Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 01, 1953, Page 24, Image 24

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Tuesday, December 1. 1959
Let Young and Old Join Pre-Holiday
Preparations in YournomeihisTime
Christmas, mora than any
other day, should be a tlma of
creatine family tradition! and
the warm memorial that laat
a lifetime. -
From the very beginning,
Chriitmaa bai been a family
day. It began with a mother,
a father, and a Child and has
become the moet precious day
that a family can share.
Sharing la the key word In
making your family Chriitmaa
a memorable occasion. Let each
member of the family lend a
helping hand In decorating
the house with green and red
The pride of the little tota In
their ahare of theana shrdl r
their part of the Christmas
decorating mora than makes
up for the not-qulte-formal ef
fect of the dramatic arrange
ment that wti originally
It'a wonderful fun to act a
aide an evening to trim the tree
and make it a family project
For a really old-fashioned
Yuietide, let the children
atring popcorn and make
sparkling ornaments for the
After tree is decorated and
the twinkling lights are turned
on for this first evening of
your holiday season, make it
a family party. While the chll
Chriitmaa cookies or other re
Perhaps it will wind up in a
songfeat with veryoni Joining
in singing all the family's best
loved Christmas carols.
Stretching out your Chriat
maa season gives, everyone a
chance to enjoy each phase of
the exciting preparations. Plan
a special day for the holiday
baking and allow the children
to help. All the Christmas
treats will aeem extra special
if they have helped crack the
nuts, cut up the candied fruits.
Use Your Imagination in
Wrapping Xmas Gifts
Mayoe it Isn't wise to Judge
a book by Its cover out, you
can be sure that your Christ
mas gift will be Judged, at
least in part, on their "covers,"
or the Christmas wrappings
you send them in!
Each year, more and more
shoppers are appreciating the
importance of Christmas wrap
pings keyed to the season, and
worthy of the gifts they con
tain. Manufacturers of gift wrap
ping paper, colored atring, rib
bons,' seals, stickers and other
wrapping accessories, all fol
low this trend closely. This
year they will offer greater va
riety in patterns, designs, and
color than aver before
You'll find that more and
more people are "personaliz
ing" their . wrappings with
matched paper, stickers and
ribbons all in the same dis
tinctive designs. Colon of the
wrappings may harmonize, or
they may contrast as imagina
tively aa you wish.
Characteristic of the Indi
vidual' emphasis la the current
trend to gift-wrapping themes'
with over-all color motifs of
the wrapping paper, stickers,
ribbons, etc. all unified and
Not only does the theme'
allow you to play up your
Imagination it gives you
unlimited scope In 'tailoring
each package to the very per
son who will receive it. A
flattering touch to add to any
However, for a Season slnv
dren are proudly admiring
their decorating Job and their or shape the cookies.
tree, serve not cocoa ana U there are little children In
the family, allow a special day
for the thrilling visit to Santa
Claus in your local store. On
this day, too, let them do their
own Christmas gift shopping.
They'll be far prouder of the
gifts they've picked out and
bought on their own than any
that were selected for them to
give. These gifts will be the
ones that will be remembered
through the years, bringing
heart-warming recollections of
a child's Imaginative choice of
A family evening of gift
wrapping will help create hap
py memories of Christmas!
What fun to recall the packages
decorated with too many stick
ers, a bunchy bow, and marked
with a carefully-printed card.
The surprises, the giggles, and
the secrecy are all a part of
this memory-making evening!
So, aU it takes la a Utile ex
tra time and a lot of sharing
to make a family Christmas
that will be remembered Just
as you remember those of your
The holly wreath, like many
favorite Christmas customs,
came as a result of the early
Christian practice of enhancing
Druid customs with Christian
significance. Thus the holly
wrekth became the crown of
thorns, the red berries, the
drops of Christ's blood.
ply loaded with tradition, It
follows that the traditional de
signs are still the largest sell
ers. Favorites are the bright pa
pers, stickers and ribbons with
Jolly Santas, gay polnsettias
and holly, cheery Christmas
trees and other Yuietide de
signs of tradition.
The idea of all of this extra
care to wrappings Is that any
gift worth giving, is worth
giving with dash and flair.
Specialty Foods fo
Tickle the Gourmet
Lets face it: it'a a gourmet's
world. If you don't believe it,
Just ask the food specialty
stores that every year are sell
ing more and more gaily pack
aged food delicacies to more
and more people aa Christmas
One of the top buyers of
food specialties around today,
says: "The most popular gift
items are fancy biscuits from
England, the U. S., Holland,
France, Italy and Denmark,
dried figs from Turkey and
raisins from California. Nat
ural and dried fruits are en
Joying a booming business,
He finds that French glace
fruits, melon glace, pate de foie
gras In attractive earthern
ware terrlnes, lebkuchen from
Germany, French and Italian
Perfect as a Christmas
gift, an all-wool lounging
robe holds the promise of
many seasons of warmth
and comfort! The Wool
Bureau selects two styles
here Left: a tattersal
pattern and Right: a
bright plaid.
hors d'oeuvres are getting to
be almost "de rigeuer" for
Yuietide gifts
Fancy olives ripe ones from
California and green ones from
Spain make perfect Christ-gifts.
Honey . . . fine Jams and
marmalades in fancy Jars . . .
rare teas in handsome painted
metal containers all are find
ing their way under the tree.
v. . r
.. . t .
American St. Nick a
Hardy Gent Aged 90
The Grand Old Man of
Christmas hits his stride at
ninety this Chriatmaa and
the old gent never looked bet
ter in his life.
For it waa way back there
in 1863 that Cartoonist Tom
Nast first created Santa Claus
Give Holiday Dinner
A Note of Glamor
Want to give your Christ
mas dinner standbys new tang
and zest? Try these unusual
flavoring tips and note the
as we know him full grown
to his white whiskers -on his
drawing pad.
During the early CO', he was
commissioned t o Illustrate
Clement Clark Moore's poem
"A Visit From St Nicholas"
("The Night Before Christ
mas"). The drawings he sub
mitted showed Santa Claus
pretty much as he looks today.
From that day to this, Santa
has a Bed hardiv at all. In u-
of BO very busy Decembers. ;
uxiora, conn. () Four
Hundred nunili mnk m ar-
. -uru,.
hnliriav ft, thm nfn.J r
- " va
soiiaaiea scnooi was burglar.
ImH. Police wantjui 4m -i -n
the building for fingerprints.
pleased reactionl Add ground
almonds to your hard sauce
for Christmas puddings . . .
sprinkle raisins in creamed
onions for a deliciously differ-1
ent flavor . . . spark your
cranberry aauce with a touch
of port wine!
Moke his a
with on
Arrow Gift...
We believe we
have the most
Arrow stock
in Salem
SHIRTS, fro $3.95
TIES, from ...$1.50
KERCHIEFS, from 35c
Y Ginger 'n Spice .
It Copper by ffJ'
Wardrobe worries? Try a dash
of Renoir copper sprinkle generously
try for taste and a smart perit-up !
No fingerprints. . .no fading. . .with,
tarnish-resistant Copron finish,
135 No.- Liberty
' ' " '
Ton can be Santa's fashion expert with this marvelous new idea
for Christmas giver. Jnt tell n her favorite costume colorehell get her favorite)
Stocking in Beauty Boxes to match that costume. And B canty Marks at the top
i her stockings will tell her she is wearing the correct shade at all times. In custom-fit
proportion short, medium and long.
liberty tret court trsset
We GiVe and Redeem Z."C Green Stamps