Paw 2 SECTION III THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Selem. Orecra Tuesday, December 1, 19SS Lighted Christmas Tree Began in Luther's Day By MARGARET MAGEB Why da we bive Christmas trees? And how lone have we bad the decorated tree in connection with Christma? According to historian the lighted Chritma tree goe back to the time ol Martin Luther (1483-1546) and the first record ol a trimmed Christmai tree in the United Statei wh in the period of the American revolution, when Heuian soldiers, recently (rom Germany, had them. The ttory iat hai been passed down about the tint Christmas tree U that Martin ACCESSORIES FOR THE HOME Anthtntle Tclel From the magnificent collection of quality Tole lamps created by HERBERT KASHINS comci this ityle that spella diitinction In gift giv ing. These (mart lamps are wonderful accessories to any home, and are excitingly decorated-by-hand in designs to blend with almost every decor. TV ACTRESS TO WED Santa Monica, Calif. VP) New York television actress Christine Cooper, 28, and Fred L. Williams, makeup depart ment head of the National Broadcasting Co.'s Hollywood studio, plan to be married New Year's Day. Luther one Christmas Eve was strolling through the country side under a brilliant star-lit sky, thin king of the Christ Child. Observing the evergreen trees sprinkled with snow and sparkling in the moonlight and the bright beauty of the heav ens, Luther en returning borne tried to reproduce the outdoor scene, placing lighted candle on a small evergreen tree to simulate the reflection of the star-lit heaven the heaven that looked down on Bethle hem the first Christmaa Eve. The use of candles, however, apparently did not at once be come firmly established in decorating the tree, for the mention of the Christmas tree custom in Strasbourg, a cen tury later, does not refer to lights. Indications are that the Christmas tree custom was con fined to the Rhine river dis trict until about the 18th cen tury, after which the Christ mas tree rapidly became a trs dltlon in Germany. When the Hessian soldiers crossed the Atlantic during the American Revolution, they ap parently brought the Christ mas tree tradition with them for the description of Christ mas festivities at Fort Dear born, 111., in 1804, mentions a Christmas tree. A bulletin of the U. S. de partment of agriculture lists Finland as accepting the Christmas tree custom about 1800, Denmark, 1810, Sweden, 1820, and Norway about 1830. From the Scandinavian coun tries the custom spread to France and England about 1840 and in 1890 records show 39,000 Christmas trees sold in Paris. ARROW STOPS MACHINE Keene, N.H. W This city's biggest power shovel was put out of action when a steel tipped arrow pierced the big machine's radiator. LOOK WHAT SANTA BROUGHT ME! '-'IT. . " ' H v L M .i) -Jill 1 '4.'- J HPS! Cutting Christmas Trees Helpful to Forest Growth According to the American Forest Products Industries, it's Just not so that the annual har vest of young evergreen trees (for the use as Christmas trees) is a wasteful practice. This organization explains Make Yule a Furry Flurry for the Lady You'll captivate the heart of any gal on your Christmas gift list it you make "hers" furs! And, this Christmas, you don't have to be a millionaire to give gifts of fur! You'll find exciting lineups In every shop that bespeak the "flurry flurry" of fashion. See the exciting little col lars, and cuffs circlet muffs and large barrel types, too, exciting bolts that team up with tnatchmate collars, or handbag? little fur earrings and "tails" and bracelets all of Mink of all types . . . ermine and white mink . . . little "lambs of persian" . , . leopard and ocelot these are the little furs that spell the excitement of the holiday season. A FAMILY GIFT Good news for the family that wants to keep a record of Its activities and events is a new easy-to-use, eay-on-the budget movie camera. Operat ing procedure has been cut to four simple steps adjust tor light, wind It up, focus, and turn it on- further that nearly half of the 21-milllon evergreens that make up the American Christ mas tree harvest are farm pro- aucea. i Nearly nine-tenths of the en tire Christmas tree crop is cut on privately - owned timber land. In addition, about five million evergreens are import ed annually most of them from Canada. In any case, most of the American crop of Christmas trees are thinned from natural growth forests. An original stand of from five to ten thou sand trees will actually mature only a few hundred saw-log size trees. Most of the trees cut at Christmas eventually .would have been eliminated In the lie-and death struggle for for est space. Americans have definite pre ference in Christmas trees, with the best seller being the balsam fir, a product of the Northeast. Six and one-half million of these are sold each year. Second most popular Is the Douglas fir, with black spruce, red cedar and white spruce, following In that or der, as American's favorites. Hints on How To Trim Tree When it come to trimming the Christmaa tree you, like many others, probably have soma very definite ideas of your own. If you haven't, the following suggestions may prove welcome as well as practical. The trend seems to be, as al ways, towards as large a Christmas tree as the room will permit. The old-fashioned, floor-to-ceiling tree is still the standby in many homes, and, where space is available, a big tree is always most cheerful and "Christmas-." You may be one of those for tunate who remember the! tree trimmed with garlands of popcorn, or lot of cranber ries, or both. Maybe you still find a tree "bare" without a manger or ice skating scene beneath It to simply amplify1 your feeling of Christmas. To some extent, the type and size of tree used depends on the section of the country. People in the northeast and east favor the big, lons-needled balsam, while the south and west prefer the Southern and the Douglas fir. i Many families like happily lighted tree, decorated with multi-colored glass ornament of all sizes, shapes and color topped with a gaUey large (old or (liver star. i Why Not a Puppy as Your Christmas Gift! When buying a duodv for alft giving remember that, barring sickness or accident, your dog will live 10 or 12 years, per haps longer. Be sure ot select a type or breed compatible with the receiver' environment and personal temperment. Buy from a reputable breed er or kennel. Get a pedigreed dog if possible. It costs money to raise a healthy pup, so be prepared to pay a fair price. Puppies make cute gifts, so be sure that your gift looks "Chrlstmas-y" tie a red or other colored ribbon around his neck with a bell or two. To add a real Christmas touch, try sprinkling artificial snow in its coatl Here Are Some Yule Party Ice Breakers Here are several "ice-breakers" for holiday pacties: Balloon - hlnurinff MHh.1. Each couple Is given a balloon and Various itema such mm fit- ton, candy mints, manhmal Iows, to stick onto it and con vert tha hallnnna "" UIW .Ullll characters. I For New Year' Eve, revise charades to fit into lh hniM. mood. Write a few reaokitinna on strips of paper and have guests draw a strip each. Each! guest has to act out the resolu-1 tion while tha others try to1 guess wnat it is. Calif. Has Officially Designated Yule Tree While Wsshlngton, D. C. can boast of cherry trees, Califor nia goes the nation's mnitnl one better; for California is tne home of the Official Christmas Tree of tha U. S. Not quit livlna- room aire this tree towers 287 feet in General Grant National Park, 64 miles due east of Fresno, Calif. It was designated Amer ica's Official Christmai Tree on December 25, 1925. To Keep Poiniettias When a Poinsettia plant ceases to bloom, place it in a dry, dark place away from frost. Let the soil dry. Next May, cut stems back two thirds, repot in new soil and handle like anv Dotted i olant. Softwood cutting, rooted will bloom by next Christmas. Christmas Decorating Originated in Germany The daily decorated and I lighted Christmas tree which 'brightens two out of every three American homes during the Yule season originated in Germany centuries ago. but jwas unknown in the United I States until early in the 19th century. Legend tells us that Christ mas trees had their origin when early Christian missionaries cut down the oak tree, worshipped by the Druids, and made a dec orated fir tree a symbol of laughter and love for God and :for one's fellowmen. VI I E ONCE FORBIDDEN Seventeenth century Puri tans passed a law forbidding anyone to celebrate Christ mas by "forebcaring of lab our or feasting In any other 1 way," on the irounds that such celebration was "pagan" , Christmas has been a Legal Holiday for little more than 1 1O0 years. Protect Floors, Rugs From Resin Drippings Unfortunately Christmas trees will drip a sticky resin so. protect your rua under the I tree. Cut a circle of green and red crepe paper, cover it with fire-proofed cotton batting and frost with sparkling arti ficial snow fukrj. If resin from your tree does drip onto our polished floor, it may be cleaned with a soft cloth wrung out of hot suds. Rinse with clear wster. "If resin marks your rug. (Work suds into the spot with ,a sponge or brush; rinse thoroughly. PBemmbxSI Shop' ahead foiChristmks! STUNNING . MANDARIN QUILT DUSTER a90 (Q) The glamour of the Ori ent in elegant acetate) satin with frog closing and pagoda appliques a picture-pretty gift! Egg shell with red, block with gold color, red with navy ...12-18. SECOND FLOOR FREE PARKING SHOPPER b CAE PARK 8. High at Ferry OK MARION CAB PARK 8. Commercial and Ferry Ask your salesperson to validate your parking check for 1 hour FREE PARKING. ... QUILT TRIM PEIGNOIR DUSTER 5 90 WRAPAROUND IN ACfTATI eav-iai W 8 Jjr ' WF fc "- 4 n 4 " iim r? I V", 1 HAND WASHABLE RMES 1 Sparkling with holiday airs... rustling with gift Importance! Petal imooth ocetote crepe for the brief negli ges that's long on glam our! Wear it loose, belted or half belted. Thoughtful gift ... in melon or aqua . . . 10-18. SECOND FLOOR JEWELED! MANDARIN QUILT . DUSTER 90 Oriental glamour in rich-as-silk acetate crepe stunning with black and gold-color appliques, with sparkling r h I n e stones, with smart contrast pip ing trim! Exciting colors! 10-18. SECOND FLOOR QUILTED RAYON BEMBERGS jJafiiaBBBBfiaassssa; 790 DUSTER SIZES 10-18 Truly impressive gifts! What woman doesn't feel like a pampered princess when she iteps into one! What woman doesn't love these elegant, royal colors! Wonder fuLvalues, too. See Penney's whole collec tion of robes-all wonderful value! FUCHSIA PEACOTK . NAVY SECOND FLOOR CORDUROY CHENILLE ROBE BEAUTY 3 98 Soft, luxurious, warm gay, bright, colorful! With deep cuffs and exciting scrool design over loy trim. Here's the robe value of the seoson! Put it on your gift list, now . . . melon, peacock, cormen, equa ... 1 2-20. DOWNSTAIRS STORE WARM MOCCASIN SLIPPER LINED WITH SHEARLING 3 49 fEY'S is your SANTA! FREE GIFT WRAPPING Her toes will stay toasty in this gifry slipper! Mock suede upper has natural shearling lamb collar and sock lining, napped fabric vamp; hard sole gives added comfort, weor. Roy al, red. Sires 4 to 9. DOWNSTAIRS STORI ,'7 aJf;iiiaaW