Par 10 vSECTION m THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakm. Oregon jueaday. liecember 1, 1953 FRAGRANT GIFTS FOR HER (A Newt She'll thriU to thia complete travel kit that's fitted lor beauty by Du BAHRYI In rich alligator (rain, moire-lined, it holds treasure trove of luxurious crimes, lotions and laihlon keyed make-up essentials. A Gift ef Cologne, Here's a fragrance that demands a "yes lor an exciting gift for Christmas. CHARBERT'S "Consent" eau de toilette. Other Items tn this distinc tive fragrance are bath oil, dusting powder and per fume. Laneome'a deluxe offering for Christmas, is Its elegant new perfume, Tresor" , . In a diamond-cut flacon that flashes brilliance from every facet. Tresor's" odeur Is of Oriental Inspiration with sultry overtones, softly blended with floral notes. NEW! Just Arrived! jpua oCel(anl OrvV h. Nf5 AV AL! V&s&ijW 'Ij 5 ( m PRICED $l95 to $995 At leost every home In America con hove o bit of Howoii growing in their living room. Millers ore Introducing the genuine Pou Leilani Fernwood burli this week ond Invite you to see them grow! They grow so fast you eon olmost wotch them grow. No toil required. Easy to handle . . . sturdy ond require little core. You may now have a permanent fernery. Main floor neor Liberty street entrance. Jewelry's Been a Male Prerogative During the past five years. th American man has shone forth In all his glory In a col' lection of Jewelry to daxxla the eye. The girls seen to think that the mala trend to Jewelry Is a comparatively new one. Actu ally, man even more so thai woman has been 'bejewelled' Goose Also Popular For Christmas Dinner While turkey has long been the traditional Christmas dish in America, of late the goose has been forging ahead like a shot In many lands as the piece de resistance of the Yuletide meaL The goose rates especially high In the Scandinavian eoun tries, heading an lmprcaiive list of meats and fish served during the Christmas and holiday sea son. In Sweden, celebrants like to see a suckling pig decorate the groaning board, along with the many dishes associated with the Smorgasbord. France and Iceland look with high favor on the goose, and the Germans, noted trencher men, gild the goose with apple stuffing. The Hollander givea the nod to highly spiced dress ing for his Christmas goose, with plenty of puddings, fruit cakes, honey cakes and dessert breads to go with It. Latin countries forego the goose, choosing lamb as the dlih of the day, while the Eng lishman sticks by bis roast beef (along with various fowl) to the bitter end. Cuba aays "Si, all" to roast pig, and it's fish and fowl for Portugal. But here in America, the tur key remalna the king of the holiday feast. And most Ameri cans wouldn't have it any oth er way. Just a little bit more 01 that dark meat, please! OAT CHRISTMAS CAKE .. J or a Christmasy-looklng Cake, try adding chopped maraschino cherries and nuts to your favorite white cake recipe. Be sure the nuts are chopped fine the cherries are well-drained. Fold .Into the batter with Just a few strokes. Frost the cake with white icing and add a gay Christmas trim. Buy cellophane - wraped tanes in a variety of sizes and hang them from the branches of the tree. Wire a huge can In the center of your door spray of Christ mas greens. Tuck tiny ones into bows of gift packages! await. for Ages sines ba crawled out ef his ea-es. We mean this literally, of course, for primitive man deco rated himself and his weapons with crude Jewelry mada of stones and shells to keep evil spirits away. In the highly developed civ ilizations of Egypt and Greece, Jewelry was really Important Men of high rank and station wore singe, brooches, necklaces and amulets since these were still supposed to hold magic powers against Ill-luck and dis ease. In fact the Romans made such a showing of heavy opu lent bedazzlements that Cato (the old me any) passed laws prohibiting thf use of all Jewel ry except thrt worn for a utili tarian purpose, such as a badge of office. During the Middle Agea, the Church, particularly the higher officials, '-.ok over the practice of wearing Jewelry. The nobll ity, too, set great store by pon derous Jewelry collections. Further along, love-'em-and- leave-'em Henry VIII of Eng land, owned hundreds of brooches, necklaces, collars, pendants, and gem-set buckles. And similar male flamboyan- cies held a ay until the French Revolution. At that time, such lavish dis play was sure to send the own er to the guillotine. Through the years since, Jewelry for men has evo'ved lntc the mas culine simplicity of present day designs. Suggestions That Do Not Dent Your Purse Say "Merry Christmas' to a neighbor or acquaintance with out denting your gift budget! Here are some pin-money sug gestions: Buy a tiny casserole at the 10c store and, when making the family fruit cakes, bake a small one in the casserole. Both the delicious cake and the handy casserole will be welcomed! Pick up an Inexpensive glass goblet and fill with preserves or Jelly. Tuck holly into the paraffin before It hardens. A decorated tin box. avail able at any 10c store, filled with salted nuts or homemade candy makes a tasty Yuletide greeting. After Christmas, the box makes a handy container for sewing needs. Fill a budget-priced glass cruet with your favorite French dressing and tie a sprig of red berries to the hsndle. Your neighbor will love the tasty gut and the decorative bottle. aV III MAIN FLOOR ajsaswssewsjesswsss is - iin'mit ii . - i. I 1 11 1111 111 S a A Ai, WW s i i MT W n I M IiiM M H I I IS m ' - I . X 11 tlUI - I! e u ii ir in LKtiitu ' ' i i: n; This Christmas why not give 'her iVk "' f " l1 ' I - whot she really wants most .' . . ty JSJ fc1 'tM1 1 l YKjffK the gift that will make her yours jr jf f vC'' ' y ' Engagement Ring. For a gift of such Kflm wr f"''' 'Z&rw ; ; Importance it is well to plan ahead. lr sf X 'y' (Tfl; Come in now, while our selection of vVllgggwS f ' f diamonds In all price ranges are at L ' ffii.-1 I yj their peak, and chose 'W ring. ZZ.'tZZ ff A smoll'deposit will hold it for you "ul'nir' It.-. i ' fj"" -'y C5w ; till Christmas ... and you can take $9950 SS'K I ! up to one year to pay. . f Cy1&. J : Ulustration Enlarged to Show Detail f 'dfes&k. fe$ dke sssjk ms smi MSHk Mnr mm mm ahi i wjr (?s Mr-szr r y fir mtjp v V Diamond MllUlrt Is- Uodlih floral deiln Diamond Iniwtmtnt T-dlamond KniMO l-dlamond Knr- Modlth deiitn 1b DU- Smart ilnphOty la 3 . X Mtmant Ring of In a cftptlvfttmc dl- Ring with two apark- mnt Rinc tn faihlon meat Riot: imartlr mo ad Bniafemeiift diamond olltklr of 2 . W awiart dlttlnctlon. nond aollttlrt. Ung bhimIU otdo- ablo f lib tail mount- Mrtamllnod. ExquUlU Ring of ImprualT vnuxuai bfgat. . M . IS diamond!. lot. bnlltanet M 1 ' 567.50 $54.50 $89.50 $175.00 $79.50 $99.50- $47.50 j ; f ts Your Luckv Birth.t... 11 V" IT.. . 1 1 V. . . 1 J K re,, an Chain Csstume Jewelry Bow-Knot Ring f I I ClWWvLJ C m Natural gold cross. Mod em costume Ultra - smart ring S?; rSLmr 1 l rlWr fc' 1 engraved, complete sprays with bril- gift in unique style few jaf ruT? I J vJm ? W ne'tC'1'n "h"1' 'one'' ' r,r,t'ii2 stones. kvktww U , x I jtor Him Pay Weekly OnTerms On Credit lx . $Q495 Cm , Man's SWANK Set. Match- Y , losy Terms U H EJ 9 P lug cuff links, tie clip and r Nationally f Xga. yf4' V m collar holder. $50 ! j : grtatd. 3 PfHl pfT gExcludin,-T,x 6 i i 1 I i sv JKT' i Lady's BULOVA Man's ELGIN 17 Lady's GRUEN VJ -T" " V I E YW ZV,S with 17 jewel Jewel model, hand- watch. 17 Jewels ; I E nf aV . RV. 5 movement some stvle. , gold filled. Tr mmr", - I f M T $2975 Msb 337 W JZS i .? V IT II at . rw f n ut . i i 1 at . aaV Iiasawia-"iiv l V J A G ft Tfh ry "eemy roy rfsemy wn v.rar. TVs 1 Ilfc-Z'A To Please ,.. I Ia mf5r 8? W BULOVA N ANDsavHrtin fel I fj 1 $A- SERVING SERVICE W 8&&&'US?7.?l t; I J.iysZSj . JETS FOR 8 Olffini & tT j 35475 1 Jjj 1 ! wwit''''C'iaiwiai wiwiie''''iii "slaw's laitiw it ewaaeai fpffAfiy- fujhi $tfM Hours -9:30 to 5:30 -Friday Till 9 p.m. : LOCKET VALUES Wide variety of newesit shapes. AU precious metal. All come complete with 18" neck-chaini $50 m 'Ut Drown : WW II 11 YVVI M" S -ii I ,w I 'THE STORE YCU 0r . sr vSr '.l r-jl -fev -V,, KNOW WITH THE BRAND NAMES YOU TRUST" Lady's diamond cluster rins in 14k sniH a ni 1 orous creation. SOCSO