pu g-sEcnoN m TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, ttkm. Orefoa Tuaeday, December U 1953 Every Woman Welcomes Lovely Gift Of Gay, Pretty or Practical Lingerie If then ! on Christmas lift tnat can be flven to any wo man with complete assurance tnat It will be loved . . . need ed ... and thrilling, that gift is lingerie! No woman fail to get a great lift of apirita when Chriaimu morning bringi her a lavia-with-lace flip or a glamorous nightgown! There's so more wonderful way of saying "Mer ry Christmas." This year, shoppers will find that lingerie has soared to new heights of gift-loveliness! De signers have outdone them selves In this field of fashion. They have captured new hi menti of the rainbow and uied these glorious colors in slips, gowns, and matching panties. On display for gift-giving are lingerie fashions in Jade Green, Lipstick Red, Mauve, Sun Yel low, a well as the beloved pas tels, dramatic black, and ever popular white. Lace la used with such a gen erous hand that gift slips and gowns have trousseau-lovely look. This lavish use of lace added to the luxurious besuty of nylon satins snd crepes as sures a truly thrilling Christ mas for the fashion-conscious woman! Robes for gifting are being shown in styles from the very flattering, full-skirted hostess gowns to pert short robes de signed to top slim atlhome pants. Fabrics are many and varied, but the quilted ones In satin, printed rayons, and cottons still lead in popular ity. A new look in aleepwear is the old-fashioned one! Printed cballia, straight from Grand ma's day, Is the biggest news in nightgowns. Tiny sprigs of violets or rosebuds on this soft, warm fabric give these gowns a quaint charm. They are with a lace or eyelet ruffled styled in a long-sleeved gown yoke and lace at the tiny col lar and ruffled cuffs. Flower -sprigger flannelette is the runner-up in popularity for these fashion-appealing Winter gowns that are aure to be big gift hits. These old-fashioned style nightgowns are available in mother-and-daughter duoa that would make a doubly-thrilling gui weal Full, beruffled petticoata nave never been to Imagina tively styled or so colorful this year's gift selection. Definitely the right gift choice, always, lingerie promi ses eve greter Merry Christmas thrills for lucky girls this year! Christmas Tree Growing Major Oregon Industry By MARGARET MAGEE Growing of the Christmas tree you have in your home at the Yule tide season la fast be coming an Oregon Industry, with tree farms being estab lished in many places. This does not mean that these tree farmers axe merely staking off an area of their wood lot where trees are grown. Their Christma. trees are band-planted and cult vated like any other crop. One of the many of these farms In this area is that of Drew Michaels on Eola Drive, three miles west of Salem. The farm itself contains 18 acres that will eventually be planted to "Christmas trees , but to dale only eight acres have been planted. The first planting on the Michael farm waa in 1949 and She's dreaming of an Christmas SI "Personally You. Indoor-outdoor corduroy basque with any name or initials moooarauied, FREE on tabs: gay print llnlni feather eola. Black, red navy, tally. green. Pull and half alses: 6-10 narrow, 4-10 medium. fPlturette. Bnbroldrred rayon crepe j If closed black slipper with leather sole Bluck. navy. red, moaa green. y Z witii mauve-plnk flowars. e-10 -Zs5- narrow, 4-10 medium. inV Oompfciesj are so festive ... so eomortablel JwlitFficr eat-home clothes... put what she wanted J included 4.000 trees. It will not be until Christmas time of 19S4 that any of these trees will be ready for cutting. This year those trees vary from two to six feet in height. Planting of the trees, which are secured from the Oregon forest nursery at Corvallli, has been done by Michaels with the help of the state for estry department Two differ ent spacings have been used in the planting, with some set four feet apart and some five icct apart. Two types of true firs are now planted in the tree farm. They are the Noble fir and the Concolor white fir, both of which are found in the higher elevations of the state. Next year, still another type of white fir, the Grandis white fir, will be added. In fact, late in November of this year the Michaels secured their next year's planting from the Ore gon forest nursery. These trees have been placed in the Mich aels' home nursery where they will be kept until planting time early next fall. There are two reasons for keeping the trees in the home nursery. Next year they will be larger and heartier, as well as more acclimated and, also. they can be planted early in the fall before the heavy rains start and the area where they are planted becomes too muddy. Not all of the work is fin ished on a Christmas tree farm after the trees have been planted. They must be kept tree ol weeds and cultivated. When it comes time to cut that Christmas tree the tree farmer does not Just go in with his "little hatchet" and chop it off. Here, too, science en ters the picture, for by cutting the tree above the first whorl ne may grow another Christ mas tree off the same root The strongest limb on the stub turns upward and becomes the new tree. PRACTICAL LEATHERGOODS GIFTS .i-.;',S . 1 1 ' turtle-t'M" - r rr "Tii-' tiiri na 'n For man or woman -young or older there's gift idea for you in smart, .practical leather goods. For her wonderful jewel case, smartly lined a fitted cosmetic case and overnight case glove soft moccasins in their own zippered case a smart clutch bag or other leather love lies. He will surely welcome trim suitcase a necktie case a toiletries kit, or a manicure set all selected from the tremendous assortment of gift items presented by the nation's leather goods manufacturers. Hobby and Sports Items Make Selection Simple Macleay Macleay Macleay grange will meet in regular session Friday night, Dec. 4. A no-host 7 o'clock supper and a Christmas program will precede the business meeting. After the program there will be an exchange of gifts for children and grownups. The price of gifts is not to exceed 35 cents. Officers not Installed at Sil verton Hills will be installed during the business session. lime was wnen women threw up their hands with a cry that went something like this: "I don't know what to get Jim for Christmas he has ev erything!" That little problem no longer exists in this streamlined year of fascinating gift merchandise. Gifts for Sportsmen For the golf enthusiast there are newer, brighter golf bags . . . tougher longer distance golf balls (he'll never have enough of these!) ... free-er-w heeling golf carts,. . . and sets of woods and irons to drive a man fey with ecstasy. For the tennis star whose racket may have seen its best forehand drives, there are new ones available in fancy woods and Nylon stringing. Or, he may need a new cover for his old racket in which case there is a very wide selection In all patterns from conservative to shrieking. (And, did you ever see a net fan who had enough tennis balls ... 7) Fishermen Go "SaHy Gone are the daya when a bamboo pole and a can of "tired' nightcrawlers satisfied the average fisherman. Today everything is more "atomic," with boats, outboard motors and complete sets of fly cast ing or spinning outfits. Many famiues find it practi cal and man-satisiyin' to pool their gift money for a really big gift: a boat, an out board motor, complete sets of equipment, or a build-it-your- self boat kit This idea is real ly catching on! Other gifts for the fisher man: rubber hip boots, a metal tackle box or creel, minnow traps, nets, lines, baits, lures and flies. A-huntlnr We Will Go Gifts for the Nimrod include ' rifles and shotguns (surpris-; ingly low-priced this yesr), ' telescopic sights, gun-cleaning: kits, leather hunting boots, hunting jackets or parkas, and hunting knife. 'Bigger items. like tents and sleeping bags, can be purchased on the fam ily "pool" plan. Gifts for the Hobbyist ' The gadgeteer will Jump for Joy at the variety in the new model-building kits especial ly reproductions of old-time railroad equipment and autoa. Stamp albums, woodworking tools and metalcraft equipment come b)gger, better and more diversified this year. For home workshop jacka-of-all-trades, a tool chest, or work bench is an ideal gift, as are power tools in every cate gory: circular saws, lathes, sanders, drill presses, and so on. needles are turning brown near the lights. If they are, ahift tne position ox all lights. Don't take chances! The av erage Christmas tree can burn to ashes in two minutes. That does not leave much time for the fire department to do very much In the way of protecting your home! PEACE IS DECLARED Bur bank, Calif. Iff) Restau rant owner J. W. Thornton prides himself that there's nev er been a fight in his place. The restaurant's name: The Ol ive Branch. Christmas Card Custom Is Barely a Century Old At first we did'nt believe it either, but we checked, and iff true: the custom of tend ing Christmas cards to friends it leas than 100 yean eldl The first publicity accepted Suggestions for Your 2nd Christmas List Comet Christmas time, you usually find that you have second Christmas list: the ele vator man, the cleaning wom an, the maid, the postman and all others who serve you faithfully and well throughout the year. Here are tome tips on giving money gifts with a flair: - Checks are difficult to cash. so give bills, whenever possi ble and try to make them crisp, new bills! If coins are included, get new shiny ones. One of the best ways to present or wash old ones in a detergent money to men on your list is in inexpensive plastic wallets. For the milkman: decorate a clean milk bottle with tome ribbon, tie the money to a candy stick, and stand it in the bottle. Mail the postman hit gift No prescribed amount can he recommended for every body. Let your conscience and the service you receive be your guide. In general, five dollars for the elevator man and ten for the building super intendent should be about right card was tent out in 1861 by Charles Goods! as Sons, Lon don publishers. And to thow how rapidly tne custom nas grown, this year will be flood ed by a Niagara or two billion or mora cheery (yule) greet ings! The first known card at lt't kind was designed la 1841 in London by William Maw Egley, a sixteen-year-old en graving apprent'ee. Illustra- -tlons on this card were scenes of a formal banquet, a party dance, and skaters. Under neath the illustration appear ed the legend: "A MERRY CHRISTMAS and a Happy New Year to You," still the most popular Yuletide Greet ing of alL In 1848. Sir Henry Cola asked his artist friend, J. C. Horsely to design a card for him, showing a family toast ing Christmas with glasses of wine. Temperance groups took a meager view of these cards, and Sir Henry never again sent another card. In 1874, in - Boston, Louis Prang printed his first cards from hit lithograph shop. Fa mous for their beauty and fine craftsmanship, they were sold all over the United State: Since that time, the custom of sending Christmas cards hag become a fundamental, pop ular holiday tradition, If you doubt it, Just ask your postman! Firemen Issue Yule Fire Danger Warning Fire Departments the coun try over are reminding every one that Christmas trees can be a dangerous fire hazard unless strict caution is ob served. . You wouldn't leave your iron connected when leaving your home for several hours yet, many families do this leaving their Christmas tree a blaze! Lighted candles are lovelv on Christmas Cards NOT on! Christmae TREES! Be sure to check tree lights carefully for . irayeu miuiauon, or possible, short circuits. At least onra 1 day, check the tree to see if i 'VS Wlahe Iter f'Jf 3onJest I vf . come ST'Sj JXl' true " ' 'nt' l" WITH A A Practical Luxury for Any Woman SEE: BILLIE ROGERS Graduate Corsetiere THE Towne Shop&jj CAPITOL .SHOPPING CENTER J Gift Certificate ft1 Tub'em or Scrub'em They Can't Wear Out! The Ideal Christmas Gift for Active Youngsters As Illustrated: ST.. $3.25 m.3 $3.45 MAIN FLOOR Children grow out ol Wtlkinj befor they weir out! The res son! That unique FMmtteid Mis. Wis only solo ol foam rubber! It ibsorbs the shock ol running md jumping, out weirs heavy, solid leather. Welkins ire noiseless, uni mar floors or furniture. Bright colors ind plaid, double woven ' woolmhrhiro-of-torduroy. Nationally Advertised Sites 6 to 11 or 12 to 3 $3.45 W The Junior Bootery 234 N. High OPEN FRIDAY TILP.M. Senator Hotel Bldf. TAIft fllalltss Open Saturday All Day FROM KAY WOOLEN MILL STORE Choose Now from Our Fine Selection of Men's Wearables J.95 CRUISER COATS 100 Wool from WOOL SHIRTS Warm, toft, fin wool shirrs. Plaids end plaint from . . . SPORT COATS Any man will appreciate the gift of an all-wool SPORT COAT OA nrt Priced from XlltUU 6 95 TOP COATS A warm topcoat will be a welcome gift. gabardines, coverts, tweeds, Import from Choose from .. 16' Suits Slacks Granmerey Park and Brde Park suits featurinf fine tailoring and fine J 575 wool fabrics from . . To vary his wardrobe hell appreciate these 1M AM wool slacks as lew as 0 BLANKETS and ROBES Beautiful bed blankets in a rainbow of colors. Satin bound worm ond fluffy. Robes ore fine woven ploidt and plains. BLANKETS 795.1495 ROBES 1 Sr 795 Kay Woolen Mill Store 260 S. 12th St. 'The Street the Trains Run On' vlr 313 Court I