Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 01, 1953, Page 30, Image 30

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    Pat 12 SECTION III
Tuesday, Doeetnber 1, 195S
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Falls Ciiy
Falls City Mr. and Mn.
Byron Hodgson of Corvallis
re the parents of twin boyi
born Nov. 27 t the Salem
General Hospital.
The combined weight of the
btblrj wai 14 lbs. and S ounc
es and their name are Jeffrey
Byron and Douglas Lloyd.'
Mr. Hodgson Is majoring in
business management at
O. S. C.
Mrs. Hodgson was born
and reared at Falls City. be.
lng the daughter of Floyd and
Juanita Bowman.
Ira Davis went to Rose
Lodge Friday on a Salmon
fishing trip.
He took along as guests on
the excursion, Norman and
Ronny Ames, sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Ames. They will
return borne Sunday.
Loralne Teal and children
of Roaeburg were Friday visi
tors at the home of her hus
band's sister, Mrs. Jesse Mel
Anna K. Sorenson Is spend
lng a few days with her son,
Ray Anson of Salem.
Thanksgiving dinner guests
of Mr. and Mrs, Richard Paul,
Sr., were their two daughters
and husbands, Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Sumskl and Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Brown and daugh
ter, Betty, all of Oswego; a
ton, George Paul and wife of
Corvallis, and two grandsons,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Paul of
Corvallis, and Clarence Paul
ind wife of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Groll of
Portland are doing some In
terior decorating for her moth
er, Mrs. Catherine Graham.
They are beginning by paint
ing woodwork and floors
around the rugs.
Mrs. Groll also Is cooking
In the absence of the Grah
am's housekeeper Mrs. Soren
sen. Word has been received of
the death of a former Falls
City boy, John Kernen.
While serving In the navy,
he waa struck on the head by
a cable and heavy seas wash
ed htm overboard drowning
him, while unconscious.
He was the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Kemon.
The Willamette Logging Co.
Superentendant gave the
FaUa City Firemen a house
which was moved by truck
and cat to town and placed
adjacent to the Fire Station,
The house will be made
into a dwelling which will be
occupied, rent free, by the city
Ira Davis was a dinner
guest of the Lloyd Ames fam
ily Thanksgiving Day.
Otto Teal has had televis
ion Installed at their home.
A quadruple quartet com
posed of 16 male voices will
be heard at t h e Bridgeport
scnoolhouse Friday night Dec.
at 7:43 p.m.
They are known as the "Sal
em Singers" and Miss Luells
Warkentlne of Salem will be
their piano accompanist.
Mrs. Ray Tartar and family
of Florence were recent guests
at the W. P. Letterman home.
Mr. and Mra. Leo Eiselstein,
who recently arrived home
from a trip to Denver, since
made a trip to Eugene to visit
their friends, the C. M. Max
wells who were recently In.
Jured In a car wreck.
Robert Kenline was In I
truck accident quite recently
and transferred from the
Sweet Home Hospital to the
Dallas Hospital.
The E I d o n Hendricks of
Valsetx of Rlngwood, Okla.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Marts
field of Salem.
Santa and these real live reindeer will pay a pre-Christ-
mas visit to the Salem downtown business district be
ginning at 9 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 6. The reindeer, which
are now in Central Oregon, are appropriately named
Dasher, Praneer, Doner and Blitzen. Their appearance
here will be sponsored by the Downtown Merchants Assn.
Turkeys Available
To Smaller Families
If is no longer necessary for
the small family to forego the
Christmas turkey or eat turkey
left-overs for days after Christ
mas. Turkeys have changed!
Thorugh new methods of tur
key raising, it is now possible
to buy a smaller, meatier, and
broader-breasted turkey. They
can be stuffed with the fam
ily's favorite dressing and
roasted like the heavier birds.
Some smaller families may
want to have two of these small
turkeys, each with a different
kind of dressing, instead of one
larger bird. They can be cooked
much more quickly than a
large turkey of comparable to
tal weight. I
PONT HQS ntfllfi
Xmas Piano Sale
iti So. 12th
Christmas Tree
To Cost More
Your Christinas tree will
cost more this year. The Yule
fir Was iy-paased by inflation
since the end of World War II,
but the high cost of living has
finally caught up with It
The state forestry depart
ment says scarcity of cutting
areas where Christinas trees
can be harvested for commer
cial sale it one of the reasons
for the price upswing. Forest
ers point out that much of Or
egon's forest land is dedicated
to continuous timber produc
tion and great swaths can't be
cut in the cover of young trees
any more. Most of Oregon pro
duction of Christmas trees is
transported to southern Cali
fornia markets where prices
are higher.
Last year, foresters were
alarmed by wasted trees; this
year demand is catching up
with a shrinking supply. With
trees harder to find, it will af
fect almost everyone's pocket
book except the Christmas
tree farmers who are smiling
for the first time since they
embarked upon the question
able business of growing
Christmas trees for profit
In the past, farmers and
owners of marginal lands have
literally been playing Santa
Claus as far as selling their
Christmas trees was concerned.
In 1939, most farmers would
let commercial cutters have
their trees for clearing the pas
ture lands. In 1940, stum page
was two cents for a 6-foot
tree. Today, even if you wear a
red suit and white whiskers,
stum page for a 6-foot Douglas-
fir will probably coat you SI
or 60 cents. On the corner lot,
the tree will cost several dol
lars. In southern Califoraa, the
same tree will bring in $4 to
$7 50. Same sise tree in the
noble or Shasta fir family will
be about double or $ 8 to $11.
Silver-tips usually retail tor
$1.50 per lineal foot
Advice from the state forest
ry department: Expect to dig
down deeper in your Jeans. Or
know someone with Christ
mas tree farm. '
There's a Right Way
To Send Yule Cards
Exchanging Christmas wish
es with friends by sending gay
greeting cards, is one of our
most heart-warming holiday
customs. A wide range of styles
prevails in cards, from the very
informal to the most dignified
This brings up the matter of
the proper way to sign Christ
mas cards that seems to confuse
many people.
The type of card and the
person to whom you're sending
it should determine the signa
ture used.
If your card is- a cheery
greeting to close friends, it
should be signed simply with
your first name Mary; or. if
married, Mary and George, fol
lowed by the last name.
With married couples, the
one signing the cards always
writes his or her name last If
the cards bear a printed signa
ture, the wife's name is always
If there are several children
in the family, it is usually pref
erable to have your cards sign
ed or printed simply as a fam
ily; for example, -The Smiths.'
When sending greetings vo
ninMi muaintAncea. - it is
permissible to use the formal
signature Mr. and Mrs. earns
of this tort should be printed
and the card, itself, should be
of the formal type.
Wood burn The Methodist
men will meet Wednesday ev
ening, Dec J, tor a 6:30 pot
luck dinner at the Methodist
church. George Everts, presi
dent, has announced that a
work party will follow the supper.
Elizabeth Arden
jjfll Santa Claus Esquire
r A generous 4 ox, bottle of Blue Crass Flower
isf Mist gaily concealed by the jolly snow nun or.
J the flirtsfJous snow maiden.
lfl ""
This is the Christmas 1953
This is the Television
f -'-y- " " ' -if I'm r i nini r
Jl" T,lvlilo wlit, m J7.Tb
m irMtiiwot Matiogony, Colon.,
JJooU Of (Howri MooVk Chom,,,
S J384'5
j - -
MODERN ilalnut
21" SCREEN ... 27 TUBES
IB 0Si (333 iTSB tBGSi
J &,kIi&fil&
This is the Christmas . . . when you'll want to please your family
with a special gift . . . the most exciting gift . . . television!
And THIS is the television . . . Packard-Bell . . . specH in every
way . . . glamorous cabinet stylings, field-testeofor Sale;;
Super-Powered for the best picture, priced to suit every budget.
See your dealer todayl
Silent, war-proof casters on every console model
A Division of the Packard -Belt Co.-
phone 4-2231
91" TV. Mwwfc AM kocfi. ffpeJ evt-t-ffwrttc
ptorw ... ttodtn
'XKtmpeA"' Ook, As-jwrican Ctoni!
), f lrsifiil ' CKtktef-v'' Wed
fh4 or (skewd) Trsd.-ieysri sVVKefny.
CTtffitf-Pllft. 'S3B2 GSM m
5tcnni3nitamt33';iiHia- -ir. -a
gives you a clearer, sharper,
brighter picture...
Powerful chassis gives superb performance
even in fringe areas
Priced o iow you'll wont one in every room!
Dramatic decorator colon... rich tone sound
sytlem. Bahama Blue, Cameo Ivory, Cornelia
Pink, TortoUe Shell Brown.
Other Cofon:
$79S $()95
Warren's Radio & TV Eddie Lewis TV
1993 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 3-7681 495 Ferry Sr. Phone 3-4793
Andy Foster Camera and TV
174 N. Commercial
Yeater Appliance and TV
Phono 3-4311
Albany Silverton
TsnnSrh Annlisitai X TV
linn Musk Distributors Coast to Coast Adolf's Electric Stayton Radio & TV Wilde Appliance
375 Chemeketo
Valley TV
Valley TV
2303 Fairground Rd. Phone 2-1913
Phono 2-1841
Al Laue Appliance and TV
2330 Stat St. Phono 3-3443
Dallas Stayton Mt. Angel