Tuesday, December 1. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Onpm SECTION in Pact S STORE ja. ' ' ' . T' - :'"!' hours " V 0 y 2. 4 And, Better Quality Brings. Greater Joy in IV Illy OJ TTCII Receiving! Spend at Least a Part of Your Thanksgiving Vacation in Miller's Toyland! See All the Exciting New Toys! FREE! Candy Canes by Santa! . Nanette Garden . Formal 16 98 7 . 7 dtS, y - ; 1 i W.Y. . Has an attraeltve flocked Nylon dress with a large decorative bow at the waist. Silver braid trim at neckline. Floral decoration oa ahonlder and hair. Hooped petti coat Saran wig ia Pony Boy type. Drees colors Green, Blue, White. M inches tall Nanette Straw $1498 Hot Model Natural straw bar to match an wrist. Lace trim. Crinoline petti coat. Saran wig has bangs and ringlet. Dress colors Green and pink IS Indies tall THOUSANDS OF TOYS NOW ON DISPLAY! w THE NEWEST MODELS IN AUTOMOBILES PRICED AT ONLY $H75 f lift' $t t . r i AS AD VltTISID IN LIFE Here is the wonderful doll that cries like real child. Big, wet tears roll down her fat chubby cheeks as she cries lustily to be changed, fed, bathed ' and pampered. She also sleeps, drinks her bottle, wets her diapers, takes a bath, so many of the things real live babies do. "Tiny Tears" gives your little girl the thrill of being a "make-believe" grown-up mother. She'll never tire of this fascinating dolL Toyland Downstairs Si IT'S TIME TO ORDER YOUR MO NOG RAMMED GREETING CARDS! . SHOP MILLER'S GIFT SHOP for.'.'. Norcross Vollond Buzza Cardoza White & Wycoff New! Blf complete showing of Christmas greeting cards are now on display st Miller's In the gift shop. Created by famous artists. .' 7ZA CARDOZA, NORCROSS. VOL LAND and WHITE At WYCOFF designs lead the way to your faTorite Holiday sentiments. Shop for them now. SELECT TOl'R CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS FOR MONOGRAM MING NOW. Some of the sample books sre being taken off sale. OCR MONOGRAMMING DEPARTMENT ... Is taking orders for Monogrammed matches, napkins, greeting esrds and other gift items. Avoid disappointment by or dering now! ...GIFT SHOP MAIN FLOOR... Early American Reproduction .. . Authentic Westmorland HAND-MADE MILK GLASS Covered Creamer St Sugar We've just received o lorge shipment of WESTMORLAND HAND-MADE MILK GLASS which is now disployed in the Gift Shop for your Christmas gift ideos. Creamers and Sugars Wedding Jars Compotes Plates Cmits Cake Plates Votes Punch Bowl Sets Pitchers Bawls, etc. Shop this milk gloss disploy real soon. Select it now and use our convenient "Top-Secret" Loyowoy 'til. Christmos. $1.98 to,$12.50 Gift Shop Use Our Layaway