I Pat 4 SECTION DI .THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJera. OrtfM Tuesday, December 1, 1153 r WARM GIFTS FOR YOUNGSTERS! Eiii'ii' a i J UP"" i S V' I (J The lint glfti worn on Christmas morn will be these hindiome robet by HUGO FREUND. Sitter wean smooth wool flannel over her full-length pajamas . . . her brother is dressed in a trimly-tailored, dark-toned flannel robe, styled like dad's. Housewife's Gift Won't Be Hard to Locate It won't be difficult to find Just the right gift for the home maker this year. The only dlf- ficult thing for the Christmas hopper will be to keep from buying duplicates of all the clever gift items tor her own home! The gift, housewares, and linen departments of the stores re laden with gift Inspirations lor Christmas giving And, a delightful Christmas lies ahead for the woman who loves her oomel '. In choosing gift for a home. maker, let the decor of her home govern your choice. Modern Gifts Exciting If hers is a modern home, be sure to check the gift ideas in the excitingly new wrought Iron home accessories. The ar ray of these distinctive pieces Is wide and varied. There are handsome candelabra, many centered with bowls for flow ers or fruit, to highlight the dinner table or an occasional piece in the living room. Extremely modern and ex trmely smart are the abstract designs to grace the wall of a modern home. Most often seen re the black wrought iron fish In many sizes. Cleverly-styled fruit bowls In wide choice of shapes are gift stand-outs. Single candle sticks to use in groupings or alone are well worth consider ation as gifts, as well as the stunning wrought iron wall sconses. A browsing trip through store's display of modern cer amics may bring forth excit ing gift ideas for the modern mood homemaker. Here, again, abstract designs and free-torm shapes are Important. Colonial-Inspired Gifts For the woman who loves Early American, gift shopping promises to be fun! You can find dozens of thrilling Christ mas Ideas in your favorite store. Don't overlook the copies of old-fashioned candy Jarsl They are the newest fad for homes with a Colonial air. The lucky homemaker who receivea one may use it in her kitchen for cookies, In the bathroom to hold bath salts or bars of pas tel soap, or in the living room filled with, of all things candy! These glass jars come in all sizes and shapes from short, square ones to tail, stately beauties . . . and they're sure to delight any hdmcmakerl Trivets in brass or black wrought iron, gleaming copper in copies of antique tea kettles and tea pots, and Oregonians Cut 500,000 Christmas Trees a Year By MAKOABCT MAGES Few think of Christina harvest soma tree next fall. without associating tt with the! These wen Drew Michaels Christmas tree, many of which I route S, box SO, Salem, and coma from this great area and A. A. Siewert, route . Sa the rest of the slate. Iiem rVRn- aVuv., half . : , r ; .r.r; . lowers on . the m and usee approximately 400 000 within the state, with Douglas fir the leading tree. However, many of the true firs, such as Noble, Shasta and white fir, are used. Some of the treee go as far as the Ha waiian islands, and already are being cut for shipment. Time was when those after Christmas trees Just went out into the wooded areas with ax in hand and chopped down their trees. Now the produc tion of Christmas trees is be coming an industry one of Oregon's infant industries. Tree farms are found through out the state, some of which already are in production and others that will not begin to produce for year or more. This section of the state has 23 of those Christmas tree firms and if tbey are not now supplying trees, will be doing so in few yean. The list of these growers, supplied by the state forestry department, shows a few to have been supplying treee in recent years. Included in this group are Mrs. James W. Mott, route 8, Salem; W. K. Richard son, Falls City; H. Edmunson, route 4, Salem; F. C. Mullen, Albany, and L. A. Kraft, Star route, Sllverton. Two were listed as going to were H. B. Sticks, route 3, Canny; B. B. Wood, route 1, Canby; J. Lamb, Scio; M. Carl, ruote 1, Hubbard; S. Dark, Mehama. Unclassified on the list are L. C. Thomas; A. Tasto, S40 Hrubetx road, Salem; R. T. Wicklander, 2187 Park avenue, Salem; E. Wilcox. 700 South i Church, Salem; D. Dummins. route 2, Dallas, and J. L. Mason, Dallas. pieces that capture Early American charm will rate as top-favorite gifts! Gifts for Every Home Don't miss seeing the new sets of sheets md pillow cases in soft-toned pastelsl Many are now styled with striped or print hems for added sparkle. Consider, too, a gift of a color ful wool blanket or satin-covered comfort Ensembles of bath towels, hand towels, and matching wash cloths are always wel come. The range of colors has never been so stunning. Grand gift ideas are the smart bathroom accessories in pastels or black, with gay hand-painted designs. Any homemaker would love to re decorate her bathroom with these smart pieces. Every homemaker loves her kitchen, so cooking gadgets or decorative kitchen accessories would be sure to please herl A trip through this department would provide dozens of gift inspirations. These new gifts for the home are certain to create Christmas morning magic for the home- ceramic maker on your list! GIFT GLAMOUR from our ChrktmM 4mIm Stylet to pleosa very feminina heart en your Nit I So ey to moil, tool Choose from the stun ning collection of holi day knit cops. Some trimmed in dyed-to-motch mouton, others flaunting a daring pony-tail oil so very flattering. A wonder ful gift for 1.98 up SECOND FLOOR HOW CHRISTMAS . . WAS NAMED The Dime 'Christmas" to designate the celebration of the birth of Christ is used only in English-speaking countries. It comes from an old English phrase "Christes Masse, meaning Christ's Mass whirh emphasizes the religious mean ing or tne holiday. WELCOME TO CHRISTMAS ( I ; V -Ml. m 4 'Jf; v v V Plan for Christmas Tree Trimming Party Here's happy holiday idea tree-trimming partyl Plan it for Christmas Eve or a few nights before Christmas, de pending upon the family's pret ence. Before the party, unpack all the tree ornaments and have them in boxes near the tree. Check all the strings of tree lights beforehand and replace all burned-out bulbs. Check the supply of tinsel and icicles and replenish, if necessary. Have the Christmas tree all set up in the standard before the guests arrive. Keep the party small. Invit ing only a few of the family's closest friends. Plan to serve a simple buffet supper, but have the table gay with Yuletide decorations. A favorite casser ole dish, salad, hot rolls, a spec ial Christmas cake, and coffee would make a tempting meal that could be easily and attrac tively served. After supper, let everyone help trim the Christmas tree! They'll all find it heart-warming fun. Later, serve punch while they admire the beauti fully-decorated tree. A party of this sort may wen s become a favorite holiday oc casion and a Christinas tradi tion in the family. Hnlirlnv fmrk Will jOiwuwj wwa mm villi . Decorate Your Home Here are a few suggestions for putting your Christmas cards to work decoratively is) your home: First, paint a sleigh on red oilcloth on which to place your cards as they arrive. You'll need two yards of 90" oilcloth, one Jar of black and white poa- Iter paint, and a brush. Sketch in sleigh with pencil, then paint it in. Attach to waU with tacks or tape, and fill the sleigh with cards by taping them to tha cloth. Decorate your stairway with cards. Starting at the top, place green branches on the railing, fastening with florists wire or strong string. Work from top to bottom, placing cards on the greens with wire or ribbon. String a number of cards around a window on gay rib bons, pasting the ribbon to the inner folds of the cards. Christmas cards are a Joyful part of the holiday season. This year make them an attractive part of your home decoration! n wf 1oijovXlunuWI rom THE VOGUE of SALEM Romantic fashions for Romantic Evenings . . . and you will never look more, romantic than you do 'this season when you choose your Holiday costume at The Vogue of Salem ... Yhis holiday collection is made up of magnificent style's in glorious hues and subtle blacks . . . CHOOSE YOURS NOW BY SUCH FAMOUS DESIGNERS AS: DAVID HART PAUL SACHS ELLEN KAY TOPSEY And Many Others 22.95 ,hru 69.95 Ways to Buy Charge Budget B yf Fabulous Holiday Millinery in brights and darks. Sparked with bright trims for head-turning beauty ... See them today for the best selection. 8.95 " 24.95 THE VOGUE of SALEM APPAREL OF DISTINCTION FOR SMART WOMEN 437 and 445 STATt STMET udget Lay Away "'SMft