Tuesday, December 1, 195f THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orgo SECTION mPgt r Imaginative Decorations Help Make Home Christmaslike Inside and Out Gather green and gay red berries . . . bring out the orna ments and candlea ... (ill your home with Christmas thit year! Nothing addi 10 much to the gtiety and happiness oi the holiday aeason ai bright deco rstions throughout your house. Start with the .front door! Your door can be transformed into the biggest, gayest Christ mas greeting ever and your holiday guests will step across the threshold caught up in the warm welcome your entrance way has expressed! . For truly effective doorway decorations, (tart by outlining your door with Christmas greens. These greens can be wired together and hung in a swag over the doorway for a particularly dramatic effect Or, cut a atrip of chicken wire about one foot wide and tack around door as a frame. Into the wire tuck twigs of ever Keen until your door stands in a frame of lovely holiday greenery. Whether you use the swag or the frame, decorate the greens with bright Christmas tree balls or colored lights. Gay Doorway Greetings For your door itself, you have a choice of dozens of clev er decorating schemes. If your door is painted a gay color, paste oversize snowflakes cut from paper doilies on it Or, tie wide ribbons around it to make it look like a huge Christmas gift tied with a big bow. Yuletide scenes can be creat ed on the door with cut-out fig ures or can be paintd with washable poster paints. If you prefer a aecoration to hang on the door, there la a limitless choice of imaginative ideas. The favorites seem to be the evergreen a pray and the Christmas greens and wire them together Into a graceful spray. Wire tiny pine cones in to it, or center it with a big greeting card. Tie bunches of red berries into the spray or decorate it with colorful mid get size tree ornaments. But, always finish your door spray with a huge bow of bright Christmas red ribbon. Holiday-Spirited House Yuletide decorations through out the house radiate holiday cheer and it's tun for the whole family to help plan and decor ate. . Decorate your mantel or the top of a bookshelf or a table with Christmas greens and red berries, an arrangemnt of white-painted twigs bung with tiny ornaments, or a heart' warming creche. And, always highlight every Yule decoration with the bright glow of candlelight! Those gay red candles dramatize every arrangement and are available in all shapes, sizes, and figures. Merry Christmas Tables For a long-to-be-remembered Christmas dinner, add a gay Yuletide centerpiece. Here, Gifts You Make Yourself Reflect Christmas Spirit Hand -made Imaginative gifts for Christmas giving seem to capture the real old fashioned spirit of the season! These gifts show'thoughtf ill ness and reflect the hours spent in making them and, are sure to be appreciated! Start gift making early! En Joy the warm glow of the Christmas season for a longer time as you leisurely plan and make your gifts. Hand-made gifts should be pretty and practical with a bright note of originality. Every homemaker needs gay little bridge sets and you can make these from 1 yards of inexpensive cotton! Take one yard of 36-inch brightly printed cotton, and simply pull the threads to fringe the edge for about one Inch wide. It is wise to stitch the edge and then fringe to the stitch ing. These sets are unusually at tractive If you use a plain color for the napkins. Cut four 12xl2-inch napkins from two-thirdg of a yard of a har monizing solid color cotton. Stitch about one-half inch from the edge, and then pull threads- to make a narrow fringe around the napkins. . Ir, try printed napkins with a plain cloth for a clever gift set. Cotton, fairly heavy, in a FOR HER HOLIDAY BRIGHTNESS! homespun type weave can be cut and fringed to make at tractive place mats partica larly smart done in deep-toned decorator colors, Aprons always a welcome gift can be made quickly and inexpensively. Especially nice are the pert, little hostess style aprons of sheer cotton trimmed with frilly ruffles. Rounded and pointed styles are smart in dress-up aprons and there are many attractive patterns available. For the straight style apron, simply cut a piece of fabric about 34-inches wide and 20 inches long. The waist band should be about. 1 Scinches by 5 inches, folded in half length-wise and stitched, gath ering In the apron skirt as you stitch. Add hemmed apron ties, about 24-inches long, hem the apron skirt and lol a wonderful, colorful gift! There are dozen of other gifts you can make: knitted socki and ties for men (start early!)' dainty satin sachet bags of dark terry cloth, pot holder and gayly emproider- ed tea towels, to mention only a few. And, don't overlook the grand gift possibilities of home-made Jams, jellies, cookies and candy gift wrapped and sent as fond remembrances! for the life . again, cheery red candles will star. Form a long, low spray of greens around the base of the candles and tuck holly, red ber ries, or bright ornaments into the twigs. Or, center your table with a small Christmas tree, either real or of glittering plas tic. Children will love a table decorated with a miniature sleigh piled with titty gifts, or a chorus of candle choir boy. So, this year give your home a wonderfully cheery Merry Christmas air with imaginative decorations! Practical Gift For the G.I. Yod may think that the average serviceman or woman will be "tickled" to receive your gift, that Just any 111 ole trinket will do. Perhaps no group of people is so finicky about gift than men and women of the TX.S. armed force at home and abroad. They have to be. the old truism thst "an army travels light" still applis. And if the gift isn't something that really cornea in handy it will certainly "fall by the way side." What, then, makes a "prac cai" gift for the man or wom an In the service? The usual gifts of cigarettes, cigars, toilet preparations are obtained al most at cost, at their post ex change and ships' services. Articles that are hard to come by include good cigar ette lighters, always in short supply, espcially at overseas stations. If your man is ad dicted to "exotic" brands of shaving cream andor lotions, colognes and other toilet prep arations, you can ring the bell with these as service installa tions rarely stock any but the most standard brands. If your man or woman is In uniform, he or she live by the clock and a good wrist watcn is almost a necessity These, too, are available at most service store, but often are in short supply. In any case, you can bet that a watch will be most welcome. And if it's for a man, please, please see that it has a luminous dial! Portable radios make per fect gifts, as do wallets, money clips, and other "invisible" jewelry. Gift of candy, cookies, cakes, nuts well wrapped to last the journey, are always welcomed. In short, a good rule to keep in mind when buying gifts in tended for service personnel in this: can he take it along conveniently next time he moves? If he can't forget it! DECORATIVE TIP Don't let that broken Christ mas tree bulb get away with it! Make it serve it's decorative purposes anyway and with out a drain on your budget. Here' how: Pick up the fragments with a piece at wet cotton. Cut atari or other snaz zy designs from cardboard; then cover the cut-outs with shellac. While shellac is stiU wet, sprinkle the cut-out with the fragments, attach atring to each- one and attach to the tree. fc"? : . -. AU a-glow fend ready to go Christmas partying with her hair holiday bright with BLENSOL won derful shampoo that colors, washes and conditions the hair In just-about-shampoo time. Give her the "heiress" look with sparkling pins, earrings and btacelet that boast the beauty of design and setting of distinctive "precious (tone . . . here, in the newest "glitter and gold" jewelry fashion. Yule Toys Realistic and Exciting; Great Variety Evans Slippers HAND TURNED REMEMBER THE MAN In Your Life With... The grtofesf gift in fhe world for o man. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIU 9 ARBUCilLF 481 State St. Toiletries Suitable For Children's Gifts If there are children on your Christmas list and you are looking for something a little unusual to give them, check the gift ideas In children's toiletries! Thi - year, manufacturer have come out with nuny clev erly packaged toiletry gift with a grown-up look that will delight the youngster. Here are gift that will capture the fancy of the small fry and en courage them In good groom ing habit. For little boys, there are package of bubble bath with nursery, "space" and cowboy designs. All children love a bath that' frothy with bubbles. Toiletries for little girl are sheer enchantment for the youngest glamor girls! Gift-packaged sets Include a pure, castile shampoo and soap, after-the-bath powder, band lotion, and a dainty ids grance suitable for a very young lady ... all excitingly boxeai gree F. Remove from heat and add 1 T. butter or margarine. Pour mixture over 3 cup of popped corn, tossing with a fork until all kernel are coat ed. - -.1 A cross -section of the toy world reveals a realistic con cern with things-as-they-are and will be. Key word with toy manufacturer thi season are 'realistic' and futuristic' DOLLS make exciting news for every little girl' fancy from aoft-as-flesh cuddly dolls that cry and wet, to walking and talking dolls and, dolls dressed in every imaginative costume from bridal gown to mink coat. ONE MANUFACTURER stars four different dolls-with- a-purpose to teach proper young ladles the fine points of hair care, makeup, sewing and first aid. THE PLAY-PEN SET give a rousing hurrah to a complete menagerie of clever, stuffed Christmas Legend of Scandinavian Origin Our well-loved legend of Santa Claus coming down the chimney on Christmas Eve or iginated in the Scandinavian countries. Their Christmas legend is that the Goddess Hertha appears in the fire place,, bringing happiness and good fortune. A jolly old man. representing good fortune. comes - down the chimney to meet her. Santa Claus appears in vari ous costumes throughout the world. However, in most coun tries, he is a roly-poly old man with a long white beard, usual ly dressed in red. Sometimes this is a long red coat, worn with a big red hat trimmed with white fur. In The Netherlands his red robe is that of a Bishop and iSnter Klaus carries a bold scepter and wears a large jew eled miter on hi head, while In other mid-European coun tries he is dressed In the robes of apriest. CHRISTMAS SEALS The Christmas Seals which add cheery notes of color to our packages and letter were originated in Denmark in 1903 to help raise money for chil dren's hospitals. Today, Seal help raise fund for worthy charities in almost every coun try. animals. These go gay In nur sery-keyed peppermint stripe, dot, checks, and other de sign. In safe-color, washable fabric! CAREER TOYS" give pur pose to play thi year as never before. Young "M.D.'s" will be thrilled with a 12-piece ambu lance set, complete with Cad illac ambulance and assorted miniature "doctor's" Instruments. JUNIOR "DENTISTS" and "nurses" will go for a dental unit with its toy forceps and detachable drills. 'SEAT" TOYS are "held over" thi year in locomo tives, truck, (pace ships all done in thrilling miniatures! Rocker mounted or free- swinging coil aprlnged 'bron cs' give young cowboy and girl a real action ride! - Little misses will get early lessons in 'good housekeeping from the wide variety of home making toys. She can have a just-like-mothera range, re frigerator, vacuum cleaner. washer, dishes, pots and pan sewing machine and others. most of them working models in miniature! -Newest trains cross trestles with muted thunder, trailing smoke, and with piston-timed "choo-choos, Young "Casey Jones" will thrill to fully-thronged depots. automatic tatlon - announcer. and other fabulou railroad accessories. JUNIOR'S AUTOMO BILE will feature take-apart wheels and tires. Under the hood he will find a plastic engine with crankcase and gas tank that can be filled cr empties, and the luggage compartment will contain a full-set of "tools." EDUCATIONAL TOYS fea ture Chemistry, Sculpturing, Ceramic, Mural, Oil Color and other wits designed for the child with an artistic flair. IMAGINATIVE TOYS ' build it-yoursclf gal stations, factories, amusement parks and "Space Academies" are a re cent development that 1 catch ing on in Juniorville. SIGNIFICANT in all of Toy- land is the challenge of newer toys that stimulate original thinking and creative doing as well as the always popular, traditional toys kids have en- Joyed through the .passing year. Popcorn Balls Fine For Trimming Trees The kiddie will love these edible Christmas tree orna ments delicious popcorn balls! ' To make them: Mix H cup of water with : cup of molasses and add to 1 cup of sugar and 1 t. salt. Blend together and cook over low heat until candy thermometer reaches 240 de- gres F. Add 1 1 vinegar and 1 1 vanilla and cook until 270 de- When cool, shape Into ba&g with buttered hand. Wrap in waxed paper and colored eello phane and hang on the Christ-' ma tree.: ''.' ' $00 Will Hold Your Christmas it Television Set &Make Your Choice While There j? it i fP.sii j I .il , A & , is jtiii a vjuuu aciccrion - n 3 gFREETOYS g : For All Children V p Accompanied by Parents " I VALLEY TELEVISION i CENTER Two Valley Stores Salem Woodburn 1 f 5 5 Ope bsrf Wehf TH 0pm Smdrf trsi 1 t 4 .H. 2303 MIMMUHK IMP 171 Grant St, Mion3611 11 n .41 MAKE KAILES APPAREL SHOP YOUR GIFT HEADQUARTERS LOVELY ROGER'S LINGERIE Nylon Slips in White, Black and Blue . . . 4.95 and 5.95 Gowns and Half Slips in Colors and White. All Nylon of Course! , , Our bownstalrS Store ALL READY FOR CHRISTMAS The Largest Selection Ever of: Candles Gift Wrappings Decorations for the Tree and Fireplace Christmas Tallies and Invitations Party Things Notes and Stationery In the upstairs store, our most complete show ing ever of Christmas cards. Every title you need is here, foreign language, money enclosure, secret pal, boss, doctor, postman, milkman, for young or old. They are all ready for your selec tion now. idivard wliii iam5 "HOME OF HALLMARK" 330 COURT ST. Lovely Jeweled and Plain Sweaters in Beautiful Pastel Shades Including Wondermeres . . . 5.98 to 17.95 Dressy Wool Jerseys in Pastel Colors . . . 5.98 and 7.95 40 Denier Nylons in Colors and White Smart, Wearable Styles and only . . . 5.98 Wonderful Skirts in Felt, Flannel, Worsteds and Ravons from 5.98 to 8.94 Si TAt If) tA 9fl Ale A Jackets at 12.95 and 14.95, and Raincoats with Hats from 26.95 to 29.95 . Free Wrapping Easy Layaway Charge Accounts APPAREL SHOP Phone 2-0512 MM 320 Court St. sjiSisisisisisiiiiiiisisissisisiisMiiisaiaia T