then there are the etchings and water color pic tures done by Rev. Melville Wire, all of which can be found in a local store. Wire's pictures arc of local scenes and of cast em Oregon scenes. Incidental ly, Mrs. Wire also does water colors and in addition to that knits baby sets, consisting of a Jacket, bootees and cap that can be found in a local store. . If there is a cook on your list she might like the cook book that has recently been com piled by the VWCA, with all of the recipes in it tested by worn. en, who have worked on the OOOK. Two Salem artists having their own studios, where they nave meir pictures, are Mar garet Simpson and Clifford Gleason. And speaking of pictures. have you ever stopped to think how many on your gift list might like a photograph done by one of the local photog raphers for their present. It you re looking for ceranv les and hand screened cards, Margaret Hedges has the an swer for you. And for figurines, placques and that type of gift, The Shed, a Dresden craft shop. has a great variety. The shop uses its own molds for most of the work, making plaster bases and having special paints and a glaze coating for them. FORTUNATE FAMILY Fortunate indeed, will be the family who receives a beautiful Television set this Christmas. Here, Admiral presents a compact, handsome console set with 21" screen. This set is available in walnut, mahogany and blond finish. SOMETHING VERY SPECIAL U Something special for every home maker 'on your list Is a gift of sterling, holloware or silverplate (according to your budget, and her taste). Famous makers offer a won derful selection for your choosing for gracious gift-giving. Sugar and creamer sets, salt and pepper sets, baskets, can dlestick holders, trays, compotes, coffee and tea sets are but a few of the great 'silver variety shown. TODDLER TO TEEN "... C0 r F'l& vol hamp Steer Disqualified Chicago Wl The 54th an nual International Livestock Exposition reached its climax Tuesday with Judges set to se lect the grand champion steer of North America. -Hopes of America's farm boys and girls to win this co veted title rested principally on "Little Stuff," an Aberdeen- Angus owned by Carlyle Great house, 18, of Hindsboro, 111 Little Stuff csme to the fore Monday when the junior cham pion steer, 'Blackie," an Aber deen-Angus owned by IB-year-old Richard E. Carey of Min eral Point, Wis., was disquali fied on the ground the animal was over age for the Junior yearling class in which it bad been entered. Little Stuff had been ad judged reserve Junior cham pion in preliminary competi tion Saturday. From toddler to teen, VANTA styles warm comfortables for at-eaae, lounge-about and "dream times." Made of soft, cuddly cottons, these easy-to-care-for garments are wel come gifts at Christmas time or any time. JEWELLED ERMINE COLLAR Hiii in . y yr-sjpM'" 4- ' ROYAL ERMINE JEWELLED COLLAR ... fit for your Christmas queent This year's important accessory, she'll wear it with elegance on her dress, sweater, suit or coat. Designed "by WINTER FURS, in snowy ermine or dark, ranch mink, richly bordered with braid and simulated pearls. EVERY WOMAN LOVES A 'LITTLE' LUXURY 111 s I. -a Give her "time and beauty" in a grand and handsome Christmas gesture with one of these distinctive bracelet watches by TAYLOR. The bracelets are handso'me gold filled ropes; the watches guaranteed 17-jewel Swiss move ments. "Spanish Gate" at the left and "Onyx Rope" center, disclose full views of the watch dial when cover awings open. walk? float in 'yJr J SVfl- flattering as a compliment J with red or blue -O"-' costumes .rvS ..V Ikmm ....hsty greys, pale or polished blacks. A cloud-drilled taupe, it seems to praise you to the skies. Also in demi-ssndsl. 2.50 to 1.35 s pair Contour knit for personalised fit MM NOW! loans apt $1500 (Tkt tip to 24 mmrHh to rtHT FOR GLAMOR AND FASHION i j f 1 For the ultimate in glamour and fashion, LENTHER1C baa designed an exquisite brocade evening bag in beige and gold. Neatly tucked inside are a square-shaped gold com pact, a one-dram size purse flacon of Tweed perfume, and Lentherlc lipstick. And there's room for hanky and keys, too. A wonderful gift for someone very special. "rfS-rVcmpty fo 4 evf of 5 Employ! num sad womtti marriMl or tin(l njoy frimdly, contidmt tanrie htr. Nationwide cradlt Mttlv Uthftd Journal and ita aitUiatod companiaa ara now tha largtt loan group la tb U.8. with ovar 800 omcai to aarva you throughout eKroarica. Pbona firtt for 1-vitit loan. Coma la or writa rWnaf today! ! 1 1 Ground Floor, Oregon Bldg. 105 8. HIGH STREET Phone: 1-1464. - Salem, Ore. Haniea L Miwberrf , TQ rUHager Iniu ovst 300 rntds by Pirsonil Fl- nanci to. et Mirion County indtr tha Industrial loan Companies Act el Oregon, Lnu Midi la raMmla f all frsanaiat twai SUM UMH km. s-in. n its Christmas SPECIAL! Boys Topcoats , ' ' ' and Winter Jackets FREE! U T-Shlrtand" Pair of Socks with the Purchase of a Topcoat or Winter Jacket SHOP EARLY While x The Selection Is Good SHOP EARLY ot Margvens "Foromost In Quality'" (iflW Shopping Center 1 35 will a M7 ml W V I II I J f III 135 No. Liberty m rl IM THE WMCH TM0S;0V Only EICIN kit Oil Guarantied DuraPowir Mainsprlnf THE HURT THAT NEVER BREAKS OAIIINOION CMvitlttly dainty IT iwl rlin witK ' auCCANIH SShflM(tf. Unbrtak. aNj w4 cryital. 52?0 (HAWNIsI UdiM' 17 Jtrwvl Shotk. naalaf tpmrt Mdl. 49U 79.50 y iyr u Ai. rv. it 1 - . 4f' irttito) RlAg m with 2 O ; I if. m 10C tllw OoioJ. tOtO llOm CtVIMAN 21 lOwoU OtweMHAf IU 14 Ml) tot wiih 71 ITA- !! lo. ronct In If Jowtl Ifit wild booijf.lvl Rtotghifif oiponiion IOID ItOIN oxt Dttllactlva II , timaalaca. UK INaa aaaa. Hiak tvr.ta "1,M- $3950 W.'ra all iai with a wendarlul celltcNefi BMvtlfiil new llgln Wotdws H ysv molis Itiis th bail of ell Chrntmotn lor that tra ipiclal ptrwn e yew kst Cam in today end tt grand ralirat wt have to efftr yog. Maa'i t-ifctta-a tn Ma,a, ftvaa.r (a,a iok Gala 29.50 tint, Matf, W. Taa ' E LG I N hxjtfutyfrMM CTHEI 17 JEWil I10INS MOM $U.7S Small Deposit Will Reserve Your Selection 'Til Christmas 443 STATE 51W SALEM. ORE. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M.