ueacuy, uecember 1, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, (Ulna. Oregon SECTION IH Piga 11 andsome Wearables or Masculine Gifts Here Christmas offers th onc-a-BT opportunity for friends members of man'i fam- to tea to It that he feti m item of aparel he orob- wants himself. Airoufh careful (election I soma comparing of no tea, m can mi Ice fairly certain 4 bit Yuletide gifts wiU give wardrobe, note of luxury, fort and good taste, bnong fiits suggested to I a dashing, distinctive look pis business dress ar the narrow ties in the year's Mued, miniature patterns It small stripes; shirts with W 185S mark of styling Own by the popular round Li and pin-through collar styles); a new hat homburf or snap-brim with the taper ed crown now favored by the best-dressed men: handsome muffler, or serviceable pair oi ami or learner gloves. A gift certificate entitling him to a new business suit, will put you right up there on the list of his favorite people, as will certificate for a topcoat in camel hair, cashmere, or one of the newly textured wool fabrics. The gift certificate saves you timeand possible error In the knotty problem of selection of fabrics, patterns and colors. The man simply takes the gift certificate to the store, then WMMMT17 x- .-fir SEWING MACHINE I 1 THE MACHINE WITH THE i IUILMM SEWIN6 TAUNT SEWING A Pfeff Ditl-A-StiKh Sewing Mschine is all any ? woman antl for Chriitmas! The whole family J can "go in together" and give a Pfaff It't a com j fine home tewing center, bectuie exclusive Naff Didl-A-Stitth (imply tig-ugt the mtny different stitches. All sewing, alt finishing is to easy, so professional looking. Come in for a (tec demon strsnon without obligation right away! tf Are twin NHOU MT Twirineedlei in S widdn for double leant, decorative effects and tig- ; 'ool Twin 3 t CHoosiraoM auNV MODtU Beautiful cabinet aid handy portables, all with written lifetime Ier aatee. Pfaff Model SO pen. sble priced at only 1119.50. MW THIS! and atoei without AnACHMsNTt ft-s PfsfJ RtVCfteV Needle optional. WHAT MOM COUIO ANY WOMAN WANT 0 CHtlJTMAW Rvyaow oylsoi"Sasrisiiw Osasrses treso-w 153 S. Liberty St. Ph. 35773 , Parti - Service - Repolri en All Makes MYRONS chooses the exact garment be wants. There) seems to be an ever lncheasing swing towards sports clothes for all occasions, even for wear at the office. The casual, "manly" look is the order of the day here, with rough-surfaced fabrics adding an air of studied casualties. Clothes Ce Celorfal While colors often are bold, they also are neater than In previous years. Small checks, plaids and stripes have shunt ed loud florals and multi-col ored geometric patterns to the rear row, middle, strong in tne S3 picture are solid colors, used often with white, black or charcoal for cor.traat. New la Sports Casts Among the more fetching models in sports packets Is the three-button style, with or without ticket pocket, and with double or single vents. The two-button atyle with patch or flapped pockets runs It a close second, with a four-button style with belted front the Norfolk jacket a favorite of the twenties, a welcome reviv al. Sports 8hlrta Lighter Sports shirts this year dis play Interesting new collar styles and fabric treatments. Lighter-weight than in previ ous years, there is a definite trend away from the splashy patterns and shiny fabrics of past seasons. The stand-up collar, crew neck collar, slash-front hori zontal collar and short round collar look well, and Just as Important are the acme of comfort TV Spars Casual Styles Television has spurred many new styles for at-home, at ease comfort The lounging robe has been re-introduced In a variety of new sty"ngs, in cluding rich-textured flannels, plaids and wool broadcloths. The smoking jacket, too, is a strong favorite' for at-ease wear. GRACIOUS GLASSWARE GIFTS LaBaireaM-l Boys Like Wearables As Christmas Presents Modern, machine-made glassware available in a wide variety of shapes and patterns at moderate cost, is both' decorative, useful and offers many solutions to Christmas , gift problems. Once a luxury, now 'crystal-look' glass- ware is an aid to gracious living to every home, thanks to inventive skill and manufacturing progress. Pitcher sets, tumbler sets, multipurpose servers, as well as decora five objects In fine glassare sure to rate high for holiday giving or getting. This year young men are tsk-' ing a much greater Interest la their appearance and, as a re sult, boys' wearables rank lm- Jportaatly as welcome Christ mas gUUk Oone is the era wnen it was smart for boys to look sloppy and disheveled. Instead, Amer. lean boys are interested in their clothes and are learning to take real pride in a well-rounded wardrobe. Consequently, the array of shirts,' ties, sweaters, sport Jackets, slacks, mufflers, outer jackets, caps, gloves, socks, etc. for Christmas gift-giving Is more smartly styled and richer la color than ever before. Sport shirts are designed la styles "just like Dads'' and feature many tailored knit models. Many of them are smart worsted jerseys in novel patterns and lichly-hued col ors. White business shirts for school wear are offered in many of the new stylings that are so popular with men. The rounded collar, introduced in boys' wesr last spring, has achieved wide favor, along with the button-down oxford cloth shirt Stripes and plaids are still favorites in ties, being shown in silk or rich-looking durable WOOL Warm wool sweaters are al ways a popular gift choice. This year's top models are the turtle-neck, button-front award sweaters, and the traditional pullover. Scandinavian designs, ski motifs, and shields are the most popular and the tap fav orite is the white ski sweater with neck, waist and cuff striping. Boys' sport Jscketa are offer ed in a wide range of stylings. Rich Shetland, durable tweeds. and soft flannels are stand-outs. Wise gift shoppers who want to make a young man really proud of himself shouldn't over look the tremendously popular contrasting vests. They're being o tiered this Christmas in many novelty styles. Every boy needs a rugged outer Jacket and what could be a. better gift choicer The all wool macklnaw, the lined FOR THE MAN In the newest mood of ele gance for men, a trimly tailored Test for contrast to his more conservative ap parel. The style shown hero is a MSO mixture of wool and cotton, and is softly pat terned in go-with-everythlnf warm hues. storm coat, the pea jacket, and coats with removable linings all are "tops." All in all, this promises to bo quite a Christmas for the boys with gifts that will give their wardrobes a big boost in smart ness! . DB MOLAY ME3TCNQ . Wood burn The regular meeting of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay and also of the Unt)i'a Olivia will Ka VBmm- 1 day night at the IJasonlc tem ple. At the circle .meeting, plans will be discussed for a holiday party for members of DeMolay and their friends, and Mrs. N. F. Tyler, the president, will name committees. Refresh ments will be served following the business meeting of the chapter and circle by Mrs. Har ry Lenton and Mrs. Layman Baird. Make Christmas Time Time of Food Frolic In every part of the world where Christmas Is observed, a special feast usually highlights the celebration of the holidays. And, certainly, in our country an old fashioned family dinner on Christmas has always been an Important part of the Yule- tide tradition. To many Americans, Christ mas just isn't Christmas with out a turkey dinner complete with ALL the trimmings. To almost all homemakers, this means many days of planning and preparation. It adds greatly to the fam ilies fun if the children are al lowed to help with Christmas preparations. Let them lend a USE OUR "TOP SECRET" LAYAWAY DEPT. I tit fl pi y Mm h i t V, here's luxury at little cost... the sculptured nylon by $-795 So glamorous It mokes you think pf dinner-by-condlelight! Elegantly sculptured nylon that looks like a delicately carved cameo, yet it washes with ease and needs no pressing! Twinkling rhinestone buttons of the nipped-in waist . . . full, twirling skirt with two deep pockets! Aqua, Pinkbloom, Navy. Sizes 10 to 20. Truly unusual to find such valuo for just $17.95. band with aU the fancy little "extras" that sd such an exclt- tlng holiday touch! For a delectable garnish for the turkey platter, try frosted grapesl Select the big, purple variety and cut Into small Clus ters. Wash and drain well. Dip the clusters into a mixture of V cup of white corn syrup and y cup of water arid drain. Sprinkle heavily with granu lated sugar and chill. The sparkling grapes will add a special-occasion note to the platter. As a decorative (and deli cious) addition to your dessert plate, serve tiny pears and ap ples of testy cheese. Cut pro cessed cheese into small cubes and form the miniature fruit Insert a whole clove into the blossom end and an ivy stem for the stem and sprinkle with nutmeg and paprika for a rosy look. Place on leaves and cir cle your pumpkin, mince, or apple pie. One phase of your Christ mas cookery that the children will love is the cooky baking project Try making a basic sugar cooky recipe and let the children cut them into imag inative shapes. They can make jolly Santas, stars, snow men, holiday wreaths, Christmas stockings or tiny trees. If fancy cutters aren't availcble for all the shapes desired, let th: children cut the cookies around a card-, board pattern. After they're baked, mix bright red, green, and white frostings and let the kiddies decorate to their hearts' con tent with gumdrops, red cinna mon candies, licorice, and bits of candied fruit For unusual place cards on the Christmas table, try frosted cup cakes decorated to resem ble Christmas tree ornaments. With your cake decorating set, make the outline of an orna ment and write each name in the circle. Or bake tiny oblong cakes, cover with white frost ing, and decorate to resemble tiny gift packages with col ored frosting ribbon and bow. .Write the name in frosting on the "gut and put at each place, The day before Christmas, cut oranges in half and scoop out the shells. "Pink" the edges with a sharp knife and put cranberry sauces in these deco rative cups to chili They'll sdd a gsy holiday touch to the Christmas dinner plate. There's something about home-made candy at Christmas that seems to add just the right old-fashioned touch ... so, gsther the family together for a candy-making spree. So, allow an extra day or two for the preparation of Yuletide goodies . . . Try these delightful touches that will make Christmas dinner a real holiday feastl All Have Word For It Merry Christmas the world I over Is greeted gaily in differ-1 ent Ways. The Portuguese auyl "Boss Festas ; the Italians, I "Buanoe Feste Natallzie." In I Germany, "Froeliche Weinach- ten," and In Franre, Joyeauxl Noel." They all mean "Merry I fitans Stopi ; M rW. -aV: UV-js' ae I . 'VII .lll w is. (jitrs . vr N Sport Shirts: . . . ifl' Shirts: . . Pajarnas: . . . STRADIVARI jffi, . ARROW w PLEETWAY " ARROW JGy EXCEU.0 J6 FUNNEL fl-Sf sW IROADCLOTH . HOLLYWOOD ROGUE gtS L i inuuvtuin jjfcf lv I NYLON i J, fLr RAYON m Slacks:... Wool Shirts: ... ' t i m kuppenheimer Sweaters: . . . M MAYFAIR W JANT2EN j Jj) KURTZMAN M TOWN I & KINO WEMBLEY m BLACKER BROS. V$ Goods:... 1 I STERN MERRITT $lf vabcitv tawm SJ. H1CKOK f 1 tl LOUART m ' II i Xg Wt. Robes: ... ; ;.; Hose: ... M c .. - M rotany V m$ Suits - Topcoats: .. . ViV rabhor 1 1 interwoven It? M. M Jf.vf KUPPENHEIMER K ' tl F P.OCKE' fAX "",rrw" .W nnix II p Leather Jackets:.. Shoes:... '4 r W SCULLY NUNN-BUSH M i f . ITir LEATHER GARMENT HH KM i il? "irnnir m II DON RAMSDELL JAY MONNETTE STA1E ST. Christmas."