Past J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Tuesday, December I. 195S In The Edited by MIKE FORBES Falls City rails City Mrs. Fred Scholl (Luella Ward) of Nash ville. Ore., and Mrs. Bertha Harrington of Falls City were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Strauae Saturday. Mrs. Scholl la a girlhood friend of Mrs. Strauss. She also visited her mother, Phoebe Ward, at the Evans rest home In Dallas while In this vicinity. Mrs. Harrington is now liv ing in the Rich house sine the Ward house was sold, it being her former home, Miss Edna freer and Arthur Bishop were married in oil verton Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. The bride and groom left . toon after the wedding for 8e- attle and British Columbia, where they will spend their honeymoon, and will be at home to friends at Valsetx af. ter their return. Mr. Bishop is employed at the Valseti mill. Mr. and Mrs. John Teal were honored with a surprise anni versary dinner by their chil dren at the home of their son, Kenneth, and family of Dallas Thanksgiving day. Other members of the family present were their dsughter Dorothy Teal Fink, husband and four children of Myrtle Creek, anna Carl and family of North Bend and Chester and wife also of Dallas, Orval Teal . living at home, Ed Lee, brother of Mrs. Teal, Sr., was also present. It was their 40th wedding anniversary and the parents were presented with 40 silver dollars. Chets wile, Mary, baked the big white wedding cake and decorated It. Family group pictures were .'taken, being, the first since 1838. Mr. and Mrs. Vert Ellis and Karle enjoyed the holiday dln der at their daughter's home In Salem. She Is Mrs. Ed Brandle. Loren GramUng of Spokane was a recent visitor at his brother Haward Gramling's home. Their sister, Mrs. Gladys , Ferris, went home with him for a visit. Mrs. Charles Joilln's family was all home for turkey din ner Thursday except Peggy Osmonavltch of Anchorage and Walter of Euaene, Thanksgiving guests of Mr. 'and Mrs. Chester Benefiel . were his people from Banks; ' sisters, Mrs. Nell H. Baker and Mrs. J. R. Caldwell, their hus-4 bands and children; two broth ers Rosco and Merton Benefiel, and nieces Mrs. Claude Perkins and Mrs. Paul Schmldlin and families, and the Chet Bene fits' daughter, Mrs. Vie Bend er, her husband and three chil dren, Jackie, Michael and Con Die of Salem. The Howard Gramllngs' Thanksgiving guests were Mrs. Gramling's two brothers, Fred Sullivan of Sweet Home, who brought the turkey, and Harry Sullivan and family of Neh.l- em, who also brought good things to eat. Mrs. Golldle Crockett Is vis ltir.g her son Chcsley Peterson and family of Sheridan. Mrs. A. L. Fletcher and fern.. lly had Thanksgiving dinner with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Workman of Wood burn. Thanksgiving dinner guests of the Vernon Murphys were Rev. J. C. Green and wife, Mrs. Murphy's mother, Mrs. George Page, a married son, jiaroio and family, of Valsetx. and Miss Joyce, a daughter who Is attend S.P.C. in Seattle. Calling at the Vernon Mur phy home In the afternoon were an aunt, Mrs. George Chamberlain and husband of ' Salem, and their daughter, Mrs. Al Lee and husband of Sweet Home, also Rev. Flora Mills and her family of Ashland. The family of Mr. and Mrs. James Martin were all at home for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy and two children, of Valsets, wera dinner ruests of his par ents, the Vernon Murphys, Thanksgiving day. W ilium Woodrum and fam llv drove to Turner Thursday and enjoyed the festive occa alon with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. Woodrum. In the evening, Mrs. William nOOUIuiiia m.ww.w, f m I Won and family of Madras, ar-; rived lor a few days visit. Thanksgiving dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Murphy wen his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Murphy, grandfather Jo Murphy, and Marvin, a lit tle brother. Bob Fletcher's big red rooster has not crowed since Thanksgiving morning. Sublimity Sublimity Members ot the glee classes from St. Boni face high school, accompanied by three faculty members, at tended a musical, "Sing Out. Sweet Land." presented at . Portland recently. Talent from Immaculate, St. Mary s, and Holy Child academies and Central Catholic high school, were represented. Member! of tha aenlor class Valley wUhinf pictures for Christ mas recently had their pic ture! taken. Cap and gown pictures also were taken. On Dee. 2, the St. Boniface "Saints," will unofficially open their cage sesson, with a practice game against Sacred Heart, on the Sublimity home court. The pep club from St. Boni face high school gave a pot luck supper In honor of the football team on Sunday, Nov. 28. This Is the first such affair honoring the grid team and will become an annual event. Hopewell Hopewell Mrs. E. J. Kolln was the honored guest at a miscellaneous shower of house hold articles and cash at the Hopewell E.U.B. church Fri day evening, Nov. 27. Rev. Glen Harris had charge of the games and refreshments were served by Mrs. David Olke, Mrs. Rots Rogers and Mrs. John Fuqua and Mrs. Clarence Legg. About 40 friends attend ed, and gifts were also re ceived from the Dorcas society of the S.D.A. church. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kolln and three children of Spring Val ley lost their home and posses sions by fire Monday after noon, Nov. 23. The fire had gained such headway before the neighbors discovered it, that It was useless to call the fire department. Mr. and Mrs. Kolln were at work in Salem, and the children were at school. The family has been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Simkina on Wallace road since Monday night, and have found a house near Keizer, and will move the first of the week. Mrs. Kolln is Sunday school superinten dent of the Hopewell E.U.B. church, and has assisted with the choir for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reed were Thanksgiving day guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Reed, having driven up from Camp Stoneman. Steph en returned to his base, as he It awaiting oversees duty. Mrs. Reed and infant son will be guests of his parents for some time, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hicker- son returned from San Fran Cisco early this week and their son Wayne is spending his Thsnksgiving vacation at home, from his studies at Ore gon State college. Mr. and Mrs. John Kotka and family, Abram and Wil liam Kotka, were Thanksgiv ing day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wagner and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Waller and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Waller of Wallace road were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nellson and family of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rogers were hosts lor Thanksgiving dinner to Mr. and Mrs. John Fuqua and Mines Virginia and Bertha Magness. The Kenneth Coberley fam ily gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dixon and family on Amity Road for Thsnksgiving dinner. Those who were present were Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Coberly, Mr and Mrs. Harlan Noble and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Coberley and family of Salrm and Mr. and Mrs. William Pearse and family of Slem. Bethel Park Bethel Park Mrs. Belle Munson cf Myrtle Creek. Ore., in visiting her sister, Mrs. George Bacon. Mrs. Katt Smith. Mrs. Alice Richards and Mrs. Roger Richards spent the Thanksgiv ing week end in the Eldon Richards home, Sweet Home. Ore. Donald Jensen, student of Canyonvile Bible academy. Canyonville, Ore., spent his school holidays in the home of his parents, Rev. snd Mrs. A. Jensen. Ttev. Harnld Beitv of Yon- C1U- Cn h ,cquird the ID. R. Phillips home. R. Nel- . ,1.. h... k. ENDS TODAY! Or EN :15 I.ATtN LOVERS" THIS I.AD WANTS MINK" STARTS TOMORROW $1 f V '"V At H . TMr sltsns i hjanlttt hit! , .' RLEO BATES caueu cias emi m f e-Fwtare -GLORY BRIGADE' silk Vtriw Msiara lllahee lllahee Mr. and Mrs. James Tryon and sons, of Springfield, Ore., visited dur ing the week with Mrs. Try on'a grandmother, Mrs. Louise Feller Mr. and Mrs. Wallace L. Barnes had as their guests Sunday, their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wohlgemuth of Newbergn Ore. Thanksgiving day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Feller were Mrs. Louise Feller. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Litchfield and son, James. Sa lem, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hoss and Diana of Salem, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson and son. Bill, of Pratum; Miss Lillie Feller, Miss Ida Feller. Miss Janie Feller and Wayne Feller, aU of lllahee. Miss Sandra Edwards, who stays at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Feller, is spending the holiday week-end visiting rel atives at Oakland, Ore. SsVidra is a student at Cas cade Union high school. Mrs. R. K. Wilcutt, daugh ters, Rosamond and Wendy, of Eugene, Ore., spent Thanks giving day visiting Mrs. Wil cutt's parents' Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Barnes. Mrs. Dale Grim will enter tain the members of the llla hee Friendly Neighbors club with a Christmas party, Dec. 10. There will be an ex change of gifts. Butteville Butteville St. Alexle lodge fleeted new officers at their last meeting in their club rooms at Butteville. Mrs. My ron Anderson presided at the meeting and the following offi cers were elected: noble grand, Mrs. James Wallace: V.G., Interior. Mr. and Mrs. Card-j ner Johnson and family will j move into the Phillips home in January. Miss Geraldine Finley, sen-; lor student at Canyonville Bible academy, Canyonville, I Ore., and Wlllard Finley of Myrtle Point, Ore., spent the; Thanksgiving week-end with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. ' Charles Finley. I Now here's a motor oil that Saves you gasoline! Proved under the toughest stop-and-go driving condi tions, "RPM" 10-30 Special can save you up to gal Ion of gas in every 5! But that's not all. Easier-starting "RPM" 10-30 Special gives you big extra value in dol lar saving, wear protection, improved performance that's worth far more than the slight extra cost. Now'g the time to try it-switch to "RPM" 10-30 Special. RPM 10-30 SPECIAL MOTOR OIL does more for new cars old cars all cars SPECIAL.; ;CAN BOOST CAS MILEAGE UP TO 15-mofe mile per gallon In tough stop-and-go driving SPECIAL.. .LESS Oil CONSUMPTION-savlngs as high as 33 com. pared with light grade oils SPECIAL.; TOPS FOR HYDRAULIC VALVf LUBRICATION cuts noise and sticking SPECIAL.. .DESIGNED FOR OLDER CARS AS WELL AS NEW covert all cor manufacturers' motor ell recommendations SPECIAL... STEPPED-UP POWER -for better acceleration, more pull en hills SPECIAL... EASIER STARTING-battory-savIng starts In all kinds el weather SPECIAL... MONEY-SAVING MOTOR PROTECTION-tope for prevent ing wear af critical engine parts SPECIAL. ..ONE OIL FOR All PURPOSES-covers SAE grades 10W, 30W, 30; recommended for all seasons, all climates We CEIHTFDlD by Indtpendent Reseanh laboratories ThU is to cwrtify that w hav mad our own invcttlgatien of ' RPM 10-30 Special Motor Oil. Our findings, confirm tho above) claim regarding the qualities thmhuw LAriM of llM" 10-30 Special. 7V - Actual -jut Mrs. Robert Maitland; secre tary, Mrs. Raymond Peterson; treasurer, Mrs. W. O. Llnd quist. The former secretary of the lodge, Mrs. Ray Maxfield. is in Good Samaritan hospital and will undergo surgery on her heart this week. It was reported that Mrs. H. A. Lohse of Woodburn, a fre quent visitor to the lodge and a helper in their work, died of cancer at the home of relatives in Houston, Texas. Mrs. Ben Eppers and Mrs. Harold Reed were namtd for the refreshment committee to serve at the Dec. 3 meeting. Hostesses for this meeting were Mrs. W. C. Sample and Mrs. Myron Anderson. The Knit and Ravel 4-H club met with the leader, Mrs. Beryl Breithaupt Friday. A business meeting was held and directions were studied for knotting "Beany" caps. The girls hope to get started on their caps at the next meeting. Guests in the Harold Hove home last weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ludwick and four-months-old Cheryl Denise Ludwick of Portland. Mrs. Lutwick is the former Edith Hove, and little Cheryl is the Hove's first granddaugh ter. Mrs. Ted Wilmes, the form er Lilly Hayes, had several teeth extracted last week, and contracted an infection which has confined her to her home. A. A. Price had his daugh ter, Mrs. J. B. O'Farrell of Tu alatin, as his guest last week. Mrs. O'Farrell took charge of STARTS TOMORROW! THE TOP STARS OF "FROM HERE TO ETERNITY' IN ONE BIG SHOW! A ACTION PACKED Burt Lancaster 'TEN TALL MEN" In Technicolor take better care gallon contain- used to UluttraU Unionvale Unionvale Mr. and Mrs. Claude Shelburne and ' son James of Unionvale, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruyle and son Steven of Salem were Thanks giving guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8helburne at McMinn ville. The ministers and wives of the Salem area will attend a meeting to be held at the Un ionvale Evangelical United Brethren church Tuesday, Dec. 1. Mrs. Hugh Kau of Pleasant- dale will demonstrate her sew ing machine work to the ladies at the afternoon meeting. Din ner will be served at noon. Christmas music practice and youth choir rehearsals with Mrs. Clyde Dollar In charge were started Tuesday, Nov. 24. . Mr. and Mrs. Steven Nevil had as Thanksgiving dinner guests: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ne vin, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chit tim and daughter, Audrey Chittim of Kelso, Wash. H. J. is their son and Mrs. Chittim and Mrs. Nevil are sisters. Mr.- and Mrs. John Noble of Salem were Thanksgiving din ner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble. Miss Mildred Oder of Grand Island has been a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Noble during the high water. She is a Junior in Dayton high school Mr. and Mrs. Paul Church the store while her father at tended to some necessary busi ness. Ends Tonlte Kathryn Grayson la S. This Is Lots'. AIM Joseph Cetten in XA Blueprint tor Murder ' Frank Sinatra Jan Russell GrauchoMarx "Double Dynamite" of your car one rafur of "RPM" I V and son, Christopher, of Til lamook; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Church and family of Salem were Thanksgiving turkey dinner guests Of Mrs. J. C. Church, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Church and family.' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Church and daugh ter. Rebecca Sue; of McMinn ville, were afternoon guests at the same home. Jefferson Jefferson A 4-H rabbit club, to be called "Busy Hop pers" was organized Wednes day afternoon at the home of the leader, George W. VanDe venter. Officers elected were j Wayne Bennett, president; Philip Hochspeler, vice-president; Jan Wollander, secre tary; Carol VanDeventer, re porter; Jerry Lee, song lead er; Donna VanDeventer, I gemei. . The club will meet, the sec ond and third Mondays in the month. The "Stitch and Sew" 4-H - Starts Today A world of dventurel 1 ...2... CATHllINf MMECHE McLEODJ A'orpnuj ir sifTiis. iir i .: ' I S MAS0N1 Ind HIT KING ft OF THE L k "RACETRACK! ft I I """Well lniJitais ! fay jnueiiraas n Sil:pii;; X e . - . ' , vi v I II I, Ml 10-30 Spteid club held Its third meeting last Monday. Mary Margaret Upstad, secretary. The mem bers are learning to back stitch. Linda Bell served candy bars for refreshments. Kay Smith is the reporter. The first year wood work ing class with nine members enrolled met at the home of their leader, Bert Dotter. The name, "Woody Woodpecker" was unanimously chosen and officers elected were: Presi dent, Cecil Freshner; vice president, Sammie Freshner; secretary, David ' Egleson; EM TOMORROW! WW mil - total nm Tea KM x i Wlp, JY iiiiiiek-rN- f J' pun ' 7 A taaaaksalwagi i-jftr) 0 easrtWaJtftsM &,f n Y IrfAsassej... ,1'. ' UitokM r ' M i ACTION CO-HIT BP I new reporter, Richard Dot ter; song leader. Sterling Goin. , At the Nov. 18 meeting Da vid Kins, Gary Freshner and Frank Wells joined. It is de cided to hold the meetings on Thursday evenings. Boyi enrolled are Cecil, Gary and Sammy Freshnert Sterling Goin, Gary Green man, Gary Trudgeon, Floyd Bailey, David Kins, Frank Wells, Richard Dotter and David Egleston. David Egle. son is reporter. POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY! THE AMAZING . "MR. V" Hypnotist and Mental Mantel Also -SHOOT FIRST" Glenn FORD GRAMME si . f . " 4' - iwhw ' ' - 1 J